1、智课网IELTS备考资料雅思写作经典互译句型:并列句分享到:摘要: 小马过河雅思频道为各位考生整理了雅思写作经典互译句型:并列句 ,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思辅导请继续关注小马过河雅思频道。1.水或许脏并且充满微生物细菌威胁人类健康Water may be dirty and contains microscopic animals or bacteria dangerous to human health.2.娱乐活动带给我们更方便更容易的生活 ,但是过度使用将导致人类的创造力丧失Modern technologies in recreational activities have brou
2、ght us easier and more convenient life, but using them too often might result in the loss of creativity.3.娱乐给人们带来很大的快乐而且帮助他们减轻压力和抑郁Amusements give them great happiness and help relieve pressure and depression.4.网络训练年轻人反应迅速激起他们对计算机科学的兴趣Internet trains young people to respond quickly and arouses their interest in computer science.