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第八章 跨文化人力资源管理.ppt

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1、第八章 跨文化人力资源管理 Cross-Cultural Human Resources Management,PowerPoint Presentation by Zhang Xiaolin,引言:当前全球性变革,International Expansion Additional markets increase numbers of potential customers Maquiladora plants-foreign-owned plants in Mexico that employ Mexican labor may prove cost efficient Many HR

2、issues are involved in developing facilities in nondomestic countries North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico Provides an even larger market than the EEC,15-2,Irwin/McGraw-Hill,European Economic Community (EEC) Confederation of most of the E

3、uropean nations that agree to engage in free trade with one another Commerce is regulated by the European Commission (EC) Growth of Asia Provides a growth market for many firms Japan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia are significant economic forces General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GAT

4、T) International framework of rules and principles for reducing trade barriers across countries around the world. Consists of over 100 member nations 中国于1947年10月30日作为23个创始国之一加入关贸总协定,2001年11月15日加入WTO(1995年1月1日建立,104个创始成员国) 。,15-2,引言:当前全球性变革(续),第一节 跨文化人力资源管理概述,一、跨文化的概念 跨文化是指不同群体(或组织)的文化差异。它有三个层次: 双方母国

5、文化背景差异(native natural difference) 双方母公司自身持有的公司文化风格差异(corporative cultural difference) 个体文化差异(individual cultural difference),二、跨文化差异的挑战 跨文化差异主要是母国与东道国之间的文化距离(culture distance)。 文化差异会伴随着跨国企业的发展,而全方位、全系统地影响跨国企业的运作 文化内核的不易变迁性,决定了文化差异不会消灭,而且可在一段时间内保持稳定。 人力资源成为跨国公司竞争的核心,三、Factors Affecting HRM in Global

6、Markets,15-3,Human Resource Management,Culture,Education / Human Capital,Economic System,Political / Legal System,文化对跨国企业的影响,文化差异对于决策的影响(如日本在华投资生产汽车;德国大众) 与下属交往,分派任务方式 选拔、报酬等 文化差异对人际关系的影响(如街道上遇见一个行人被汽车撞事件) 爱德华.霍尔的High-Low Context学说(人际沟通) 高情景文化下,通过体语、上下文联系、场景等进行传递信息与沟通,属于过程导向的沟通(process oriented) 低情景

7、文化下,清晰的符号如语言、文字等来表达,属于发送导向型沟通(sending oriented),台湾学者郑伯壎通过对11家台湾企业、9家台湾大陆企业、以及29家大陆企业的2213位员工文化价值观调查发现,两岸文化尽管在本质没有太大差别,但是在个别方面且存在很大差异。 在社会文化上,两岸都有强烈的恩义取向,在家族取向、权威取向、人情取向和他人取向上存在明显的不同,尤其是家族取向与他人取向更为显著。台湾地区的家族取向、他人取向及人情取向均高于大陆,而权威取向则稍弱于大陆。然而这五种社会取向的剖面图却极为类似,他们的排序也相似:恩义取向、人情取向、家庭取向、权威取向、此顺序并不因海峡两岸有所差异,这

8、说明显示出海峡两岸间的社会文化趋势类似,但程度却有所差异。 在组织文化上,海峡两岸在安定取向、绩效取向、敬业取向和时间观的同步取向上均不同,台湾地区都显得比较高。 对社会文化和组织文化的分析后进一步发现,海峡两岸的企业组织拥有不同的企业文化群。强势企业文化的台湾企业与其大陆分支机构可以形成共同的企业文化群。民营企业在外部适应与内部整合企业文化上,与国有企业隶属于不同的文化群,而与台湾本地企业极为接近。,有关文化差异的实证研究,香港学者樊景立,对中国大陆、香港、台湾三地华人社会在商业道德观念上的异同。他研究了693名大陆、香港、台湾三地的企管学院的高年级学生。结果发现,社会道德观念反映在六个方面

9、:缺乏敬业精神、政治诈术、侵占公司资源、隐藏同事/上司远规、欺骗顾客及贿赂。三个地区在政治诈术和隐藏同事/上司远规两个构面上得分类似,但在缺乏敬业精神、侵占公司资源、欺骗顾客及贿赂四个构面上有明显的差异。 大陆学生对缺乏敬业精神和侵占公司资源持有最高的道德标准,其次是台湾,最差的是香港。 在欺骗顾客因素上,台湾学生的道德标准最高,香港和大陆的学生结果类似,均显著的低于台湾学生。 在贿赂方面,大陆学生的道德标准最低,台湾与香港两地的学生间并无显著差异,两者的道德标准均显著高于大陆学生。这些结果反映了商业道德观的差异。,霍夫斯泰德的民族文化四维度,1、权力距离(Power Distance) 人们

10、对一个公司的等级制度或权力结构的接受程度。雇员与雇主之间地位的差异在权力距离大的文化中非常明显。 2、不确定性规避(Uncertainty Avoidance) 社会对待风险及其成员流动性的态度。害怕偶然发生的事件、重视稳定和常规及厌恶风险是不确定性规避程度高的表现。喜欢偶发事件、重视竞争和追求风险是不确定性规避程度低的特征。 3、个人主义/集体主义倾向(Individualism/Collectivism) 人们对个人独立或集体参与的重视程度。个人主义的文化重视个人目标、个人独立和个人隐私。集体主义的文化重视社会凝聚力和对集体人群如同事和家庭的忠诚。 4、男性度/女性度(Masculinit

11、y/Femininity) 在社会中占主导地位的是男性还是女性的价值观。男性重视物质财富。女性鼓励关心和爱护的行为。,中西方组织管理文化的比较,中国人以管理家庭的方式管理企业、国家;西方人以管理国家的方式管理企业、家庭 中西方不同人性假设的差别 中西方价值判断的差别 中国人重内容,西方人重形式,中国人以管理家庭的方式管理企业、国家;西方人以管理国家的方式管理企业、家庭,1、家庭内部成员关系与陌生人之间关系的差别: 家庭内部关系:以道德、伦理的方式治理(仁、义、礼、信、忠、孝等)。 陌生人之间的关系:分毫必计的交易关系。 2、以道德秩序治家的方式向中小企业推广相当有效(节约监督、管理、激励成本)

12、。 以法律和市场调节陌生人之间的利益关系相当有效。,中西方不同人性假设的差别,西方人“人性假设”:“人之初,性本恶”,道德秩序不足以约束人的恶行,故主张法治。但法治的前提是必须将人们的权利界定清楚,故西方人非常强调对权利界定和对权力制衡。中国人“人性假设”:“人之初,性本善”,道德秩序可以约束人的行为,故主张道德治理的人治方法。但人治的前提是清楚地划分人的等级与名分、长幼尊卑等。因而权利的不平等和权力的不制衡就成为人治的前提 中国人讲究“君子一言”,西方人讲究纸写笔在。,中西方价值判断的差别,1、西方人重效果判断:故重视达到目的的手段,因此工具理性发达,如科学、法律、市场制度、组织形式、分工、

13、程序、策略等。 2、中国人重动机判断:如良心标准、主义标准、动机纯杂标准等。,中国人重内容,西方人重形式,西方人办事,宁愿损失效率也不可违背程序和预定的规则这些属于形式上的东西。所以西方人做事强调规范化、标准化。 中国人办事,重实质、重内容。如强调“言之有物”,“一件商品只要内容好,包装差点不在乎”。,文化冲突(Cultural Shock),种族优越感(ethnocentrism) 外派培训与工作 不恰当地运用管理习惯 沟通误会 文化态度,Education and Human Capital,Countries differ on levels of human capital (tech

14、nology vs. high skills) Human capital in a country is determined by many variables, primarily, educational opportunity. Countries with low human capital attract facilities that require low skills and low-wage levels. High human capital countries attract direct foreign investments that create high-sk

15、ill jobs.,15-6,Political and Legal System,Discrimination in the workplace. Germany has provided employees with a legal right to “codetermination” in the workplace. The EECs Community Charter of December 9, 1989, provides for the fundamental social rights of workers Freedom of movement Freedom to cho

16、ose ones occupation and be fairly compensated 中国企业工会组织在企业决策中的地位与作用,15-7,中国企业中“新三会”与“老三会”的关系,新三会,是指常态公司治理机构中的股东会、董事会和监事会;老三会是传统企业组织制度中的党委会、职代会和工会。新三会是公司制企业治理机构的主体框架,在创立现代企业制度过程中必须坚持;老三会是传统企业制度中的精髓,是我国政治制度在国民经济基层单位的具体体现,在公司化改组过程中也不可废弃。 在传统的企业制度中老三会与经营者阶层之间的关系就一直未曾理顺,如今再加上新三会,六会“会审”,就更容易相互掣肘或产生碰撞。目前在协调

17、新三会与党委会关系方面,理论界比较一致的看法是党政干部相互兼职,在改制过程中大多数企业也是依此原则来付诸操作的。在传统企业组织制度中工会是职代会的一个常务机构,二者之间并无主要矛盾可言,因此,当新三会与党委会之间的关系有了一个可资探索的构架之后,新、老三会之间的矛盾就主要集中在职代会、工会与新三会及其与经营者阶层这方面。 将企业职工入选董事会以法律形式确立下来。我国公司法规定,只有在国有独资公司中职工代表方可入选董事会,而在股份有限公司和其它形式的有限责任公司中职工代表只能入选监事会。 由职代会推举职工代表直接进入董事会 以否决制来构造各权力机构之间的制衡关系(职代会与股东会、董事会) 建立起

18、一种职工、经营者与股东物质利益趋同的机制,Economic System,Socialist economies give little incentive to develop human capital, but ample opportunity because education is free. Capitalist economies, are the opposite of the socialist economies, with higher tuitions at state universities but with economic incentives through

19、 individual salary differences.,15-8,第二节 跨文化人力资源管理,国际雇员的类型 国际参与的不同层次 全球市场中的外派人员管理 选拔 培训与开发 薪酬 文化再适应,Definitions,母国:A parent country is the country in which the companys corporate headquarters is located. 东道国:A host country is the country in which the parent country organization seeks to locate (or h

20、as already located) a facility. 第三国:A third country is a country other than the host country or parent country.,Managing Employee in a Global Context,An expatriate is an employee sent by a company in one country to manage operations in a different country. Parentcountry nationals (PCNs) are employee

21、s who were born and live in a parent country. Hostcountry nationals (HCNs) are those employees who were born and raised in the host country, as opposed to the parent country. Thirdcountry nationals (TCNs) are employees born in a country other than the parent country or host country but who work in t

22、he host country,15-9,Managing Employees in a Global Context,In a domestic marketplace, companies face an environment with very similar cultural, human capital, political/legal systems, and economic systems, although some variation might be observed across states and geographic areas. International p

23、articipation occurs as companies seek new markets for their products through exporting and ultimately by building one or a few production facilities in other countries.,15-10,Managing Employees in a Global Context,Multinational organizations build facilities in a number of different countries, attem

24、pting to capitalize on lower production and distribution costs in different locations. HRM problems are complex, given the many different cultures and sets of legal and economic systems. Global organizations compete on stateoftheart, topquality products and services with the lowest possible costs. G

25、lobal companies increasingly emphasize flexibility and mass customization of products to meet the needs of particular clients. HRM systems must encourage flexible production and must be responsive to the many systems that they operate.,15-10,Managing Employees in a Global Context,Three characteristi

26、cs necessary for cultural synergyTransnational scope refers to the fact that HR decisions must be made from a global rather than a national or regional perspective. Transnational representation reflects the multinational composition of a companys managers. Transnational process refers to the extent

27、to which the companys planning and decisionmaking processes include representatives and ideas from a variety of cultures.,15-10,Managing Expatriates in Global Markets,15-11,Major issues include: Selection Training & Development Compensation Labor Relation Reacculturation,2. 人员选派 (I),(1) 三种国际化人员选派方法:

28、 种族优越感(Ethnocentric): Focus on home country norms Good for an international strategy 多中心Polycentric: 强调东道国规范Emphasize host country norms 有益于多元化战略Good for a multidomestic strategy 全球中心Geocentric: Flexibility is the key 有益于全球化global和跨国战略transnational,2.人员选派 (II),(2) 外派人员 在不同国家工作的经理 高额外派人员成本: 每年$300,00

29、0 高的外派人员失败率: More than 10% U.S. European Japanese expat failure 76% 41% 24% No. 1 problem for U.S. and European expats: Inability of spouse to adjust No. 1 problem for Japanese expats: Inability to cope with the larger responsibility,2.人员选派 (III),(3) 外派人员选拔 Self-orientation: Self-confidence Others-o

30、rientation: Open mindedness Perceptual ability: Cross-cultural sensitivity Cultural toughness: Ability to adjust to distant cultures In other words, dont select expats just based on technical skills and domestic track record!,Areas to Consider in the Selection of Expatriate Managers,15-12,Motivation

31、 Health Language Ability Family considerations Resourcefulness & initiative Adaptability Career planning Financial,3. Training and development (I),(1) Expats training Only 30% expats receive training Always a good idea to involve family Types of training Cultural training: Deeper understanding Forei

32、gn language training: Basics will be helpful Practical training: The nuts and bolts for survival Timing and intensity,3. Training and development (II),Training,Time,Departure/entry,Practical training,Language and cultural training,3. Training and development (III),(2) Repatriation training Typically

33、 ignored Dreadful results for many companies (see Slide 10),Repatriation of expatriates,Didnt know what position they hold upon return.,Firm vague about return, role and career progression.,Took lower level job.,Leave firm within one year.,Leave firm within three years,10 20 30 40 50 60 70%,3. Train

34、ing and development (IV),(3) Management development strategy Need to develop host country managers Build organizational culture (4) Performance appraisal Evaluated by host- and home-country managers Important to avoid cross-cultural misunder-standing,Emphasis in Cross-Cultural Training Programs,15-1

35、3,Expatriates must be clear about their own cultural background. Expatriates must understand the particular aspects of culture in the new work environment. Expatriates must learn to communicate accurately in the new culture.,Communicating Across Language Barriers,15-14,Verbal behavior Nonverbal beha

36、vior Attribution Comprehension Design Motivation,Compensation of Expatriates,15-15,Total pay packages have four components: Base salary Tax equalization allowances Benefits Other allowances: cost-of-living housing education relocation,4. Compensation (I),(1) National differences in compensation Pay

37、managers in different countries according to local norms, or on a global basis? Ethnocentric firms: Pay expats according to their home country standards Polycentric firms: Pay local rates Geocentric firms: Equalization seems to be the only way out in the long run; but it can be very costly,Cost of l

38、iving,New York = 100, June 1997 Source: The Economist, June 28, 1997, p. 108.,New York = 100,4. Compensation (II),(2) Expatriate pay: Very expensive! Base salary: Similar to similar positions domestically Foreign service premium: 10-30% base salary, as an inducement Allowances Hardship Cost of livin

39、g Housing Education Taxation and benefits,A typical balance sheet,Reserve,Reserve,Reserve,Reserve,Goods and Services,Goods and Services,Goods and Services,Goods and Services,Housing,Housing,Housing,Housing,Income Taxes,Income Taxes,Income Taxes,Home and Host-Country Income Taxes,Premiums and Incenti

40、ves,Home-Country Salary,Host-Country Costs,Host-Country Costs Paid by Company and from Salary,Home- Country Equivalent Purchasing Power,Additional Costs Paid by Company,5. International labor relations,(1) Domestic unions: Resent job losses (2) Foreign unions: Resent exploitation by foreign bosses a

41、nd companies (3) Global strategies of organized labor: Trying to establish international labor organiztions Lobbying governments to restrict MNEs Lobbying UN to regulate MNEs None has been very successful (e.g., Seattle protest in December 1999),Reacculturation,Reentry to the home organization may result in culture shock. Transition process necessitates communication of corporate changes while the expatriate is overseas and validation of the importance of the expatriates international work.,


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