1、作业文件Working documents: 液体渗透探伤规程Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure 版次/页修改次 Revision/Page Modification Times: 03/0 不得擅自拷贝 No Copy! XXXXXX page 1 of 9 QP-0824.2 受控状态: 文件编号: ZZM-QP-0824.2 Controlled Status Document No.: 发放编号: Issuing NO.: 液体渗透探伤规程 Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure (Rev.03) 编 制:
2、 质检部 日期: May-26-2011 Compiled by QC Department Date 审 核: 日期 Verified by: Date 批 准: 日期 Approved by: Date 发行日期: May-28-2011 实施日期 : May-28-2011 Issue date Execution Date 作业文件Working documents: 液体渗透探伤规程Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure 版次/页修改次 Revision/Page Modification Times: 03/0 不得擅自拷贝 No Copy!
3、XXXXXX page 2 of 9 QP-0824.2 1.目 的:依 ASTM E165 标准要求,结合 API 6A 标准、 核电用钴基 SFA-5.13 ECoCr-A 手工焊用焊条采购规程 (SM2-ME02-GPP-059) 等等,为液体渗透检测 可视法建立检测方法、规定检测人员要求、明确产品接受准则。 Establishes the methods, personnel requirements and acceptance criteria for performing liquid penetrant examination using the visible methods
4、 in accordance with the requirements of API Specification 6A, Procurement specification for SFA-5.13 EcoCr-A Covered Electrode for SMAW ( SM2-ME02-GPP-059) etc. This procedure complies with the requirements of ASTM E165. 2.适用范围:本方法适用于本公司精铸件、锻件、机加工件产品的焊接 /补焊及焊接(接焊、焊补、堆焊和表面硬化)件用液体渗透检测方法 ,检查表面组织中断:如疏松、
5、气孔、龟裂、叠痕、冷隔、渗漏、夹渣和熔合不足(虚焊)等缺陷。 The methods are applicable to in-process, final, in-service examinations and Welds (fabrication, weld repair, overlay and hard facing)for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface such as cracks, laps, cold shuts, through leaks, porosity, and lack of fusio
6、n when this type of liquid penetrant examination is performed on non-ferromagnetic and products produced by Zhongzhou Special Alloy Materials Co .,Ltd. 3.引用文件 3.1 ASTM E165液体渗透的标准检测方法 ASTM E165 Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination 3.2 ASNT-SNT-TC-1A推荐的实施规程 无损检测人员的资格评定和证书 ; Recommend
7、ed Practice NO. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification And Certification In Nondestructive Testing 3.3 ANSI/API Spec 6A 2004井口装置和采油树设备规范 ANSI/API Spec 6A / ISO 10423 Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment 3.4 SM2-ME02-GPP-059 钴基 SFA-5.13 ECoCr-A手工焊用焊条采购规程 SM2-ME02-GPP-059 Procurement spe
8、cification for SFA-5.13 EcoCr-A Covered Electrode for SMAW 4. 定义 4.1 线性显示:长度大于或等于其宽度的三倍的显示。 Linear Indications - Indication in which the length is equal to or greater than three times its width. 4.2 圆形显示:圆形的或椭圆的显示,其长度小于其宽度的 3 倍。 Rounded Indications - Indication which; is circular or elliptical with
9、its length less than 3 times its width. 4.3 相关显示:只有主要尺寸大于 1/16 英寸( 1.60mm)的显示才视为相关显示,是由于机械组织中断引起的显示,对于渗透剂的溢出区域是可读的,并非出错。 Relevant Indications - Only those indications with major dimensions greater than 1/16” (1.6 mm) shall be considered relevant. They are indications caused by mechanical discontinui
10、ties. For sizing, the bleed-out area of the penetrant is read, not the defect. 4.4 无关显示:由于涂装标记、加工标记等,而不是由于机械中断或表面破裂, (如磁迹、非金属痕及其所包含的因素)引起的显示。 Non-relevant Indications - Indications that are caused by stenciling marks, machining marks, etc., and not associated with mechanical discontinuities. 4.5 可疑显
11、示:任何有问题的、可疑的或认为无关的显示都应视为有缺陷而进行重行评估,通过液体渗透检测或使用另一种表面无损检测方法或不可接受的缺陷表面呈现显示出来。 Questionable Indications - Any questionable or doubtful or indication believed to be nonrelevant shall be regarded as a defect unless on a re-evaluation, it is shown by re-examination or by the use of another nondestructive m
12、ethod or surface conditioning that no unacceptable defects are present. 4.6 密封区域:在打开、关闭或传输时表面保持接触的区域。 Sealing Area - the area where contact is maintained between the surfaces, whether in the open, closed, or transit position. 作业文件Working documents: 液体渗透探伤规程Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure 版次/页
13、修改次 Revision/Page Modification Times: 03/0 不得擅自拷贝 No Copy! XXXXXX page 3 of 9 QP-0824.2 5. 资格要求 /Qualification of Personnel 5.1 据以下规范,进行检测、说明及对结果作出评价、记录的人员应具备至少 2 级资格证明: Personnel performing the examination, interpreting, evaluation of findings, and recording results of examination shall be qualifie
14、d and certified to a minimum Level II in accordance with: 5.2 据以下规范,所有进行本检测的人员都要求进行每年的视力测试及三年一次的辩色测试 ,不得有色盲。 All personnel performing examinations per this procedure shall have an annual vision examination and a Color Perception Test once every three years in accordance with: 6 透检测条件 /Liquid penetra
15、nt testing conditions 6.1 测温度 Testing temperature 透剂与被检测零件的温度为 10-52之间 The temperature of the penetrant and the part to be examined shall be between 10 -52 . 6.2渗透材料和设备 Penetrant Materials and Equipment a) 程序可采用可视、水洗法( ASTM E165, 2 类方式 A)或可视、熔剂去除法( ASTM E165, 2类方式 C) ,以下是可接受的渗透剂材料: The process shall
16、 be either Visible, Water Washable (ASTM E165, Type 2, Method A), or Visible, Solvent Removable (ASTM E165, Type 2, Method C) and the following penetrant materials are acceptable. 水洗去除着色渗透 / Water Washable 目视不能确定的 /Visual not sure; 首批生产的样件(数量在订单评审附件中注明) 。 The first production batch of sample (quanti
17、ty in order review attached indicate). 1500 磅级以上厚壁件 或 8以上薄壁件( 20mm) , 100%着色探伤。 The thick wall pieces above level 15 pounds or 8 “above thin wall pieces (20mm), 100% LP. 批量生产的阀体类承压件及单件大于 50kg的非承压件按 15%抽样检查。 The body mass production as pressure parts and single than the 50kg artesian pieces to 15% sa
18、mpling inspection. b) 锻件:所有表面有打磨等方式加工的坯料或半成品、成品。 Forgings: all surfaces have burnish the means such as blank processing or Semi-finished products and finished products c) 其他零件 Other parts: 所有成品零件的密封表面,在最终热处理与表面加工操作后都应进行液体渗透检测。 All finished parts of the seal surface, In the final heat treatment and s
19、urface processing operations are should undertake liquid penetrant testing. d) 焊接 (接焊、 焊补、 堆焊和表面硬化) 件 / Welds (fabrication, weld repair, overlay and hard facing) 应对做焊接金属涂层准备的所有表面进行无损检测; Welding metal coating prepared to do all the surface nondestructive testing 焊接件检测应包含整个焊接区域以及焊点两侧相邻基本材料的 1/2( 13mm)
20、 。 Examinations shall include the entire weld area plus 1/2” (13mm) of the adjacent base material on both sides of the weld. 7 . 检测流程 Examination Process 7.1被检测表面处理 Surface Preparation a) 当表面可能掩盖某些不能允许的不连续,应采用打磨、切削械加工或必要的其它方法制备表面。 Surface preparation shall be accomplished by grinding, machining or o
21、ther methods which may be necessary when surface irregularities could mask indications of unacceptable discontinuities. b) 被检测的表面以及所有相邻的至少 1 英寸以内区域,应当干燥并且没有污垢、油脂、棉绒、纤维、焊料、焊溅、或其它掩盖表面开口或干扰检测的外来杂质。 The surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 1“ shall be dry and free of any dirt, g
22、rease, lint, scale, welding flux, weld splatter, oil or other extraneous matter that could obscure surface openings or otherwise interfere with the examination. c) 通常使用的清洁剂:去污剂、有机溶剂、除锈液等。也可以使用脱脂法和超声波清洗法。 Typical cleaning agents that may be used are detergents, organic solvents, descaling solutions a
23、nd paint removers. Degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning methods may also be used. d) 处理和清洁过的检测表面干燥应为自然蒸发或使用流通的热空气。空气温度不应超过 52 Drying of the prepared and cleaned surfaces for examination shall be accomplished by normal evaporation or with circulating hot air. Air temperature shall not exceed 125o F (52
24、o C). 作业文件Working documents: 液体渗透探伤规程Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure 版次/页修改次 Revision/Page Modification Times: 03/0 不得擅自拷贝 No Copy! XXXXXX page 5 of 9 QP-0824.2 e) 在进行液体渗透检测前,不允许进行喷砂、喷丸、磨料磨和电钢刷清理,因为会掩盖一些可疑显示。 Sandblasting or power wire brushing is not permitted prior to liquid penetrant inspe
25、ction as it may mask any suspect indication. 7.2 渗透 penetration a) 在被检测的零件或表面在指定温度范围内清洁与干燥后,应在被检测表面应用渗透剂,以使整个零件或检测区域完全被渗透剂覆盖,并在整个渗透时间内保持润湿状态。 After the parts or surface to be examined has been cleaned, dried, and is within the specified temperature range, the penetrant shall be applied to the surfac
26、e to be examined so that the entire part or area under examination is completely covered with penetrant. b) 渗透剂可以采用浸、刷、浇或喷涂。如果渗透剂采用喷雾法,利用空压机之空气压力,空气应进行过滤以排除渗透剂被油、水或灰尘沉积的污染物,这些可能被集中在压缩的空气中。 The penetrant may be applied by dipping, brushing, flooding or spraying methods. If the penetrant is applied by
27、 spraying, utilizing compressed air as the vehicle, the air shall be filtered to preclude contamination of the penetrant by oil, water or dirt sediments that may have collected in the compressed air lines. c) 渗透剂在被检测表面上的最少停留时间,在 10-52温度下应不小于 10 分钟。 The minimum penetrant dwell time shall be ten (10)
28、minutes for temperatures between 40 F (4 and 125o F (52 ) of the surfaces being examined. d) 在渗透保持阶段,任何完全干燥被检测表面上渗透剂的操作都会导致检测无效! Any complete drying of penetrant on surfaces to be examined during the penetration dwell time shall void。 7.3 渗透剂的去除 7.3.1 水洗渗透剂的去除 a) 水洗渗透剂去除应通过用水喷射冲洗表面渗透剂来完成。对去除表面渗透剂流程执
29、行适当的流程控制是必要的, 以确保清洗彻底。 标准的水压不应超过 280kPa(40psi)并且水温应当在 10-38范围内,冲洗时间不应超过 2 分钟。过分清洗会导致检测无效。如有必要,在冲洗后为避免重复水洗,可使用一块无棉绒的擦布擦去过多的渗透剂。 Water washable penetrant removal shall be accomplished by rinsing penetrant from surfaces by spraying with water. It is essential to exercise proper process control in remov
30、al of excess surface penetrant to assure against over washing. Standard water line pressure shall not exceed 40 PSI and water temperature shall be within the range of 10 and 38 and rinse time shall not exceed two (2) minutes. Excessive washing will void the examination requiring a repeat of the proc
31、ess beginning with the cleaning of the examination area. When necessary after washing and to avoid re-washing, a lint-free cloth moistened with water shall be used to remove excess penetrant. b) 水射束与被检测表面应小于 30 度角,从上至下轻快地喷射,不要使喷雾成直角( 90 度) ,因为这样可能会消除可疑显示,零件不应处于在水洗操作中易积水的区域或凹槽处。 Water spray shall be
32、brisk and directed at30-degree angle against the part surface starting from top to bottom. Do not direct the water spray at right angle (90-degree) as it may remove suspect indication. Parts shall be positioned where no areas, grooves, or pockets that will hold water at any time during washing opera
33、tion. 7.3.2溶剂渗透剂的去除 Penetrant Removal a) 溶剂渗透剂去除应使用一个干的、清洁的、无棉绒布料擦拭来完成,并且重复操作直到大部分渗透剂痕迹被清除为止。然后使用无棉绒的布料以溶剂浸湿来擦拭表面,并注意不要把中断处的渗透剂擦掉。 The removal of solvent removable penetrant shall be accomplished by wiping with a dry, clean, lint-free material and repeating the operation until most traces of penetra
34、nt have been removed. Subsequently wipe the surface using a lint-free material moistened with solvent and taking care to avoid removing the penetrant from discontinuities. 作业文件Working documents: 液体渗透探伤规程Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure 版次/页修改次 Revision/Page Modification Times: 03/0 不得擅自拷贝 No C
35、opy! XXXXXX page 6 of 9 QP-0824.2 b) 避免使用过多的溶剂来减少中断处渗透剂。如果去除过多渗透剂很困难而又没有进行擦拭,在应用渗透剂之后和显像被禁止之前,用溶剂清洁或冲洗零件表面或检测区域来完成。 Avoid the use of excess solvent to minimize removal of penetrant from discontinuities. If the wiping step is not effective, as evidenced by difficulty in removing the excess penetrant,
36、 dry the part, and reapply the penetrant for the prescribed dwell time. Rinsing or flushing the surface of the part or examination area with solvent following the application of penetrant and prior to developing is prohibited. 7.4 烘干 Drying a) 烘干应在干燥应用非水显像剂之前进行。 Drying shall be performed before appl
37、ication of dry or non-aqueous developers are applied. b) 对于水洗去除技术: 表面应使用清洁的布擦干或使流通的空气,只要表面温度不上升到 52以上即可,不允许使用吸水纸。零件在烘干中可以保持的最大时间长度不应超过表面湿气蒸发所需时间的两倍,但烘干的时间最少为 5 分钟,在表面所有可见湿迹被去除后进行,以保证所有湿迹已从被检测表面蒸发。 For water-washable techniques,the surfaces may be dried by wiping with clean materials or by using circ
38、ulating warm air, provided the temperature of the surface is not raised above 52 . Blotting is not permitted. The maximum length of time that a part may remain in the dryer shall be that necessary to adequately dry the part. A minimum of five (5) minutes drying time, after all visible traces of surf
39、ace moisture have been removed, shall be allowed to assure that all traces of surface moisture have evaporated from the surfaces being examined. c) 对于溶剂去除法:应采用自然蒸发使表面干燥。 For the solvent removable technique, the surfaces shall be dried by normal evaporation. 7.5 显像 a) 在去除了过多的表面渗透剂之后,可以通过撒、灌或喷来应用显像剂。
40、Developers may be applied by dusting, flooding or spraying after the removal of excess surface penetrant. b) 非水显像剂的应用应在烘干时间完成后进行 ,以使中断处没有渗透剂。 Application of non-aqueous and dry developers shall be after drying time has elapsed. c) 显像剂在搅动后,应用下列一种方法进行: Developers shall be applied, after agitation, in
41、one of the following manners: 非水显像剂,在擦去被检测表面过多渗透剂之后与烘干之前,立即对整个表面喷射薄 薄地一层。 Non-aqueous developers shall be applied by spraying a thin coating over the entire surface being examined immediately after the removal of excess penetrant and after drying. 干粉显像剂,用于在被检测的整个表面上撒薄薄的一层。 Dry powder developers shal
42、l be applied immediately after drying by dusting a thin coating over the entire surface to be examined. d) 不允许在被检测表面上的凹处出现显像剂的聚积点 Pools of wet developer in cavities on the surfaces to be examined shall not be permitted. e) 烘干非水显像剂应自然蒸发或在表面应用热空气,不允许使用吸水纸,如果使用热空气,表面温度不应超过 52,不允许使用吸水纸。零件在烘干中可以保持的最大时间长度
43、不应超过表面湿气蒸发所需时间的两倍,烘干的时间最少为 5 分钟,在表面所有可见湿迹去除后进行,以保证所有湿迹已从被检测表面蒸发。 Drying a non-aqueous developer shall be accomplished by normal evaporation at room temperature. Are not allowed to use absorbent, if use hot air, the surface temperature should not exceed 52 , are not allowed to use blotting paper. Par
44、ts in drying the maximum time can keep the length shall not exceed the time needed for surface evaporate moisture, drying time twice in a minimum of 5 minutes, remove surface all visible wet mark after in place to ensure that all wet, already from being detection tracing surface evaporation. 作业文件Wor
45、king documents: 液体渗透探伤规程Liquid penetrant Examination Procedure 版次/页修改次 Revision/Page Modification Times: 03/0 不得擅自拷贝 No Copy! XXXXXX page 7 of 9 QP-0824.2 f) 如果被检测区域在烘干显像剂之后被注明有过度的粉色调,测试应视为无效,彻底清洁该项并重复此流程。 If the examined area, after drying of the developer, is noted as having an excessive pink hue,
46、 the test shall be deemed void, the item cleaned thoroughly, and the process repeated. 7.6检测 Examination a) 对于着色渗透,起码要有 100fc( 1000lx)光强度的照明,以保证在检验和评定指示时有足够 的灵敏度;对于荧光渗透,要在暗区用经过滤光的紫外线。测试前,测试仪应置于暗的环境中至少 5min,以使 “眼睛 ”适应暗的视野。在使用或测量紫外线射源的强度之前,应至少预热黑光灯至少 5min,黑光强度应使用黑光计测量,测出的零件表面的黑光强度至少为 1000W/ cm2,黑光波长范围
47、为 320-380mm Examination shall be accomplished in either natural or adequate artificial light with a minimum of 100 foot candles 1000lx). In the inspection and evaluation to ensure the sensitivity has enough instructions; For fluorescence penetrant in the dark areas, with filtered uv light. Test befo
48、re, tester should park dark environment, in order to make “at least 5min eyes“ adapt to dark vision. In use or measuring the intensity of ultraviolet shoot source should be preheated before at least black lights at least 5min, black strength should use black project parts surface measurements, the measured for at least and black light intensity