1、 Day 39&401. The government housed the homeless people in t he primary school.2. If she spent five years in Paris, how come she cant speak a word of French?3. Dont hurry the driver, or he will run a red light.4. It wouldnt hurt you to say sorry for once.来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K5. You ought to apologize and
2、show there is no ill feeling between you.6. His father has an ill temper.7. He impressed a mark on the cover of the book.8. You are in while Im out .9. She is in good shape in that she often works out in the gym.Z+X1. One theory is that wolves howl to bond better together.2. China is a huge country
3、with abundant natural resources.3. The identification of the accident victims took some time.4. The English l anguage has many idioms.5. I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely.6. It is illegal to read peoples private letters without permission.7. Our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us.来源:学|8. There are strict controls on immigration into this country.9. The import of cotton goods went up sharply last year.10. The climbed the steep mountain inch by inch.11. The government should reduce the standard rate of income tax.