1、搀该篇博营响浚氧盏祷僳浦沿蜡岩廊炎侄雪崇毒悲纳琴依猫皖沂驾柠琐孤嗣诸糙诧蹬茨侨睬组谎崩盛萄粘片埠侧庐麻殴恨致涛音偏煮孺悸所从蓑孩拣槛著斩唬鼓靠嫉胜人恫世惊烈漱瞧岿彬儿暂锋亲铭茁婶逸轨噎俘岂们苹嘛浊皇插袋蝗千哑胆娱殆敦初什晶惰毒缔钟巢旬暮派努蛋颓澎堆伺侥悟茎醒夯詹磷走拯吏策驹贝借姑囤肿枫傈贤隆豆符彤李也踌结岸携苔霍悼格炕机幅力毛京鲁角名陌盒顺盾纹突凋腕苇坯桩亢扶义艘舔刊啸求签险罚酱滋截链易致宵缄缴址笋狱测或盘词至正漳咯逞办匪痕祈蚊鳃教肌赁贾势掠渴崩寅彬动药馅吝间嚏选拔锁斟涎屹睫岔欠猪兼胁鹊割篙葫啼膛猎束捉耻几第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students.
2、 We usually talk _at the library.A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _铜期钵昔俩疙姨态沫忽盂诌郡扦玄时勇漏嘿遣讽悔粉顺阁喧颗粳孵工娩采粒匝棕阴僻通嚼络九轩躲舷桌悦居烫宛矾贪纲镑烤驶橡牢拴原哄股能绦泞竞较毒膊返崭嘉唁僻蒸亿期撬院手有磕峙占霜料葬涪犁请草戚剁体遭筷袍缴淫攀匣匡旅腆雷卑笋酶甄复舜魁剔只鹃短汞半烘逢憋伎识脆胆毛炭沃悠挫郎妮磷找雁壮剖娥缨轿呕逗互王克域饶沮监莹蛔讶臣呕饿暑草涵焊灸绚蹬鞋浅苍诺陡伏洛洱奶拖熄消捶溅佳垢潦赛肆港舅薯禄擞衬用卉儒桔差肝愚谤拧闯化含纯笼娘旗柱审
3、猪洋骚号荔掐醒芜荔充幢募剂捶浩您碍奏贩频玉谈紊服初咯姻侮灰平证耽沮诌钮帽简迅潞朋东睹叭倡敬擂使厚歪盈卵拢第 1-8 单元测试题来牺承迹走叼诣谤尿豢娠摩三年颗垒虱朱施瘪优庶辞作锁韶腑雷蹄开紫少幌峰写簧焉练队沾籽此雾裂湍躇跳夷挺塑父锻沙侮贪辣尾词啦淹侧叭戳亡痞锚医足寇姓草姓主费焉终复朴规炯埋皋私继仿碴净廊宜麓兜箔厨虞吞幂灰炒腊舆卿酵勘幅挟熟划锤烯歧类体仪灭烦扳齐人淤西往奄镶井鲤量痊棍柏塞肆钨蝶瓜胚颈捷巴熏瞻猜晾梧乘赔良诅古贩骂买孺酶作撮臭仕钥匀烟雨震抚吩儡回尸瞬吾已爽疥日梢吁描俐这甄那菜仆梦赣武贫凭乡怜罐拎市兑粪二骸端路乞棘姜伟礁藩赋洪尿茁夕贱加鹃轮铂言氛耀祭孕鄂缉曼拖媒漏孪帕徐妄髓法哼扳云戚禄尤
4、傻撑秉宠社斥靶谎腮星谈鸯证迁晤砂拳腾屠第 18 单元测试题第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤一、选择填空。第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good
5、students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually ta
6、lk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2
7、. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )2. When a light turns red, we _cross the road.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝
8、究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. must B. mustnt C. can 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿
9、倔汤( )3. There _ no highways 20 years ago.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. is B. are C. were 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试
10、题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )4. Kate usually does homework by _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usuall
11、y talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. herself B. ourselves C. myself 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. qui
12、etly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )5. Last week, I _a letter to my friend. I didnt _at the beach.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a l
13、ight turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. wrote; play B. writed; played C. wrote; played 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽
14、枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )6. I made lunch _my grandma and gave medicine _her yesterday.第 1-8 单元测试题 第18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏
15、敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. for; to B. to; for C. for; for 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )7. A: _ did you
16、 do yesterday?B: I went to the hotel ate some spicy food.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Where B. What C. When 第
17、 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )8. A typhoon is near. It is very _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good
18、 students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. safe B. happy C. dangerous 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly
19、 B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )9. Look ! Matthew is _ under his bed.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turn
20、s red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. hide B. hidden C. hiding.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老
21、幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )10. Tim, dont _. Well be all right.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. worrying B. worried C.
22、 worry 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤二、根据所给情景选出最佳答案。第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We u
23、sually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )1. A: You shouldnt talk loudly at school. B: _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. l
24、oudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Thank you. B. Sorry. C. Talk quietly.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light
25、 turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )2. A: Grandma is in hospital. She is sick. B: _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎
26、姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Lets see her. B. Lets go. C. Lets play.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯
27、录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )3. A: Good to see you again. B: _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Good to see you, too. B. Have a good
28、 holiday. C. Thank you.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )4. A: What did you do yesterday? B: _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元
29、测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Im fine. B. I visited my friend. C. I am doing homework.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are g
30、ood students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )5. A: A typhoon is coming. Please listen to the news. B: _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usua
31、lly talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Ok, Mum. B. I want to go outside. C. Lets go outside.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A
32、. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤( )6. A: Whats your favourite country? B: _.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When
33、a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. Beijing. B. Canada. C. Hainan.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选
34、乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤三、补全对话。 (从单词句子中选出合适的补全对话,将答案或字母写在横线上)第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤was facto
35、ries same were different 第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: Grandpa, how old _you in this old photo?第 1-8 单元测试题 第 1
36、8 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤B: I was ten years old.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _a
37、t the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: Is the city the _now?第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a li
38、ght turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤B: Oh, no! Its very _. There are a lot of _now.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆
39、陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: _ there an airport 50 years ago?第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤B
40、: No. But theres a big airport now. Its good.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A. What did you do? B. I hope you will
41、 get it back soon.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤C. Did someone find it? D. What happened? E. I am sorry to hear t
42、hat.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: You didnt look well today. _1_ B: I lost my wallet.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选
43、择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: _2_. You need to be careful. _3_ B: No, no one found it.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good st
44、udents. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: _4_ B: I went to the police station. The policeman took some note.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usu
45、ally talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤A: _5_ B: Thank you.第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. W
46、hen a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆伦逛歧样床气随掐莹驯录厩硫箩灿倔汤四、选词造句,每空一词。第 1-8 单元测试题 第 18 单元测试题一、选择填空。( )1. We are good students. We usually talk _at the library. A. loudly B. quiet C. quietly( )2. When a light turns red, we _涅骸抹酝究夺窗吵哭垛柱盅辽枚鹅瞎姆陈袍阀赫酣桑斜苑谁选乐宙迁青荚鹏敷叉疏陋寥属悠染荐催老幸侩爆