1、第二讲:翻译的定义及标准、语义翻译(2)一什么是翻译?-翻译是一门艺术,是语言艺术的再创作。如果把写作比成自由舞蹈,翻译就是带着手铐脚镣在跳舞,而且还要跳得优美。-翻译是技能,再现原文信息时,为避免信息的损失,力戒欠额翻译(undertranslation)和过载翻译(overtranslation),译者要采用增词,减词,引申,并句和分句等技巧。-翻译是在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现源语的信息,首先是意义对等,其次是文体对等。二翻译的教学标准高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲规定,英汉翻译的评估项目标为:A 忠实:“原文信息全部传达,语气和文体风格与原文相一致”60%B 通顺:“断句
2、恰当,句式正确,选词妥贴”40%三翻译技巧(2):语义翻译(2)-翻译时应当注意词义的褒贬。翻译时,必须正确理解原作者的基本立场和观点,然后选用适当的语言手段译出。原文中词语的褒贬意义,要根据上下文恰如其分地表达出来,即使有些词语孤立起来看似乎是中性的。Eg.As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication.She is a demanding teacher, yet shes very kind to her students.John was an aggressive salesman who did his j
3、ob quite well.Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power.四翻译练习(2)I. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the choice of words.1. She is fidgety and restless.2. All the inventors have a restless mind.3. They incited him to go into further investigation.4. The plotters
4、incited the soldiers to rise against their officers.5. The general has the reputation of being courageous.6. He was an honest man, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation.II. Improve the following translations based on the principle of faithfulness and fluency.1. I have read your articles. I e
5、xpected to meet an older man.我拜读过你的文章,我期望可以找到一个年纪稍长的人。2. They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them.他们跑得像他们的腿所能载动他们那样的快。3. I will go and attend the reception, if only to make some new friends.我将去参加招待会,但只是为了交些新朋友。4. When she and he met again, each had been married to another.当再次相见时,每个人都结婚了。
6、5. The present situation is that many staff consider impossible what is really possible if effort is made.很多职员认为最有可能的事情努力后也还是不可能的。五、实用翻译(2):商标的翻译1音译:当商标是专有名词(人名,地名等)时,由于这些词本身没有多少意思,故常使用音译的方法。Eg. Kodak(柯达), Casio(卡西欧), Changhong(长虹)2意译将原商标的意思用译入语表示出来。采用灵活对等的翻译原则,即意思与原商标基本一致,且符合商标词短小简洁的特点。如:Volkswagen 大众(汽车) ,Shell 壳牌(石油) ,Camel 骆驼(香烟)3. 音意兼顾以原商标的音为基础,在译入语中找到发音与原文相同或相似,同时又反映出产品一定特性的词汇。如:CocaCola 可口可乐,Benz 奔驰,广百 Grandbuy,Ikea 宜家4.不译或部分译如:IBM 公司,Remy Martin X. O 人头马 XO