1、共三从试卷,两份 2009、一份 20122009 数学一、 单项选择题1. 设集合 ,集合 ,则1Ax 4Bx ABA. B. 4 1C. D. x x2. 设集合 ,集合 , ,则2,3Aa,3Bb1,2345ABA. B. 1ab,aC. D. ,3. 条件 是条件 的20xy0xyA. 充分必要条件 B. 必要非充分条件C. 充分非必要条件 D. 非充分也非必要条件4. 函数 的定义域是lg(2)()xfA. B. x 2xC. D. 2x且 x且 5. 下列函数中为偶函数的是A. B. 2()xfesin()xfC. D. 2sinf5xxf6. 设函数 ,则 是()x()fxA.
2、偶函数,并且是增函数 B. 偶函数,并且是减函数C. 奇函数,并且是增函数 D. 奇函数,并且是减函数7. 设函数 ,则2(1)3fxx ()fxA. B. 232C. D. x x8. 设 ,则35,6mn2mnA. 30 B. 60C. 150 D. 3009. 的大小顺序关系是22(lg5),l,lg(5)A. B. 22l 22lg(5)l(lg5)C. D. 2ll()()210. 设 ,并且 是等差数列,则数列01,2nalnanA. 是等差数列但非等比数列 B. 是等比数列但非等差数列C. 既是等差数列又是等比数列 D. 既非等差数列也非等比数列11. 设数列 中, ,则na11
3、,3nna301aA. 100 B. 101C. 102 D. 10312. 的展开式中的常数项是921()xA. 84 B. 84C. 36 D. 3613. 设角 和 满足关系式 ,则下列式子中正确的是A. B. sinicosC. D. tat in14. 若 ,则角 在sincos0A. 第 2 象限 B. 第 4 象限C. 第 1 象限或第 3 象限 D. 第 2 象限或第 4 象限15. 若 ,则cosin2tanA. 3 B. 2C. 1 D. 1316. 若 ,则32sincostantA. 2 B. 2C. 4 D. 417. 直线 的斜率是30xyA. B. 34C. D.
4、 43 18. 过点 且与直线 垂直的直线方程是(,)P3270xyA. B. 2180xy2360xyC. D. 3 19. 设圆的方程为 ,则该圆圆心的坐标是2340xyxyA. B. (,)23(,2)C. D. 3(,2) 3(,2)20. 方程 所表示的曲线是1xyA. 圆 B. 椭圆C. 双曲线 D. 抛物线二、填空题21. 不等式 的解集是 . 36x22. 设函数 ,则 .()54f1(5)f23. 设 ,化简 .49x22()9xx24. 和 .21n25. .34555CC26. 设 ,则 .sin,12tan27. .22logilogcs8828. 直线 在 轴上的截距
5、是 .1(0)axbyy29. 点 到直线 的距离是 .(3,4)3x30. 如果一个角的两边和另外一个角的两边分别平行并且方向相同,那么这两个角 .三、解答题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 8 分,共 40 分)31. 设抛物线与 轴交点 的横坐标分别为 ,与 轴交点xAB3,1y的纵坐标为 ,C32求该抛物线对应的二次函数式;(1)讨论该二次函数的增减性.232. 设 ,用 表示 .sini,cosmn,mcos()33. 求过点 和 ,圆心在 轴上的圆的方程.(1,)A(31)By34. 设 件产品中,有 件正品, 件次品. 现从中任取 件产品,07 3求这 件产品中,3恰有一件次品的概率
6、;(1)至少有一件次品的概率.235. 在直角三角形 中,ABC90,6cm,8c,ACB平面 , 是 的中点,求 和 的长.CP12cm,PDBPD2009 计算机技能笔试2009 年黑龙江省高职学院招收中职毕业生统一考试专业技能理论知识模拟试卷二(计算机应用类专业)(本试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)总分 题号 一 二 三 四核分人 题分一、填空题(每空 2 分,30 分)1、在 Windows XP 操作中,我们利用 窗口实现对用户帐户的设置。2、Excel 一个工作簿就是一个 excel ,工作簿名就是 。3、在 word 中,单击常用工具栏中 按钮,将弹出表格和边框工具
7、栏。4、计算机网络按通信介质的不同,可划分为 和 。5、查看系统属性采用鼠标 单击我的电脑,选择属性。6、默认情况下,Word 图形对象的线型都为 。7、Powerpoint XP 的默认视图是 。8、网络安全包括 、 、操作系统安全、联网安全。9、 位于工作簿窗口的底部,用来显示工作表的名称。10. C 语言的逻辑运算符是 、 、 。二、选择题(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1、在源节点和目标节点之间建立起一条物理通路引导信息的交换技术是( )A报文交换 B电路交换 C包交换 D串行交换2、完整的计算机硬件系统一般包括外部设备和( )A运算器和控制器 B存储器 C主机 D中央处理器3、Vis
8、ual FoxPro 中数据库表变为自由表的命令是( )ARELEASE TABLE BREMOVE TABLE CFREE TABLE DDROP TABLE4、在 Word 的编辑状态打开一个文档,对文档作了修改,进行“关闭”文档操作后( )A文档被关闭,并自动保存个性化内容 B文档不能关闭,并提示出错C文档被关闭,修改后内容不能保存 D弹出对话框,并询问是否保存对文档修改5、下列哪个是正确的电子邮件地址( )Awangxing BC.wangxing D6、在 Excel 工作表中,不能代表单元格中日期为“2009-3-10”输入方式是( )A=3/10/2009 B2009-3-10
9、C二零零九年三月十日 D03-10-097、在 Windows 中,关于“回收站”叙述正确的是( )A不论是硬盘还是软盘上被删除的文件都可以在“回收站”中恢复B不论是硬盘还是软盘上被删除的文件都不能在“回收站”中恢复C用 Delete 键从硬盘上删除的文件可以在“回收站”中恢复D用 Shift+Delete 键从硬盘上删除的文件可以在“回收站”中恢复8、C 语言源程序要正确地运行,必须要有什么函数( )Aprintf() B自定义函数 Cmain() D不需要函数9、在 Visual FoxPro 中,下列各式中运算结果为数值的是( )A“1234”+“5678” B120+30=150 CL
10、EN(“ABCD”)-1 DCTOD(“04/05/97”)-210、Excel 默认的打印对象是( )A选定区域 B整个工作簿 C选定工作表 D整行11、在 Word 中,如要横向打印文档内容,应选择“页面设置”对话框中的( )选项卡A纸型 B页边距 C纸张来源 D版面12、Internet 所采用的远程登录服务协议为( )A. Remote-Login B.R-Login C. Telnet D.FTP13、PowerPoint 中,要打开“幻灯片配色方案”对话框,应选择的菜单是( )A工具 B视图 C格式 D编辑14、将高级语言编写的源程序翻译成机器语言程序,可以采用的翻译方式是( )A
11、编译和解释 B编译和汇编 C编译和链接 D解释和汇编15、多媒体计算机系统中,不能用以存储多媒体信息的设备是( )A磁带 B光缆 C磁盘 D光盘16、PowerPoint 演示文稿的扩展名是( )A.DOC B.XLS C.POT D.PPT17、若 x,y 均为 double 型变量,正确输入函数调用是( )Ascanf(“%f%f”, Bscanf(“%d%d”,Cscanf(“%lf%lf”, Dscanf(“%lf%lf”,x,y);18、使用命令“index on 姓名 tag sm unique”建立的索引类型是( )A主索引 B候选索引 C普通索引 D惟一索引19、要 Word
12、编辑状态下要设置文档行距为 20 磅,应在“段落”对话框中选择行距中的( )A单倍行距 B1.5 倍行距 C固定值 D多倍行距20、Excel 允许打开多个工作簿,哪个菜单可以实现各窗口之间的切换( )A编辑 B窗口 C视图 D工具三、判断题(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)1、Windows XP 不支持多用户操作,用户之间切换需注销用户。2、局域网所使用的传输介质就是双绞线。( )3、Excel 批注是附加在单元格中与其他单元格内容分开的注释,在排序时,批注与数据一起进行排序。 ( )4、break 和 continue 语句既可以用于循环语句,也可用于 switch 开头语句。( )5、在
13、 Powerpoint 中,如果在占位符以外的其他位置添加文字,需借助文本框来实现。 ( )6、对 Word 文档设置分栏,各栏栏宽可以不等。 ( )7、中继器工作在 OSI 体系结构的数据链路层。( )8、在 Visual FoxPro 中, select 0 表示选择当前工作区。 ( )9、Windows XP 对话框可以进行最大化、最小化、移动等操作。 ( )10、在输入法中,全角方式下不能输入英文字母,半角方式下不能输入汉字。( )11、C 语言中,x+=3+y;和 x=x+3+y;是等价的。 ( )12、若为同一个库文件打开多个索引文件,则这多个索引文件同进有效。 ( )13、计算机
14、具有自动执行程序的能力。 ( )14、在 Word 中,普通视图中文档显示效果和打印后的效果相同。 ( )15、在 Excel 中进行分类汇总时,所选择分类字段必须是排序字段。 ( )四、名词解释(每题 4 分,共 20 分)1、计算机网络:2、带宽:3、IP 地址:4、项目管理器: 5、样式:五、简答题(每小题 5 分,共 25 分)1、在 Word 中,如何选一个字符,选一行,选矩形文本区、选大范围文本?2、退出 Excel 程序的常用方法有哪些?3、Powerpoint 中主要有哪几中视图方式?4、什么是网络拓朴结构?局城网拓朴结构有哪些?5、有一数据表 gz.dbf 有若干记录,其中有
15、姓名、性别、年龄、籍贯和成绩字段,写出如下操作命令。1)显示成绩大于 500 的女生记录。2)求男生成绩的平均值。六、编程和阅读理解题(第 1 小题 10 分,2,3 题各 5 分,共 20 分)1、求 1-1000 之间能被 6 整除但不能被 8 整除的数的平均值。2、main() 3、main()int s1=0,s2=0,i; int a=1,b;for(i=0;i500 and 性别=“女”2)aver 成绩 for 性别=“男”六、编程题1、main()int i,j=0,s=0;float av;for(i=1;i=1000;i+)if(i%6=0 j=j+1;av=s/j;pri
16、ntf(“%F”,av); 2、5,5 3、1%d2012 英语2012 年黑龙江省中职毕业生对口专业升高职院校招生统一考试英语试题姓名 班级 I.单项选题(本大题共 40 小题,每小题 1 分,共 40 分)1. Is this your machine? No, it is _. A. their B theirs C theirs D. theirs 2. _ does she want?A. What B. How C. When D. Where 3. There are a lot of _ in my garden. A. box B. boxes C. boxs D. boxi
17、es 5. Chang Chun is _ the north of China. A. to B. for C. in D on 6. When do you usually have _. A. a lunch B. lunches C. the lunch D. lunch 7. She is the most beautiful girl in our class. 8. My grandparents told me that the earth _the sun last week. A. moves B. moving C. move D. moved 9. This is my
18、 pencil, _ is on the desk. A. yours B. your C. your D. you 10. The one_ visited the company is CEO. A. that B. who C. which D. when 11._good news it is! A. How B. What C. Why D. Which 12. They have _to Canada four times. A. been B. gone C. went D. been going 13. While Rose _ TV yesterday, His father
19、 came back. A. was watching B. were watching C. watches D. watch 14. They have learned 3000 works, _ the beginning to this A. at B. of C. since D. in 15. There is a blackboard _the classroom A. in the front of B. in front of C. on the front of D. on front of 16. It is about 40_A_ walk from my home t
20、o school. A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minute 17. Youd better ask John _ its good or not. A. if B. that C. as D. what 18. I really dont know _. A. What is she B. who is she C. what she is D. who she is19. The only teacher _I like is Mr. Wang. A. which B. that C. who D. where 20. Tom will not
21、pass the exam_ he works harder. A. if B. unless C. in spite D. as 21. The heavy rain was _ car traffic accident. A. instead of B. caused by C. result from 22. You are a Vocational school student, _? A. arent you B. isnt he C. werent you 23. He run _ fast that I couldnt follow. A. so B. such C. too D
22、. as 24. Someone _to get the precious gift. A. want B. wants C. to want D. wanting 25. She is one of the most beautiful girls who _the important activity.A. takes part on B. take part in C. to take part in D. taking part in 26. My teacher listens to me _. A. with confident B. in confidence C. with c
23、onfidence D. in confident 27. Nobody can live _food. A. with B. on C. in D. without 28. It took us three hours _the great work. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished 29. You are wanted _the phone. A. in B. through C. of D. on 30. The young lady is tireless, and she always is _. A. in a goo
24、d mood B. in good moodC. on a good mood D. at good mood 31. Jack had his car _ three days ago. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. being repaired 32. Please go to the Great Wall _ taxi. A. by B. on C. in D. with 33. _they will get married is not decided yet. A. That B. When C. Which D. What 34. _f
25、unny it is to play computer games! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 35. _the homework, he went to the playground. A. Finish B. Being finished C. Finished D. Having finished 36. The team _football in the ground now. A. is playing B. are playing C. play D. plays 37. that famous movie star_ cancer. A.
26、 died of B. died for C. died as D. died to 38. _his help, we can finish the task on time. A. without B. Because C. Thanks to D. Since 39. Dont forget _ those books when you are free. A. to read B. reading C. read D. to reading 40. This story_ him of childhood. A. bring B. takes c. tells D. reminds I
27、I. 阅读理解(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) AA young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about two inches too long. He came downstairs, where his mother and his two sisters were wa shing some
28、 things in the kitchen. “These new trousers are too lo ng. “ He said. “They need shortening(缩短) by about two inches. Would one of you mind doing this for me, please?“ His mother an d sisters were busy and none of them said anything. But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quie tl
29、y upstairs to her sons bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came downstairs without saying anything to her d aughters. Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother s trousers. She was a kind-hearted girl, so she went quietly ups tairs without saying anything to an
30、yone, and shortened the trous ers by two inches. The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came back, she, too, remembered what her brother had said. So she ran upsta irs and took two inches off the legs of the new trousers. 41. The young man bought the new trousers _ his size. A. as long
31、as B. two inches longer than C. as big as D. two inches shorter than 42. He asked_ to shorten his new trousers. A. his mother and sisters B. his two sisters C. his elder sister D. his mother and one of his sisters 43. His mother and sisters_. A. agreed to do that B. didnt want to do that C. said not
32、hing to him D. said something to him 44. His elder sister shortened the trousers_. A. after finished washing B. before she went to bed C. when she came back from the cinema D. after having supper 45. The next morning the young man would find the trousers were _ than his size. A. two inches shorter B
33、. four inches shorter C. six inches shorter D. eight inches shorter BFive years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. “I was a clothes addict(迷),” he jokes. “I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled(皱的).” Today David wears casual
34、clothes khaki pants and a sports shirt to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie. “Im working harder than ever,” David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.” More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work. In the United States, the changes from formal t
35、o casual office wear have been slow. In the early 1990s,many companies allowed their workers to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday).This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday” “What started out as an extra one-day-a-week . benefit for workers has really become an everyd
36、ay thing,” said business adviser Maisly Jones.? Why have so many companies started allowing their workers to wear casual clothes? One reason is that its easier for a company to attract new workers if it has a casual dress code. “A lot of young people dont want to dress up for work,” says the owner o
37、f a software company, “so its hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study made by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that casual dress has a side e
38、ffect on work. Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”? 46.David Smith refers to himself as having been
39、“a clothes addict” because _. A. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt ? B. he couldnt stand a clean appearance ?C. he wanted his clothes to look tidy and clean all the time ? D. he didnt want to spend much money on clothes ?47. David Smith wears casual clothes now, because _.? A. they make h
40、im feel at ease when working ? B. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes ? C. he looks handsome in casual clothes ? D. he no longer works for any company ? 48 According to this passage, which of the following is FALSE? A. Many workers dont like a conservative dress code.? B. Comfortable clothes m
41、ake workers more productive.? C. A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers.? D. All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear.? 49. According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.? B. Dress-down has becom
42、e an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.? C. “Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.? D. Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.? 50. In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT _.? A. saving workers moneyB. m
43、aking workers more attractive ? C. improving workers feeling D. making workers happier friends and study foreign culture there. III. 英译汉(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,共 20 分) 51 We should make a good use of spare time。 52. I like to join Friendship and peace summer camp, because we can know many foreign 53. Two
44、 thirds of students enjoy chatting online 54. The people rescued from earthquake show deep thank to the army who helped them。 55. We should take actions and efforts to protect the wild animals, because an increasing of them is died out. IV. 汉译英(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,共 20 分) 56.教育或多或少都要考虑对生活的态度和对世界的看法 57 作为一名老师 他们应该关心学生的学习和生活 58 不论我们身处发达国家 还是发展中国家 我们都要珍惜幸福生活 59 他在年轻人中树立好的榜样 60 我是在昨天晚上遇到他的