1、雅思听力,面试试讲By 叶嘉怡,如何攻克听力搭配题,三大难点是选择体的一种变形, 听力之前要阅读的信息大量, 容易混乱, 难以找出关键点;每题的答案出现间隔的时间很短, 在听力中容易漏听;听力中的内容是选项中的同义词替换, 不懂听力中的表达, 则不能选出答案。,三方应对,题干不长, 首先要读完题干;选项快速浏览, 尽量划出关键词 在听力时take notes,不必忙着搭配找答案, 只把听到的内容简短地记下来生词不能慌, 听前后的还有提示作用的词, 生词不一定是答案同义词,三点注意,题干在听力中往往直接出现, 答案通常紧跟其后;确定听力是以题干还是选项为顺序, 虽然大多是以题干为顺序;不必过多逻
2、辑分析, 直选同义词替换就好。,IELTS 9 Test 3 Section 2 Questions 14-18What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people?,14. Simon (the speaker) - E - engine maintenance I only concern myself with looking after the mechanical side of things 15. Liz - H - staffing Liz now devotes all her ener
3、gies to recruiting and supporting the large squadron of workers 16. Sarah F food and drink Sarah has now returned to the park and makes sure the visitors are kept fed and watered ,17. Duncan C building Duncan, has been a stalwart of the park for the last ten years, taking over from me in the area of construction 18. Judith G sales his new wife, Judith, has also joined the team in charge of retail ,三方应对读完题干;选项快速浏览,划出关键词; take notes,不必忙着搭配找答案生词不能慌 三点注意题干在听力中直接出现, 答案紧跟其后;确定听力顺序, 大多是以题干为顺序;不必过多逻辑分析, 直选同义词替换。,谢 谢 !,