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上校GRE 阅读基础39套.pdf

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1、 上校 GRE 阅读基础 39 套 上校 2014年 12月 03 1 目录 目录 1 使用说明 . 3 Exercise 10. 4 Passage 1 . 4 Passage 2 . 6 Passage 3 . 8 Passage 4 . 10 Passage 5 . 12 Exercise 11. 14 Passage 6 . 14 Passage 7 . 16 Passage 8 . 17 Passage 9 . 19 Passage 10 . 20 Exercise 12. 21 Passage 11 . 21 Passage 12 . 23 Passage 13 . 25 Pass

2、age 14 . 27 Passage 15 . 29 上校 GRE 阅读基础 39 套参考答案 31 【参考译文】 . 32 Passage 1 . 32 Passage 2 . 32 Passage 3 . 32 Passage 4 . 33 Passage 5 . 33 Passage 6 . 33 Passage 7 . 33 Passage 8 . 34 Passage 9 . 34 Passage 10 . 34 Passage 11 . 35 Passage 12 . 35 Passage 13 . 35 Passage 14 . 35 Passage 15 . 36 【阅读必备

3、词汇】 . 37 passage 1 . 37 passage2 37 passage 3 . 38 passage 4 . 39 passage 5 . 39 2 passage 6 . 40 passage 7 . 40 passage 8 . 41 passage 9 . 41 passage 10 . 42 passage 11 . 43 passage 12 . 43 passage 13 . 44 passage 14 . 44 passage 15 . 45 二战 Verbal 20 天提升 12 分经验贴 . 47 3 使用说明 建议考生 ,先完成所有的短阅读,再开始长阅读训练

4、。 新 GRE改革后, 90%以上的阅读都是短阅读,只有 1篇左右的长阅读,备考的时候,应该把大多数的时间和精力在短阅读上。记得,阅读绝对不是简单的翻译,而是理解文字后面的含义和写作意图! 对于不清楚如何备考 GRE阅读的同学,强烈建议参加上校的 GRE培训,特别是在线课程,随时随地上课,全球直播。使用上校上课教大家的逻辑结构法以及同义替换法 解题 -简单粗暴 。同时深刻体会到文章里,哪里是主题,哪里是细节。细节和主题之间是什么逻辑关系。以及文章的内部的同义替换以及正确选项和原文的同义重复关系。 建议至少反反复复完成 3遍 。详细训练方法如下: 1, 在每套练习之前,提炼了该部分文章最为核心的

5、单词, 请大家先在 后面的词表 中在熟悉这 些单词的释义,最好是熟悉它们的英文释义和同义词,再进行训练。 ,2, 在单词熟悉之后,可以开始阅读的训练, 39套每套 5篇。 短文章部分,建议每套 30 分钟。一般到考试的速度要求是文章 1.5分钟看完, 4道题目, 3.5-4分钟左右完成。长文章建议每篇文章 5分钟 +题目 7分钟,一般是 12分钟做完。在实际考试里,长文章,仅有 4道题目。 其中,长短文章前各 10套训练的时候,不需要限制时间 。做题的原则是,学会分析文章的结构以及逻辑,题目应该定位到哪里,原文是如何与正确选项同义替换的。 3, 第 2 遍、第 3遍甚至更多的时候,请大家用上校

6、课堂上教大家的方法,学会如正确看文章以及做题方法。要慢慢体会到看文章的时候,达到自己和作者、出题者融为一体,貌似在和作者communicate一样的境界。 上校 GRE 阅读 39 套的亮点: 1,所有题 目来源于 GRE 阅读真题 ,这些题目在新 GRE 考试里,还会出现!根据新 GRE 的实际考试,把文章分为长短文章,让考生在更短时间达到更高的备考效率。 , 2,根据不同的学科,把所有的阅读分为文学类、社会科学类、生物科学类、自然科学类等。让考生在训练的时候,最快速度熟悉同一学科的文章和词汇。 我们会坚持尽量每周更新 3 套,会在这个微信平台: shangxiaogre , 也即是封面的那

7、个二维码 里发布下载链接 .。记得关注哦 如果你有任何把该资料进一步的完善的想法的,告诉我们。谢谢。 上校微信 : vcalive1203 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Section C 生命 科学类 4 SECTION C 生命科学类Exercise 10 Passage 1 Although scientists observe that an organisms behavior falls into rhythmic patterns, they disagree about how these patterns are affected when the organism

8、is transported to a new environment. One 5 experimenter, Brown, brought oysters from Connecticut waters to Illinois waters. She noted that the oysters initially opened their shells widest when it was high tide in Connecticut, but that after fourteen days their 10 rhythms had adapted to the tide sche

9、dule in Illinois. Although she could not posit an unequivocal causal relationship between behavior and environmental change, Brown concluded that a change in tide schedule is 15 one of several possible exogenous influences (those outside the organism) on the oysters rhythms. Another experimenter, Ha

10、mner, however, discovered that hamsters from California maintain their original rhythms 20 even at the South Pole. He concluded that endogenous influences (those inside the organism) seem to affect an organisms rhythmic behavior. 1. All of the following could be considered examples of exogenous infl

11、uences on an organism EXCEPT the influence of the (A) level of a hormone on a field mouses readiness for mating (B) temperature of a region on a bears hibernation (C) salt level of a river on a fishs migration (D) humidity of an area on a cats shedding of its fur (E) proximity of an owl on a lizards

12、 searching for food 2. Which of the following statements best describes the conclusion drawn by Brown (lines 14-17) (A) A change in tide schedule is the primary influence on an oysters rhythms. (B) A change in tide schedule may be an important exogenous influence on an oysters rhythms. (C) Exogenous

13、 influences, such as a change in tide schedule, seldom affect an oysters rhythms. (D) Endogenous influences have no effect on an oysters rhythms. (E) Endogenous influences are the only influences on an oysters rhythms. 3. The passage suggests that Browns study was similar to Hamners in which of the

14、following ways? I. Both experimenters discovered that a new environment had a significant effect on an organisms behavior rhythms. II. Both experimenters observed an organisms behavioral rhythms after the organism had been transported to a new environment. III. Both experimenters knew an organisms r

15、hythmic patterns in its original environment. (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Section C 生命 科学类 5 (E) I, II, and III 4. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Browns conclusion? (A) The oyster gradually closed their shells after high tide in

16、 Illinois had passed. (B) The oysters behavioral rhythms maintained their adaptation to the tide schedule in Illinois throughout thirty days of observation. (C) Sixteen days after they were moved to Illinois, the oysters opened their shells widest when it was high tide in Connecticut. (D) A scientis

17、t who brought Maryland oysters to Maine found that the oysters opened their shells widest when it was high tide in Maine. (E) In an experiment similar to Browns, a scientist was able to establish a clear causal relationship between environmental change and behavioral rhythms. 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Sect

18、ion C 生命 科学类 6 Passage 2 One of the questions of interest in the study of the evolution of spiders is whether the weaving of orb webs evolved only once or several times. About half the 35,000 known kinds of spiders make webs; a third of the web 5 weavers make orb webs. Since most orb weavers belong

19、either to the Araneidae or the Uloboridae families, the origin of the orb web can be determined only by ascertaining whether the families are related. 10 Recent taxonomic analysis of individuals from both families indicates that the families evolved from different ancestors, thereby contradicting Wi

20、ehles theory. This theory postulates that the families must be related, 15 based on the assumption that complex behavior, such as web building, could evolve only once. According to Kullman, web structure is the only characteristic that suggests a relationship between families. The 20 families differ

21、 in appearance, structure of body hair, and arrangement of eyes. Only Uloborids lack venom glands. Further identification and study of characteristic features will undoubtedly answer the question 25 of the evolution of the orb web. 1. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) settle the question

22、of whether orb webs evolved once or more than once (B) describe scientific speculation concerning an issue related to the evolution of orb webs (C) analyze the differences between the characteristic features of spiders in the Araneidae and Uloboridae families (D) question the methods used by earlier

23、 investigators of the habits of spiders (E) demonstrate that Araneidae spiders are not related to Uloboridae spiders 2. It can be inferred from the passage that all orb-weaving spiders belong to types of spiders that (A) lack venom glands (B) are included either in the Uloboridae or Araneidae famili

24、es (C) share few characteristic features with other spider types (D) comprise less than a third of all known types of spiders (E) are more recently evolved than other types of spiders 3. According to the passage, members of the Araneidae family can be distinguished from members of the Uloboridae fam

25、ily by all of the following EXCEPT: (A) the presence of venom glands (B) the type of web they spin (C) the structure of their body hair (D) the arrangement of their eyes (E) their appearance 4. Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens Wiehles theory that complex behavior could evolve

26、 only once? (A) Horses, introduced to the New World by the Spaniards, thrived under diverse climatic conditions. (B) Plants of the Palmaceae family, descendants of a common ancestor, evolved unique seed forms even though the plants occupy similar habitats throughout the world. 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Sec

27、tion C 生命 科学类 7 (C) All mammals are descended 7from a small, rodentlike animal whose physical characteristics in some form are found in all its descendants. (D) Plants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors

28、 of the desert, evolved independently. (E) The Cuban anole, which was recently introduced in the Florida wilds, is quickly replacing the native Florida chameleon because the anole has no competitors. 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Section C 生命 科学类 8 Passage 3 Biologists have long maintained that two groups of p

29、innipeds, sea lions and walruses, are descended from a terrestrial bearlike animal, whereas the remaining group, seals, shares an ancestor with weasels. But the 5 recent discovery of detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all three groups undermines the attempt to explain

30、 away superficial resemblance as due to convergent evolutionthe independent 10 development of similarities between unrelated groups in response to similar environmental pressures. Flippers may indeed be a necessary response to aquatic life; turtles, whales, and dugongs also have them. But the common

31、 15 detailed design found among the pinnipeds probably indicates a common ancestor. Moreover, walruses and seals drive themselves through the water with thrusts of their hind flippers, but sea lions use their front 20 flippers. If anatomical similarity in the flippers resulted from similar environme

32、ntal pressures, as posited by the convergent evolution theory, one would expect walruses and seals, but not seals and sea lions, to have similar flippers. 25 1. According to the passage, it has been recently discovered that (A) there are detailed skeletal similarities in the flippers of pinnipeds (B

33、) sea lions, seals, and walruses are all pinnipeds (C) pinnipeds are descended from animals that once lived on land (D) animals without common ancestors sometimes evolve in similar ways (E) animals that have flippers do not all use them in the same way 2. The author implies that which of the followi

34、ng was part of the long-standing view concerning pinnipeds? (A) Pinnipeds are all descended from a terrestrial bearlike animal. (B) Pinnipeds share a common ancestor with turtles, whales, and dugongs. (C) Similarities among pinnipeds are due to their all having had to adapt to aquatic life. (D) Ther

35、e are detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all pinnipeds. (E) Convergent evolution cannot account for the similarities among pinnipeds. 3. The author implies which of the following about the fact that turtles, whales, and dugongs all have flippers? (A) It can be explain

36、ed by the hypothesis that turtles, whales, and dugongs are very closely related. (B) It can be explained by the idea of convergent evolution. (C) It suggests that turtles, whales, and dugongs evolved in separate parts of the world. (D) It undermines the view that turtles, whales, and dugongs are all

37、 descended from terrestrial ancestors. (E) It is the primary difference between turtles, whales, and dugongs, on the one hand, and pinnipeds, on the other. 4. In presenting the argument in the passage, the author does which of the following? (A) Contends that key terms in an opposing view have been

38、improperly used. (B) Contends that opponents have purposely obscured important evidence. 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Section C 生命 科学类 9 (C) Shows that two theories thought to be in conflict are actually complementary. (D) Shows that advocates of a theory have not always stated their view in the same manner.

39、(E) Shows that an implication of a theory is contradicted by the facts. 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Section C 生命 科学类 10 Passage 4 While it is true that living organisms are profoundly affected by their environment, it is equally important to remember that many organisms are also capable of altering their hab

40、itat significantly, sometimes limiting their 5 own growth. The influence of the biological component of an ecosystem is often greater in fresh waters than in marine or terrestrial systems, because of the small size of many freshwater bodies. Many of the important 10 effects of organisms are related

41、to their physiology, especially growth and respiration. By their growth many species can deplete essential nutrients within the system, thus limiting their own growth or that of other 15 species. Lund has demonstrated that in Lake Windermere the alga Asterionella is unable to grow in conditions that

42、 it itself has created. Once a year, in the spring, this plant starts to grow rapidly in the lake, using up so much 20 silica from the water that by late spring there is no longer enough to maintain its own growth. The population decreases dramatically as a result. 1. Which of the following is an ex

43、ample of the type of organism described in lines 2-5? (A) A kind of ant that feeds on the sweet juice exuded by the twigs of a species of thorn tree that grows in dry areas. (B) A kind of fish that, after growing to maturity in the ocean, returns to fresh water. (C) A kind of flower that has marking

44、s distinctly perceptible in ultraviolet light to the species of bee that pollinates the flower. (D) A kind of tree with seeds that germinate readily only in a sunny spot and then develop into mature trees that shade the area below them. (E) A kind of butterfly, itself nonpoisonous, with the same mar

45、kings as a kind of butterfly that birds refuse to eat because it is poisonous. 2. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the followings is true about Asterionella plants in Lake Windermere? (A) They are not present except in early spring. (B) They contribute silica to the waters as they g

46、row. (C) They are food for other organisms. (D) They form a silica-rich layer on the lake bottom. (E) Their growth peaks in the spring. 3. The passage indicates that organisms frequently have the strongest effects on their environment in (A) oceans, since oceans contain the largest organisms living

47、on Earth (B) oceans, since oceans provide habitats for many different kinds of species (C) freshwater bodies, since such effects become pronounced in relatively small spaces (D) freshwater lakes, since nutrients in freshwater lakes are present only in small amounts (E) land areas, since there exist major influences of climate on the kinds of small organisms supported in land areas 4. The primary topic of the passage is the way in which (A) organisms are affected by the amount of nutrients available (B) organisms can change their own surroundings 上校 GRE 官网 : http:/ Section C 生命 科学类 11 (C)


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