1、商务英语翻译1(第四版) 凌成德,第一讲. 课程概论,1. 英语学习的几个层次 1)英语语言知识 2)英语语言应用 3)专门用途英语 4)英语语言文化,2. 通用英语与专门用途英语 1)通用英语( EGP English for General purposes) 是普通学历教育外语之一,以提高学生的受教育水平和素质为目的。由于学习者的实际需要只是潜在的、不确定的,通用英语教学只能以一般的语言知识和技能为其主要教学内容。教学的重点是“知(knowing)”,“行(doing)”较次要。通用英语是专门英语的基础。,2)专门用途英语(ESP English for Specific Purpose
2、s)是与某种特定职业、学科或目的相关的英语。授课是建立在学习者需要分析的基础上,课程的设计注重于学习者特定的目标,目的是使学习者在某一专业或职业上使英语知识或技能实现专门化的应用性课程,具有较强的针对性与实用性。专门用途英语注重行为能力的培养,是对普通英语学习的补充。,3)专门用途英语学习者学习语言,主要是本专业实际使用中的词汇、表达方式、习惯用法等。在学习中去发现与普通英语的异同之处,总结特殊性和规律性。 例如,Svartvik发现被动语态在科技文献中(5万词的文本)出现的频率最高,每千词中出现23次。,3. 翻译学习的回顾 翻译可以分为:教学翻译和实用翻译。教学翻译是配合第二语言学习教学而
4、用翻译带有一种“再创造”的意味,让不懂原文的读者阅读和欣赏原文的精彩,这种译文的地道性更加重要,不必拘泥于字句的对应。例如:A camel must be killed.,教学翻译:一匹骆驼应该被杀。 一匹骆驼必须被杀。 一匹骆驼该杀。实用翻译:非杀一匹骆驼不可。只好杀一头骆驼。,1. Their accent couldnt fool a native speaker. A.他们的口音不能愚弄本地人。 B.本地人是不会听不出他们是外乡人的。 C.本地人一听他们的口音便知道他们是外乡人的。 2. Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly perso
5、n beautiful, nor is it a way to make social problems evaporate. 直译: 砸镜子并不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散。 意译:砸镜子并不能解决实际问题。,3. He felt a rush of fear churning his stomach. 直译: 他感到一阵恐惧涌上胃口。 意译:他感到一阵恐惧涌上心头。 4. He bent solely upon profit. A.他只屈身与利润之前。 B.只有利润才使他低头。 C.他惟利是图。,5. He had about as much chance of gettin
6、g a job as of being chosen mayor of Chicago. A.他找到工作的机会和当选芝加哥市长的机会差不多 B.他找到工作的机会简直跟当选芝加哥市长同样困难。 C.他找到工作的机会简直微乎其微。,6. They talked about each others houses, and characters and families; just as the Joneses do about Smiths. A. 他们议论别人住的房子、家里过活的情形、人品的好坏,也不过像琼斯议论史密斯似的。 B. 他们议论别人住的房子、家里过活的情形、人品的好坏,也不过像张三议论
7、李四似的。,7. Over eight out of every ten projects that have gone into operation are making a profit. A. 十个中有八个以上的项目正在盈利。 B. 现在投产的项目中80%(八成)以上正在盈利。,4. 翻译的定义 Translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language. 翻译是把一种语
9、,其次是就文体而言。因此,翻译学具有鲜明的跨语言、跨文化、跨社会、跨国界、跨地域、跨时空、跨学科、跨专业、跨职业、跨行业的特色,是一门开放型的综合性学科。,5. 翻译的标准 严复:信(忠实于原文);达(流畅);雅 (文字典雅)钱钟书:“化境”, 即把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬的牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味。,泰特勒(Tytler 18世纪英国学者): (一),译文应完全复写出原作的思想(That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original
10、work); (二),译文的风格和笔调与英语原文的性质相同(That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original); (三),译文应和原文同样流畅(That the translation should have all the ease of original composition.)。,6. 翻译的种类和翻译技巧 翻译的种类:逐字翻译、直译、忠实翻译、语义翻译、交际翻译(重视语境)、地道翻译、意译、改译、零翻译、形译、音译、半音半意译等。 翻译技巧:词义
11、的选择与引申、词类转译法; 词量的增减、正反译、反正译与重复译法; 分译法与合译法;定语从句的翻译;长句的翻译等。,7. 翻译的作用和重要性 翻译本身是一种跨文化交流。作为一种语言文化交流不可或缺的手段,翻译发挥着沟通世界各国人民思想,促进政治、经济、文化、教育、科技、学术交流、,促进社会发展的不可替代作用。 Gentzler: Translate or die. (不译则亡。) Eugene Nida: Complex and fascinating. (既复杂,又引人入胜。) 浙江大学外语研究所:There is more to do in Translation Studies. (研究
12、翻译,前途无量。),8. 中国翻译的四次高潮 (一),东汉至唐朝时期的佛经翻译:安世高,玄奘等。(二),明清至五四时期的西学翻译:徐光启,严复,鲁迅等。(三),建国初期(四),目前,8. 翻译很容易? 翻译家傅雷认为:“两国文字词类的不同,句法构造的不同,文法与习惯的不同,修辞格律的不同,俗语的不同,反映民族思维方式的不同,感觉深浅的不同,观点角度的不同,风俗传统信仰的不同,社会背景的不同,表现方法的不同。以甲国文字传达乙国文字所包涵的那些特点,必须象伯乐相马,要得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外。”,10. 专业翻译: 专业翻译属于实用翻译范畴,是在一定交际环境下合乎目的性的整体性跨文化交际行为
13、。专业翻译包括除文学翻译与权威性学术著作之外的所有文本翻译,包括科技、时政、经济、新闻、商贸、旅游、医药、广告、告示、公函以及其他应用性文本(如产品说明书,可行性研究报告、履历、菜谱等)。,专业翻译的特点: 实用性:向读者传递有价值的、实用的信息。 目的性:传递信息或劝导等。 专业性:涉及到特殊用途语言。 匿名性(客观性):大部分应用文本不著名,如广告、产品介绍等。 商业性:因工作需要或作为谋生手段。,英汉专业翻译最基本的能力要求: 精通汉英两门语言;谙熟汉英两种文化;拥有相关的基础专业知识。此外还应具备清醒的角色意识、良好的职业道德、健康的体魄、踏实进取的工作作风、和处乱不惊的心理素质等。,
14、11. 商务英语的内容及特点凡是在国际商务活动中,如技术引进对外贸易招商引资国际旅游海外投资等,所使用的英语都可称为商务英语。商务英语应包括语言知识交际技能专业知识管理技能和文化背景等核心内容。商务英语实质上就是商务活动与英语语言的综合,它具有专业性规范性简明性具体性等特点。,12 商务英语(翻译)的主要功能 (一),信息功能:为商务活动参与者提供信息。 (二),交际功能:帮助商务活动交际者进行交流和沟通。 (三),祈使功能:促使商务活动参与者做出相应的反应,如发货付款等。,13. 学习方法和学习目标 学习方法主要由两部分组成: (一),理论与实践结合。每次上课应有练习和练习的讲解时间。 (二
15、)以细节或专题讲解为主,注重实用性。 (三)教材与社会实用知识结合。 通过商务英语翻译课的学习,能够了解商务英语翻译的一些主要特点,掌握基本的翻译技能,提高关注商务英语翻译在周围使用的意识,并且能够或者是敢于动笔进行商务英语翻译。,14. 商务英语翻译课成绩的评定,1. 平时成绩40%(上课及作业) 2. 考试60% 1)翻译及翻译方法 2)课外阅读细节研究,(Extract from International Market) TranslationMarketeers cant master every language needed to operate on the internati
16、onal scene; at some time or another, theyll have to use translators. This will be a key issue during negotiation. Translators should be the natives of or highly experienced in the target market. They must act as both cultural and linguistic interpreters and can be essential in filling in the gaps of
17、 your cultural research.,During negotiations, hire your own translators rather than using those supplied by counterparts. You have to be able to trust the translators insights and recommendations above and beyond their actual translations.Brief translators thoroughly on your marketing goals and any
18、technical terms necessary for getting your points across. Translators are an extension of your marketing plan and must be well-informed.,All written materials (letters, faxes, business cards, presentation charts) and advertising collateral should be translated and then reviewed by a native speaker o
19、ther than the original translator. Poorly translated materials can cause irreparable harm to your market effort.,第二讲 从词汇意义的选择看翻译中的思维意识的转变,1. 英语词汇量大,所包含的意义往往颇具游移性和灵活性,这主要体现在英语词汇的意义多依据各自的前后搭配和语境而变化。在具体语境中一个词语到底为何意完全取决于所在位置或该词语同其他词语的搭配或组合关系。当英语中的词汇孤立的时候,严格地说,我们无法说出它的具体意义。英国哲学家维特根斯坦有“词汇的意义即是其在语言中的运用”之说。
20、,英国语言学家Firth曾说过,理解一个词要看它的结伴关系 (You know a word by the company it keeps.) 。 英语中一个词在不同的搭配关系,句型或上下文中往往有不同的含义。 例1: 1)The lease on my house has only a year to run. (剩余) 2)He has no idea of how to run a successful business. (经营) 3)The foreword of the book runs for six pages. (长) 4)Election campaigns in Br
21、itain run for three weeks. (持续),例 2. 1) They went to claim their luggage at the station. (他们去车站提取行李。) 2) she claimed that she had been there. (她声称曾到过那儿。) 3) We would claim U.S. $ 15,000.00 from you for the loss caused by improper packing. (我们必须为由于包装不良所造成的损失向你方索赔15000美元。) 4) Weve settled the claim fo
22、r short delivery. (我方已解决了由于短装引起的索赔。),例3. 1) If the answers are favorable, the intending exporter must then decide exactly how he will market his product. 如果答案是肯定的话,这位未来的出口商应立即决定该如何销售自己的产品。 2) Our handcrafts have met with a favorable reception in the U.S.A. and Canada. 我们的手工艺品在深受欢迎。3) We shall make y
23、ou a favorable quotation when the opportunity arises. 一有机会我公司将给贵公司开优惠的报价。,4. Throughout most of the postwar period Japanese feelings toward the United States were overwhelmingly favorable. 战后大部分时间里,日本人对美国态度是十分有好的。 5. Were looking forward to your favorable reply. 期盼佳音。 6. Were favorable to your terms
24、 and conditions of this transaction. 我方同意你方这次交易的条件。 7. The market has so changed as to be favorable to the seller. 市场变为对卖方有利。,例4 汉语反译成英语的一些例子: 开灯 turn on the light 开汽车 drive a car 开饭 serve a meal 开花 blossom 开枪 fire a gun 开玩笑 make fun of 开恩 show mercy,2. 商务英语翻译中词义选择问题 商务英语翻译与科技翻译的特点相似,准确为首要目标。 1)推敲词义
25、,切忌望文生义 如:dry goods - 纺织品 Sweet water - 淡水 Red eye - 廉价威士忌 Black tea - 红茶,2)一词一译,用语准确:商务英语涉及专业领域广,专业术语多,翻译中同一术语翻译一致。 如: offer 在商务信函中译成“发盘”;在法律性文件中译成“要约” offeror - 要约人 offeree - 受要约人 Counteroffer - 反要约 3)词无定译,灵活对待:根据上下文和语境决定此意。,4) 商务英语中,尤其是商务英语信函中,用语正式,用语客气,翻译时适当采用古雅的敬词,如兹、贵、告知、获悉、欣悉等。总之,在翻译过程中,我们要注意
26、英语词在不同语境中的含义,尤其是关注一些常用词在不同商务语境中的含义。,Ex. 1. One party to a contract may assign its rights and obligation under the contract together to a third party with the consent of the other party. (合同法第88条) 当事人一方经对方同意,可以将自己在合同中的权利和义务一并转让给第三人。,2. Where an offeree makes an acceptance beyond the time limit for ac
27、ceptance, the acceptance shall be a new offer except that the offeror informs the offeree of the effectiveness of the said acceptance promptly.(合同法28条)受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,除要约人及时通知受要约人该承诺有效外,为新要约。,3. The credit that evidences shipment of 2,000 tons of steels may be used against presentation of the shippi
28、ng documents.该信用证证明装运2,000吨钢材,可凭提交装运单据加以议付。 “use” 这里翻译成“议付”,议付是信用证的结账方式。,4. The relevant negotiating documents for the contracted goods are now with us and you are expected to collect them upon the advice. 合同货物相关的议付单据现存我行,请接到本通知后前来赎单。5. At present, we cannot entertain your counter offer, as our pric
29、e is quite reasonable. 因我们的定价相当合理,故目前不打算考虑贵方的还盘。 “entertain”在商业活动中是“考虑”“接受”的意思。,/ We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is far below our cost.你方价格远低于我方成本,我们不考虑按你方价格成交。,6. In connection with the matter of opening a branch in your country, we would like to have the opp
30、ortunity of a personal meeting with you while we are in your country, and would much appreciate it if you spare me a few minutes some time during the stay. 因为在贵国开办分厂,我们想在贵国逗留期间找机会与您私谈。如果您能在我们逗留期间挤出几分钟的话我们将不胜感谢。“branch”在不同情形下翻译为“分公司”“分(支)行”“分支机构等”。,试译:Nanjing Branch of the Chinese Peoples Bank China
31、Far East International Tendering Company has 35 branch offices around the country.,中国人民银行南京分行 中国远东国际招标公司在全国各地设有35个分支机构。,7. The turnover of Fuzhou port ranked 11th among Chinese coastal ports while its container operation was listed as 10th in the year 2001. 2001年福州港的货物吞吐量位列全国沿海港口地十一位,集装箱吞吐量位列全国沿海港口第
32、十位。,8. For goods ordered we require payment to be made a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable on sight upon the presentation of shipping documents.所订货物的付款方式,我方要求凭装船单据,以保兑的不可撤销的即期信用证支付。,9. As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample of Article Nos. 2031 and 20
33、32 for your reference. 根据贵方要求,兹另封航邮货号2031 和2032 样品各一份,以供参考。 Article:常指单件可数的物品,尤指一类一组一群中的一个,常用于商品食品衣物等。如:Meat is an important article of food. / Many of these articles are obtained from her grocer. 这些物品中有许多件是从她的杂货店买的。,10. We brought to the knowledge of the Seller that our order had been outstanding f
34、or a considerable amount of time. 提请卖方注意:我方订单拖欠至今尚未履行。 outstanding: (of payment, work, problem, etc.) not yet paid, done, resolved, etc. 未偿付的,未完成的,未解决的: outstanding debts / A good deal of work is still outstanding.,11. Upon receipt of these sellers delivery advice, the buyers shall, 15-20 days prior
35、 to the delivery date, open a transferable, irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the sellers for an amount equivalent to the total amount of the shipment. 收到卖方的交货通知,买方应在交货期15-20 天前,开具一个以卖方为受益人的可转让的不可撤销的信用证,金额与装运发票总额等值。 “advice”在商务英语中常作“通知”之意; “in favor of”在此语境中为“以为受益人”,“以为收款人”。,12. The credit sh
36、all be payable against presentation of draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in Article 13 hereof. 信用证凭开户银行所开汇票和第十三款规定的装运单据支付。against: 凭; 用交换draft: 汇票 article: 条款,13. Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses. 大多数小店已并入大公司。absorb: merge with 合并,并吞 14. The
37、 syndicate tried to corner the market in silver. 这家辛迪加(大型联合企业)曾试图垄断白银市场。corner : monopolize / dominate 垄断,15. This accountant was found to have cooked the books.有人发现会计篡改了账本。cook : alter secretly and dishonestly so as to deceive 篡改,16. In spite of the quiet world market in these years, our company ha
38、s made constant achievements and our overseas business is expanded. 尽管这些年世界市场疲软,但我们公司还是取得了不断的成就,海外业务规模也扩大了。,17. With a more powerful successor to the old model, we can hardly stand still in the new market.有了更强的换代产品,我们在新市场上不会原地不动了。,18. We would be very much obliged if you inform us, in confidence, of
39、 their financial standing. .若您能告知我方他们的财务状况,我们将不胜感激,并对此保密。 Confidence: a secret : The two girls told each other confidence about their boyfriends.,19. Generally speaking, a contract is established when the acceptance become effective. 一般来说,承诺生效时合同成立。 An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree i
40、ndicating assent to an offer. (合同法21条):承诺是受要约人同意要约的意思表示。 (如拍卖),20. Negotiable instruments are designed mainly for the sake of circulation freely in business world.可转让票据主要用于商界中的自由流通。 Instrument: formal, legal documents,21. The instrument is considered dishonored if it is not paid or accepted by the c
41、lose of the next business day following presentation. 如果提示后票据在第二个营业日结束时没被支付或承兑就被认为是拒付。,22. The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to expedite shipment.向贵公司所购之物,因迫切需要,故请贵方加速装运。,23. We are interested in your goods and would like to know more about them.我们有意购买你们的货物(对你方的货物感兴趣),望了解更多有关货物的
42、信息。,其他: Collection 托收 Shipping order 装货单 Acceptance 承兑 Future 期货交易 Sight bill 即期汇票 Bill of exchange 汇票 License 许可证 Discount rate / bank rate 贴现率,Advising / notifying bank 通知银行 Clearing bank 清算银行 Confirming bank 保兑银行 Discount bank 贴现银行 Issuing / opening bank 开证银行 Negotiation bank 议付银行 ,练习: 1. We have
43、 stopped manufacturing this article because of the change in the home market. 2. A: Do you have any literature that I can take with me? B: Of course. Here is a series of catalogues of our latest types. 3. Your overhead is in your domestic price, but it cant be carried in the CIF price.,参考译文: 1. We h
44、ave stopped manufacturing this article because of the change in the home market. 由于国内市场行情有变化,我们不再生产这种产品。 2. A: Do you have any literature that I can take with me? B: Of course. Here is a series of catalogues of our latest types. 你们有可以带走的资料吗?当然有,这是我们最新的产品目录。,3. Your overhead is in your domestic price
45、, but it cant be carried in the CIF price. 贵公司的经常费用(管理费)包含在你们国内价格里,但这项费用不应计入到岸价格。,3.汉语反译成英语情形商务英语中,同义词十分丰富发达,同义词或同义词组用得很多。例如表示“货物”的英语同义词有很多:goods, cargo, freight, load, commodity, merchandise, product, article, parcel, shipment, item, wares,consignment, make, delivery 等。这些同义词貌似同义,其实它们在指称义上有或大或小的差异,在
46、炼词炼句时,我们应根据语境的要求与语义的差别,努力做到选词准确、用词得当。 请比较:,1. 这批货的质量比上批货的质量好。 The quality of the goods is better than that of the last shipment. Goods: 最常用,常用于统称货物; Shipment: 装载的或运输的货物,与consignment同义。2. 货物在运输途中受损。 The cargo was damaged in transit. Cargo: the goods carried by a ship, plane, or vehicle. 限制指称“装运的货”,3.
47、 我们的产品在国际市场上销售很好。 Our product sells very well in the international market. Product: 一般指产品,特别指工业制造品4. 我们已经按照这种方式售出多批商品货物。 We have sold many parcels on this basis. Parcel: quantity dealt with in one commercial transaction. 一批交易的货物,5. 已经卸货八千吨。 Eight thousand tons of freight has been landed. Freight: go
48、ods transported 运送中的货6. 我们什么时候提货? When shall we take the delivery. Delivery: goods delivered: 仅指交付的货物,7.在一切单据提交给买方后,应立即发送这批商品。 Those commodities shall be delivered soon after all necessary documents are submitted to the vendors.Commodity: article of trade , esp. a raw material or product as opposed
49、to a service 指商品,货物:可用来进行买卖的与服务相对的一切商品;尤指一个国家或地区的主要农、矿商品或产品。如:Silk and rice are two important commodities for export in China.(丝绸和大米是中国两大出口商品。),8. 图书像其他产品一样,也可以作为商品。 Books can be merchandise like other products. Merchandise: 正式用词, 可以交换的各种商品、货物;也指大商人的商品。不可数名词。 如:Students in Shanghai took a lead in bo
50、ycotting the Japanese merchandise.(上海的学生带头抵制日货),练习 1. They talked about each others houses, and characters and families; just as the Joneses do about Smiths. 2. Over eight out of every ten projects that have gone into operation are making a profit. 3. When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favorable balance of trade. When they import more than they export, a unfavorable of trade exists.,