1、E to C,Sentence translationNovember 4th,句式、从句的翻译,一、增词法 增词法亦称增补法或者增译法,指的是在英汉翻译中适当增加原文中虽无形式却又其意的成分,以使译文更加自然通顺,完整贴切的表达原文的思想内容。 Success is often just an idea away. 原译:成功往往致死一个念头的距离。 改译:成功与否往往只是一念之差。,增词法并不意味着译者可以随心所欲的任意的添枝加叶,而是必须遵守一条基本原则,就是增加那些语法上,语义上或者修辞上必不可少的词语,也就是增加原文字面虽未出现但是却是实际内容所包含的词语。这主要有两种情况:一是,英
2、语根据其语法可以省略某些词语而句子意思仍能完整的加以表达,但是译成汉语是通常必须增补省略的词语才能是意思完整清晰;二是,英语原文虽没有省略,但是却有意思寓于字里行间,翻译时的增补使句子意思贴切,使意思更加明快达意。,1. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time (if it last too long). 我希望这次会议不要开的太久了,因为太久了只会浪费时间。 2. Its more expensive than it was last time but not as good. 价格比
3、上次的高,但是质量比上次差。,3. He spoke hopefully of the success of the negotiation. 他满怀希望的谈到谈判会取得成功。(增加动词) 4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquids can turn into gases under certain conditions. 根据水的蒸发现象,人们认识到液体在一定条件下可以变成气体。(抽象名词) 5.Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a metal spoon, a co
4、in, a pencil, a tin lid, and a rubber eraser. 再用一把木尺,一把金属匙,一枚硬币,一支铅笔,一个铁盒盖和一块橡皮,重做这个实验。(量词),6. The agreement will come into force next spring. 协定将于明年春天生效。(时态) 7. Having never handled a computer, he met with some difficulties at first. 由于他从来没有用过计算机,一开头他碰到了很多困难。(连接词)8. They say her father was a worker
5、 in the small company. Maybe he was as poor as us. 听人说,以前她的父亲在一个小工厂里当工人。他那时也许和我们现在一样穷。(时态),真题,1. With the increasing awareness of the environment, people have realized that the way coal is used is critical and new approaches have to be sought.(2001) 随着环境意识的增强,人们认识到煤炭使用的方法至关重要,因此必须寻找新的方法。 2. Only by
6、this means is it possible to explain his failure to act decisively.(2002) 只有以这种方式,才有可能解释他没能采取决定性行动的原因。,3. We are sure this was just due to carelessness in quality control, and that you will send another shipment of shirts promptly to replace this faulty one.(2004) 我们相信这批衬衫只是由于质量控制不慎导致的问题,并相信你们会尽快给我们
7、再次发货代替这次的残次品。 4. Experts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart.(2005) 长期以来,专家们相信抑郁对人们的心脏有害。,5. All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they worked long, difficult hours for the money they earn.(2005) 所有的律师都接受过价格昂贵且高度专业化的培训,他们的收入需要长时间而又艰辛的工作才能换取。 6.
8、 Since some colleges or university courses are “applied” rather than theoretically, they stress “doing” and “involvement”.(2011) 由于一些学院或者大学里的课程是应用型的而不是理论型的,因此更强调动手和参与。,二、省略法 减词不减意 冠词、代词、物主代词、反身代词、it、介词、连词等。 Gas leakage will cause a fire, hence you have to take care. 煤气泄漏会引起火灾,因此必须注意。 This machine ha
9、s worked in succession for seven or eight hours. 这台机器已经连续运转七八个小时了。 He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他双手插进口袋,然后耸了耸肩。,三、重复法 在译文中适当重复原文中出现过的词语,是意思表达的更加清楚,或者加强语气,突出强调某些内容,收到更好的修辞效果。 People use natural science to understand and change nature. 人们利用自然科学去了解自然、改造自然。 Scientis
10、ts are still not very clear about the chemical and physical characteristics of this substance. 科学家仍然不清楚这种物质的化学特性和物理特性。 He only knows that it is Mary who nursed him day and night. 他只知道,是玛丽日日夜夜的护理他。,真题,1. Any academic breakthrough, brilliant it may be, does not automatically ensure that it can be appl
11、ied to practice. (2001) 任何学术上的突破,即使本身很卓越,但是也并非自然而然地就可以运用于实践。 2. Pessimistic forecasts say that there is only enough coal for 450 years, enough natural gas for 50 years and that oil might run out in 30 years.(2006) 不乐观的说法是,煤的储量只能供450年之用,天然气只能满足50年之用,而石油只能用30年。,英汉翻译中适当使用重复可以使译文更加言简意赅、生动活泼、通顺流畅。,A mixe
12、d accent 南腔北调 Gratitude 感恩戴德 By hook and brook 千方百计 Ignorant 愚昧无知 Calm 泰然自若 Careless 马虎大意 Deep hatred深仇大恨,Talk innocence 胡言乱语 Prosperity 繁荣苍生 earth-shaking 惊天动地 Ever-changing 日新月异 In chaos 乌烟瘴气 Rumors 流言蜚语,四、合分法 1.句子的拆分 There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the peop
13、le I met. 我访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人。要谈起来,奇妙的事情可多着呢。 With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best. 尽管这个设计有种种缺点,仍被认为是最佳设计之一。 2.句子的组合(使用频率低) They sat down in the waiting room to so some reading. People came to and from there. 他们在人来人往的候车室里坐下来看点书。,句子的翻译,一、主语的翻译 英语经常以抽象名词或者无生命的事物作主语,用本
14、来表示人的动作或者行为的动词作谓语。 An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个主意。 Excitement deprived me of an power to speak. 我兴奋的说不出话来。 His diligence, earnestness, carefulness and brilliance make him praised by all. 他勤勉、真诚、细心、才华过人,凡此种种都是他受到众人的夸奖。,二、谓语的翻译 (一)时态的翻译(要有时态意识) 1. I used to know Russian pretty well.过去我的俄语相当好。 2
15、. The girl who had promised to baby-sit for them was too ill to do so. 先前答应要来看管小孩的女孩子,后来病重无法前来。 3. I shall have been writing for six hours without stopping by the time you come back. 到你回来的时候,我已经连续不停的写了六个钟头了。,(二)语态的翻译 在实际翻译中,对于被动句的处理不外乎两种,第一是翻译成主动句,第二是翻译成汉语的被动句 1. 翻译成主动句或者无主句 (1). He had been stricke
16、n with a heart attack earlier in the afternoon.午后不久,他的心脏病发作了。 (2). The trade gap for the year is expected to reach an unprecedented $130billion. 今年的贸易差额有望达到前所未有的1300亿美元。 On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. 相反,他们的知识和经验更丰富了。,(4). By the end of the war more than 2000 peop
17、le had been saved by the organization.到战争结束时,这个组织拯救了2000多人的生命。 (5). To explore the moons surface, rockets were launched into the space again and again. 为了探测月球表面,人们不断向太空发射火箭。,2. 翻译成被动句(包含“被”、“由”、“让”、“予以”、“加以”、“给”、“挨”、“为所”、“使”、“遭到” 、“受到” 等词的句子) (1).The novel I had thrown away was chosen by the Book So
18、ciety. 我一度扔掉的那部小说后来被书社选中了。 (2). They would not be conquered and slaved without a struggle. 他们不愿不做斗争就被征服并沦为奴隶。 (3). The credit system in American was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先实施的。,真题,1. In the United States, elementary and middle school are advised to give studen
19、ts two and a half hours of physical activities a week.(2009) 在美国,小学和中学都被要求每周给学生两个半小时的体育活动时间。 2. With increasing awareness of the environment, people have realized that the way coal is used is critical and new approaches have to be sought.(2001) 随着环境意识的增强,人们认识到煤炭的使用方法至关重要,因此得寻求新的方法。 3. The author sug
20、gests that human recourses management should be taught as a required subject in this school, along with science courses. 作者建议,除了理科课程外,这所学校应将人力资源管理作为必修课开设。 (2001),三、定语的翻译 英语中能够充当定语的成分比较多:名词、形容词、数词等,还可以是非谓语形式或者从句。 英汉语定语的区别:英语的定语可以放在被修饰名词的前边或者后边,而汉语的定语只能放在被修饰的词的前边。 Eg He makes occasional appearance for
21、 the local football team. 为了当地的足球队他做出了偶尔的露面。 他偶尔露面,以便支持当地的足球队。,Her uncomfortable shoes made her walk awkwardly. 她不舒服的鞋子使她走起路来很难受。 她的鞋子穿着不舒服,使她走起路来显得很笨拙。 An astonishing 75 percent of all grocery shoppers make at least one impulsive purchase every time they enter the supermarket. 令人吃惊的75%的杂货店顾客,每次进到超市
22、都会由于一时冲动购买至少一种东西。 在所有杂货店顾客中,有75%的人(这个一个让人吃惊的比例)每次进去超时后,出于一时冲动而购买至少一种东西。,In the 1880s, the United States was a land sharply divided between the immensely wealthy and the very poor.(后置定语) 十九世纪八十年代美国是一个贫富分化及其明显的国家。 They have already fulfilled the target of industrial production set by the new five- yea
23、r plan. 他们已经完成了新五年计划所规定的工业生产的目标。,比较结构的翻译,英语有三种基本比较结构:统计比较(asas)、差级比较(morethan)和终极比较(the most) 一、同级比较 A +be (not) + as + adj / adv + as + B John is as bright as Bob. 约翰和鲍勃一样聪明。 A +be (not) + as + adj + A + be + adj The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful. 那位姑娘既聪明又漂亮。 The young man is not so wi
24、se as he is handsome. 这个年轻人虽然英俊但不怎么聪明。,A + be+ as+ adj+ as+ B + be + adj (而) One is as light as the other is heavy. 一个轻,而另一个重。 He was as experienced as his brother was green. 他经验丰富,而他弟弟却涉世未深。 His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father has been upright and honorable. 他的叔叔卑鄙龌龊,不如他爸爸那样为人正直诚实。 not
25、 so much as 与其说不如说 He is not so much as scholar as a writer. 与其说他是一个学者不如说他是一个作家。 It was not so much his appearance I like as his personality. 与其说我喜欢的是他的外表,不如说我喜欢他的人品。,二、差级比较 morethan George is more intelligent than aggressive. 与其说乔治言行放肆,不如说他聪颖过人。 The present crisis is much more a political than an e
26、conomic crisis. 当前的危机与其说是经济危机,不如说是政治危机。 Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. 经验表明,成功的取得与其说由于能力不如说依靠热情。 no morethan (not any more than) 和not morethan I can no more drive than you. 我和你一样不会开车。 A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. 无爱之家不
27、是家,无魂之躯亦非人。 There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink. 他们没有理由限制你服用多少维他命,就像他们不能限制你喝多少水一样。,三、终极结构(the most) (1) 否定词+比较级(没有比更;最) Few are better qualified for the job than he is. 没有人比他更合适做这个工作。 He loves nothing better than to br
28、eak Microsofts hold on the software market. 他最喜欢的事情就是推翻微软对软件市场的统治。 (2) the last(最不喜欢;最不愿意做的事情) I would be the last to say that science has explained everything. 科学可以解决一切?我是绝不会说这样的话的。 He would be the last person who would do such a thing. 他会是最不愿意做这件事的人。,真题,The people there will pay two or three time
29、as much as they used to pay for a house.(2007) 对于同一所房子,人们要支付的是往常支付的两三倍之多。 This year they have made by far greater progress in business than they did last year.(2003) 他们今年的业务进展比去年大得多。,从句的翻译,一、主语从句的翻译 1. 主语从句放于句首(主语从句放在句首,有关联词直接引入主语,翻译时可以按照原文顺序翻译。关联词可以翻译为“所” Whatever she saw and heard on her trip gave
30、 her a deep impression. 她此行的所见所闻给她留下了深刻的印象。 2. 主语和从句断开(在主句前加“这”,在主句上给主句更多强调) That she is still alive is a consolation. 她还活着,这使人感到宽慰。,3. it 形式主语的翻译 It doesnt make much difference whether he attends the meeting or not. 他参不参加会议无所谓。 It was strange that the listeners were more interested in the speaker t
31、han the actual topic of his talk. 奇怪的是,听众更感兴趣的是演讲人而不是他演讲的题目。 It is/ was reported/ said/ known/ believedthat 人们相信据报道,宾语从句的翻译,顺译 A simple experiment will show whether or not air does have weight. 做个简单的实验就可以证明空气是否的确有重量 。 I made it clear that they must hand in their papers before ten oclock in the morni
32、ng. 我向他们讲清楚了,他们必须上午十点前交卷。,表语从句的翻译,一、顺译 What he cares is how much he can get from the project. 他关心的是他从该项目中能获得多少利润。 My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. 我的观点是一代人经常抱怨下一代人是不可避免的。 What he emphasized over and over again was that, n
33、o matter how difficult it might be, they should never retreat even for an inch. 他再三强调的是,不管多么苦难,他们绝不应后退寸步。,二、逆译 Water and food is what the people in that area are badly needed. 该地区的人们最需要的是水和食物。 三、几种常见句型 Thats why 这就是为什么;这就是为什么的原因;这就是的缘故 Thats why the machine parts wear away during use. 那就是机器零件的在使用中磨损
34、的原因。,This is because是因为;这是因为/由于的缘故 This is because the direct current flows in a wire always in one direction. 这是由于直流电在导线中总是沿着一个方向流动的缘故。 This is what这就是的内容;这就是的含义。如果先译从句后译主句,通常译为“就是这个道理;就是这个意思” This is what is meant by “failure is the mother of success” and “a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit”.
35、 所谓“失败乃成功之母”和“吃一堑长一智”就是这个意思。,定语从句的翻译,定语从句的翻译考虑两点:复杂程度和定语从句的性质 主要有三种翻译方法:前置法、后置法和译成状语法 一、前置法 That is a beautiful place which many people long for. 那是一个许多人向往的美丽的地方。 Now it is proving itself not as a country which is threatened but as a country which is threatening others. 现在证明它自己不是一个受到威胁的国家,而是一个威胁他国的国
36、家。,He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet. 没有吃过苦的人不知道什么是甜。 His laughter, which was infectious, broke the silence. 他那富有感染力的笑声打破了沉寂。Harmonious interpersonal relationship is the primary reason why I enjoy working here. 同事之间关系融洽是我喜欢在这工作的主要原因。,二、后置法 如果定语从句结构复杂,译成前置定语显得太长又不符合汉语
37、表达习惯,就可以译成后置的并列分句,有时候可以重复先行词,在非限制性定语从句中经常用到这个方法。 (一)重复先行词 China and Japan reached agreement on the issue of agriculture which was a major barrier for their bilateral relation since 1996. 中日两国最终就农业问题达成了协议,而农业问题自一九九六年起就是两国关系发展的主要障碍。 Although he is a green hand, he has enterprise and creativity which a
38、re decisive in winning success in the field. 他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。 I told the story to John, who told it to his brother. 我把这件事告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他弟弟。,(二)省略先行词 如果把定语从句翻译在先行词后面,在“通顺、完整”的前提下,有时候可以不用重复先行词。 It is he who received the letter that announced the death of your uncle. 是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了。
39、 They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased. 他们制定出一种新方案,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。,三、融合法:把定语从句和它所修饰的先行词结合在一起翻译。 融合法是指翻译时把主句和定语从句融合成一句简单句,其中的定语从句译成单句中的谓语部
40、分。由于限制性定语从句与主句关系较紧密,所以,融合法多用于翻译限制性定语从句。 A 定语从句的主句里有“there be”、“to be”等动词时,可以把原句中的主语和定语从句融合在一起,译成简单句。例如: There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. 楼下有人要见你。(原句中的主句部分there is a man翻译成“有人”,然后将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。) There are some students in the class who dislike studying. 在班上总有一些学生不爱学习。 This is the very
41、 knife which he used to murder the victim. 他就是用这把刀谋杀了受害人。,B 定语从句的动词在整个复合句中分量较重,可将其主句压缩成词组译作主语,而把定语从句的动词译作其谓语。例如: He had great success in football which made him an idol in the eyes of every football player. 他在足球领域取得的成就使他成为每一个足球运动员的偶像。 四、分译法:分译法是指将主句和从句分开翻译的一种方法,主要用于较长的非限制性定语从句里。,五、译成状语从句 No one in t
42、he company likes their boss, who is stingy and bad-tempered.(表原因) 公司里没人喜欢他们的老板,因为他脾气暴躁、人又小气。 The two countries established formal diplomatic relation, which paved the way for the further communication. (表结果) 两国正式建立了外交关系,从而为双方进一步的交流铺平了道路。 They quarreled with each other everyday, which led to their di
43、vorce.(表结果) 他们夫妻二人天天吵架,最终导致离婚。,He insisted on buying another car, which he actually didnt need.(表让步)他坚持要再买一辆车,尽管他并不需要。 This company, which wants to get their new product sold well in the market, is trying hard to perfect its packing and workmanship. (表目的) 为了使新产品在市场热销,这个公司正在全力改进工艺和外包装。 Any one who wo
44、rks hard and never gives up will succeed.(表条件或假设) 任何人,只要努力工作永不放弃,就能够成功。,真题,1. After all, language is a reflection of the culture from which it developed.(2010) 毕竟,语言源自文化并且反映文化。 2. By pooling their resources together, small groups of students generally gain advantages over individuals who prefer to s
45、tudy alone.(2008) 通过共享资源,小组学习的学生通常比愿意独自学习的学生获得更多的优势。,3. Pessimists are such people who always expect bad things to happen in the world.(2008) 悲观主义者就是那些总是认为会发生坏事的人。 4. The words and phrases given in this dictionary are those that are likely to be needed by every person.(2007) 本词典所列的单词和词组是每个人都有可能用到的。
46、5.Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low.(2007) 空气从气压较高的地方流向气压较低的地方。,6. Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive manner.(2006) 每个雇主都想要那些能够以诚恳而且赋予建设性的方式提出改进意见的雇员。 7. These are just a few of the ma
47、in situations in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice throughout society.(2005) 只有在为数不多的主要情况下,那些男的或女的公益律师才会在全社会范围内伸张正义。 8. Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreement.(2002) 中国派了代表团前往非洲各国,以便与各国政府商谈贸易协定。,
48、同位语从句的翻译,一、译成独立句 把同位语从句译成一个独立的句子,并在其前加:即、冒号、破折号等。该方法适合于较长的同位语从句。In 1905 Einstein worked out a theory that matter and energy were not completely different things.1905年,爱因斯坦提出了一项理论:物质和能并不是完全不同的东西。,二、译成独立句The fact that plastics do not rust at all is shown in this example。这个例子说明了塑料完全不生锈的事实。三、转换译法被同位语所说明
49、的本位语,若是包含着有动作意义的词,如:discovery, suggestion, hope, assurance, knowledge一般可把这类词转译为动词,而将同位语从句译为汉语的主谓词组,作该动词的宾语。He expressed the hope that he could do the experiment again.他希望他能重做那项试验。,真题,It is a fact that this countrys using up energy faster than we produce it.(2004) 这个国家消耗的能源比我们生产的快,这是个事实。 事实是这个国家消耗的能源
50、比我们生产的快。,状语从句的翻译,一、时间状语从句的翻译 11译成与汉语完全对应的表示时间的状语 We shall discuss the problem fully before we make the decision. 我们在作出决定之前要充分讨论这个问题。,1. 2 翻译成固定句型 由 hardly (scarcely). when;no sooner than; as soon as ; the moment(the instant ), just as等短语连词引导的时间状语从句翻译成汉语时, 主句与从句通常要互换, 常常译成包含“刚(一)就”这种结构的句子。 As soon as she heard the news, she fainted. 她刚一听到这个消息, 就昏过去了。 I was going home when I met Mary. 我正要回家, 就在这个时候,我碰到了玛丽。,