UNIT 3,Review,Monkey MunchyPanda PandyDog DoffyCat CattyTeddy BearGood morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!My name is,apple banana bamboo cake candy An apple, please! Some cake? Yes./No. Say hello to Teddy Bear!,A a,B b,C c,D d,E e,G g,duck dog,eelelephant,fishfrog,G g,giraffe girl,我演你猜,游戏规则:每组两个同学上来,一个表演,一个猜,在规定的时间内,看哪组猜对的次数多,哪组获胜,下面的同学监督。,monkey,dog,cat,panda,duck,fish,elephant,frog,giraffe,eel,banana,apple,bamboo,duck dog eel elephantfish frog girl giraffeLook!Its a frog. Yes,it is.Hello! Welcome! Have fun!I will!,