1、英语语言历史演变一览表,西方医学简史 西医( Western Medicine)是相对于东方医学(尤其是中医)的名称,在欧美国家很少使用Western Medicine这个词。从全球医学发展历史来看,我们所谓的西医实际上是指除了中医以外的世界医学,其中包括阿拉伯医学与印度医学,世界医学发展历史上的重大事件来自多个国家,多个民族,充分显示西医是基于多民族长期积累的医学,多源的著述与术语对医学英语发展影响重大。,英语医学词汇的基本特征 1.医学词汇的多源化 比如:汉语的“臀部”或“屁股”,英语词汇就有7个。,前4个词均为口语词汇或俗语,好比汉语的“屁股”;后3个词为著述所用,是书面语,好比汉语的“
2、臀部”。,2. 一词多义 由于人类最早的医学活动与巫术、神话有关;到公元前800年至公元前300年,人类的医学活动与哲学密切相关;到公元1、2世纪,世界名医辈出,医学词汇的应用更广。医学词汇就出现了其他的循环意义。比如: heart,3、医学词汇一词三式 医学英语词汇还体现在横向关系上, 大多数关于人体解剖的医学词汇都是同一个词义,有盎格鲁-撒克孙, 希腊与拉丁三种语源表达形式,比如:,医学词汇常用构词形表 体区系统,1. somatoplasm 体质; 2. cephalosporin 先锋霉素;头孢菌素 3. acrocinetic 运动过量 4. mastorrhagia 乳腺出血,5.
3、 ventroscopy 腹腔镜检查 6.Ventroptosis 胃下垂,2. 心血管系统,Cardiopathy 心脏病 2. cardiopulmonary murmur 心肺杂音 3.cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏 4. cordate 心形的 5. atriomegaly 心房肥大 6. atriopeptin 心房素,心纳素 7. vasodilation 血管扩张 8. angiocardiography 心血管造影 9. arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 10. venography / phlebography 静脉造影术,In
4、travenous drips Intramuscularly 1.Cardiopathy 心脏病 2. cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏 3. Cephalosporin 先锋霉素;头孢菌素 4. somatoplasm 体质 5. a heart attack 心脏病 6. 这种药,一天三次,每次三片,饭后用水冲服。 Please take three tablets of this medicine with water three times a day after meals,3. 呼吸系统,Pneumonia 肺炎 2. penumonectas
5、is 肺气肿 3. Spirogram 肺量图 4. spirometer 呼吸量计 5. Rhinopolypus 鼻息肉 6. rhinosinusitis 鼻窦炎 7. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽癌 8. Bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎 9. bronchostaxis支气管出血 10. pneumonococcus 肺炎球菌 11. Pulmogram 肺部造影 12. alveolar cysts肺泡囊肿,4. 消化系统,peptic-ulcer 消化性溃疡 2. gastrodynia 胃痛 3. Gastrodiaphany胃透照镜检查
6、4.gastroenteritis胃肠炎 5. Gastrofiberscope胃纤维内镜 6. enteroscope 肠镜 7. Enterogastric reflex 肠胃反射 8. intestinal sedative 肠镇静剂 9. Cholecystolithiasis 胆囊结石 10. hepatocarcinoma肝癌 11.hepatitis 肝炎,5. 口颌系统,Stomatology 口腔医学 2. Stomatodysodia 口臭 3. stomatocace 口腔溃疡 4. orolingual 口舌的 5. cheiloschisis 唇裂 6. Labioc
7、horea 口吃病 7. glossoptosis 舌下垂 8. linguopapillitis 舌乳头炎 9. ulorrhagia 牙龈出血 10. Gingivoperiodontitis 龈牙周炎 11. odontopathy 牙痛 12. Odontology 牙科学 13. dentonomy牙科学 14. dentoma 牙瘤,6. 泌尿系统,Uroclepsia 遗尿 2. urochesis 尿潴留 3. uroscopy 尿检查 4. nephropathy 肾病 5. Nephrolithiasis 肾结石 6. renopathy 肾病 7. Renography
8、肾造影术 8. pyelonephritis肾盂肾炎 9. Pelviureteroradiography 肾盂输尿管造影术 10. Cystolithiasis膀胱结石 11. vesicocele膀胱膨出,7. 生殖系统,Gynecology 妇科学 2. oogenic 排卵的 3. ovocyte 卵母细胞 4. Oophoroma卵巢瘤 5. ovariopathy 卵巢病 6. Salpingography输卵管造影术 7. oviductal输卵管的 8. Hysteromyoma 子宫肌瘤9.uteroscope 宫腔镜 10. menorrhalgia 痛经 11. andr
9、ogen 雄激素 12. seminoma精原细胞瘤,13. orchiocele 睾丸肿瘤 14. testoid睾丸激素,8. 内分泌系统,Adenocarcinnoma of the prostate 前列腺癌 2. Adenopathy 腺病; 淋巴结增大 3. Hypophyseotropic 促垂体的 4. Hypophysectomize 垂体切除 5. Gonadotrophin 促性腺素,9. 神经系统,1. Neurodermatitis 神经性皮炎; 牛皮癣 2. neurohormone神经激素 3. Encephalorrhagia 脑出血 10. psychodia
10、gnosis 心理诊断 4. Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis 脑动脉硬化 5. Cerebral arteriosclerosis 脑动脉硬化 6. corticosterone 皮质酮 6. Myelocyst 脊髓囊肿 7. poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎 (polio-灰质的) 8. Medullitis脊髓炎 9. psychology 心理学,10. 皮肤与感觉器官系统,1.Dermopathy 皮肤病2. ophthalmology 眼科学3.oculopathy 眼病 4.Keratoiditis角膜炎5. corneitis角膜炎 6.o
11、tology 耳科学 7.esthesiology 感觉学 8.sensorineural 感觉神经的 9.acousma 幻觉 10.audiology 听力学 11. olfactory嗅觉的12.gustory bud味蕾,11.肌肉骨骼系统,1.Myocarditis 心肌炎 2. intramuscularly 肌注 3.osteomyelitis 骨髓炎 4. ostalgia 骨痛 5. Chondrodermatitis 软骨皮炎 6. ligamentous 韧带的 7. Desmodynia 韧带痛 8. craniocerebral 颅脑的 9. Spondylopath
12、y 脊椎病 10. rachitis 佝偻病 11. spinocortical 脊髓皮质的 12. arthrocele 关节肿大 13. articular 关节的,13. 病理学与症状,12.医用生物学,13.医用物理学,14. 药理学,Pharmacochemistry 药物化学 2. pharmacodiagnosis药物诊断 3. Pharmacocology 药理学 4. pharmacopeia 药典 5.Pharmacognosy 生药学 6. Pharmacotherapy 药物治疗,15. 无机化学,Oxybenzene 酚; 苯酚 2. alkaloid 生物碱 3.
13、natriuretic 利尿钠药 4. Sideropenic anemia 缺铁性贫血 5. sideromycin 铁霉素 6. Cuprimine 卡普利敏 (青霉素胺) 7. argyrol 阿基罗 (弱蛋白银制剂) 8. Chrysosporium 金孢子菌属 9. Aureomycin 金霉素,16. 有机化学,17. 生物化学,14. 疾病的后缀,常用的医学缩写词,A medication is a substance administered for the diagnosis, cure, treatment, relief, or prevention of disease
14、. In the health care context, the words medication and drug are used interchangeably. In the United States and Canada, medications are usually 1 dispensed by the order of physicians and dentists. The written direction for the preparation and administration of a drug is called a prescription. A drug
15、may have four different names: First, the generic ( family ) name, given before a drug becomes official. Second, the official name, the name under which it is listed in one of the official publications ( e.g the United States Pharmacopoeia ). Third, the chemical name, which describes the drug 2 cons
16、tituents precisely. Fourth, the trademark, or brand name, the name given by the drug manufacturer. Because a drug may be manufactured by several companies, it can have several trade names. Medications are often available in a variety of forms, such as solution, capsule, cream, paste, pill, powder, s
17、yrup, tablet, and so on.,Drugs may have natural ( e.g. plant, mineral, and animal ) sources, or they may be synthesized in a laboratory. For example, digitalis is plant derived; sodium chloride is a mineral; insulin has animal or human sources, and propoxyphene hydrochloride ( the analgesic Darvon )
18、 is synthesized in a laboratory. Drugs vary in strength and activity. Drugs must be pure and of uniform strength if drug dosages are to be predictable in their effect. Therefore, drugs standards have been developed to ensure uniform quality. In the U.S, official drugs are those designated by the Fed
19、eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. These drugs are officially listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia ( USP ) and described according to their source, physical and chemical properties, tests for purity and identity, method of storage, assay, category, and normal dosages. In Canada, the British Pharmacopoei
20、a is used for the same purpose, although some drugs used in Canada conform to the USP because they are obtained from the U.S.,药物是用于疾病的诊断、治疗、缓解症状或预防的物质。在医学文献里,medication 和drug这两个词可以交替使用。美国和加拿大,药物通常是根据医嘱来配发的。药物配制和使用的书面指导叫做处方。药物有四种不同的命名:一是属名,用于药物在药典许可之前的命名。二是法定名,即罗列在官方出版物(如:美国药典)里的命名。三是化学结构名,准确描述药品的化学成
21、分。四是商品名,或者叫商标名,是由药品生产厂家给的名。由于某种药物可能由几个厂家生产,所以这种药品就会有几个商品名。药品通常有不同的剂型,例如:溶液、胶囊剂、乳膏、糊剂、丸剂、散剂、糖浆剂、片剂,等等。 药物有天然的来源(如:植物,矿物和动物),也可能是在试验室合成的。例如:洋地黄就是植物提取剂;氯化钠是从矿物体中提取的;胰岛素来源于动物和人体内;盐酸丙氧吩 (镇痛药“达尔丰”)是在实验室里合成的。药物的强度和活性不同,药物必须是纯净的;如果药物剂量的效应可以预测的话,药物的强度必须是相同的。因此,为了确保药物有相同的性质,在研制药品时,我们就必须有统一的标准。在美国,正式发行的药物都是由联邦
22、食品药品化妆品联合会指定生产的,这些药品都列在美国药典( USP )里,而且根据药物的来源、物理和化学成分、提纯和鉴定实验、储藏方法、化验、种类和标准剂量进行描述。加拿大使用英国药典,而一些美国进口的药却还是根据美国药典。,The therapeutic effect of a drug, also referred to as the desired effect, is the reason the drug is prescribed. A drug side effect is an unintended drug action. Unfavorable side effects ar
23、e called untoward effects. Untoward effects may be tolerated for the sake of therapeutic effect. More severe side effects, also called adverse effects or drug reactions, may justify discontinuing the drug. Drug toxicity (deleterious effects of a drug on an organism or tissue ) results from over-dosa
24、ge, ingestion of a drug intended for external use, and cumulative effect ( buildup of a drug in the blood because of impaired metabolism or excretion). Some toxic effects become apparent immediately; some are not apparent for weeks or months. Drug toxicity may be avoided by close monitoring of the d
25、rug dose and client response. A drug allergy is an immunology reaction to a drug. When a person is first exposed to a foreign substance ( antigen ), such as a drug, the body may react by producing antibodies, triggering an allergic reaction. Drug tolerance occurs when a person requires increases on
26、dosage to maintain the therapeutic effect. Habituating drugs such as opiates, barbiturates, ethyl alcohol, and nicotine produce tolerance. A cumulative effect is the increasing response to repeated doses of a drug, which occurs when the rate of administration exceeds the rate of metabolism or excret
27、ion. As a result, the drug builds up in the clients body unless the dosage is adjusted. Idiosyncratic effect (unexpected unique bodily response ) causes unpredictable abnormal symptoms in clients, including opposite drug actions and over-and under response to medications.,医生开出的处方药,目的是希望达到预期的治疗效果。药物的