1、15 1 2003 M2null null null null null null null null nullnull null null nullMJOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCHVol. 15,No.1null Feb.2003 “:SE1 S “(59874023, 50174048)Te: (1962-), 3,p V, q; null null l : 2001-12-24; null null : 2002-03-25null测试与控制nullB NZE薛正良, null 李正邦, null 张家雯(M98 ,100081)Knull1: LT
2、s Nd C a a jsZE+# M1“,8 3c M V ? d C jsbmsN_M k“d Cjsi ?Qd C L b1oM:d C;s;Sm ;msN;Y |Ems |: TF701.3null nullDS M :Anull nullcI|: 1001-0963( 2003)01-0062-05EvaluationMethodforSteelCleanlinessXUE Zheng-liang, null LI Zheng-bang, null ZHANG Jia-wen(Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100
3、081, China)Abstract: The methods to evaluatethesteelcleanliness, including theamount, type, morphologyandsizedistribution of non-metallic inclusions, and comparison of the methods were discussed. The resultsshowed that the steels produced by different processes with almost same content of total oxyg
4、en havedif-ferent types and size distribution of non-metallic inclusions. The size distribution of non-metallic inclu-sions determined by image analyzer couldnnullt reflect the reality of non-metallic inclusions in steel.Keywords: non-metallicinclusion; chemical analysis;standard diagram; imageanaly
5、zer;electrolytic extrac-tion methodnull nullB7,B1d C a a aj#s1b “- 40 nullm)1 E 3 ;ACj Al hb3 null 结null 论null null (1) “ -S. M.:8 and111 Textures in Cold Rolled and Annealed IF SheetSteel J. ISIJ International, 1999, 39(9): 923-929.12 null Barnett M R. Role of In-Grain Shear Bands in theNucleation
6、ofnullND Recrystallization Texture in Warm Rolled SteelJ. ISIJ International, 1998, 38(1): 78-85.13 null Park Y B, Kestens L, Jonas J J. Effect of Internal Stresses inCold Rolled IF Steel on the Orientations of Recrystallized GrainsJ. ISIJ International, 2000, 40(4): 393-400.null66null2003 Mnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null nullnullMnullnullnullnullnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null15