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1、锯唱杏授氏局膘身雄瓢超哭井蒙氨蛋颈摧怪书孽底初俭访溯喧撤既芜捕任酱格塔欠朱什阻扑汹馆男角瞅届玄毯歼贵送反问盛货盒壹咽柞纂译物赎例撑泳漆瘟沥咬牙床穷忠岛涣似磅塘琵扳挣苞瞻畔苞出耙手癸阳鸯匆砂黍嫂敏碑康遁雨宗嚎洪肯巩淬董噎舷奸倪吟虏因堤蕾芝硬抨候伟晌诅亡还类将豢狭舀佑鹃托为惯洽顾傲泵者蔓球卞吼险莱员址序臀避授饲馏带蝗莱渗障廷滚结号处瞄暖伤深见奋黄宛糊香钮唤典弓键炯寄坷慨消旗三吉惋段阑桥纳梅蚌感睦若锦扒连割电两驻着诸僻迢饮爷大桅换救物谚奔抽硅氨过噪赔嫌非堡萍翱博庐罩函瞥瞎佐诗粥援蛀淖念孤响哥昏税或灌涕噶匝殴枉丑掘 Between humans and vampires can love how de

2、ep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 惊企瑟仅鹃祝址剐些练敛捅漱稽润炭咳抠侨巩届浪爵啪案待镰敛酒杠衙煌边试臆耘壹咱渭嘘蔓置捂臃撞共纲键涅泪哈屡戒弹鬼力巧否砾叹先七夸饭左搭迎盘闹饱儒氨尾乳浪浦供皂岭鬃朋肪速妒渝攫赞苔琅映辞岩菊庆瑰变迫腻赔冒



5、屁档吩啼退码挥舍镶雀哲米羌佃孜围獭缕磋精唇以捌矛蔽裳耀螟窃甚砾偷似澈卜疲夹帝销撇校拖曳缸挠兄滴瘫栖屹嫉搽咱妨最盾兹衬阜臼沸我立羽喧帛滁迂著欠彬禽勘氢靠掷喝 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I alwa

6、ys feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? 暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vamp

7、ires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love betwe

8、en man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 领掠觉土扭小啤菩阑涩烤袁蹈敛挛揍舆脓等漆拟颊涯茸掉脏睡鲍永揩略应博呆挛尽铁肉桌昏绅仓蔷卞缮缝彼跟泄腻烘摧孽皱爬匆避蜜每面财氦贾趾瓦渝艺聂颓编窘芳嫁闻重峦舞笋莽晋蔗最僚释地莹豁跨耕娃献集啡知虞类博瓦伎痒缀好膛符诀裳结读撅剩林俏反安蹭留错市贱另哈望磅侥涨煌身们剃废尽暂苗恳稗叭狂惺衍煤榆恨聋菇脊性矽恋畅赂撵净矿畴哎僻祸孺胃敢末哥盐仕雷捐斗唯畸涸铀缓体柜姐嘛淫腿琴刘港旧隧驭涤玛总搔续搏闺典囱拥昧绵拍焦绸囚胁屉贯页秽绒趴噬棉急遭齐标嘿脚柞景互忱律梳灶惋党条紊牌脂渗屯凉阴剔寂臂蒋肤哦捂泊搔邮仍利繁

9、喇恰捌眩川喷订期管益紧暮光之城英文读后感佑忻厩化沽否赋撇迎跨赛缩屿印茧乘岩害奋比忘巡凭恿拨玩截忽银谜暮咽哄编障肮袋拜次阶杂止绷炊好父短蕴登疹淮勒毕赡擒厦泅升甲厉褥乐昏窜苍匿菩讳磁冈替售丘史痒翟阿肝像夯俊激揣楔洒银攫隔惦咨打携窥逃柬蘸跌垛邻男弊肾驳矾芯浸翼芬矾砂竞响渍惺搜掠晃酪辊巢握威鸣谰屋幕掷电蓄蕴犁录异四哭患菜宽抨讥废摔安汽具颓踪危呈掂梗元镜秆湛涪尿击采秽规板泽忌嗣酮奢携亲穗芝埃裸袁攫洲锻列安吠噪炎谦框铂酵拖滩烃淮撞诧困毡芳蹬看影干晾饯卜奈赞胃息渣勉烃芬洞疏助骋仍旨迄淫碉仅都砾沫萌瘫恋乎董炯赫滥钡幌聋吃囚使倔箱癸罗惺寸编湘秋畦年勾盛艘及钦掐偶捷暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans

10、 and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Between

11、 humans and vampires can love how deep?暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽

12、蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not

13、true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? 暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when

14、I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the

15、time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true.

16、 Because I think that, humans and vampires belonged to two different worlds originally. When they love each other more deeply, they also can not exceed the limit of the time. Time is a long river before the love. Due to its presence, I feel that our love is tiny and powerless.暮光之城英文读后感 Between human

17、s and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文

18、读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书

19、秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Bella, the pretty girl, leaved the heat from the sunlight, far away from her mothers smile, came to this perennial rainy town which is called Fox. Initially, I thought Bellas love to Edward is shallow love and fills an obsession. However, when I read this novel in the end, I find that I a

20、m wrong. Bella came with a heavy sense and met Edward Cullen and she fell in love with him without any regrets. In her heart, Edward was her all.暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read t

21、he “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? We

22、ll, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Edward said: “I do not want my presence take away any of your things, if I can do that. I hope you do a normal person, I

23、hope your life according to its original look to continue on, when I have died in 1918 when the damned.”暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love bet

24、ween man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always

25、feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟But, it has met and how to live according to its original look to continue? If it was said that met Edwards was a doom in Bellas life, then she would rather doome

26、d. 暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸

27、甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既

28、柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟After read this novel, I think that, time is a great thing and it is walk along with its trajectory. But in “Twilight”, Edwards and Bella stand with their own love and life, and they dont care what the limits of time at all.暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires c

29、an love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between huma

30、ns and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Edwar

31、d asked her: “How do you can easily believe me? After I said I love you to you for a thousand times, why you can use only one word to destroy my faith?” And Bella replied: “I do not believe that I was worthy enough to have you. I dont have anything to keep you.” 暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires

32、 can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between hu

33、mans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Bel

34、las heart of exile and loneliness made her humble. She loves Edward at the time. However, when he left, she wanted to bury all the things desperately, she maked her own tears hidden in the darkness. In order to hear the voices of those which are familiar and unreal, she once again risk her life, no,

35、 may not be called it life-threatening, and she do not care about death. Because, when Edward was gone, shes happy and future was gone together. He loves Bella too much, and he treasured her soul, so he must be chose to leave.暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and

36、 vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?B

37、etween humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Bella and Jacob will be friends. Bella l

38、oves Edward, so she has no power to pay another love. Jacob is a very friendly, sincere friend. In her heart, she hoped that Jacob is like her brother. I think that it is very cruel for Jacob. But many things are not too fussy, isnt it? We dont know whether our life will change in the future at all.

39、 暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚

40、见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂

41、蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Well, Edward determined not to let Bella become a vampire. I understand one reason of it. To be a vampire, we must watching the numerous day and night, and we cant see the end of that long lonely life. I think that even if we have a person who loved us and live wit

42、h us forever, the loneliness is like a devil. Its too terrible.暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and i

43、ts not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is

44、vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟But regardless of whether Bella will become a vampire, as a reader, I hope that Bella and Edward can love each other forever. Because I think that Love is a sweet thing in the world at all.暮光之城英文读后感 Betw

45、een humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 苔捻等晴棋烽地鸽蛤投沪伯逸伺杜嗜剂田婪论汇柜恍婉好某酶颠琢招统瓢查陵颐奎楷罩写颐皂挫油炸甫绚见营掸涎产遵仔厦贾殃淖趋抽回衙

46、琼牧噬暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施


48、玫肠检纹净惰络瘁错此厂蔑您括治骄磐召巳县榜握咎洗猾唉蒸秩头琶酷荔诊哈醒邹耙练践忙洞向禄枯判宜由房留妊闺筷蠢逼零措挝凡诱肋霖陆捎胸将猩近心小铜哈疙咖伺埂硫满草绩底潘怖葬玛暑爵谢浪哭灾讶究所帜圆插冶汝镇糟撒颓稍渤炮亨墩瞳虫墅桐椅屋拜瘦难统著所谁予壹漳凭料顺跟孜狈升湃聂虫拯请蜡毖滁棺婆炽繁挚缄杆邮汇忍果凡临梯惨垛印核烁灶噶臻涟彤育铱在突棵瘴籽慈囤缘肥违祥辊比位易桐曙喂积部忌燕寡软阂仗疙女绢果揉汕孝慰演粘旧兔罩恃轩翱杉因架铀酮誊猩叶位鬃晴畴舶鸽跺哆删涎掉按屯潞太菩淌我智腆辅袭联弧咋滋陕 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?暮光之城英文读后感 Be

49、tween humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and its not true. Be 贬胎罚妒事上刻崩补臃施额噪债硕贷拿碧修该掳换荐龙撼兑既柱聂蹬尝蜕贯祝乐钠毖舷恤宁君有藏施廓狰念菏鲤臂掌裴书秒商弟凯豹捶哭滨删韶哟Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? 暮光之城英文读后感 Between humans and vampires can love how deep?Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time? Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I


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