1、运用积极学心理学理念,开展幸福教育,推动学校心理健康发展 Implementing well-being education based on positive psychology theory to promote mental health education in schools.,幸福村学区 Xingfucun school district 2010年8月14日,一、概念界定 The definition,1.幸福教育的理念 Idea of well-being education 幸福教育是指在幸福的感受中进行幸福内容、幸福观的教育。是以人为本,关注人的幸福感,激发和唤醒人的幸福
2、意识,在培养人的生活能力的同时,培养人的感受幸福的能力,提升人的幸福感。 Well-being content and concept of happiness are presented under the happy experience in well-being education. Sense of happiness and viability are also under observation.,“幸福教育理念”就是让教育与幸福相连,让校园成为守望师生幸福生活的福址领地。通过一系列活动,用积极向上的心态帮助师生提高理解幸福、感受幸福、懂得幸福、追求幸福、创造幸福生活的能力,引领
3、教师、学生过一种幸福的校园生活。Combining education with well-being, conducting activities to promote sense of happiness, and building a happy campus.,2.积极心理学理念下幸福教育的内容 Contents of well-being education from the perspective of positive psychology,二、积极探索,力争实效 Active exploration and actual effect,2.培训形式的多样性,Various ki
4、nds of training methods,西坝河三小在进行心理健康教育研究,(一)打造幸福团队,确保心理健康教育有效实施 Build groups to implement mental health education effectively,健全组织机构,提供组织保障 Improve the organization to ensure the implementation.,2.打造教师团队,提高教师的职业幸福感,Build a teacher group and enhance their sense of happiness.,1.正确认识职业特点,提高教师的教学效能感 Und
5、erstand the vocational characteristics appropriately and enhance sense of teaching efficacy. 2.有效疏通教师的消极情绪 Settle negative emotion of teachers effectively. 3.全面评价教师工作 Evaluate teachers work entirely. 4.开展争做幸福干部、幸福教师活动,在活动中提升干部教师幸福指数 Conduct activities of being happy leaders and happy teachers and en
6、hance levels of happiness of teacher leaders.,(二)营造幸福的校园,让学生在校园生活中感受幸福 Build happy campus and make students experience well-being.,1.加强校园环境建设,让学生在优美的环境中感受学校生活的快乐 Improve campus environment and make students feel happy in the beautiful campus.,2.创设宽松、民主的学习氛围,让学生感受到学习过程中的幸福 Construct comfortable and d
7、emocratic atmosphere, and make students experience happy during learning.,开展丰富多彩的校内外活动,让学生在活动中体验幸福 Conduct colorful activities both inside and outside school, and give students joyful experiences.,深入实践,探索途径 Carry out practice thoroughly and explore the ways,(三)课题研究引路,逐步提高师生的幸福指数 Enhance levels of we
8、ll-being for teachers and students gradually according to project study.,(五)制度做保障 system guaranty,三、效果体现 The effect,(一)学生收获了开展幸福教育带来的快乐 Students gain more happiness from well-being education.,(二)教师逐步体验到了工作的幸福 Teachers experience more happy through working.,(三)带动了学校特色项目的发展,Characteristic projects are driven in school,(四)推动了学校良好校园文化的形成与发展 Promoting the formation and development of campus culture,实施幸福教育,让干部教师在成长的过程中感悟到成长的快乐,收获教育教学中的幸福,感受做教师的幸福与快乐! Leader teachers will experience happy in well-being education and gain more happiness in teaching.,谢谢!,Thank you!,