1、1高考英语翻译练习练习 11 好书如益友。(equal) 2不要害怕思考,因为思考总能让人有所收益。(benefit)3他犹豫了好久才决定去美国留学。(before)4你最好乘地铁去机场,不然就要误点了。(or)5我们每一个人都应该尽自己的一份力使我们的生活环境更美好。(do ones part)练习 2 1 中国人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。(celebrate)2 不言而喻,青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来是至关重要的。(It)3 我们每个人都在不遗余力地为即将来临的高考做准备。(spare)4 令他激动的是,他实现了成为 2010 上海世博会志愿者的梦想。(realize)5 除日
2、常工作外,他在周末还有一份临时工作,他的月收入加起来达一万元。(add up to)练习 31 学校决定为退休教师举行一个茶话会。 (honor)2 那个偏僻的山村至今尚不通车。 (inaccessible) 3 在高考中遇到难题,冷静和自信是成功的关键。(meet with)4 说实话,我真后悔没有帮助他克服英语学习方面的困难。 (regret)5 他不顾自己刚病愈的事实,又全心投入到隧道的建设中。 (recover)2练习 41 没人能阻止你参加这次会议。 (prevent)2 简被认为是本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一。 (consider)3 与 B1 食堂相比, A1 食堂的菜味道更好。(c
3、ompare)4 我们深晓,就自然资源而言,它是西欧最贫瘠的国家。(aware,terms)5 从图表我们能得出结论,世界人口正急剧增。(conclusion)练习 51 我们都很担心他的健康。(anxious)2 我怀疑他们是否能成功。(doubt)3 听到这个消息时,她忍不住哭了。(help)4 这道题这么复杂,我们要用很多时间才能解决。(sothat)5 那所大学由于为社会培养了许多优秀毕业生而受到赞誉。(compliment)练习 61 与其等待别人来帮你,不如依靠自己。(It is better to)2 尽管天气不好,但运动会还是按计划举行了。(despite)3 这本书太振奋人心
4、了,很值得一读。(worth)4 选择我们的数码相机,它会满足你所有的要求。(and)5 为了迎接世博会(World Expo)到来,政府号召大家积极参与,得到了市民的迅速回应。(response)3练习 71、 还有一些需要改进之处。(area) 2、 他站在窗旁沉思良久。(lose)3、 没有人能搞明白她为什么会做出那样的决定。(figure out)4、 参与社区服务的目的是让学生体验真实的社会生活。(taste)5、 为了争分夺秒,有些学生还在学校附近租了房。(count)练习 81. 新鲜空气和运动有助于身体健康。(help)2. 学好语言的关键之一是孰能生巧。(keys)3. 尽管
5、他身体虚弱,他已决定坚守岗位。(despite) 4 每天不论多忙多累,我定拨些时间来进行阅读。(set)4. 他的演讲给观众们留下了如此深刻的印象以至他们难以忘记。(impression)练习 91 飞往纽约的航班因大雾取消了。(cancel)2 显而易见,自信的人更有可能取得成功。 (likely)3 一旦你下定决心,不管遇到什么困难都不要半途而废。(no matter)4 他们是在慎重考虑之后才做出这样的决定的。(it)5 突如其来的灾害性天气给这个地区带来了巨大的损失,使成千上万的人流离失所.(cause)4练习 101 我父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在一所中学教英语。(since)2.
6、不断上涨的油价使约翰放弃了买车的计划。(price)3. 他们是否去海滨度假还没有决定。(decide)4. 要是你用所有的钱买这房子,你就是在孤注一掷。(if)5. 我们只有通过艰苦的训练才能成为合格的志愿者。(only)练习 111 遵照说明,你就会知道怎样服这药了。(and)2 酸雨不但有害于居民的健康,也加速了建筑物的毁坏。(speed up,as well)3 饮食中缺乏足够的蛋白质和维生素是你生病的主要原因。(lack of)4 坐落在西安以东五公里处的博物馆从早上 9 点开到下午 4 点。(locate)5 尽管他为是否买那辆昂贵的汽车犹豫了很长时间,但是最后还是决定买下来。(T
7、hough)练习 121 玛丽发现单靠自己的力量执行这项计划是不可能的。(flnd)2 在你的建议中没考虑老人们的特殊需要。 (consideration)3 他这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要。(aware)4 即使智力一般的学生也可以通过改进学习习惯而成为优等生。(average)5 我想告诉你的是努力会有回报,决心带来成就。(produce)5练习 131 科技使我们的生活更方便。(make)2 丰富的工作经验使他能胜任这个岗位。(qualify)3 各校都已采取了措施,将流感患者与其他人隔离开来。(infect)4 在我看来,在这样恶劣的天气里没有什么比呆在家里更舒服的了。
8、(seem)5. 尽管训练要求高,挑战大,但我们相信只要坚持练习,终将梦想成真。(come true)练习 141 记得关窗锁门。(remember)2 他花了一个下午与当地人品茶聊天。(spend)3 只有实话实说,你才能取得别人的谅解。(Only )4 人们发脾气的原因之一是期望与现实之间存在差距。(exist)5 最近的一项调查表明每年大约有 4,000,000 人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(relate)练习 151 他在理科学习方面进步很快。(progress)2 乘务员再次提醒乘客们飞机起飞时要系好安全带。(remind)3 病人伤势不重,没有必要大惊小怪。(panic) 4 如果你对
9、所购的东西不满意,可以凭发票退货。(return)5 我们的新同事热情,能干,有责任心,很快赢得了大家的信任。(sothat)6练习 161 这部电影适合青少年吗?(suitable)2 我们的健康得益于每日的运动和均衡的饮食。(benefit)3 为了供养一个大家庭,我无法做到三星期不工作。(afford)4 作为医生,他强烈反对在公共场所吸烟。(against)5 与会者来自各行各业,但他们对教育的重要性问题的看法却是一致的。(Although)练习 171 拯救溺水儿童使他付出了生命。(cost)2 我们的盐要用完了,你能去街角的小店里买一些吗?(run out of)3 游客们一进入村
10、子,就受到村民们的热烈欢迎。(the moment)4 政府号召民众为地震灾民捐助衣服和食物。(call)5总统在演讲中承诺,他将致力于不断改善人民的生活水平;(commit)7练习 11. A good book is equal to a good friend.2. Never fear to think because we will benefit from thinking.3. He hesitated for a long time before he made the decision to study in America/further his study in Amer
11、ica.4. Youd better go to the airport by underground, or youll be late/miss the flight/plane.5. Every one of us should do our part to make the world a better place to live in. / a better living environment for ourselves.练习 21. The Chinese people warmly celebrate national Day on Oct. 1 every year.2. I
12、tisobvious/Itgoeswithout8sayingthattheeducationoftheyoungisv9italtothefutureofacountry.5 Every one of us is sparing no effort to get prepared for the coming College Entrance Examination.6 To his excitement, he realized his dream of becoming/being a volunteer for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.7 Bes
13、ides/In addition to his routine work, he also has a part-time job at weekends and his monthly income adds up to 10,000 Yuan.练习 31 .The school decided to hold a tea party in honor of the retired teachers.2. To this day that remote mountain village is still inaccessible to vehicles.3. When you meet wi
14、th difficult problems in the college entrance examinations, being calm and confident is the key to success.4. To tell the truth, I really regret not helping him overcome difficulties in English learning.5. In spite of the fact that he had just recovered from illness, he devoted himself to the 10cons
15、truction of the tunnel.练习 41. No one can prevent you (from) attending the meeting.2. Jane was considered one of the greatest dancers of the century.3. Compared with Dining Hall BI, Al provides dishes that taste better.4. Wearefullyawarethatitisthepoor11estcountryinWesternEuropeintermsofna12turalreso
16、urces.5. Fromthechartwecancomet13otheconclusionthattheworldpopulationi14sincreasingrapidly.练习 51. We are all anxious about his health. 2. I doubt whether they will succeed or not.3. When she heard the news, she couldnt help crying.4. The problem is so complicated that we will have to spend much time
17、 solving it. 5. That university is complimented on having produced many excellent graduates for the society.练习 6I. It is better to depend on yourself than to wait for others to help you.2. Despite the bad weather, the sports meet was held as planned.3. This book is so inspiring that it is well worth
18、 reading.4. Choose our digital camera, and it will meet all your needs.5. Inorderto15welcometheWorldExpo, thegovernmentcallso16npeopletogetinvolved, towhichpeoplemake17/giveaquickresponse,/whichreceivesaquick18responsefromthecitizens.练习 71. There are areas in need of improvement./Some areas still ne
19、ed improving.2. Standing by the window, he was lost in thought for quite some time/for a long time.3. No one can figure out why she has made such a decision.4. Thepurpose19oftakingpartincommunityserviceistogi20vestudentsatasteoftherealworld/there21alityoftheworld.5. To make every minute count, some
20、students even rented apartments near their schools.练习 81. Fresh air and exercises can help to keep you healthy.2. One of the keys to learn a language well is that practice makes perfect.3. Despite his poor health, he has decided to keep / stick to his post.4. I set aside time to read everyda3; no ma
21、tter how busy or tired I am.5. His speech left such a deep impression on the audience that they couldnt forget it.练习 91. The flight to New York was (has been) canceled because of the thick / heavy fog.2. Obviously, confident people / those who are confident in themselves are more likely to succeed.3
22、. Once you made up your mind, you shouldnt give up in the halfway, no matter what difficulties you meet.4. it is under careful consideration that they made the decision.5. Theunexpec22teddisastrousweatherdidgreatdamagetot23heplace, causing/whichcausedthousandsof24peoplehomeless.练习101. My father has
23、been teaching English in a middle school since he graduated from Beijing University.2. Rising gas prices make John give up the plan of buying a car.3. Whether they will go to the beach for holiday has not been decided./It hasnt been decided yet whether they will go to the beach for holiday.4. If you
24、 buy the house with all your money, youll have all your eggs in one basket.5. Only through hard training can we become qualified volunteers.练习111. Followdirect25ions, andyouwillknowhowtotakethismedic26ine.2. Acidrainisharmfultothehealthofre27sidents, andspeedupthedestructionofbuild28ingsaswell.3. Thelackofenoughproteinand29vitaminsinthedietisthemaincauseofyo30urillness.4. Themuseum(whichis) locatedfive