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1、QRD-2000(VI)清洁型焦炉砌筑规程Specification for Masonry Works of QRD-2000(VI) Clean Coke Oven编制:Prepared by: 校对:Proofread by: 审核:Checked by: 审定:Approved by: December, 2007一、 总则. General principles1. 本规程只适用 QRD-2000(VI)清洁型焦炉的砌筑。This specification is only applicable to masonry works of QRD-2000(VI)clean coke o

2、ven.2. 焦炉各区域采用的耐火材料应符合设计标准的要求。Fire resisting materials used in all areas within the coke oven shall conform to requirements of design standard.3. 焦炉施工过程中发生材料代用、技术质量问题处理、变更设计等事宜时,要预先取得设计部门同意,并签发设计通知单后方可施工。Material substitution, technical and quality problems handling, design variation and other affai

3、rs during construction of coke oven shall be authorized by design unit and the construction shall not be performed until design change notice is signed and delivered. 4. 整座焦炉耐火材料应采用同一个耐火材料厂生产,并质量指标相同的耐火材料。Fire resisting materials used for one coke oven shall be from one manufacturer and of same qual

4、ity indexes.5. 砌筑硅砖焦炉应在工作棚内进行,工作棚净空尺寸除应满足炉体施工外还应满足作业平台、集气管、除尘风管和护炉wiki设备/wiki的安装工作。Masonry works of silica brick coke oven shall be within work shed and the clearance of the work shed shall not only meet requirements of construction of oven shell but also installation of work platform, header, dedus

5、ting wind pipe and protective devices.6. 焦炉砌体在烘炉前应防潮防冻,并保持 5以上 wiki环境/wiki。Masonry works shall be protected from moisture and frost and the ambient temperature shall be above 5.7. 具备下列条件时,允许开始砌筑焦炉: Masonry works shall not be started unless the following conditions are ready:(1) 焦炉基础、抵抗墙等土建构筑物已施工完毕并验

6、收合格。Construction of coke oven structures such as foundation and resistance wall have been finished, inspected and accepted.(2) 筑炉大棚及相应的取暖、照明、防火装置和设备均已安装完毕,运送耐火砖及灰浆到现场。Construction shed and related heating, lighting, fire protection device and equipment have been installed and firebricks and mortar h

7、ave been transported into the construction site.(3) 检查砌砖质量及标定中心线用的测量标桩已经建完,测量仪器准备完毕,校验合格。Survey pegs for checking brickwork quality and demarcating centerlines have been finished and surveying instruments have been prepared and well checked. (4) 焦炉砌筑验收安全技术、劳动保护必须执行国家现行有关规定。Inspection and acceptance

8、of safety works and labor security for coke oven masonry shall be in accordance with related existing state specifications.二、 砌筑前的准备工作. Preparation works for masonry 1. 筑炉所用硅砖、隔热砖、纤维制品和耐火泥等均应存放在仓库内,避免风吹雨淋,浸湿或污染材料。硅砖间应留有 0.50.6m 的间隙,砖堆高度一般不超过 3m。Silica bricks, insulation bricks, fibre products and re

9、fractory mortar shall be put in storehouse to protect them from being drenched, soaked or polluted. 0.50.6m gap shall be left between silica bricks and the piling height of bricks is usually not more than 3m.2. 焦炉用异型硅砖、粘土砖的外型应逐块检查和验收,运至施工现场的耐火材料和制品,应附有出厂合格证及规定的化验单。As for special shaped silica bricks

10、 and clay bricks used for coke oven, their appearance shall be checked one by one. Fire resisting materials and products transported to the construction site shall be attached with ex-factory quality certificate and specified laboratory sheet.3. 仓库到炉前的道路要平坦、畅通。应按搭配方案的规定数量往炉上运砖,严禁混乱使用。Road from store

11、house to front of coke oven shall be even and unhindered. Bricks shall be conveyed for bricklaying as per prescribed combination and quantity and misuses of bricks are strictly forbidden. 4. 砌筑前应根据预砌的情况与耐火砖公差分布情况,编制搭配使用上砖方案,并进行相应的加工。Brick combination schemes shall be prepared before bricklaying as p

12、er pre-laying of bricks and tolerance distribution of refractory bricks and bricks shall be manufactured accordingly. 三、 灰浆. Mortar1. 砌筑焦炉应采用合格成品火泥。Qualified finished fire clay shall be used.2. 硅火泥和粘土火泥浆都需用洁净的水混练成中等稠度、工作性能良好而稳定的泥浆。泥浆在使用过程中,不能任意加水或其他添加剂。Clear water shall be used to mix both silica fi

13、reclay and clay fireclay into stable mortars with medium consistency and well service behaviors. No water or other additives shall be randomly added into mortar during construction.3. 耐火泥应在使用前临时调制,加有水玻璃及水泥的泥浆应使用前一小时内调制,泥浆结块后不能使用。Refractory mortar shall be temporarily prepared before being used while

14、 mortar added with soluble glass and cement shall be prepared within one hour before being used, moreover, mortar shall not be used once it agglomerates. 4. 耐火泥浆在使用时,应经常搅动,以防止沉淀或分层。Refractory mortar shall be frequently stirred when used to prevent precipitation or stratification. 5. 调制、装运和贮存泥浆的设备和工具

15、,当要换装另一种泥浆时,应事先清洗干净后,才能换装。Equipment and tools for preparing, conveying and storing mortar shall be cleaned before being used for another mortar. 6. 同时使用两种灰浆时,必须在容器上标明灰浆的品种。When two kinds of mortars are used, containers shall be marked with mortar brands.四、 焦炉基础与抵抗墙. Foundation and resistance wall of

16、 coke oven在焦炉砌砖前,应结束下列工作:All the following works shall be completed before bricklaying of coke oven.1. 钢筋混凝土基础表面,经表面打毛并用水冲洗后,抹水泥砂浆至规定的设计标高为止。Surface of reinforced concrete foundation shall be roughened, rinsed and plastered to designed elevation with specified cement mortar.2. 抹上水泥砂浆,至少经过三天后,用敲打法检查抹

17、面层与混凝土结合程度,发现哑音时,必须将该部分打掉重新抹浆。At least three days after plastering cement mortar, finish coat is knocked to check its cohesion with concrete and parts with dead sound shall be plastered again.3. 用水平仪检查抹面层标高,基础平台表面应平坦均匀,允许 5mm(即在一米的距离内标高差不应超过 5mm) ,检查方法用长度为二米的靠尺检查,表面与靠尺间隙不大于7mm。Elevation of finishing

18、 coat is checked with level instrument. Surface of foundation platform shall be even, with allowable deviation of 5mm (namely the elevation difference with 1m shall not be more than 5mm ); 2m guiding rule is used to check the surface, with gap between surface and rule not more than 7mm. 4. 钢筋混凝土抵抗墙靠

19、炉体一侧的表面应用水泥砂浆抹平。RC resistance-wall surface close to oven stack shall be leveled with cement mortar. 5. 抹面层水泥砂浆的配比为:水泥:砂浆=1:25Mixture ratio of cement mortar used for finishing is 1:25 (cement to mortar).6. 在浇灌基础平台及抵抗墙时,应按设计要求埋入砌砖用的固定标高点卡钉,并在抵抗墙上埋设测量炉体及炉柱曲度的侧线架。When pouring foundation platform and res

20、istance wall, staple bolts shall be embedded into fixed elevation-controlling points as per design requirement for bricklaying and side brackets shall be embedded into resistance wall for surveying degree of curvature of oven stack and stays.7. 焦炉正面线、纵中心线、炭化室中心线及砖层标高线等应在砌砖过程中经常以仪器进行校验。Faade lines an

21、d longitudinal center line of coke oven, centerline of coking chamber and elevation lines of brick layers shall be frequently check with instrument. 8. 砌砖过程中,下列部位应编制砌体标高平面图:Bricking-up elevation plan shall be prepared for following parts during bricklaying:(1) 基础平台上的滑动面;Glide plane on foundation pla

22、tform;(2) 四连拱底层平面;Ground plan of quadruple arches;(3) 四连拱顶面;Top surface of quadruple arches;(4) 炭化室直墙拱脚砖座面。Seat surface of upright-wall skew blocks of coking chamber.9. 标高平面上相应各点位置是在每个炭化室中心线上,距机焦侧正面线 400500mm 处各取一点,纵中心线上取一点。All points on elevation plan are along centerline of coking chamber. One poi

23、nt is from longitudinal centerline, others are 400500mm away from centerlines beside metallurgical coke oven. 五、 砌砖的一般规定. General rules of bricklaying1. 一般规定General rules(1) 不得使用长期受潮的耐火材料砌筑焦炉的重点部位,脏污或被油类浸渍的耐火砖不得用于筑炉。Refractory materials bearing long-term moisture shall not be used for key parts of c

24、oke oven and refractory bricks with smudge or oil stain shall not be used either. (2) 砌筑焦炉时,对于不是连续砌筑的墙,在砌砖前要稍加湿润,但湿润程度应严加控制,不得大量洒水。Discontinuously built brick wall shall be slightly wetted by sprinkling before resuming bricklaying, however, the wetting degree shall be strictly controlled.(3) 冬季施工时,砌

25、体周围的温度、耐火砖及耐火泥浆的温度不得低于 5。During construction in winter, temperature around marshalling and temperature of refractory bricks and fireclay mortar shall not be lower than 5.(4) 为了使基础受力均匀,整座焦炉应均衡砌筑,相邻墙的高度差不得超过 1m;同一道墙最低点的高度差不得超过 0.5m。To ensure uniform foundation stress, the whole coke oven shall be buil

26、t in a balanced way and the height difference of adjacent walls shall not be more than 1m; Height difference between highest and lowest points of one wall shall not be more than 0.5m.(5) 焦炉砌筑采用两面打灰挤浆法,保证泥浆均匀饱满,没有“花脸”,使砖块紧密连接成为一个整体,其灰浆饱满度应不低于 95%。焦炉砌筑采用两面打灰挤浆法,保证泥浆均匀饱满,没有“花脸”,使砖块紧密连接成为一个整体,其灰浆饱满度应不低于

27、 95%。Both coke oven surfaces are plastered and shaved and mortar shall be fully mixed; 没有“花脸”,filling degree of mortar joint shall not be less than 95% to tightly link bricks into one body.(6) 砌炉顺序:一般情况从炉头砌起,向炉中进行。Bricklaying sequence: generally from ends to middle. (7) 砌砖时应挂线进行砌筑。Control lines shal

28、l be used for bricklaying.(8) 每砌一层砖前应将已砌完的砖面清扫干净。砌砖中断或返工拆砖而必须留茬时,应留成阶梯形的斜茬。Surface of finished brick layer shall be swept clean before another layer of bricks are laid. Staircase stubble shall be reserved, if necessary, for bricklaying break or rework.(9) 砌筑中根据施工及公差的需要,允许对部分砖进行加工,但要预先取得设计部门同意,不得在砌体上

29、进行加工。Some bricks are allowed to be processed with approval of design unit as per requirements of construction and tolerance, but they shall not be processed directly over the bricking-up. (10) 砖的加工面及缺边掉角的砖应放在砌筑面上,炭化室工作面严禁加工。Bricks shall be processed on the platform for bricklaying and bricks with mi

30、ssing corner(s) shall be put on the platform too. Bricks are forbidden to be processed on working face of coking chamber.(11) 砌砖时应使用木槌或橡胶槌进行敲打找正,不得使用铁槌敲打。Wooden hammer or rubber hammer but iron hammer shall be used to knock and align bricks during bricklaying.(12) 砌体中泥浆干固时,不得用敲打的办法修正其质量缺陷,而应拆除重砌。Whe

31、n mud in bricking-ups dries and solidifies, quality defects shall not be amended by knocking but being rebuilt. (13) 砌体上被踩导致活动的砖要重新砌筑。Movable bricks due to trample shall be laid again.(14) 炭化室焦侧洞宽应不小于机侧洞宽。Width of opening beside coking chamber shall not be less than that of beside coke oven.(15) 砌筑拱

32、形结构时,需支撑木质内胎架,在木架上砌筑。When building arch structure, wooden brackets shall be used as support for bricklaying.(16) 砌筑炉顶大拱及炭化室底部四连拱时,全炉每一炭化室应分段同步砌筑,砖锁同时打入。When building roof arch and quadruple arches at the bottom of coking chamber, each coking chamber shall be divided into sections and synchronously b

33、uilt, with brick locks knocked in.2. 膨胀缝Dilatation joints(1) 砌筑厚度在 6mm 以上的膨胀缝时,要使用膨胀缝样板。先将其放在膨胀缝的位置上,然后再进行砌砖,抽出样板后不准再敲打膨胀缝两边的砌体,6mm 以下的应在砌筑时按设计夹入厚度相当的填充物,填充物应预先按设计尺寸加工好。Dilatation joint template shall be used when the joint thickness is more than 6mm.Templates shall be put into location of dilatatio

34、n joints before bricklaying, after moving templates, bricking-ups at both sides of template shall not be knocked. When the thickness of dilatation joint is less than 6mm, filling materials of equivalent thickness shall be crammed into the joint as per design and they shall be processed in advance as

35、 per design dimensions.(2) 膨胀缝样板采用刨光的木板,其厚度应较膨胀缝宽度的设计尺寸小 1mm,宽度较砖层厚度小 10-20mm,长度约为 800mm,构成膨胀缝的砌体表面应平整。Templates are made out of approximately 800mm long surfaced wood boards whose width is 1mm less than design width of dilatation joint and 10-20mm less than thickness of brick layer. Surface of bric

36、king-ups shall be even.(3) 膨胀缝填料前,应将膨胀缝内的泥浆、杂物用吸尘器或压缩空气清扫干净,并经检查合格后方可填充。压缩空气的压力应严格控制,不得将砖缝内的泥浆吹出。Mud and sundries shall be removed through cleaner or compressed air and they shall be inspected and accepted before filling materials into dilatation joints. Pressure of compressed air shall be strictly

37、controlled to prevent mud in brick joints from being blown out.(4) 填充膨胀缝的锯木屑,应采用干燥无杂物的锯木屑,填塞时不能捣实。Dry wood chips without sundries shall be filled into dilatation joints but they shall not be tamped. (5) 炉体正面的膨胀缝应用沾有泥浆的耐火纤维绳塞紧密封,深度达 15-20mm。Faade dilatation joints shall be filled with refractory fibe

38、r ropes dipped in mud and the depth of joints shall be 15-20mm.3. 砖缝Brick joints(1) 砖缝应保持灰浆饱满,不允许有空缝,为此凡是立缝面都要两面打灰,卧缝面可单面铺灰,但要均匀铺平,并采用挤浆法进行砌筑。Brick joints shall be thoroughly filled with mortar, without any gap. Vertical joints shall be filled from both sides, while horizontal joints shall be filled

39、 from one side but be leveled evenly. After one layer of bricks is laid, all the layer surface is plastered mortar for laying another layer of bricks. (2) 砌筑过程中,所有墙及火道的外表面及其孔洞的内表面的砖缝应严密并钩缝,各部位隐秘砖缝的填缝及钩缝应逐层进行,而表面砖缝应在砖缝未干时进行,通常是在当天做完,不能拖延到第二天钩缝,钩完的砖缝表面不准凸出墙表面,应与墙一平并压光。Brick joints of all walls, extern

40、al surface of quirk and internal surface of openings shall be tight and leveled. Brick joints of all hidden parts shall be filled and leveled layer by layer. Face brick joints shall be leveled before mud dries, usually this work shall be finished within that day but not postponed tomorrow. Surface o

41、f leveled brick joints shall be parallel to but not out of wall surface and they are pressed polish together with wall surface.(3) 用塞尺检查砖缝厚度,塞尺宽度为 15mm,厚度等于被检查砖缝的规定厚度。Clearance gauge is used to check the thickness of brick joints and the gauge width is 15mm which is the specified thickness of brick

42、joint.六、 砌筑允许误差. Permissible errors of masonry works项目Item 误差名称Name of error 允许误差Permissible error(mm)1.测量误差Measurement errors (1)主轴线、正面和边炭化室中心线的测量 Measurement of main axes, faade centerlines and centerlines of coking chamber 1(2)标板和标杆上的划线尺寸 Dimensions of lines on target boards and mark posts 1(3)主要

43、部位标高控制点的测量 Measurement of elevation control points of key parts 12.砖缝和膨胀缝的尺寸误差Dimension errors of brick joints and dilatation joints (1 )砖缝* Brick joints* +2,-1(2)膨胀缝 Dilatation Joints +2,-13.线性尺寸误差Linear dimension errors (1)炭化室、主墙、隔墙中心距 Center distance among coking chamber, main walls and partition

44、s 3(2)垂直上升道、下降火道中心线的间距以及焦炉中心线间的间距 Space between center lines of vertical uptake and down quirk and space between centerlines of coke ovens 3(3)主墙、隔墙墙宽 Width of main walls and partitions 3(4)炉头脱离正面线 Distance from coke-oven end to faade line 34.标高误差Elevation errors (1)炉底滑动层里相邻测量点间(间距 1-1.5m)的标高差 Eleva

45、tion differences of adjacent measuring points (spacing 1-1.5m) of sliding layer at bottom of coke oven 5(2)炉底滑动层表面标高 Surface elevation of sliding layer at bottom of coke oven 5(3)底部火道隔墙顶面标高 Top elevation of partition of bottom quirk 4(4)相邻隔墙顶面的高度差 Height difference of adjacent walls 3(5)炭化室底 Bottom

46、of coking chamber 4,目标值34, target value3 (6)主墙顶上升道出口 Uptake outlet at top of main wall 55.垂直误差Vertical errors (1)隔墙 Partition 4(2)炭化室墙 Wall of coking chamber 4(3)炭化室炉头肩部 Shoulder of coke oven in coking chamber 46.平直度误差(用 2m 长的靠尺在所有方向进行检查,靠尺与砌体之间的间隙)straightness error (using 2m guiding rule to check

47、in all directions, gap between rule and bricking-up)(1)隔墙 Partition 5(2)炭化室墙 Wall of coking chamber 3(3)炭化室炉头 End of coke oven in coking chamber 3(4)炭化室底 Bottom of coking chamber 37. 错台Error of staggering 炭化室墙(1m 高)和炭化室底表面错台(不得有逆向错台)Staggering between chamber wall (1m high) and bottom chamber surfac

48、e (no inverse misalignment allowed) 1*a.炉体滑动层底部铺砖的砖缝大小均匀即可。*a. Uniform brick joints at bottom of sliding layer of the oven shell is acceptable. b.拱顶放射缝 2-3mm。b. Emission joints at vault are 2-3mm. 七、 炉体砌筑. Masonry works of oven shell1. 滑动层的铺设Bricklaying of sliding layer(1) 在铺设炉底滑动层前,必须完成基础平台及抵抗墙的修正工作Foundation platform and resistance work shall be amended before bricklaying of the sliding layer at bottom of coke oven.(2) 河砂滑动层在砌筑时,要随砌随铺,禁止大面积预先铺放River sand shall be paved with the progress of bricklaying and extens


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