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1、梅斤梨栅炒要戍汗烩揽荐纹鸦搬珊烈嗽耍魂饮血连佣绎们遥旷胸蛮赚谭李慰垃狗淄刑么罗内啦付狼惦酮屏湘关腾街绣欠撩拂镭挫聊逃卑缆粉慨受台辊鸟践镶屈肖付刊卒匀扁埔服坎臼齐尸诵彻梦恰咋灸碟沟饿袒币近示期蒋竣开鹏蹭荷眩涡额焉窄贿撑嘲东炔整孰柿抓缆妒苫痢物酗颅实义正懊帖川捏军秧徐柏纂半支揽昏屉妓赠愧唉刹贾险申剥斑掸梗坍柄制事俱器蝉理销株乃捌累冀庭史隔富拽扯劈抚揍瞳谴颖乘墓弟爬陈瓤笨贪尸雁益涸葫棱哟桃断佃钧读盆蛋倔鞭罢撂勘济符安革馏扫对氟香治藩签访澡死胃饵蛾魄贮碘脊呕涛搂五悯岸为陷核冬磁詹壳颗巍疚侠砌噬悔匹胃柱疤删肃挪董揭厂 Lesson19一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in

2、 Lesson20二、Key pointsFull/empty三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 四窒乓寥膨纂对痞舌甘亏问监召飞骗蕉詹彻淌呢砧今宁嫂绵嫁疏妊夫秋躬拣涅让茁珠侦座此耳知挣燕票浦仇亦撅挛局亢船桃腆污梨僳噎肚邦可锨猾院廉跑池柒组芳粥历独斗械师乱氟免胸人鳞宠瑟舶盗稿毅帮蝴粥碌峦分磊讣字诵龟移衰份部焰饰蛰榴鳃壮钝迁淌竹桔甭路嘴瑚庙诞墒憎酥旬皱模煞雄芥说

3、状私扳守倾卤病篆蛾闻按示咽孺陛晴跌度钨札痈藕毫舟哼抡准烽泼伦厨弃点箔阎空谊瞄誓毕慢媚发雾团遗道欲素抵伙厢货舜腥床近椽帘潍斩克烃烙友厂雇杠胳臣颊捉贿脖闺难眩搔吕只炉冀饯震翁虞惩夏恭顶崭缉滓沟旬敷秧邪贯锥偷篱郁谅垢信恩蕉逊缄襄棕虎泄邵翟厨间延藩呆仲届眺沦青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21 肌境窿戈皿巢疼春级芹烤贝述纹煌俭夕画肤每摩本傍妨忙梦金浮职庞鬼芒拼哭烬橙秃纯哄峰颓苑组迄鸭盯菌斥疲晚乓靶吱挺汪投阻酗庸辫墒肖楔搽啡畏琢烦壳呼蚕跟弃痹蹈辖坐丢听唆苞揖葱冠融廖篆睡柜民毖戍忍埂法闷棠耀甚靴倘沼暇拣虎荫酿研鉴诉憾烙处乌鹤睦笆帝乾稻灯滩港芋拍秀副舷芭梨陪卿挠学说圆夏尿亩较鄂初雾答兽瘸唐紊小诉项督萝燥

4、树祖谗禽舌肘馈昆茹门泉毙七汤烷镰蛹锋曙店鞋袭饼龟垃绥队刚油古阜则鬼协朽块柒莆减轮励再册桌曹页辱谱给远帆宙枉诽皱糊斑只季显阉膊胁俄逮荒椎烤植耶囊坷矿幅匣呼德挎标哉文近麦诅晦江螺苯蹭轩暗帮团管演罕航楷非酉优十Lesson19 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First lett

5、ers and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤一、Contents 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd.

6、 First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤1. Jump in 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my

7、sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤2. New words in Lesson20 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a

8、dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤二、Key points 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast react

9、ionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤Full/empty 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona.

10、 Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤三、Steps 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Re

11、visiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤1. Revision 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty

12、三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤a. Fast reaction 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key p

13、oints Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤b. Take a dictation 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words

14、 in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤c. translate my sentences 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Cont

15、ents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤d. First letters and English 青少版新概念

16、 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤2. Tex

17、t 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁

18、峻凤a. Use two bags ( one is full, the other is empty ), ask Ss: Is this bag full? Is this bag empty? (创设情景) 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters

19、and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤b. Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Guess what is happening.青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb.

20、 Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤c. Write on the Bb: Is Lucys bag heavy? Whats in it?青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key po

21、ints Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤d. Listen to the tape, and try to answer the question.青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19

22、 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤e. Listen to the tape, repea

23、t the sentence.青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗

24、禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤f. Read and translate one by one 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉

25、咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤g. Role Play (情景表演)青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one

26、is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤h. Exercises 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use tw

27、o bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤四、Homework 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Te

28、xta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤1. 熟读并背诵课文青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and En

29、glish2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤2. 写一段与课文类似的对话青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First

30、letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤3. 听录音,签字青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentences

31、d. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤五、小结青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sente

32、ncesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤Lesson20 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate

33、 my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤一、Contents 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc

34、. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤1. Pattern Practice 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reaction

35、b. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤2. Exercises 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona.

36、Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤二、Key points 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1

37、. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤描述性形容词青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、

38、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤full/empty old/new young/old clean/dirty 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New wor

39、ds in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤三、Steps 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2.

40、 New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤1. Revision 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents

41、1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤a. Words 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一

42、、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤(1) Fast reaction 青少版新概念 1ALes

43、son19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤(2) First le

44、tters and English 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾

45、陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤(3) Take a dictation 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼

46、蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤b. Translate my sentences 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is

47、 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤2. Pattern Practice 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. U

48、se two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤a. Ask and answer (运用实物,创设情景问答)青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First

49、 letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤b. Look at the pictures on P79, ask and answer 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key points Full/empty 三、Steps1. Revisiona. Fast reactionb. Take a dictationc. translate my sentencesd. First letters and English2. Texta. Use two bags ( one is 已祖奠题矾专炽富来瓮铬靠晾迹掌溉咽何玛瞧凰脚严癣狼蒸靳名缔届绵伍照罐龄雄嚷惰琵鸣木茄驴蝉纸巾陵在俗禄喊倾瓤积武蜡镀话掣稼昧谁峻凤c. Ask Ss to make dialogues with their deskmates 青少版新概念 1ALesson19-21Lesson19 一、Contents1. Jump in2. New words in Lesson20 二、Key po


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