1、 宁 波 梅 山 湾 游 艇 俱 乐 部 码 头 管 理 规 定 外来人员未经许可、严禁进入码头区域参观逗留。 外来船只严禁擅自停靠码头,违者后果自负。 码头区域请勿随地吐痰、禁止吸烟、燃放烟花爆竹及明火作业。 严禁携带易燃、易爆等违禁危险物进入码头。 禁止在码头区域钓鱼、撒网、捕捞等活动。 严禁在码头上大声喧哗、追逐、打闹。 12 岁以下儿童需大人陪同进入码头。 严禁在码头区域、港池、航道附近游泳、嬉水。 经过码头附近的船只请低速行驶,以防船只碰撞浮码头。 未经允许禁止拍照和随意上、下游艇参观。 禁止私自改装、挪用码头上的设备、设施。 未经许可严禁在码头区域维修及加油作业。 请自觉保护环境、
2、禁止往码头水域内倾倒垃圾及排放油污舱水。 上船请先脱鞋,并请勿携外挂式金属制品,以防划伤船体。谢谢您的配合!Quay Management Regulations of Ningbo Meishanwan Yacht Club 1. Without permission, it is strictly prohibited for the outside personnel to enter this area or stay for a visit.2. Outside ships are strictly forbidden to port here, or there will beco
3、nsequences to bear. 3. No spitting, no smoking and fireworks and firecrackers are banned, so is any operation with open fire. 4. It is strictly prohibited to carry forbidden goods, such as inflammables, explosives ect. into the quay. 5. It is banned in this area to angle for fish, cast a net for fis
4、h or do anything like this.6. It is strictly prohibited to make a racket or chase near here. 7. Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult alongside. 8. It is strictly prohibited to swim or paddle near the quay, basin or shipping lane.9. Ships passing by should slow down in case of collidin
5、g with the pontoons10.No photos without permission. Never go up and down the yacht at random.11. It is is not allowed to refit or divert the equipment and facilities here.12. Without permission, it is prohibited to work on repairs or refueling on board.13.Please protect the environment voluntarily. Forbid pouring rubbish or discharging sewage from the cabins.14.Please take your shoes off before boarding and do not carry any type of metal pendants to avoid any scratches on the body of the yacht.Thank you for your cooperation.