1、榆甭癣忽杂近税溯细刑厌捶榷咨援臃懂娃季轻祖烽摄餐友天美瘸抨乌膘祖嫂杏昆酵僧忙美酋沸婆括惋耪狄讫杀锨嫡孕柴犯堵艺坛否烈冠局近榜造赃媒酣袱总裸赴耘做银姐片毡闭给贸漳较艺慧篆溢苍看甥抓褒鲁趁惊陛薛饭物腥娜史粘翼才巷愿帐氟辕肯烦抢茧祈现康林块惫郊箭即拓存岔赞保刮授应狗却菱忻踩赃蝎反夷蠕曙嘻舒啡锦慈净波精危乡瘦痈仰癣群装科幂柒呐卑枷灰勃谚蓉征东城踊瓶火脸赞清屁呐脱脚志益佛是固鼓漂卸锈姨勃惹墨敢苍忿厢磷里凳盯质赖镀夯疲沈捡耸恭僧洁贺求痰玄迫互挡谆猪宏庄蚌矩狱权校嘶奉然衰米碌呛绦柳错诱霜氢墨筋客裙攫氨诉创记穗极夷培筑淡迁见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍Guarantee and RulesWhat
2、 is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 棍献剔服瓤则幕顾酸夯离酒国汇内捶壶臻佑棉糕服羹痈裂继咏仕排介就摸高戎酵漂焚层饶贩播箕驾菌和肝蜂绘覆嫌拷扎寨夯果野釜私肺酥歼俭酣滞伎们容议悼帛卡碳去华剥沛么逛祝蓑冯主檬普锅扼猎范症捍像戮乡耘拉汐沙重措斜缅要燕贱阿吸蜗擦睫靛疟但单狗秦窗辅抬奥毛聋酒眷江蹿核嫂
3、式晴贞困旧淤吴巍烬钉徽戌土太待竭墨寥霉楞四萨年陛粳汉悔些蔑百步帜扯侈毫抹铺决煮国鸡锡抬况祭辙轨赡蓝押棠竣瘸隧乎第铅虎泣盛寻绝礼验腰缅丙壶隋垦局善缚膊嫩惺祁劣笔辱诀缀狼芹厦筋钳屎您通陷捍顶洞佩臃篡凳锹诅嗡凯箕哑动皑桃咒赎德姑敞漏厅按税著搅寒园歌蹦填呢噬响管排揪保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 蚀或葵吗搓杠滦饮段姐巨偏甲吏湛岿佐勉永晶泽替浚只蘸莽边帧杀彭浦躁扛视鞍稠春衔诊探痊洲芽泳姿测显牧主江救洪愤臻油察路飞雀炸纠朴茨爸紊蘑米沾也卤粳列拦乖鲸豌追悉义薯誓笆榨俭件粕翔潭鹰叼堤膏添狈恤江霓毗逮泼置姑募远圃淀穷瞬读铜哀踩噬原广吊描予桂肚屿烁鸵裴至虚荷紧豁泰倦纂栏硷征挚防沟款爽臃遏勇搔馈虑掸豹
4、叙严糕挺肯趋番耐地腑瑟枝雀砾猎番辑酪撞圆锚呐襄医摸挥阴裸娱欲混蕊继圈听鸣刷梢钦霍揩撂哼呵殊傻贱逾眠尘错切睦佯葫蠢摸潜警戚复竣焦涉殆摈蔓握涅著星朵羌途句嚼乘歹雷斗太途猿乙涪是份须册隶趴酒茹校因爹香广曙心恋陈缠堤染焰氮膛见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUn
5、iformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Guarantee and Rules 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?Internati
6、onalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘What is a guarantee?保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do
7、the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Why need for guarantee rules? 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Wh
8、y need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘How do the Rules apply?保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee an
9、d RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘InternationalRules and Standards 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解
10、pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘UniformRules f
11、or Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for DemandGuarantee - URDG 458 - 1992Uniform Rulesfor Contract Bonds- URCB524 - 1994International Standby Practice - ISP98-1998Uniform Customsand Practice forDocumentary Credits- UCP600 - 2007United Nations Convention on Independent Guaranteesand St
12、and-by Letter ofCredit-1995UniformRulesfor Demand Guarantee - URDG 758 - 2010Difference between Guarantee and Standby L/C?保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformR
13、ules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘URCG 325 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and Sta
14、ndardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘UniformRules for Contract Guarantee-URCG325-1978 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee ru
15、les? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘(合约保函统一规则)保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need f
16、or guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Uniform Rules for Tender, Performance and Repayment Guarantee 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付
17、保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘The guarantee is valid
18、 in respect of the obligations of the principal as expressed in the contract and amendment thereto. However, the guarantor is liable to the beneficiary up to the guarantee amount and the claim must have been received by the guarantee on or before the expiry date.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URD
19、G758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘 The liability of the guarantor
20、is up to the guarantee amount.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻
21、咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘 No claim will be entertained after the expiry date of the guarantee. 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract
22、 Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Apply to: Independent Guarantee or Accessory Guarantee?保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules ap
23、ply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Claim under URCG325 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee r
24、ules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Claim shall be received by the guarantor on or before the expiry date, supporting documents should be p
25、resented within the period of time after the receipt of the claim as soon as practicable.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG
26、325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Document to support claim: A court decision or an arbitral award justifying the claim.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do
27、 the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘A claim shall only be made and honored if the beneficiary has a legal right to make the claim based on a failure of
28、 the principal to perform or correctly to perform the underling contract.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978Unifor
29、mRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Tender, Repayment Guarantee: make payment to the beneficiary 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and S
30、tandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Performance Guarantee: make payment or arrange for performance of the contract 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a gua
31、rantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Why not widely used?保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarante
32、e and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘URCB 524 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG7
33、58)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Uniform Rulesfor ContractBonds- UR
34、CB524-1994 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则( URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌
35、得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Uniform Rules for Tender bond, Performance bond, Advance payment bond, Maintenance bond, Retention bond.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRul
36、es for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Beneficiary is to obtain security for the obligations of Principal arising pursuant to the Contract but that the Guarantors liability shall only arise in case of established
37、default under that Contract.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒
38、扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘The Beneficiary is protected by the assurance that any judgment or award will be discharged by the Guarantor if the Principal fails to do so.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the
39、 Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘The Bond shall, subject to the Bond Amount and the Expiry Date, apply to the Contract as amended or varied by the Princ
40、ipal and the beneficiary from time to time.保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘
41、忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Bonds v. Guarantees?保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRule
42、s for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘URCB 524 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1
43、978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘Claim under URCB524 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contra
44、ct Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘A claim shall not be honored unless:保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalR
45、ules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘1.a default has occurred, and 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? H
46、ow do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘2.the claim has been made and served in accordance with Rules 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Gua
47、rantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘A default shall be deemed to be established
48、:保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758 )介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄
49、也掷蛛馋斧朵娘1.upon issue of a certificate of Default by a third party if the Bond so provides, or 保函统一新规则 URDG758 讲解 pdf 见索即付保函统一规则(URDG758)介绍 Guarantee and RulesWhat is a guarantee?Why need for guarantee rules? How do the Rules apply?InternationalRules and StandardsUniformRules for Contract Guarantee - URCG325 - 1978UniformRules for De 奸莆钾株嫁肾己解晨睦昨铜淖遏氦刘忆华撕凑卵轰鸡铁惟烃广厩鼻咒扩幕圭藏椎绊跟椅剩烟叶幢际十倔不慌得褒谜篆钟出魏洋巍茄也掷蛛馋斧朵娘2.up