1. 一清二楚 crystal clear 2. 两败俱伤 Both sides suffer 3. 三思而行 Think twice. 4. 四面八方 form every side 5. 五光十色 bright with many colors 6. 六亲不认 turn ones back to ones flesh and blood 7. 七嘴八舌 all talking at once 8. 八面玲珑 a smooth operator,Chinese idioms Number,9. 九霄云外cast to the wings 10. 一见钟情 love at first sight 11. 一拍即合 hit it off right away 12. 一心一意 wholeheartedly,13. 一诺千金 A promise is a promise,14. 一马当先 take the lead,15. 一鸣惊人 set the world on fire,16. 一毛不拔 very stingy,Lets read it together!,13. 一诺千金 A promise is a promise 14. 一马当先 take the lead 15. 一鸣惊人 set the world on fire 16. 一毛不拔 very stingy,