1、Chapter 4,药物效应动力学,pharmacodynamics,1 药物的基本作用 Basic actions of drugs,一 、药物作用与药理效应Drug action pharmacological effect,作用(action):药物对机体的初始作用。 效应(effect):初始作用引起的机体机能改变。,阿托品(-)M-R 扩瞳(mydriasis),action,effect,兴奋(excitation):使机体原有功能水平,Excitation (兴奋) is an increase of the function caused by a drug.,抑制(inhib
2、ition):使机体原有功能水平,Inhibition (抑制) is a decrease of the function caused by a drug.,指药物在适当剂量时只影响机体的某种功能,而对其它功能影响很小或没有影响。,形成原因:1)药物在体内的分布不均2)组织器官的结构不同3)生化功能差异 意义:1)药物分类依据2)临床选药基础,药物作用的选择性(selectivity):,Note:,Selectivity is different from specificity. For example, atropine(阿托品) blocks(阻断) M-R specificall
3、y, but it has effects on heart, smooth muscle, eye and glands.,选择性不同与特异性,例如,阿托品特异性阻断M-R,但却可影响心脏、平滑肌、眼和腺体。,二 治疗效果(therapeutic effect),1、对因治疗: 消除致病因素,Etiological treatment aims to eradicate (消除) the pathogenic (致病的) factors,2、对症治疗:改善症状,Symptomatic treatment aims to reduce (减轻) or improve (改善) the symp
4、toms.,三 不良反应(adverse reaction),1、副作用(side reaction),在治疗量产生的与治疗目的无关的作用。,Side reaction is unconcerned (无关) with the therapeutic (治疗的) aim and occurs (出现) at therapeutic dose (剂量).,特点(properties),1) 治疗量产生(occurs at therapeutic dose.) 2) 不严重 ( not serious) 3) 与治疗作用可以互相转化(can be transited to therapeutic
5、effect) 4) 可预知 (can be forecasted),松驰平滑肌,扩瞳,阿托品(atropine),治疗作用,副作用,缓解胃肠绞痛,便秘,视力模糊,检查眼底,副作用,治疗作用,2、毒性反应(toxic reaction),用药量过大或用药时间过长引起的危害性反应。,1)急性毒性(acute toxicity),It occurs immediately and frequently damages (损害) the circulation (循环), respiratory (呼吸) and nervous (神经) system(系统).,2)慢性毒性 (chronic to
6、xicity),It commonly damages (损害) liver (肝), kidney (肾), bone marrow (骨髓) and endocrine (内分泌) system. Carcinogenesis (致癌), teratogenesis (致畸) and mutagenesis (致突变) also belong to the chronic toxicity. They are also called potential (潜在) toxicity.,3、后遗效应(residual effect),血药浓度降至有效浓度以下时残存的效应。,4、停药反应(wit
7、hdrawal reaction):回跃反应(rebound reaction):突然停药后原有疾病加剧。,5、变态反应(allergic reaction)过敏反应(hypersensitive reaction),1)与剂量无关(unconcerned with dose) 2)因药而异,因人而异( vary from drug to drug and person to person ),6、特异质反应(idiosyncrasy):,由于先天遗传异常所致的对某些药物高敏。,Patients with genetic (遗传的) enzyme defects (缺陷), such as g
8、lucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶) deficiency (缺乏). The deficiency will result in haemolysis (溶血) if an oxidant (氧化剂) drug, e.g. aspirin (阿司匹林), is taken.,2 药物剂量与效应关系,Dose-effect relationship,一 剂量( dose / dosage),极量:,临床允许使用的最大剂量。有一次极量或一日极量。,即用药的份量。按药物的效应由小到大,把剂量分为几种。,剂量,作用强度,最小有效量,常用量(治疗
9、量),极量,最小中毒量,最小致死量,二 量效关系(dose-effect relationship),在一定的范围内药理效应与剂量成正比。,量效关系常用量-效曲线(dose-effect curve,D-E曲线)表示。,(一)量反应的量效曲线,量反应(graded response):,药理效应的强弱呈连续增减的变化,可用具体数量或最大反应的百分率表示。如血压(blood pressure)等。,量反应量效曲线的特点,(Properties of dose-effect curve of graded-response),1、反映效应的量随剂量而变化的情况 2、效应可用实测值或最大效应百分数表
10、示 3、剂量为横坐标时,量效曲线呈长尾S形,以对数剂量为横坐标时,为对称S形。 4、可通过测定药物的效价强度和效能来评价药效。,Log C,E,E,C,长尾S型曲线,对称S型曲线,100%,50%,Emax,图3-1 药物作用的量效关系曲线,(A),(B),曲线分析(analysis of the curve):几个特定位点,Log C,最小有效浓度(minimal effective concentration),效能(efficacy)最大效应(maximal effect, Emax),半最大效应浓度(concentration for 50% of maximal effect, EC
11、50),斜率,较陡:药效较剧烈,较平坦:药效较温和,E,最小有效量(minimal effective dose) 最低有效浓度(minimal effective concentration) 阈剂量或阈浓度(threshold dose or concentration)能够引起效应的最小药量或最低药物浓度。,最大效应(maximal effect, Emax)效能(efficacy),随着药物剂量的增加,药物效应增强,当效应增加到一定程度后,若继续增加剂量而效应不再增强,这一药理效应的极限称为最大效应。,Efficacy(效能) refers to the maximal respons
12、e produced by drug. It depends on drugs intrinsic activity(内在活性).,半最大效应浓度(concentration for 50% of maximal effect, EC50),引起50%最大效应的药物浓度。,The EC50 is the concentration producing 50% of the maximal response. Thus, the lower the EC50, the more potent the drug.,效价强度(potency),能引起等效反应的相对浓度或剂量。(即等效剂量比),Pot
13、ency means the relative concentrations or doses of drugs at which the equal effect is produced. The lower the concentration or dose, the higher the potency.Potency is related to the affinity (亲和力) of drug.,剂量,每日尿排钠量 mmol,效价强度: 氢氯噻嗪 呋噻米,效能: 呋噻米 氢氯噻嗪,氢氯噻嗪,呋噻米,图3-2 各种利尿药的效价强度和最大效应比较,环戊噻嗪,氢氯噻嗪,呋噻米,氯噻嗪,(
14、二)质反应的量-效曲线,质反应(quantal response),药理效应以阳性或阴性,全或无(all-or-none)的方式表示,如死亡或生存,惊厥或不惊厥。,质反应量-效曲线的特点,(Properties of dose-effect curve of quantal-response),1、表示效应的性质随剂量变化的情况,剂量由小到大,效应从无到有。 2、观察各剂量组中某效应出现的百分率(频数) 3、求得所测指标的中值剂量(median dose),进行药效及安全性评价。,图 3-3 质反应的量-效曲线,质反应的量-效曲线,半数有效量(median effect dose, ED50)
15、,引起50%的实验动物出现阳性反应的药物剂量。,ED50 is the dose of a drug at which 50% of the population occur positive reaction.The lower the ED50, the more potent the drug.,反应数%,死亡数%,对数剂量,对数剂量,半数有效量(median effective dose , ED50 ),半数致死量(median lethal dose , LD50 ),半数致死量(median lethal dose, LD50),引起50%实验动物死亡的药物剂量,LD50 is
16、the dose of a drug to cause 50% of the experimental animals to die.,The lower the LD50, the more toxic the drug.,LD50 is the index to measure the toxicity of drug, but it is not a exactly one, the therapeutic index should be considered.,治疗指数(therapeutic index, TI),Therapeutic index is the ratio of L
17、D50 to ED50.,TI,LD50,ED50,3,药物的半数致死量与半数有效量的比值。,ED50,LD50,对数剂量,效应,A药ED曲线,A药LD曲线,B药ED曲线,B药LD曲线,A药与B药的TI相等。,但是否同样安全呢?,可靠安全系数(certain safety factor,CSF)CSF = LD 1 / ED 99 1 安全范围: ED 95 LD 5 之间的距离,结论:TI 评价药物安全性不完全可靠,对数剂量,效应,A药ED曲线,A药LD曲线,图 3-4 药物效应和毒性的量效曲线,(三) 量效曲线的意义(significance of dose-effect curve),1
18、、评价药效:半数有效量(ED50)效能(efficacy) 效价强度(potency) 2、评价药物的安全性半数致死量(LD50)治疗指数(therapeutic index, TI)可靠安全系数(certain safety factor,CSF),3 药物与受体(drug receptor),一 受体(receptor),1、定义(definition),受体是一类介导细胞信号转导的功能蛋白质,能与特异性配体结合,并产生效应。,A receptor is a specific protein molecule that is usually located in the cell memb
19、rane. Endogenous or exogenous ligands bind to the receptors , thereby causing activation or inactivation of the cell and a subsequent cellular response.,配体(ligands),内源性配体(endogenous ligands)神经递质(neurotransmitters )激素(hormones)自体活性物质( autocoid) 外源性配体(exogenous ligands): drug,Neurotransmitters are che
20、micals that are released from nerve terminals, diffuse across the synaptic cleft, and bind to pre-or postsynaptic receptors.,Hormones are chemicals that, after released into the bloodstream from specialized cells, can act at neighbouring or distant cells.,In many cases there is more than one recepto
21、r for each messenger, so that the messenger often has different pharmacological specificity and different functions according to where it binds (e.g. adrenaline.),Receptor number and responsiveness to messengers can be modulated.,2、受体特性(characteristics),灵敏性(sensitivity): 剂量小 特异性(specificity): 结构要求高
22、饱和性(saturability): 数目有限 可逆性(reversibility):结合后可解离 多样性(multiple-variation):分布不同,效应不同,二 受体与药物相互作用,Drug-receptor interactions,药物与受体结合并产生效应需要二个条件:1)亲和力(affinity);2)内在活性(intrinsic activity, ),(一) 亲和力与效价强度,(affinity potency),亲和力(affinity),即药物与受体结合的能力,反映药物的效价强度,亲和力大,效价强度高。,D,R,DR,-,E,k1,k2,根据受体占领学说,药物与受体的相
23、互作用可用以下公式表示:,平衡时的解离常数为KD,KD,k2,k1,D,R,DR,当全部受体被占领时,效应达最大值Emax,当50%受体与药物结合时, KD D,KD表示药物与受体的亲和力,单位为摩尔,其意义是引起最大效应的一半时(即50%受体被占领)所需的药物剂量。KD越大,药物与受体的亲和力越小。,The affinity(亲和力) is defined by the dissociation constant(解离常数) which is given the symbol KD. The higher the KD, the lower the affinity.,亲和力指数(pD2)(
24、affinity index),pD2,lgKD,In this way, KD can be expressed without using mol units. pD2 and affinity are in direct ratio(呈正比) .,在量效曲线上,亲和力指数是产生50%最大效应所对应的浓度的负对数。,KD的负对数称为亲和力指数,其值与亲和力成正比。,(二)内在活性与效能(intrinsic activity efficacy),内在活性(intrinsic activity),药物与受体结合后激动受体的能力。内在活性与药物的效能成正比。常用表示,0 1。,当两药亲和力相等时
25、,其效应强度取决于内在活性强弱,当内在活性相等时,则取决于亲和力大小。,-lgC,E (%),pD2,a,b,c,亲和力:ab=c 内在活性:abc,-lgC,E (%),100,50,x,y,z,pD2x,pD2y,pD2z,亲和力:xyz 内在活性:x=y=z,三 作用于受体的药物分类,classification of drugs acting on the receptor,(一)激动药(agonist),完全激动药(full agonist),具有高亲和力和高内在活性( 1),Full agonists have high affinity and high efficacy (i.
26、e. =1). They are able to produce a maximal response when they occupy only a small percentage of the receptors.,部分激动药(partial agonist),具有高亲和力和较低的内在活性( 01 ),Partial agonists have high affinity and lower intrinsic activity (01 ). They cannot bring about the same maximum response as full agonists, even
27、if their affinity for the receptor is the same.,(二)拮抗药(antagonist),具有较强的亲和力而无内在活性(=0)的药物。,Antagonists bind to receptors but do not activate them. However, because antagonists occupy the receptor, they prevent agonists from binding and therefore block their action.Two types of antagonist exist, compe
28、titive and non-competitive.,竞争性拮抗药(competitive antagonist),特点(properties),1、与激动剂可逆性竞争同一受体 2、降低激动药与受体的亲和力,而不降低内在活性。 3、产生何种效应取决于两者浓度 4、使激动剂的量效曲线平行右移,但Emax不变 5、可用拮抗参数( pA2 )表示其作用强度,10mg,20mg,拮抗剂 0.1mol,pA2 = - log 0.1,拮抗参数(pA2),激动药与拮抗药合用时,若2倍浓度激动药所产生的效应恰好等于未加入拮抗药时激动药所引起的效应,则加入的拮抗药的摩尔浓度的负对数值为pA2。 pA2越大,
29、拮抗作用越强。,非竞争性拮抗药(non-competitive antagonist),特点(properties),1、与激动剂作用于不同受体 2、使激动药的亲和力与内在活性均 3、使激动剂的量效曲线右移,Emax,Log C,E,A,A+B,Log C,E,A,A+B,四 受体类型 Types of receptors,1、G蛋白耦联受体(G protein-coupled receptor) 2、配体门控离子通道受体(ligand-gated ion channel) 3、酪氨酸激酶受体 4、细胞内受体 5、其他酶类受体,五 细胞内信号转导,第一信使(first messenger ):
30、多肽类激素、神经递质、细胞因子 第二信使(second messenger):cAMP cGMP 肌醇磷脂 钙离子 第三信使(third messengers ):生长因子 转化因子,影响药物效应的因素,Factors affecting the effects of drugs, 1 药物因素,一 、药物制剂和给药途径,二、药物相互作用(drug interaction),药物 相互 作用,体外相互作用:配伍禁忌,体内相互作用,药效学:协同、拮抗,药动学,吸收,分布,代谢,排泄,2 机体因素,1、年龄 2、性别 3、遗传因素 4、特异质 5、病理状态 6、心理因素:安慰剂(placebo),
31、7、长期用药引起的机体反应性变化,耐受性(tolerance),机体与药物反复接触后对药物的敏感性降低,使药效减弱或消失。,耐药性(resistance),病原体或肿瘤细胞对药物的敏感性降低。,习惯性:精神依赖性(主观依赖性)(psychological dependence),成瘾性:躯体依赖性(客观依赖性)(physical dependence)戒断症状,名词解释:,1、简述药物的治疗效果和不良反应 2、评价药物药效和安全性指标有哪些? 3、药物与受体结合:亲和力、内在活性、激动剂、拮抗剂。 4、从药动学或药效学角度简述药物相互作用。,1. side reaction 2. therapeutic index 3. agonist: full agonist, partial agonist 4. antagonist : competitive, non-competitive 5. tolerance 6. resistance,