1、大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ 15 期本文摘自今日美国报 news/world/story 版,是一个多小时前刚刚发表的文章,红色句子是今天的翻译练习Egypt president announcement delayedOfficials postponed declaring a winner in Egypts disputed election on Wednesday, sending political tensions soaring as the country awaited its first new president in three decades.Adding
2、to the confusion and uncertainty were reports about the health of Hosni Mubarak, who is serving a life sentence for failing to stop the killing of protesters in the uprising that ousted him last year. At one point Tuesday, he was said to be near death, while some believed the report was a pretext by
3、 sympathetic allies of Mubarak to transfer him out of prison to a more comfortable facility.Last weekends runoff election was long touted as a landmark moment the choice of Egypts first civilian president to take over the generals who have ruled since Mubaraks removal on Feb. 11, 2011. Instead, it h
4、as turned into a confrontation between the Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood and the entrenched elements of Mubaraks old regime, including the military.Thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters along with some secular youth revolutionary groups camped out Wednesday night in Cairos Tahrir Square,
5、the birthplace of last years uprising, and denounced the military, trying to push back against a series of power grabs by the generals last week.The Election Commission did not say when it would announce the winner of the runoff between the Muslim Brotherhoods candidate, Mohammed Morsi, and Mubaraks
6、 former prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq. Both candidates claim they won, and the commission was supposed to declare the top vote-getter Thursday.The commission said the announcement was postponed because a panel of judges must look into about 400 complaints of voting fraud submitted by both campaigns,
7、including lawyers for Shafiq claiming fraud in 14 of Egypts 27 provinces where they said ballots sent to polling centers were already marked for Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhoods candidate. Morsis lawyers accused Shafiq of buying votes and being involved in forging lists of registered voters to include
8、 soldiers, who are barred from voting, and names of the dead.大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ Brotherhood says it is being targeted by an organized campaign to keep it out of the presidency, and that even if Morsi is declared the victor, he will face deep resistance that will make it impossible for him to govern.Af
9、ter two days of voting that ended Sunday, the group declared Morsi won 52% of the vote. Shafiqs camp on Monday announced he had won 51.5% of the vote.A group of independent jurists known as the Judges For Egypt said Morsi was the winner, with a similar proportion to the Brotherhoods count. Shafiqs c
10、ampaign accused the group of being affiliated with the Brotherhood.Foreign and local election monitors say the runoff was not marked by enough serious or large-scale irregularities to question its validity.版友答案汇总超凡动力官方在周三说,正如这个国家等待三十年来第一位新的总统,政治局势紧张,决定推迟宣布埃及有争议的选举的获胜方。上周选举的决胜阶段作为一个标志性时刻被长久铭记,这是自从 20
11、11 年 2 月 11日穆巴拉克下台后,埃及人民的选择首位掌握权力的民选总统。兄弟会说他们作为靶子,被一个有组织的运动清除出选举,即使 Morsi 被宣布为获胜者,他在以后统治这个国家也将面临较强烈的反对。6 月 8 日埃及官方于周三声明推迟宣布颇有争议的埃及大选的胜出者 这个国家正在等待它 30 年来第一位新总统 这一声明使得埃及的政治紧张局势进一步加剧上周的决胜选举一直以来都被吹捧为埃及的一个标志性时刻 自 11 年 2 月 11 日穆巴拉克辞职以来 埃及政权一直由武装部队最高委员会接管 这次选举后 埃及第一位民选总统将代替武装部队最高委员会掌权穆斯林兄弟会说自己就是个猎物 一个有组织的政
12、治运动正阻止它竞选成功 即大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ 他仍将要面对的很大的阻挠 这些阻挠将使他根本无法统治这个国家169170171周三,埃及官方宣布推迟公布争议中的总统竞选获胜者导致政局紧张加剧,事实上这个国家等待新总统选举已经 30 年了。长期以来,上周末的最终选举被视做里程碑时刻-即埃及首个民选总统将接管自2011 年 2 月穆巴拉克下台后军方代理的政局。穆斯林兄弟会宣称他们正在成为一股有组织竞选势力的标靶,并将他们排除出总统竞选,甚至即使宣布 Morsi 获胜,他仍将面对使其难以执政的重重阻力。elf_lark 1. 埃及争议重重的大选已落幕,周三,官方推迟公布选举的获胜者。这引
13、发了政治局势的紧张程度不断飙升。因为全国都期待着三十年来的第一位新总统。2. 上周末的决选一直被誉为是具有里程碑意义的时刻2011 年 2 月 11 日穆巴拉克被免职以后,选出埃及第一位平民总统来接管大局。3. 穆斯林兄弟会说选举是有组织的运动的靶子,为的就是把总统赶下台。即使最后宣布摩西是获胜者,他在以后的治理国家时面临强大的阻力。cheche2012周三,埃及官方推迟宣布其颇有争议的大选获胜者这个国家已等候 30 年的新总统,这使得政治局势更加紧张端午休假,这几天参加不了了,遗憾啊,跟大家可以学到很多东西,谢谢斑竹啊大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ 2011 年穆巴拉克离开就由武装部队最高委员会一直统治着埃及。这是埃及第一次选择平民总统来取代武装部队最高委员会。第三句:穆斯林兄弟会说是一个有组织的运动将他们作为目标,使他们没有得到总统之位。即使穆尔西成为胜利者,他也会面临重重抵抗,这些抵抗会让他无法统治埃及。