2、献。1导论和背景美国能源部能源效率办公室,能源可持续利用办公室和美国环保部共同维护一个能源节约网站(www.fueleconomy.gov ) ,用来帮助履行他们 1992 年的能源政策,同时为消费者提供精确的燃料经济信息。该网站为从 1985 到现在的乘用车和轻型货车提供燃料经济费率信息和其他有关能源使用的信息,比如非传统能源,驾驶和车辆维护等的建议。近几年来 ,原油价格的波动,汽油和柴油价格随之波动赋予美国车用能源经济新的活力。 (民用能源网站统计 2008 年燃料使用超过两千万吨,远超过 2004 年的五百万吨以及 2001 年的一百万吨) 。新的利益和网站里提到的有关的部分导致美国能源
3、部授权橡胶岭国家实验室和燃料引擎排放研究中心着手确定和提高这些部分。这个报告具体的记录了发动机进气过滤条件对汽车燃油经济性的影响。美国环保署发布的燃油经济等级是由开车过循环过程中装在地盘上的测功计决定的。在美国,城市燃油经济性是用城市测功计驾驶明细来衡量的,也就是我们所熟知的联邦测试程序(FTP)。高速公路燃油经济性是由高速公路燃油经济性测试程序 (HFET)衡量的。另外相似的测试时 US06,即高速负载测试用来确定车辆在高速负载情况下排放物排放规律。特别的,从这个测试中所得到的燃油经济性结论并没有被提出,但是美国环保署却用它来调整 FTP 和 HFET,而这些调整的燃油经济性比率就是燃油经济
4、性向导和燃油经济性政府网站上提出的车辆制造标准。汽车设计,包括质量,滚动阻力,空气阻力和发动机以及运输效率,都是影响汽车使用规范过程中燃油经济性指标的重要因素。驾驶员的操纵也是影响燃油经济性的重要因素。高速行驶,长时间闲置以及超重都会负面的影响燃油经济性。此外,正确的对汽车进行维护,可以使其按照设计的标准运用,从而影响汽车的燃油经济性,污染物排放以及整车性能。这篇报告描述调查了这些影响因素中的一个因素,空气过滤替换对汽车性能和燃油经济性的影响。以前的实验已经证明替代阻力或者过滤污染的空气可以提高汽车燃油经济性。比如三个杂志在 1993 年报告过,合适的过滤系统可以使发动机燃油经济性更好,然而他
5、们没有提供数据或者文献资料来证明他们的说法。经济合作发展组织在1981 年的一个报告以以前研究中心“过度的压力加在污染空气过滤上” 可以提高 1-15%的燃油消耗增加为基础提出的。在这个研究中,六辆 1970-73 年产的汽车被用来测试,使用欧洲经济委员会的热启动循环来探索“蓄意故障” ,即维护故障,比如火花塞破坏,空转的此等混合物,不合适的空转速度,以及“有限的空气吸尘器” 对燃油经济性的影响。在六个汽车中,有五个是是用被限制的空气过滤器来测试的,是以“穿过空气清洁器部分区域元素” 来实现的。没有进一步的描述限制是如何确定和给出的,但是汽车在展示出了对测试变数的回应。两辆车出现少于 1%的燃
6、油减少,另外两辆出现 11%和 15%燃油减少,而第五辆车由于空气清洁器的限制出现 30%以上减少。研究者认为如此大的差距来自于这辆 1971 年所产车上化油器的类型,该车使用了一个校正喷射口的化油器,由于它对进气流阀门进气敏感而被使用。在影响来自模拟阻力空气过滤限制进气的可变因素归咎于不同型号的化油器,且由于实验车辆的不同而不同。研究中心测试的结果被限制用于现在的消费者,因为自从那些实验实施以后,发动机已经演变得非常重要。早在 1980 年,一些封闭的燃料循环控制形式在美国大部分地区已经实施于轻型车辆上,以使他们能够达到美环保署规定的 0 排放标准。作者假设现代闭循环反馈系统燃油经济性不应该
7、对空气过滤状况太敏感,提出发动机动力是由进气控制阀控制进气的。因为这个原因,在一个给定的发动机动力条件下,额外的进气过滤阻力将会抵消打开进气流阀门,然而,发动机的最大动力将会由进气过滤约束强制影响。作者假设现代发动机燃油经济性不会被过滤阻力影响,我们进一步估计过滤阻力可能由于“窒息影响 ”而冲击化油器发动机,此时发动机可能在充足燃烧条件下运转。这个报告描述了美能源部对进气过滤阻力对三种现代汽车燃油经济性影响的基础调查,从 2003 到 2007,利用闭循环燃油控制和典型的 1972 年的化油器汽车。客观的程序也包含在内。决定进气过滤阻力对汽车燃油经济性的影响和现代汽车的执行。证实先前关于进气过
8、滤阻力影响化油器或者闭循环控制汽车燃油经济性的结论。决定其他汽车过滤阻力对汽车性能影响因素。2试验程序2.1 测试设施试验在橡胶岭国家实验室和燃料引擎排放研究中心实施。燃料引擎排放研究中心地盘测力计是带有现行涡流刹车传统排放测量的一种类型,按加州分析文件来规范的。无扩散红外线传感器用来测量二氧化碳和一氧化碳的排放量。热化合光探测器用来测试氮氧化物的排放量。碳氢化合物的排放量用带有甲烷切割的电火焰探测器来测量。燃油经济性是由根据美环保署和联邦规范法规的指导来自持续声音响度稀释隧道整体排放来计算的。在这个方法中,所有消耗的炭是由测得的二氧化碳和一氧化碳确定的,碳氢化合物用来估算燃油经济性。所有测试
9、汽车所使用的燃料是已知炭含量和粘度的用来计算燃油经济性的联邦规定用油。报告的燃料经济是天然的或者未调节的结果,不是直接的等同于燃油经济向导的价值。2.2 测试程序测试的车辆包括以下车辆:2007 年的别克 Lucerne3.8L V62003 年的丰田凯美瑞 2.4L V42006 年的道奇 Charger5.7L V8 带有 MDS1972 年的庞蒂克 Grandville455ci V8对每个现代汽车,三个不同的压强差异是由随发动机测试的空气因素空燃比和排放等因素来衡量的。压强差异是由以下测量的:进气压差 是空气过滤器和大气之压力前的区域压差过滤压差 是介于空气过滤器之前和空气过滤器之后的
10、压差排气压差 是空气过滤器和大气压力之后的区域压差这些压力使用三个独立的电子压力传感器来测量的。每个传感器能够测量范围是07.5kPa。这些传感器在开始使用水压差压力器之前都要经过校正。在一些实验中,测量的压力超过了这些传感器的范围。这个问题并没有使他成为一个严重的问题,直到后来“严肃”的测试事例被仔细研究。排气压差的测量是确定被过滤阻力加在进气系统上的约束的数量。这个压力与原始设备制造商空气过滤指示器上检测出的压力相同。这些过滤器指示器是当空气过滤器需要替换时用来提醒拥有者的。大多数情况下,过滤压差量度和排气压差量度名义上是相同的。只有排气压差会在这里报告,衡量公司安装指示器的价值。一个原始
11、制造指示器来自一个 5.3LV8 汽车,用来测试排气压差。作者坚信只有有5.7kPa 的排气压差才能使指示器与过滤进气阻力的水平相一致。其他来自柴油机的空气过滤指示器也被测试。其他两个被测试的空气过滤指示器是道奇公司提供的 5.9L 柴油机卡车发动机。其中一个是从克莱斯勒商人手中购买的新的,另一个是来自 2006 道奇公司收集的 5.9L 柴油发动机。使用相同的真空泵和水压计,作者发现指示器需要的真空比来自汽油需要的真空的指示器显示的稍小。这些空气过滤指示器仅仅需要大约4.2kPa 来使指示器移动到与空气过滤阻力相同的水平。对柴油机汽车的测试将会在以下报告中提出。2.3 定义一个进气过滤阻力这
12、些空气过滤器指示器所测试出的结果与资料里说明的发动机空气过滤阻力相吻合。进气过滤的功能与设计必须与以下相符:1. 发动机耐用2. 过滤3. 循环管理4. 压力或者前段无约束5. 全面考虑噪声,震动和震动等级6. 要求提供服务7. 包装材料8. 外表9. 排放所有的这些功能都是为了使过滤器在使用期间不会影响到发动机的正常使用。在正常使用过程中,使用的年限是由累计的里程数决定的。然而,不能使用的情况会经常发生,因为使用者缺少空气过滤器效率如何实现的知识。使用标准建议空气过滤器在正常使用条件下,普通驾驶条件下为 3000 英里。当过滤器脏时候出现故障是很常见的。发动机空气过滤器设计实际上是通过使用初
13、始过滤层次来增加其效率。初始过滤效率常常有 98%,然而在使用后期能达到 99%以上。因此,在使用期限之前更换空气过滤器的结果是增加了发动机的磨损。2.4 车辆测试气流阀门测试用来衡量过滤器中的压差变化。在实际使用中,高转速下会出现真空加在一个空气过滤指示器上的情况,比如在洲际间旅游或者爬陡坡的时候。因此,限制等级设定以后,使用以下描述的人工阻力技术,来达到介于其流阀门空转时 85mph或者稳定的气流阀门测试的期望排气压差,测力计在固定的速度,65mph ,气流阀门开启十秒钟。使用这些测试程序,2007 别克在其流阀门测试中排气压差可达到大约7.0kPa,在稳定速度气流阀门测试中可达到大约 5
14、.7kPa。一旦实现这个约束的技术成熟,将会用于每个汽车。使用这种方式,装有 8 缸发动机的道奇出现稍高于 2007 别克的排气压差,而丰田凯美瑞则出现稍低的排气压差。1972 年 8 缸的庞蒂克被限制于相似的方法和等级。所有的现代汽车都是用矩形形状的空气过滤器,这点也很重要,然而1972 庞蒂克采用的圆柱形的空气过滤器在那个时代也很普通。3.结果和讨论3.1 现代汽车3.1.1 初始测试四个过滤程序,一个原始制造的过滤器,一个市场上的过滤器,一个使用过的过滤器和没有过滤器的进行测试,使用 2007 别克作为测试车辆来决定底线和其他剩余车辆使用的过滤器。每个程序根据先前描述的 WTO 循环测试
15、。研究发现,原始制造的过滤器比售后市场的过滤器排气压差大。二级市场过滤器被用来测试是因为它的初始排气压差要比原始制造商的小,并且比二级市场的更加普遍,因此它能让我们最大限度的研究普通使用的空气过滤器的性能。3.1.2 性能和燃油经济性模仿过滤阻力对汽车性能影响很大,使三个汽车从 20 到 40mph 由 0.6 秒提高到了1.7 秒。每个车的排气压差足够使一个普通的空气过滤器胜任阻力的位置。对每个汽车而言,排气压差可以超过 5kPa,并且超过清洁过滤器 2.5kPa,这是定义一个过滤器的普通标准。尽管过滤器有限制,并没有使燃油经济性有太大的变化。对每个车的测试都是连续的进行的。这样安排是为了使
16、每个车每天早上执行一次冷启动。从空气过滤器阻力变化观察到的对测试的汽车燃油经济性没有太大的影响,通过三个循环标准的测试代表了驾驶状况的一个大范围的变化。一些独立的燃油经济性可能更易受到空气过滤器阻力影响的操作情况是可能的。然而,如此的操作情形不一定在每个车上都相似。这里使用的三个操纵循环代表了驾驶情况的大的变化范围。4.结论和前景4.1 结论这个文献的目的是研究在描述测试循环下进气过滤条件对汽车燃油经济性的影响。三辆新式汽车和一辆化油器汽车被用来测试实验表明空气过滤条件对新式汽车的燃油经济性没有明显的影响。发动机控制系统能够保证所需的进气限制下的空气过滤条件,因此燃料消耗并没有增加。化油器发动
17、机在增加限制的条件下燃油经济性下降。装有清洁过滤器的汽车加速性能明显提高。确定了影响化油器汽车燃油经济性的限度之后,2007 别克在测试仍以相同的方式。我们没有能够在别克上实现像 1972 年庞蒂克那样的限制等级。别克的空气过滤箱不会不会使过滤器处在那样苛刻的环境中。测试是在低限制等级下进行的,允许过滤器平稳的放在空气箱里,而且没有发现别克燃油经济性的明显变化。注入汽车的闭循环现代燃油足够使空气过滤器不影响汽车燃油经济性。然而,对老式开循环化油器汽车,空气阻力过滤器会影响燃油经济性。在汽车测试中,装有新的空气过滤器的汽车燃油经济性比装有紧凑阻力过滤器的汽车提高了 14%。在常见的阻力状况下,装
18、有新过滤器变化范围是 2%到 6%。4.2 前景现代硅发动机的动力是由多种压力通过控制气流阀门进气来控制的。增加的过滤阻力限制影响现代硅发动机的终了动力,但不影响燃油经济性。一些额外的泵气损失是由空气过滤器被其流阀门抵消的情形引起的。传统的柴油发动机运行时没有气流阀门,虽然现代一些柴油发动机采用了其流阀门来增加减少温度的控制,增强热启动,或者增强燃料在循环,但这些气流阀门大多数情况下都是打开的。因为柴油机不需要其流阀门,并且空气流动即使在轻载下也很大,从阻力过滤器增加的限制可能对燃油经济性有较大的影响。未来的工作将会研究进气过滤对一些柴油机汽车的影响。Effect of Intake Air
19、Filter Condition on Vehicle Fuel EconomyKevin Norman Shean Huff Brian WestDate Published: February 2009 Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6283 managed by UT-BATTELLE, LLC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report
20、 and the work described were sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Program. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Dennis Smith and Kevin Stork at DOE. Several Oak Ridge National Laboratory staff made importa
21、nt contributions to this work, including Bob Boundy, Robert Gibson, Ron Graves, David Greene, Janet Hopson, Ron Lentz, Larry Moore, Scott Sluder, and John Thomas. The authors also wish to thank Donnie Baldwin at Honeywell, John Hoard at the University of Michigan, and Coleman Jones at General Motors
22、 for their thorough review and constructive recommendations. While these experts provided valuable guidance and information as noted above, this does not constitute endorsement by their organizations of either the study or the results. Grateful acknowledgement is also due to V. J. Ewing and Sandi Ly
23、ttle for their dedication in preparation of the final manuscript.1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) jointly maintain a fuel economy website (www.fueleconomy.gov), which
24、 helps fulfill their responsibility under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to provide accurate fuel economy information in miles per gallon (mpg) to consumers. The site provides information on EPA fuel economy ratings for passenger cars and light trucks from 1985 to the present and other relevant infor
25、mation related to energy use such as alternative fuels and driving and vehicle maintenance tips. In recent years, fluctuations in the price of crude oil and corresponding fluctuations in the price of gasoline and diesel fuels have renewed interest in vehicle fuel economy in the United States. (User
26、sessions on the fuel economy website exceeded 20 million in 2008 compared to less than 5 million in 2004 and less than 1 million in 2001.) As a result of this renewed interest and the age of some of the references cited in the tips section of the website, DOE authorized the Oak Ridge National Labora
27、tory (ORNL) Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center (FEERC) to initiate studies to validate and improve these tips. This report documents a study aimed specifically at the effect of engine air filter condition on fuel economy. A vehicles published EPA fuel economy rating is determined by drivi
28、ng the vehicle over prescribed cycles on a chassis dynamometer. In the United States, city fuel economy is measured using the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule, also known as the Federal Test Procedure (FTP). Highway fuel economy is measured using the Highway Fuel Economy Test (HFET). Another relev
29、ant test is the US06, an aggressive (high speed, high load) test used to confirm emissions compliance during aggressive driving. Typically, fuel economy results from this test are not reported, but EPA uses them to adjust the FTP and HFET results, and these adjusted fuel economy rates are what are r
30、eported on the vehicle manufacturers window sticker, in the Fuel Economy Guide and on the fuel economy.gov website.Vehicle design, including mass, rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag, and engine and transmission efficiency, is an important factor affecting a vehicles fuel economy on the prescribed
31、driving schedules. Fuel economy can also be greatly affected by driver/owner behavior. Hard acceleration, excessive idling, and carrying unnecessary weight can all negatively affect fuel economy. Proper vehicle maintenance, on the other hand, can help the vehicle perform as it was designed, thus pos
32、itively affecting fuel economy, emissions, and the overall drivability of a vehicle. The study described in this report investigates the effect of one of these maintenance factors, air filter replacement, on vehicle performance and fuel economy. Past studies have indicated that replacing a clogged o
33、r dirty air filter can improve vehicle fuel economy. For example, Jaroszczyk, Wake, and Connor reported in 1993 that proper filtration systems make engines more fuel efficient; however, they gave no data or reference information to support this claim. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and D
34、evelopment claimed in a 1981 report based on earlier research by the Thornton Research Center that “excessive pressure across a dirty air filter” can cause a 115% increase in fuel consumption. In the Thornton study, six 197073 model year vehicles were tested using the Economic Commission for Europe
35、hot-start driving cycle (ECE 15) to explore the fuel economy effects of “deliberate malfunctions,” defined as maintenance problems such as damaged spark plugs, poor idle mixture, improper idle speed, and “restricted air cleaners.”Of the six vehicles, only five were tested with restricted air filters
36、, accomplished by “masking the cross-sectional area of the air cleaner element.” No further description of how the amount of restriction was quantified was given, but the vehicles showed a variable response to the testing. Two of the vehicles showed less than a 1% decrease in fuel economy, two other
37、s showed 11% and 15% decreases in fuel economy, and the fifth vehicle showed a decrease in fuel economy of more than 30% due to the restricted air cleaner. The Thornton researchers believed that this large change was due to the style of carburettor used in this 1971 Vauxhall Viva, which utilized a f
38、ixed-jet atmospherically vented carburetor, believed by the researchers to be very sensitive to a throttled air intake. The wide variability in the effect of restricted air intake from a simulated clogged air filter was attributed to the different styles of carburetors, which varied among the tested
39、 vehicles.The results of the Thornton Research Center tests are of limited use to consumers today because the vehicle engine technology has evolved significantly since those tests were conducted. As of the early 1980s, some form of closed-loop fuel control had been implemented on most U.S. light-dut
40、y vehicles to enable them to meet the EPA Tier 0 emissions standards. The authors hypothesized that the fuel economy of modern closed-loop feedback systems would not be sensitive to the state of the air filter, given that the engine power is controlled by throttling the intake air. Because of this,
41、at a given engine power condition (or given manifold pressure) additional throttling from a clogged air filter would be offset by further opening the throttle (to achieve the same manifold pressure); however, maximum engine power would be expected to be affected by the intake air restriction imposed
42、 by a clogged filter. While the authors hypothesized that the fuel economy of modern engines would not be affected by a clogged filter, we further hypothesized that a clogged filter might impact a carbureted engine due to a “choking effect” in which the engine operates at richer combustion condition
43、s. This report describes a DOE-funded investigation into the effects of clogged air filters on the fuel economy of three modern vehicles, ranging from 2003 to 2007, that use closed-loop fuel control and a vintage 1972 vehicle equipped with a carburetor. The objectives of the program included determi
44、ning the effects of clogged air filters on the fuel economy and performance of modern vehicles, confirming the results of previous studies indicating that clogged filters affect the fuel economy of carbureted or open-loop control vehicles, and determining other vehicle performance impacts of clogged
45、 filters (e.g., the potential impacts on engine power).2. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 2.1 TEST FACILITIES Testing was conducted at the ORNL FEERC. The FEERC chassis dynamometer is of the twin-roll type 21.625-inch (0.55-meter) diameter with an eddy current brake. Conventional emissions measurements were cond
46、ucted with analyzers from California Analytical Instruments. Nondispersive infrared sensors were used to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), and heated chemiluminescence detectors were used to measure nitrogen oxides (NOx). Total hydrocarbons (THC) and methane were measured with a
47、 heated flame ionization detector with a methane cutter. Fuel economy was calculated from the integrated “bag” emissions from the constant-volume dilution tunnel according to EPA and Code of Federal Regulations guidelines. In this method, total carbon in the exhaust from the measured CO2, CO, and TH
48、C emissions is used to compute fuel economy. The fuel used in all vehicles for all tests was Federal Certification Gasoline with known carbon fraction and density for computing fuel economy. Reported fuel economies are raw or unadjusted results, not directly comparable to window sticker or Fuel Econ
49、omy Guide values. 2.2 TEST SETUP The vehicles tested included the following. 2007 Buick Lucerne3.8L V6. 2003 Toyota Camry2.4L V4. 2006 Dodge Charger5.7L V8 with MDS (Multi-Displacement System). 1972 Pontiac Grandville455ci V8 with factory four barrel carburetor. For each of the three modern vehicles, three different pressure differentials (DPs) were measured on the engine along with lambda excess air factor nondimensional air : fuel ratio (AFR) and tunnel emissions. The DPs measured were as follows. Inlet DPThe pressure differential between t