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1、一.如何看懂海外出版的英文报刊?从何处着手?,1.中小学和大学低年级阶段:打好英文基础(这是首要的)关心时事、养成读报习惯:The 21st Century, China Daily,2.高年级阶段:除外刊外,尤其要重视文学学习。,Learning Strategies of selective readingin English print news media,3. 积累主题相关的专业词汇,有文学功底的,只要看上一年半载,补充一些国际知识和新闻词语,读起外刊来就能顺畅,理解得透彻。而无功底者却不能。原因:美英报刊文章包含着深厚的西方文学尤其是古典文学的底蕴。记者、尤其是大报记者写文章和某些

2、政界人士讲话喜欢引经据典。,需学习的西方古典文学:,1.莎士比亚著作,2.古希腊、罗马时期的神话和传说,3. 圣经典故和语言,The official saw the writing on the wall and fled the country.,“The writing on the wall”:a sign or warning of impending disaster(迫在眉睫的凶兆、不祥之兆)常见于新闻报道或文学读本,可追溯到旧约但以理书。,“这个官员预感到自己将有大难,立即逃到了国外。”,旧约中记载: 古巴比伦国王Belshazar(伯沙撒)在宫殿里设宴纵饮时,忽然看到一个神秘

3、的手指在王宫墙上写看不懂的文字,后来,国王叫到虏囚犹太预言家Daniel(但以理)才搞明白,墙上的字表示“大难临头”。如预言所示,伯沙撒当夜被杀,新国王由玛代人大利乌继任。,还有“the finger on the wall”,同义,Parody (仿拟): Temporary transformation of allusions, proverbs, famous sayings, . New wine in an old bottle,标题中会时常出现典故、习语 使文章显得幽默、有内涵 (当然,一般都是软新闻的标题),A Tale of Two Debtors,Candidate in

4、the wind,To Save or Not to Save,Do as the Maoris do,Oils well that ends well, hopes rig chef,“Walk With Lions” to come True in Kenya,Parody- 吉祥三宝之中国研究生版,师兄! 哎! 论文出来老板看过了吗? 看啦! 老板看完发到哪里去啦? 烂刊! 我怎么找也找不到它? 没人看啦! 论文、烂刊、学生就是吉祥的一家! 师姐! 哎! 论文完成就能毕业吗? 等项目结了! 项目结了就能答辩吗?,等老板批啦! 干完这些老板会多发money吗? 你会知道的! 老板、项目和m

5、oney就是吉祥的一家! 师妹! 啊? 学校像太阳照着大家! 那老板呢? 老板是向日葵紧跟朝令夕改的太阳! 那我们呢? 我们是绿叶老实工作衬托红花! 噢!明白啦! 学校、老板和我们就是吉祥如意的一家!,Example : A Tale of Two Debtors“There is no practice more dangerous than that of borrowing money”, advised George Washington. The great man couldnt tell a lie, yet while his saying is true, if it wer

6、e taken too literally capitalism would grind to a halt. For the Japanese government to borrow money, pots of it, to try to revive the worlds second largest economy has surely made sense. . And in America, the worlds largest economy, it has surely made sense for Americas new private caped crusaders t

7、o borrow money, pots of it, to invest in search of profit. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens,Example : Candidate in the Wind How a wavering Hillary Rodham Clinton finally decided to declareWell, its about the time.Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton turned the longest-running unofficial campaign

8、 in political soap-opera history into something real. She is now an actual, for the record, read-my-lips candidate for the U. S. Senate from New York. Candle in the Wind by Elton John in memory of Lady Diana Spencer,Candidate in the wind,Candle in the Wind风中之烛,英国摇滚歌星艾顿约翰纪念英国王妃戴安娜的歌曲。,Candle in the W

9、ind本来是为玛丽莲梦露所作,但在英国王妃黛安娜1997年遇车祸不幸身亡之后。约翰在黛安娜的葬礼上演唱了这首歌曲,使Candle in the Wind风靡全球。记者在写美国第一夫人宣布竞选参议员时借用“风中之烛”,除了借黛妃的名气,也传达了希拉里在竞选问题上象风一样摇摆不定的意思。,Example : TO SAVE OR NOT TO SAVEUncle Sam sends the wrong message. Why is the personal savings rate in the U. S. so low? Conventional wisdom says its because

10、 many people earn just enough to get by. Example : The Immigrants Dilemma: To Boycott or Not to Boycott?A split is growing over how militant the upcoming Day Without Immigrants should be. (TIME April 18, 2006),To Save or Not to Save,借用了莎士比亚在王子复仇记)(Hamlet)中的名句to be or not to be。如果读者没有领会作者在这个标题中对莎士比亚这

11、个名句的妙用,他就很难理解记者这个标题所传递的信息。,其实是对英语中 When in Rome, do as the Romans do(入国问禁,入乡随俗)的谚语进行了修改。,Do as the Maoris do,United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan does the “hongi”, a traditional Maori greeting with Maori Affairs Minister Dover Samuels while meeting the cabinet in Wellington yesterday. Annan i

12、s on an official visit to New Zealand.Feb 24,2000 China Daily,Example :,下面这条新闻说的是厨师大赛,但它的标题显然是借用了大文豪莎士比亚的Alls Well that Ends Well(终成眷属)的标题音韵来叙说一个在英国北海的石油平台上工作的厨师的不凡表现。,Oils well that ends well, hopes rig chef,LONDON,Feb 5(Reuters)一The cook who feeds British workers on a North Sea oil rig has beaten

13、off a challenge by 5,000 other cooks to reach the finals of the International Indian Chef of the Year competition,借用一下在国内很时髦的广告词“牙好,味道就好”,把这个标题说成“油好,味道就好”,Example :,标题借用一些故事、成语或典故,甚至人们比较熟悉的电影、流行歌的名称,通常会为新闻增色不少,但在理解或译成汉语时千万不可生硬从事,或简单套用英文的意思。,肯尼亚:游人将“与狮同行”,“Walk With Lions” to come True in Kenya,阅读美英报

14、刊必须打好两项基本功:,1.新闻词语语言基本功,2.世界知识文化知识基本功,1.新闻词语,新闻语言与我国学生在中学和大学低年级所学课文的规范语言不完全相同。学生们以前所学的内容大多是关于学习和人生哲理的一些小故事。,掌握一定数量的新闻词语语言基本功,试判断以下词汇的意思: run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, high profile, dry, wetHe blinked. Im a family man.,runracejuicemeasureSpeakerg

15、unshipestablishmenttake a walkgo fishing,竞选 竞选 神通 议案 议长 武装直升机 权势集团 退党 与党离心离德,high profiledrywetHe blinkedIm a family man.,引人注目或公开的 英国保守党中的“强硬派”“温和派” 他顶不住而退让了。我是一个治家有方、治国(或治州、治市)有道的人,president, congress, parliament, senator, majority leader, scandal, general election, Speaker of the House, vote, bill

16、, veto, impeach, peace talk, referendum, demonstration, lobbyist, weapons of mass destruction, peace-keeping forces, six-party talk, oil-for-food programSecretary-General, the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, APEC, etc.,Words in special fields-politics,2.世界知识,美英报刊涉及的面极广,政治、军事、外交、经济、文化、教

17、育等内容无所不包。如不了解背景,有些词语和文章就难以理解。,e.g. Afghanistanism “阿富汗主义”,即“重外交、轻内政”的政策或作法,具有必要的读报背景知识文化知识基本功,e.g. Afghanistanism “阿富汗主义”,为什么多数美国总统推行“宁管天边乱,不闻眼前事”的政策或主张?因为国内问题往往积重难返,见效慢,而外交问题举世瞩目,易出风头,在选民中易得分,以利他们竞选连任。“911”事件后,美国对阿动武,推翻了塔利班政权,该词词义今后或许会有所变化。,Remember, this course are learned through attentive focus

18、and constant step-by- step practice (特别的专注和持续不断、循序渐进的练习). Take your time and patience: Begin to accumulate vocabulary by reading news and start with listening to VOA and BBC special English if you feel its such tough work for you to catch the main idea of the news in this book. Just persist in readi

19、ng and listening and a flash of insight will strike you (顿悟) sooner or later.,Bear in mind,Be an Early Bird. “Early bird”comes from the proverb, “The early bird catches the worm.“ 1) Watch ABC or CBS news at 7:30 a.m. 2) Review each unit and keep reading news. 3) Surf the Net to keep up with latest

20、news. Learn by “watching”, learn by “doing”! *Its your turn to make more practice!,Source of Broadcast News English Radio: VOA (Voice of America) news BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) news Television: CCTV (中央电视台) English news ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation 美国广播公司) news CBS (Columbia B

21、roadcasting System 哥伦比亚广播公司) news,Net: http:/ http:/www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/index.shtml http:/ http:/ http:/ electronic form: 英语之声 Voice of English http:/ (VOA美国之音网站专题,拥有专业丰富的新闻交互训练试题多媒体栏目。另有世界各国主要广播网站链接和英语广播学习网站推荐。) 中国日报美国之音 http:/ (中国日报的Language Tips提供美国之音慢速英语、常速英语及生活美语文本和语音文htt

22、p:/ VOA Normal Speed English 美国之音常速英语,VOA特别英语在线测试 Quizzes Based On VOAs Special English Program http:/www.manythings.org/voa/ 阅读VOA特别英语文本,测试英语语法和词汇。Flash交互练习丰富,广播栏目包括: Science Reports,Science in the News,In the News,American Mosaic,This is America,People in America,Environment Reports,Development Re

23、ports,Agriculture Reports,Timed Quizzes,Related Pages on This Website.,听力快车美国之音 http:/ 提供美国之音每天新闻和特别英语音频和文字材料文件下载。 世博英语听力宝库VOA慢速英语 http:/ 提供美国之音特别英语音频和文字材料文件下载。 雅舍考研之路美国之音 Special English 听力训练VOA慢速新闻英语音频和文字材料文件下载。 Standard English 听力训练VOA/BBC标准语速新闻英语音频和文字材料文件下载。,音文在线美国之音 http:/ 提供美国之音慢速英语新闻文字材料下载。 Study Mandarin Using VOA http:/ 将新闻故事的每个句子分为单个的音频文件,配以内容概要,文字材料,中文翻译,生词表和单注释。 World Radio Network http:/www.wrn.org/ondemand/audio/voa2.ram http:/wrn.org/ondemand/communicationsworld.html,


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