1、第9章 中国的古代典籍 Chinese classics texts canonical texts陈菘霖,丰富的古代典籍,中国的古籍数量庞大pngd,古人很早就已重视对其分类。古代的图书分类有多种方式,其中最主要的是按经、史、子、集四部分类。“经”(classics)是指儒家的经典及其注疏zhsh( notes and commentaries) “史”是历史著作,(historical works)“子”是学术类著作,(philosophical works)“集”是诗文词赋compose (a poem)类著作(literary works),经部典籍,五经(TheFive Classi
2、cs) :最早指诗经Classic of poetrysh jng 尚书Theclassic of historyorBook of documentsshng sh 仪礼TheBook of Etiquette and Ceremonial y l *TheThree Rites(三礼)TheClassic of Rites(礼记Li Chi)TheRites of Zhou(周礼)TheBook of Etiquette and Ceremonial(仪礼Yi Li)周易Book of Changes zhu y 春秋TheSpring and Autumn Annalschn qi ,四
3、书 :论语、孟子、大学、中庸 TheFour Books:lun y 、mng z 、d xu 、zhng yng 大学、中庸原是礼记中的两篇,被抽出单独列名。TheGreat Learning(大学)is a chapter from theClassic of Rites.TheDoctrine of the Mean(中庸)is another chapter from theClassic of Rites.“四书” Ssh最初由朱熹zhu xi提出,为儒学的入门读物,明清时成为科举考试kj (imperial examination)必读之书。They were selected b
4、yZhu Xi in theSong dynastyto serve as general introduction to Confucian thought, and they were, in theMingandQingdynasties, made the core of the official curriculum for thecivil service examinations.,5,经学概说:十三经,6,了解我心情的人,认为我心中惆怅;不了解我心情的,还以为我呆在这儿有什么要求呢,7,8,9,10,身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之始也。立身行道,扬名于后世,以显父母,孝之终
5、也。孝经-开宗明义,Our bodies - to every hair and bit of skin - are received by us from our parents, and we must not presume to injure or wound them. This is the beginning of filial piety. When we have established our character by the practice of the (filial) course, so as to make our name famous in future ages and thereby glorify our parents, this is the end of filial piety.,11,12,13,经典名言-大学,