1、石油天然气钻井工程风险识别与评价方法 田 岚(川庆钻探工程有限公司安全环保质量监督检测研究院 )田 岚. 石油天然气钻井工程风险识别与评价方法.钻采工艺 , 2010, 33 (2) : 31 - 33摘 要: 石油天然气钻井工程存在大量不确定性 ,具有高风险的特点。在分析钻井作业风险特点和对事故案例统计分析的基础上 ,总结出石油天然气钻井工程包括了井喷或井喷失控、 中毒、 物体打击、 高处坠落、 机械伤害、触电、 火灾等主要危险、 有害因素。针对风险的种类和引起的原因 ,提出了与之相适应的安全检查表法 ( SCA)、 预先危险性分析法 ( PHA)和故障树分析法 ( FT A) ,有利于制定
2、合理可行的风险防范对策、 措施 ,用来指导钻井作业过程中风险监控和事故预防 ,达到降低事故率、 减少事故损失的目的。关键词: 钻井工程; 风险识别; 风险评价中图分类号: TE - 2 文献标识码: B DO I : 10. 3969 / j . issn . 1006 - 768X. 2010. 02. 010钻井工程存在着大量不确定因素 ,具有很大的风险性 1 。在钻井作业的不同阶段、 不同环节均存在不同程度和不同形式的风险 ,因此 ,需在对单因素进行分析的基础上综合评价各种因素 2 。针对石油天然气钻井作业的特殊性 ,运用风险评价的基本原理 ,查找、 分析和预测钻井作业过程中所存在的风险
3、因素以及可能导致的危险、 危害后果和严重程度 ,合理选择石油天然气钻井作业的定性定量风险评价方法 ,有利于提出合理可行的安全对策措施 ,以便指导钻井作业过程中风险监控和事故预防 ,达到降低事故率、 减少事故损失的目的。一、 石油天然气钻井作业的风险识别石油天然气钻井风险识别是指对钻井项目在实施过程中存在的风险事件进行鉴别 1 。只有对钻井风险进行准确地识别 ,知道存在的风险事件的类别、 特征以及可能造成的危害 ,才能采取必要的措施并加以防范 3 。1 .石油天然气钻井作业风险的特征(1)风险的差异性。不同施工阶段、 不同的钻井工艺、 不同的施工作业环境存在的风险因素不尽相同。(2)风险的严重性
4、。因操作或工艺措施不当以及关键设备处于不安全运行状态等诸多因素导致的事故危害极大 ,如井喷失控可能造成井毁人亡的恶性或灾难性事故。(3)风险的多样性。钻井作业活动中不仅存在常规的火灾、 爆炸、 触电、 物体打击等危害 ,而且还存在设备伤害、 有毒有害物质伤害等。(4)风险的隐蔽性。钻井事故的发生受人为因素、 设备状况因素、 施工作业措施因素以及气候等诸多不确定的因素的影响 ,其危害严重程度有时难以预料 ,具有较强的隐蔽性。(5)风险的可转化性。钻井作业过程中往往因措施和操作不当 ,可能由一种事故引发其他类型的事故 ,或由一般事故升级为严重事故甚至恶性事故。如钻井过程中发生井漏 ,若同时存在高压
5、层 ,若处理井漏措施不当 ,就可能因井漏引发生井喷或井喷失控事故。因此 ,为全面识别钻井作业过程中存在的风险因素 ,需分别从井场周边环境、 危险物品、 工艺过程、钻井设备、 操作方法等方面进行深入分析。2 .石油天然气钻井作业风险的分类识别在统计石油天然气钻井作业 100 起事故案例的基础上 ,根据生产过程危险和有害因素分类与代码 (GB /T138611992) ,参照 企业职工伤亡事故分类 (G B64411986) ,综合考虑起因物、 引起事故的诱导性因素、 致害物、 伤害方式等 ,对石油天然气钻井作业的危险、 有害主要因素进行分类识别 ,见表 1。 1 3 第 33 卷 第 2 期Vo
6、l . 33 No . 2钻 采 工 艺DR I LL I NG 物体打击、 高处坠落、 机械伤害、 起重伤害、 触电事故发生的频率较高 ,占整个事故案例的74% ,属于危险的 (级 ) ,要立即采取防范措施;车辆伤害、 灼烫、 火灾、 坍塌、 自然灾害、 其他伤害等事故发生的频率较少 ,处于事故的边缘状态 ,属于临界的 ( 级 ) ,应予以排除或采取控制措施。二、 石油天然气钻井作业风险评价方法1 .安全检查表法 ( SCA)安全检查表评价技术是由安全评价人员应用安全理论知识、 标准、 规范、 同类系统的事故资料等 ,对生产中的设备、 设施、 工艺、 环境、 操作和管理等情况进行定性的检查和
7、判断 ,其目的是确定系统存在隐患或不符合项。评价结果一般由危险集合给出 ,可分为“是 ” 或“不是 ” 、 “合格 ” 或“不合格 ” 等形式。安全检查表方法既可用于快速分析 ,也可用于深层次的分析 ,它是识别已知危险的方便、 有效方法。2 .预先危险性分析法 ( PHA)预先危险性分析是根据项目的实际情况 ,由工程技术人员、 操作工人和管理人员共同组成分析小组 ,对设备、 操作程序、 工艺和其他相关的信息进行研究分析 ,达到识别与系统有关的主要危险、 鉴别产生危险的原因、 预测事故对人体及系统产生的影响、判定已识别的危险性等级 ,并提出预防、 消除或控制危险、 有害因素的措施的目的。为了衡量
8、危险性的大小及其对系统破坏性的影响程度 ,将各类危险性划分为四个等级,见表 2。表 2 危险性等级划分表级别 危险程度 可能导致的后果 安全的 不会造成人员伤亡及系统损失 临界的处于事故的边缘状态 ,暂时还不至于造成人员伤亡、 系统损失或降低系统性能 ,但应予以排除或采取控制措施 危险的 会造成人员伤亡和系统损坏 ,要立即采取防范对策措施 灾难性的 造成人员重大伤亡和系统破坏的灾难性事故 ,必须果断排除并进行重点防范3 . 故障树分析法 ( FT A)故障树分析法是利用逻辑推导 ,由顶上事件推导出中间事件 ,再推导出基本原因事件 5 ,以达到 2 3 钻 采 工 艺DR I LL I NG 物
9、体打击、 高处坠落、机械伤害、 起重伤害、 触电事故发生的频率较高 ,占整个事故案例的 74% ,属于危险的 (级 ) ,要立即采取防范措施;车辆伤害、 灼烫、 火灾、 坍塌、 自然灾害、 其他伤害等事故发生的频率较少 ,处于事故的边缘状态 ,属于临界的 (级 ) ,应予以排除或采取控制措施。参考文献 1 李琪. 钻井风险因素综合评价方法及模型建立 J .天然气工业 , 2008, 28 (5) : 120 - 122 . 2 董国永. 钻井作业 HSE 风险管理 M . 北京: 石油工业出版社 , 2001 . 3 王平. 钻井风险分析和成本控制 J .石油钻探技术 ,1995, 23 (1
10、) : 57 - 59 . 4 苟三权. 油气田开发项目的风险分析方法综述 J .石油钻探技术 , 2007, 35 (2) : 87 - 91 . 5 国家安全生产监督管理总局. 安全评价 M .北京: 煤炭工业出版社.(编辑:黄晓川) 3 3 第 33 卷 第 2 期Vol . 33 No . 2钻 采 工 艺DR I LL I NG 2. Tuha Oilfield Drilling Co . ) ,DPT 33 (2) , 2010: 17 - 18, 27Abstract: Xishanyao formation of Shanle Block in Tuha oilfieldhas
11、 the characteristics of high hardness, strong abrasive property,low penetration rate, less single drilling footage etc . In this paper,the app lication of core analysis technique was described in domesticand international . The core data was obtained by experiment in TuhaOilfield Shanle Bl ock . Bas
12、ed on the studying core data analysis andbreaking way of Tuha oilfield Shanle block, a better program was de2signed to increase the drilling rate .Key words: core analysis, PDC bit, drilling speed, cuttings a2nalysisWEI Zhongli ang, born in 1958, graduated from China Univer2sity of Petroleum (Huadon
13、g) in 1984, and obtained separately mas2ter s and doctor s degree in 1990 and 1998, is engaged in the re2search on PDC bit and drilling tool .Add: J iangsu Polytechnic University, Changzhou City 213016,J iangsu Province, P . R. ChinaMobile: + 86 - 13861269270 E - ma il: wzhli58163. comCB3 - 1 DUAL -
14、 LATERAL HORIZONTAL WELLDRI LL ING TECHNOLOGYSHI Chongdong1, WANG Wanqing1, CHEN J ianqi1, ZHANGHuping2and SHEN J ianwen3( 1. Changqing DirectionalWell Tech2nology Company; 2. Changqing Oilfield No . 4 Oil Production Plant ;3. The lstDrilling Company, Dianqiangui Petroleum Exp l oration Bu2reau) , D
15、PT 33 (2) , 2010: 19 - 23Abstract: Well CB3 - 1 is the first dual - lateral horizontalwelldilled by Changqing Drilling Company in Changbei Area, horizontalinterval of each branch is designed for the 2, 000 meters, the drillingtarget stratum is Shanxizu, Hill 2 Formation . The paper introducedthe new
16、 technol ogies of optimizati on design of wellbore profile,milled window in casing and open hole sidetracking, put for ward thekey technology of well path control and the technical measures ofdrilling long open hole section . The technical points of coal seamsection drilling were summed up, the dril
17、ling fluid system, PBL cir2culating sub and Agitator Sub and other advanced downhole toolswhich suited for dual - lateral horizontal well in the block were ap2plied to ensure the horizontal secti on pass through the most valuablepay formati on . The development ofWell CB3 - 1 has important effectto
18、imp roving deliverability in the bl ock .Key words: lateral horizontal well, friction drag, milled win2dow in casingSHI Chongdong, born in 1978, graduated from MechanicalDesign and Manufacture Department of Xi an Shiyou University in2002 and obtained master s degree of oil /gas engineering specialit
19、yin same University in 2005, is engaged in the horizontal well tech2nique service .Add: ChangqingDirecti onalWell Technology Company, Xi anCity 710021, Shanxi Province, P . R. ChinaE - ma il: shicd_0126. comANALYSIS OF CASING PRESSURE CONTROL AC2TI ON IN GAS KICKWELLSWANG Guo1, FAN Honghai1and WANG
20、Zhihua2( 1. MOEKey Laborat ory of Petroleum Engineering in China University of Pe2troleum (Beijing) ; 2. Beijing University of Science and Technol o2gy) , DPT 33 (2) , 2010: 24 - 27Abstract: Based on gas liquid two - phase fl ow theory in annu2lus, well bore calculation model of gas overflow was est
21、ablished, thenumerical computati on method was illustrated . Effects of gas invasionrate and casing p ressure on bottom pressure were studied . The con2trol behavior of well head p ressure which was put after gas invasionwas analyzed . One control method, which maintained certain wellhead pressure w
22、hile circulating drilling, was presented . The pressureshould be increased when gas kick was detecting . Thismethod couldmitigate formation fluid invasi on acti on . It also could control expan2sion and migrati on of gas influx effectively . Therefore, it would de2crease risk of well control operati
23、on .Key words: surface casing pressure, air cutting, pressure con2trol, gas characteristicWANG Guo, born in 1981, is a doctoral student of China Uni2versity of Petroleum (Beijing) , is engaged in the research on bore2hole pressure control technique and computer processing technique ofdrilling inform
24、ation .Add: MOE Key Laborat ory of Petroleum Engineering in ChinaUniversity of Petroleum (Beijing) , Changping 102249, Beijing, P .R. ChinaTel: + 86 - 10 - 89733221E - ma il: rainfall_wanguo126. comHIGH SOUR GAS WELL RISK ASSESSMENT BASEDON ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESSHE Sha and WANG Zhiming ( Southwe
25、st Petroleum Universi2ty) , DPT 33 (2) , 2010: 28 - 30, 37Abstract: Compared with the common drilling, the gas wellswith high sulfur content drilling ismore dangerous and harder t o p re2dict for the effect of H2 S, the complexity of formation and s pecialtechnol ogy and so on . The of drilling syst
26、em of gas wells with highsulfur content could find out the hidden dangers in the p rocess of op2erati on . At first, the hierarchical structure model of drilling risk ofgaswellswith high sulfur contentwas established . Then, a judgementwasmade on the matrix, single ordering and general ordering, con
27、sis2tency check and feedback correction through the structure . At last,the ordering affecting the risk s ource of gas wells with high sulfurcontent drilling was obtained, which p rovided reference for the riskcontrol of gas wells with high sulfur content drilling .Key words : analytic hierarchy p r
28、ocess, gaswellswith high sul2fur content, drilling, risk assessmentHE Sha, born in 1959, graduated from Drilling EngineeringDepartment of Southwest Petroleum University in 1982, and is nowappointed as Director of the Communist Party and College Office,with Oil and Gas Security Engineering as the res
29、earch directions .Add: Communist Party and College Office, Southwest Petrole2um University, Xindu District 610500, Chengdu City, Sichuan Prov2ince, P . R. ChinaMobile: + 86 - 15882405369E - ma il:Hesha28sina . comRISK I DENTIFI CATI ON AND EVALUATI ON METHODIN DRI LL ING ENGINEERINGTIAN Lan (CCDC Sa
30、fety, Environment, Quality Supervisi on &Testing Research Institute) , DPT 33 (2) , 2010: 31 - 33Abstract: Drilling engineering has much uncertainty and it al2ways involves high risks . Basing the risk s characteristic and statis2tic of drilling accident, bl owout or blowout out of control, pois oni
31、ng,object against, falling, machine damage, electric shock and fire aremostly risks in drilling engineering . According as different accident,Safety check list analysis ( SCA ) , preliminary hazard analysis( PHA) and fault tree analysis ( FTA) were app lied in the risk evalu2ati on of drilling engin
32、eering . Those reas onable accident preventionmeasures could reduce the accident in drilling engineering .Key words: drilling engineering, risk identificati on,TIAN Lan ( fem ale) , born in 1966, seni or engineer, nationalsafety evaluati on technologist, nati onal registered safety engineer, isengaged in the safety evaluati on .Add: CCDC Safety, Environment, Quality Supervision & Tes2ting Research Institute, Guanghan City 618300, Sichuan Province,P . R. ChinaTel: + 86 - 838 - 5150054