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2018--2019学年译林版必修五unit 1 getting along with others task课件(32张).pptx

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1、Period Three Task,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Writing a letter to a friend,One or two of our classmates has been abroad this summer. Now you have a chance to interview him/her.,Prepare some questions to ask. Write down his/her answers.,Interview,How to take notes?,Think about what questions to

2、ask and write them down in advance.Write brief notes only, not whole sentences.Write down the most important information.Use contractions and abbreviations whenever possible.,Skills building 1: writing down the answers,If you dont hear or understand an answer, ask the other person to repeat it. You

3、can use expressions such as: I beg your pardon?/Pardon me? Could you say that again? Could you repeat that, please? Did you say or?,Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time. You might worry about how you will find your way around, how you will meet people and how you will make new friends.,

4、Read and answer,What will you do when you meet a new friend for the first time? What will you do when you meet new neighbors?,1. What things might worry you when you move to a new place? How to find my way around, _ and make new friends. 2. What is one way to meet new neighbours? Visit _ with a smal

5、l gift.,their homes,Listen and take notes.,meet people,3. What are some things you should do when you meet a person for the first time? Be _ about myself; ask him/her questions about himself/herself; listen to _ 4. If you want to meet people with similar interests to yours, what can you do?Join a lo

6、cal club or _.,open and honest,what he or she has to say,activity group,5. What are some things you should do if you want to make true friends? Always _; listen to what they have to say; _ myself and my feelings.,be there for them,be honest about,Brainstorming:What do you do when you have a personal

7、 problem?Would you talk to your parents or your friends and ask them for advice?Have you ever called a radio programme for advice?,Step 1: calling Teen Talk for advice,Read the leaflet about Teen Talk. Then complete the notes.,Teen talk 1 You can read Teen Talk by: e-mail / phone / website. 2 Teen T

8、alk never closes. True False 3 Teenagers problems will be reported to parents. True False,phone,True,False,4 Teen Talk listen to _. 5 Teen Talk offers _.,teenagers problems,advice,Listen to the tape and finish Part B.,1. Reason for calling Teen Talk: _ 2. Description of the problem: _ 3. Feelings ab

9、out the problem: _,Have a problem; ask for help,Two important friends; dont like one another,Feel divided,4. Teen Talks advice: _ _ 5. Planned actions to overcome the problem: _,Write a letter to each friend to explain; meet outside of school,Write a letter, meet at a caf on Saturday; talk,How do we

10、 express agreement and disagreement in English? There are many expressions that we can use, aside from simple Yes and No answers.,Skills building 2: agreeing and disagreeing,I agree with youIm of the same opinion (as).Exactly.Thats a good point.Thats how I feel (about) too.Thats right.Youve got a po

11、int.Yes. And another reason is that,Agreeing,I dont agree. What aboutIm not sure thats true.I see things in a little different way.On the other hand, I take your point, butThats true, butPerhaps you are mistaken.Really? I dont think that,Disagreeing,Work in groups of four. Express your opinions on t

12、he following statements by stating whether you agree or disagree. Discuss your ideas with your group.,1. Chinese food is healthier for you than foreign food. 2. Staying a teenager forever would be great.,3. Making good friends is more important to me than spending time with family. 4. If I want to b

13、e happy in the future, I must have a good job. 5. Good marks indicate how clever you are. 6. Learning a foreign language is important.,Chinese food is healthier for you than foreign food.,A sample,Debate,A: I agree that Chinese food is healthier for you than foreign food. Chinese food usually includ

14、es plenty of whole grains, vegetables and a good source of calcium, which are considered healthy and nutritious.,Besides this, Chinese people pay special attention to the way of cooking food. The colour, the smell and the taste are all taken into consideration as they might affect ones appetite.,How

15、ever, most foreign meals contain more fat and are baked or fried, which may cause them to lose flavour. Chinese food is now eaten by a third of the worlds population every day and is widely considered easy to cook, economical and tasty.,B: I dont agree that Chinese food is healthier for you than for

16、eign food. The traditional Chinese way of cooking vegetables may cause vitamins to be lost. Besides this, Chinese people use too much oil and salt in cooking, which might cause many health problems.,However, foreign food, known for its varied flavours and spices, is rapidly becoming a trend worldwid

17、e.,Interview your classmates and complete the chart.,Step 2: discussing friendship with others,Discuss the following statements on friendship and decide whether you agree or disagree.,Debate,1. Friendship is an important part of my life. 2. A good friend must be honest, kind and have a sense of humo

18、r. 3. One or two good friends are better than 100 acquaintances.,Skills building 3: checking your work,Answers to Page 16: 1. 改Apirl为April 2. brother could 中间加 that 3. 改 if 为whether 4. 去掉 but 5. 改 to 为with 6. 改 quiet 为quite 7. 改 smoked 为 smoking 8. angry me 中间加 with 9. 改 them 为 him 10. 改 keep 为 keep

19、ing 11. 改 hes 为 hes 12. “,”改为“.” 13. 改he为his 14. 改month为mouth,Write a letter to your friend about what his/her friendship means to you. your feelings about friendship your feelings about best friends the quantities of a good friend what makes a good friendship last,Step 3: writing a letter to your friend,

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