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1、Ch4 Revenue Recognition and Receivables,From the second part of our courses, we will begin studying detailed accounting principlesAccounts ReceivableInventoryLong term assetsLiabilityEquityInvestment,Ch4 Learning Objectives,1. Revenue Recognition 2. Revenue Measurement 3. Accounts Receivable and bad

2、 debts 4. Earnings Management,1. Revenue Recognition,收入确认为什么成为问题? 收入确认的具体标准按不同经营业务,企业经营周期,Slide 5-1,购买原材料,将原材料转化为 产成品,检验产品,从客户处获取产品订单,运出产品,并向客户 交付发货单,客户确认收到产品,产品入库,从客户处收到现金,收入确认为什么成为问题?,经营循环与利润实现的“对应”关系1 理论上,两者应该具有对应关系,即随着经营的开展,利润不断地得以实现。但实际上,很难“客观”地给出这样地对应关系,因为,经营循环是一个连续不断的过程;如果一定要为经营过程的“每一时点”确认收入、

3、费用从而利润,就会很“主观”。,6,收入确认为什么成为问题?(续),不同经营业务的经营循环过程有着不同的特征,因此,它们很难以“统一”的尺度作为收入确认的依据。,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,商品销售收入确认条件: (一)已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移; (二)既没有保留通常与所有权相联系的继续管理权,也没有对已售出的商品实施有效控制; (三)收入的金额能够可靠地计量; (四)相关的经济利益很可能流入企业; (五)相关的成本能够可靠地计量。,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,一些特殊情形下的具体确认标志: 1商品须经比较“复杂”的安装程序时通常须待安装完毕时再确认;2附有退货条件

4、的商品销售如果企业不能合理地确定退货的可能性,则在售出商品退货期满时确认收入;如果能够对退货的可能性做出合理估计的,在发出商品时将估计不会发生退货的部分确认为收入。,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,3委托销售(代销)委托方只有在受托方卖出货物之后才能确认收入,受托方卖出货物的具体标志是将“代销清单”交给委托方。4预收货款销售(订货销售)无论是全部预收还是部分预收,都应该在交付商品时确认收入。,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,建造合同收入的确认: 合同结果能可靠估计时 完工百分比法 合同结果不能可靠估计时 合同成本能够收回的,合同收入根据能够收回的实际合同成本加以确认,合同成本在其发生的

5、当期确认为费用; 合同成本不可能收回的,应在发生时立即确认为费用,不确认收入。,长期合同,假定某施工企业与市政府签定了一项固定造价50 000 000元的合同,承建桥梁, 桥梁总成本预计为40 000 000元,具体如下:第1年,15 000 000元;第2年,20 000 000元;第3年,5 000 000元。 建造桥梁时间为3年. 注意::在此案例中,交货点是第三年工程结束,并将工程交给市政府使用的时间。,长期合同:完工百分比法,在完工百分比法下,则公司应在第一年确认多少收入(单位:千元)? 年份 完工程度 收入 费用 利润1 15/40=37.5% 18750 15000 37502

6、20/40=50% 25000 20000 50003 5/40=12.5% 6250 5000 125050000 40000 10000,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,劳务收入的确认 :通常就在劳务提供时确认收入。 持续时间较长的劳务的收入确认 : 1在同一会计年度内开始并完成的劳务,应在劳务完成时确认收入。 2劳务的开始和完成跨年度,且在资产负债表日能对该项交易的结果作出“可靠”的估计(即满足以下条件:合同总收入和总成本能够可靠地计量;取得了收款权利且无重大风险;劳务完成程度能可靠地确定),则应该按“完工百分比法”确认收入。,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,3劳务的开始和完成跨

7、年度,且在资产负债表日不能对该项交易的结果作出“可靠”的估计时,如果已经发生的成本估计能够得到补偿,则按已发生的劳务成本确认收入(成本补偿法);否则,不应确认收入。,收入确认的具体标准 按不同经营业务,让渡资产使用权收入确认: (一)相关的经济利益很可能流入企业; (二)收入的金额能够可靠地计量。 (一)利息收入金额,按照他人使用本企业货币资金的时间和实际利率计算确定; (二)使用费收入金额,按照有关合同或协议约定的收费时间和方法计算确定;,2. Revenue Measurement,商品销售收入的计量 一般地,商品销售收入=商品销售数量单价。但应注意以下几点: 商业折扣(Trade dis

8、count):标价商业折扣率=成交价。商业折扣不影响销售收入的计量。 现金折扣/销售折扣(Cash discount/Sales discount):为鼓励客户提前付款而给予购货方的价款折扣优惠。这在会计实务上有两种处理方法。详见本章 “应收帐款”部分。,商品销售收入的计量(续1),销售退回(Return):因品种、质量等不符合合同要求而遭购货方退货。故应冲减销售收入(我国规定)。 销售折让(Allowance):因品种、质量等不符合合同要求,在不退货的情况下,销货方给予购货方的价格让步。故也应冲减销售收入(我国规定)。借:销售退回及折让(销售收入)贷:现金(应收帐款)借:存货(适用于退回)贷

9、:销售成本,商品销售收入的帐务处理,商品销售收入在确认时,应按确定的收入金额,借记“应收帐款”、“银行存款”等科目,按确定的收入金额,贷记“营业收入” 科目。,商品销售收入的帐务处理,收入的会计处理 一般情况:借:银行存款(现金、应收账款、应收票据)贷:营业收入(销售收入) 结转成本:借:营业成本(销售成本)贷:库存商品(存货),劳务收入的确认,一般按合同或协议规定的金额确认。 一个会计年度内开始并完成的劳务,一次确认入帐,金额即为合同金额。 跨年度的劳务,则按完工百分比法计算各年应确认的收入,方法如下: 本年收入=劳务总收入至本年末完工程度-以前年度累计已入帐的收入。,长期合同收入的计量,当

10、期确认的收入=(合同总收入完工进度)-以前年度累计已入帐收入 完工进度的测量方法通常有二:1 完工进度 = 累计已发生成本 / 合同预计总成本; 2完工进度 = 累计已完成工作量 / 合同预计总工作量(注:此法通常适用于工作量较好确定的道路工程、建筑工程等建造合同)。,3. Accounts receivable and bad debts,货币性资产现金 应收账款,货币性资产,货币性资产:指货币及将以固定或基本可确定金额收取货币的权利性资产,具体包括:现金、应收账款、应收票据、应收股利、应收利息、其他应收款、以及准备持有至到期的债券投资。,应收账款,应收账款:亦称应收销货款,是指企业在经营过

11、程中因赊销商品、产品、材料或提供劳务等而应向客户收取的款项。核算方法:总价法与净价法,应收账款,总价法:以未扣减现金折扣前的发票总金额作为应收账款的入帐金额;实际收取的金额与应收账款总额之差额即为“销售折扣”,或作为“财务费用”处理(我国采用此法),或作为销售收入的减项(如同销售退回及折让的列示方式一样)。,应收账款(总价法),例:某月某日,A公司销售商品一批,发票金额为10000元,规定的现金折扣条件为2/10,1/20,N/30。则应做的会计分录为: 1赊销发生时,借:应收账款 10000贷:销售收入 10000 2如在10天内付款,借:银行存款 9800财务费用 200贷:应收账款 10

12、000,应收账款(总价法),3如在10天之后但20天之内付款,则:借:银行存款 9900财务费用 100贷:应收账款 10000,应收账款(净价法),净价法:以发票金额扣减最大可能现金折扣后的余额作为应收账款的入帐金额;如果客户过了折扣期而放弃现金折扣,则将其作为“利息收入”冲减“财务费用”。承上例, 1赊销发生时借:应收账款 9800贷:销售收入 9800,应收账款(净价法),2若10天内付款,借:银行存款 9800贷:应收账款 9800 3若20天内付款,借:银行存款 9900贷:应收账款 9800财务费用 100 420天后付款,借:银行存款 10000贷:应收账款 9800财务费用 2

13、00,应收账款 坏帐,坏帐:因客户失去信用能力而不能收回的应收账款。 坏帐损失的会计处理: 直接转销法(Direct write-off Method) 备抵法(Allowance method),坏帐,确认坏帐的一般依据有三: 1自然人死亡,遗产不够清偿; 2法人破产且资不抵债; 3法人虽无破产,但财务状况严重恶化,应收账款已被拖欠3年以上。(注:坏帐核销应有严格的控制制度和审批程序),直接冲销法,发生坏帐时,直接冲销应收帐款,将坏帐损失确认为当期管理费用,计入当期损益 优点:帐户处理简单 问题是?,Direct Write-Off Method,This method makes no a

14、ttempt to match revenues with the expense of uncollectible accounts.,备抵法,备抵法优点: 符合配比原则 避免虚盈实亏预计不能收回的应收账款作为坏账损失及时计入费用 如实反映财务状况使应收账款实际占用资金接近实际,消除了虚列的应收账款,Reflecting Uncollectible Accounts in the Financial Statements,At the end of each period, record an estimate of the uncollectible accounts.,The Allow

15、ance for Doubtful Accounts,The net realizable value is the amount of accounts receivable that the business expects to collect.,Writing Off an Uncollectible Account Receivable,When an account is determined to be uncollectible, it no longer qualifies as an asset and should be written off.,Notice that

16、the $500 write-off did not change the net realizable value nor did it affect any income statement accounts. Perfect!,Writing Off an Uncollectible Account Receivable,Monthly Estimates of Credit Losses,At the end of each month, management should estimate the probable amount of uncollectible accounts a

17、nd adjust the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts to this new estimate.,Two Approaches to Estimating Credit Losses Income Statement Approach Balance Sheet Approach,Uncollectible accounts percentage is based on actual uncollectible accounts from prior years credit sales.,Estimating Credit Losses The Inco

18、me Statement Approach,In the current year, EastCo had credit sales of $60,000. Historically, 1% of EastCos credit sales has been uncollectible. For the current year, the estimate of uncollectible accounts expense is $600. ($60,000 .01 = $600),Estimating Credit Losses The Income Statement Approach,Es

19、timating Credit Losses The Balance Sheet Approach,Year-end Accounts Receivable is broken down into age classifications.,Each age grouping has a different likelihood of being uncollectible.,Compute a separate allowance for each age grouping.,长虹电器股份有限公司,Estimating Credit Losses The Balance Sheet Appro

20、ach,At December 31, the receivables for EastCo, Inc. were categorized as follows:,EastCos unadjusted balance in the allowance account is $500. Per the previous computation, the desired balance is $1,350.,Estimating Credit Losses The Balance Sheet Approach,Recovery of an Account Receivable Previously

21、 Written Off,Subsequent collections require that the original write-off entry be reversed before the cash collection is recorded.,备抵法,采用这种方法,一方面按期估计坏账损失记入“资产减值损失”;一方面设置“坏账准备”科目,待实际发生坏账时冲销坏账准备和应收账款金额,使资产负债表上的应收账款反映扣减估计坏账后的净值。 提取坏帐准备时,借记“资产减值损失”,贷记“坏帐准备” 发生坏帐损失时,借记“坏帐准备”,贷记“应收帐款” 收回已确认并冲销的坏帐时,应按收回金额,借

22、记“应收帐款”,贷记“坏帐准备”;同时,借记“银行存款”,贷记“应收帐款”,Management of Accounts Receivable,Extending credit encourages customers to buy from us but it ties up resources in accounts receivable.,Factoring Accounts Receivable,Credit Card Sales,Earnings management,Violation of GAAP Within GAAP Accounting methods Accountin

23、g estimates Timing of Events Katherine Schipper:盈余管理是企业管理人员为了获得私利,从而有目的地干预对外财务会计报告过程的一种管理行为,称为“披露管理”,When do manager manipulate earnings? To avoid reporting losses,When do manager manipulate earnings? To avoid earnings decreases,52,Widespread Earnings Manipulation (Jiang and Wang 2005),与坏帐准备有关的EM,采用

24、“备抵法”核算坏帐对会计报表的影响? 利润表:利润减少。 现金:没有变化 资产负债表:资产减少、所有者权益减少 真的利益减少了吗?,How might earnings be legally manipulated? Sears Roebuck(1),Suppose you are Arthur Martinez in 1993. You just became CEO of Sears Roebuck.You want to show that you are THE man! So you want to have increases in earnings over the next f

25、ew years. What can you do from account receivables perspective?,Sears Roebuck(2),Sears Roebuck has a large credit card division (in the U.S., many large retailers have credit card divisions). For Sears Roebuck, credit cardholders unpaid account balances are account receivables. So Sears has to estim

26、ate bad debt expenses. Shortly after Mr. Martinez took the helm, Sears increased its allowance for bad debts to $2 billion,a far bigger amount than other retailers.,Sears Roebuck(3),Of course, when Sears increased allowance, it had to debit bad debt expense, which in turn vastly decreased 1993 net i

27、ncome. But it was ok for Mr. Martinez because he just took over the job. No one would blame him for a bad fiscal year 1993. In 1994, 1995, and 1996, actual customer default was much smaller than (falsely) anticipated in 1993. So the allowance was too large.,Sears Roebuck(4),Now because in 1994-1996,

28、 there was always enough balance in the allowance account, Sears did not need to estimate new bad debt expenses. In these three years, Sears earnings were higher than if it had not take the big allowance in 1993. Mr. Martinez achieved his goal!,Financial Analysis and Decision Making,Accounts Receiva

29、ble Turnover Rate This ratio provides useful information for evaluating how efficient management has been in granting credit to produce revenue.,Net Sales Average Accounts Receivable,Financial Analysis and Decision Making,Avg. Number of Days to Collect A/R This ratio helps judge the liquidity of a companys accounts receivable.,Days in Year Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio,End of Chapter 4,The End,


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