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1、 1 / 7第一届航空服务技能比赛工作方案一、大赛目的本次比赛旨在为同学们提供一个模拟工作环境,使其感受真正的空乘服务氛围,了解本行业的岗位要求,学以致用锻炼沟通服务能力,加深对职业与行业的了解,发现自身的优劣势,以便在后期能更好地查缺补漏,制定符合自己的学习计划以及职业生涯规划,从而提高就业竞争力。二、竞赛时间、对象及内容1.时间:2014 年 4 月 29 日5 月 10 日2.对象:我院全体学生3.内容:客舱服务英语三、大赛组织机构1. 主办单位:承办单位:2.大赛设领导小组组长:3.大赛专业指导教师:四、大赛的形式及内容航空服务技能比赛设置 1 个比赛项目,即客舱服务英语技能比赛。比赛

2、规则和比赛组织形式分别为:初赛:一人一组进行。比赛内容分别为 A.中英自我介绍,B.英文广播词播报,C.餐饮介绍,D.情景问答。每名选手依次完成四个项目,其中,完成一个项目后需等评委指示方可进行下一项目。A.中英自我介绍:选手准备两分钟内的中英文自我介绍。B.英文广播词播报:抽题。选手从十篇广播词中抽取一篇进行播报。C.餐饮介绍:抽题。选手从十个卡片上抽取乘客对餐饮的需求,即兴发挥为乘客介绍某种餐饮。时间不少于一分钟。D.情景问答:选手回答教师的两个与航空服务相关的问题。初赛按得分高低选取 15 名进入决赛。决赛:三人一组全英模拟客舱服务。在三个情景模拟(抽题)中,每位选手模拟一次乘务员,同时

3、另两位选手模拟乘客,根据所抽取的题目,饰演乘客2 / 7的选手制造问题,而饰演乘务员的选手解决问题。情景主题分别有:登机过程中,安全检查过程中,餐饮服务过程中。每个主题有六个相关题目。奖项设置:最佳团队奖:一组最佳播音奖:一名最佳服务奖:一名最佳礼仪奖:一名最佳表演奖:一名(备注:参赛选手需达到 10 人以上才开赛。 )第一届航空服务技能大赛客舱服务英语比赛初赛评分标准项目 分值 具体要求仪容仪表 15 要求参赛选手穿着整洁、端庄、大方,具有亲和力。中英文 自我介绍 20时间两分钟。普通话标准流利,英语发音标准。要求整体语句连贯流畅,语音语调柔和,说话音量适中,面带微笑。客舱广播词播报 20要

4、求播报内容准确,发音标准,语句清晰流畅,语速适当,语调生动。餐饮介绍 20 介绍内容详细准确,语句连贯。情景问答 25 准确理解问题,并能恰当应答。3 / 7附件 4第一届航空服务技能比赛(客舱服务英语)决赛评分表选手编号:项目 序号比 赛 内 容 分值 得分仪容仪表 1 整体仪容仪表干净整洁,化妆规范得体。 10礼仪 2 保持面带微笑;仪态文明,自然,美观,敬人。153 全英,不允许出现中文提示。 54 团结协作,分工合理,配合默契。 55 队员的反映迅速,应对方式得体。 10总要求6 情景模拟自然,对答流畅。 10登机 7 针对乘客的无理要求能有技巧化解,不伤 害乘客的情绪。 15起飞前

5、8 有技巧地处理乘客不配合安全检查的问题, 不生硬,有说服力,礼仪得当。 15客舱情景模拟餐饮 9 能详细介绍餐饮的种类。针对乘客的疑问 能耐心解答,提供贴心服务。 15合计 1004 / 7附录 5:第一届航空服务技能比赛(客舱服务英语)客舱广播词1 亲爱的旅客朋友们:欢迎来到南航“空中之家”。当您进入客舱后,请留意行李架边缘的座位号码对号入座。您的手提物品可以放在行李架内或座椅下方。请保持过道及紧急出口通畅。如果有需要帮助的旅客,我们很乐意协助您。南方航空愿伴您度过一个温馨愉快的空中之旅。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard China Southe

6、rn Airlines. As you enter the cabin, please take your seat as soon as possible. Your seat number is indicated on the edge of the overhead bins.Please put your carry-on baggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. If you need any assistance, we are glad to help you. We wish you a pl

7、easant journey. Thank you!2 女士们先生们:欢迎乘坐由广州飞往北京的 CZ3101 次航班。我们很快就要起飞了。请您系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收好小桌板。请确认您的随身行李已妥善安放于行李架内或置于您前排座椅下方。请关闭您的电子设备,包括 CD 播放器,手机及手提电脑。本次航班全程禁烟,请勿在客舱内吸烟。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard CZ3101 from Guangzhou to Beijing. We will depart soon. Please make sure that your seat belt is

8、fastened, your seat back is in an upright position and your tray table is closed. Your cabin baggage should be in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you. Please turn off all electronic devices, including CD players,cell phones and laptop computers. This is a non-smoking flight; p

9、lease do not smoke on board. Thank you!3 女士们,先生们:你们好!我是本次航班的乘务长,今天由于航路交通管制造成了较长时间的延误,耽误了您的行程,给您带来了诸多不便,在此,我们深表歉意。我们机组全体成员愿通过5 / 7加倍的努力、真诚的服务答谢您对我们工作的支持与配合。谢谢!Good evening, ladies and gentlemen:I am your purser. We sincerely apologize for the delay due to air traffic control. Together with my team, w

10、e will try our best to make the rest of your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We thank you for your patience and understanding.4 女士们先生们:你们好!现在客舱乘务员将为您介绍机上应急设备的使用方法及紧急出口的位置。救生衣在您座椅下方的口袋里,仅供水上迫降时使用。在正常情况下请不要取出。使用时取出,经头部穿好。将带子由后向前扣好系紧。当您离开飞机时,拉动救生衣两侧的红色充气手柄,但在客舱内请不要充气。充气不足时,请将救生衣上部的两个充气

11、管拉出,用嘴向里充气。Ladies and Gentlemen:Good afternoon!We will now take a moment to explain how to use the emergency equipment and locate the exits. Your life vest is located under your seat. It may only be used in case of a water landing. Please do not remove it unless instructed by one of your flight atte

12、ndants. To put your vest on, simply slip it over your head. Then fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist. Upon exiting the aircraft, pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest. Please do not inflate it while inside the cabin. For further inflation, simply blow into the mou

13、th pieces in either side of your vest.5 女士们,先生们:我们的飞机很快就要起飞了,请您配合客舱乘务员的安全检查,系好安全带,收起小桌板,调直座椅靠背,靠窗边的旅客请您协助将遮光板拉开。同时,我们将调暗客舱灯光,如果您需要阅读,请打开阅读灯。谢谢您的合作!祝您旅途愉快!Ladies and Gentlemen:We will be taking off shortly. Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and make sure that your tray table is closed, your sea

14、t back is in an upright position. If you are sitting in a window seat, please help us by opening the sunshade. We will be dimming the cabin lights. If you wish to read, please turn on your reading light.Thank you!6 女士们、先生们:现在我们将为您提供餐食及各种饮料,希望您能喜欢。在用餐期间,请您调直座椅靠背,以方便后排的旅客。如需要帮助,我们很乐意为您服务。谢谢!Ladies and

15、 Gentlemen:In a few moments, the flight attendants will be serving meal and beverages. We hope you will enjoy them.For the convenience of the passenger seated behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during our meal service. If you need any 6 / 7assistance, please feel comfor

16、table to contact us. Thank you!7 颠簸女士们、先生们:请注意!受航路气流影响,我们的飞机正在颠簸,请您尽快就座,系好安全带。颠簸期间,为了您的安全,洗手间将暂停使用,同时,我们也将暂停客舱服务。(正在用餐的旅客,请当心餐饮烫伤或弄脏衣物。)谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:Our aircraft is experiencing some turbulence. Please be seated as soon as possible, and fasten your seat belt. Do not use the lavatories. An

17、d we regret that we are unable to serve you at this time. (Please watch out while taking meals). Thank you!8 女士们、先生们:现在飞机已经开始下降。请您配合我们的安全检查,系好安全带,收起小桌板,调直座椅靠背,靠窗边的旅客请协助将遮光板打开。请您关闭手提电脑及电子设备,并确认手提物品已妥善安放。同时我们还要提醒您,在飞机着陆及滑行期间,请不要开启行李架提拿行李物品。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:We are beginning our final descent. Pl

18、ease take your seat and fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tray tables should be returned to upright position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by putting up the sunshades. All laptop computers and electronic devices should be turned off at this time and please make sure that ca

19、rry-on items are securely stowed. And for your safety, we kindly remind you that during the landing and taxiing, please do not open the overhead bin. Thank you!9 女士们、先生们:非常抱歉地通知您,由于飞机的故障暂时无法排除,我们将换乘另一架飞机。现在请您带好全部手提物品随同地面人员下飞机。对于由此给您带来的不便我们深表歉意。感谢您的谅解与配合 。Ladies and Gentlemen:May I have your attentio

20、n please!We regret to inform you that due to mechanical problem we will have to change to another aircraft. Please take all your belongings when you disembark and follow our ground staff to the new aircraft.We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding and cooperation will be very much appr

21、eciated.10 女士们、先生们:机上救生衣属于飞机应急救生设备,仅供紧急情况下使用。在飞机正常运行中,任何随意移动、搬弄甚至带离飞机的行为都将被视为违法行为,我们将依照有关规定要求相应的赔偿。请大家遵守并配合客舱的安全工作。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:7 / 7The life vest on board can only be used under emergency situation. Under normal situation, any action of removal, takeaway is forbidden. Your compliance of the rule is appreciated. Thank you!


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