1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日Contents外文文献译文1外文文献原文7平衡计分卡在农业银行成功应用的若干要件 “不能衡量,就无法管理”,这是罗伯特卡普兰教授平衡计分卡:一种革命性的评估和管理系统一书的开篇第一句话。“你想得到什么,就得衡量什么”,这是众多管理大师的谆谆忠言。随着农业银行规模不断扩大、业务日益复杂、市场竞争日益激烈,以及组织架构的改革变化,如何将全行的整体战略有效地传导到各业务条线,传导到各分行、支行和每个员工,成为一项极为重要而又相当艰巨的工作。面对这一挑战,近年来,农业银行
2、纷纷引入平衡计分卡这一管理工具。平衡计分卡的原理并不复杂,它从财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个维度进行业绩评价,突破了传统业绩评价重财务方面轻非财务方面、重短期业绩轻长期业绩、重结果评价轻过程评价的缺陷,并通过业绩评价手段构筑起一个企业战略分解、传导、管理机制,从而实现战略和战术、财务和非财务、过程和结果、内部和外部、短期和长期的平衡,是一个有力的业绩评价和战略管理工具。 然而,平衡计分卡并非包治百病的良药,其成功运用也绝非易事,平衡计分卡在西方国家创设和运用的近二十年时间里,既有成功案例,也有失败的案例。在农业银行引入平衡计分卡管理方式的热潮中,不仅要追求“形似”,更要追求“神似”;在对
3、平衡计分卡的一片追捧声中,有必要对它的运用进行清醒的思考。本文试图通过一个平衡计分卡的失败案例,并结合我国实际,总结平衡计分卡在我国农业银行成功运用的若干基础要件,以期使平衡计分卡在我国农业银行的运用做到“形神兼备”,真正发挥理想的业绩评价和战略管理的功效。 1.美国环球金融服务公司平衡计分卡应用的失败案例 美国环球金融服务公司(the US Global Financial Services)是北美金融领域的佼佼者。在 20 世纪 90 年代以前,公司的业绩评价都是以财务为导向的,公司一直致力于利润最大化的财务目标。90 年代初,经历了财务业绩的大幅下滑后,环球金融服务公司的高层主管开始重新
4、规划公司的发展战略。1993年,公司把部门经理的考核激励从单一的利润指标调整为多重指标的业绩激励计划(Performance Incentive Plan, PIP),引入更多关注客户满意度和公司成长性等方面的非财务指标,通过既定公式分配指标权重并计算奖金。1995 年的第二个季度,公司又进一步实施了基于平衡计分卡的激励系统。 新的激励系统中包括了六大类的财务和非财务指标,其中的一些非财务指标反映了高层主管对经理业绩的主观评价,成为新的激励系统区别于原有激励系统的显著特征。以公司的北美银行分部(The North American Banking Division)为例,设定了财务、战略、客户
5、、控制、人力资源、标准六大类指标。其中,对于前三类指标,每项指标都设有“标准分”(也就是一个目标值,考察是没有实现既定目标、实现了既定目标、还是出色实现了既定目标);对于后三类指标,则不设定标准分,而是给出总分上限。每个经理的总分由区域主管根据六大类指标的得分情况综合给出。 虽然环球金融服务公司宣称基于平衡计分卡思想构建了考核体系,但却没有达到“形神兼备”的境界。 首先,虽然公司以业绩激励计划(PIP)对部门经理进行考核,但是在执行过程中,部门经理却发现,奖金在很大程度上取决于一些“计分卡指标以外的因素”,降低了平衡计分卡的权威性和严肃性,降低了薪酬和业绩的相关性。 第二,存在卡 都 ion
6、American Banking Shippable Financial Services评价标准不坚定,部门经理抱怨考核指标的评价标准每个季度都会变来变去,奖金的确定对他们来说是一个“黑箱”,偏袒和不确定性成为抱怨的焦点,导致大家对平衡计分卡失去信心。 第三,计分卡是“不平衡”的,迫于提升股价的压力,利润仍然是计分卡的重心所在,并且一些短期财务指标成为了确定奖金的关键因素。 第四,引入主观评价指标非但没有达到预期的效果,而且“扰乱”了原有的考核体系,使“激励系统”变成了一个“补偿系统”,使“奖金”更象“补偿金”,并且,主观指标执行不严肃,为偏袒大开方便之门。 最后,由于设计和执行中的偏差,连
7、公司高层主管和人力资源经理也在质疑衡量一个企业管理先进程度的“标记”究竟是什么。 结局可想而知,1998 年末,环球金融服务公司最终放弃了平衡计分卡考核,重新回到了以营业收入为基础的佣金风格的考核方式。 事实上,环球金融服务公司的案例只是众多失败案例之一,根据卡普兰的估计,在美国宣称使用平衡计分卡的公司中,至少有 50%没有发挥这个工具的战略执行和战略调整功能,而只是把平衡计分卡作为“点名册”,或者给员工发放补偿金作参考依据。 2.我国农业银行成功运用平衡计分卡的若干要件 前文已述及,平衡计分卡的原理并不复杂,但成功运用却殊非易事。在长期习惯“工具理性”的美国企业,平衡计分卡的实施尚有很多的问
8、题和困难,在长期习惯“人治”的中国企业中要成功运用平衡计分卡,面临更多的基础问题。结合美国环球金融服务公司的失败案例,结合我国农业银行的实际,以及若干先行的农业银行在实施中的问题,我认为,要成功运用平衡计分卡,必须重点关注以下要件: 1、要高度重视平衡计分卡的战略传导和战略执行功能,全行上下积极参与考核指标和考核标准的设定。 平衡计分卡的创始人罗伯特卡普兰教授一再强调,平衡计分卡是一个战略工具。确实,任何考核,都要通过“事后”的评价和奖惩来传导企业战略目标和阶段性策略目标,从而起到对今后工作的“事前”引导作用。因此,平衡计分卡不能仅仅停留在事后考核的层面,更重要的是要在指标的设定和业绩标准的设
9、定过程中,明晰企业的战略,传导企业的战略。对我国农业银行来说,由于企业规模较大,组织结构复杂,业务复杂,尤其要珍视指标设定的过程,企业高层要高度重视,积极参与平衡计分卡项目,充分利用平衡计分卡项目过程,在业务条(各事业部)和业务块(区域分支行)内部充分沟通,形成战略共识和阶段性策略共识。 2、指标、权重和评价标准的设定必须科学合理,体现平衡的思想,体现战略意图和策略重点。 平衡计分卡,其精髓在于实现财务和非财务、过程和结果、长期和短期、内部和外部的平衡,其指标设计必须体现平衡的要求,追求业务的长效可持续发展。目前,我国农业银行纷纷开始向零售业务的战略转型,对零售银行来说,在转型初期,财务效益不
10、一定会立即显现,此时,平衡计分卡的设计者就要站在战略的高度,强调客户、内部流程、学习与成长维度的指标,通过考核指标来引导零售银行扩大客户群,改善内部流程,做好产品、品牌、服务、渠道等方面的基础工作,加强人才培养,加强能够带来未来效益的战略性投入,从而为成功转型奠定扎实的基础。 3、主观评价不能成为“补偿性评价”,对于看似“定性”的指标,也要尽量找到“定量”的表征。 指标有定性和定量之分。在指标设计中,需要特别注意的是,要设法使定性指标能够有定量的表征,以保证考核的严肃性、权威性。在环球金融服务公司的案例中,其失败的教训之一是,主观指标设计不合理,为偏袒打开了方便之门,主管往往根据主观好恶,而不
11、是客观的业绩来打分。事实上,即使是内部流程、学习与成长这样的看似“软性”,看似“定性”的指标,也可以,并且应该有定量的体现。比如,对内部流程维度的考核,可以设定业务处理时间缩短的目标,设定流程差错率的目标,设定流程中内外客户满意度的目标,设定流程中成本消耗的目标。又如,对于学习与成长指标,假如银行要向零售业务战略转型,设定了三年内人均理财产品销售量要进入同业前三名的目标,而要达到这个目标,三年内必须要有 20%的个人银行员工拿到理财规划师证书,再将这个目标向零售银行条线及分支行分解,量化指标就清晰可见了。概言之,要使考核指标“硬性”起来,使平衡计分卡考核成为“激励奖惩计划”,而不是“补偿计划”
12、。 4、要在平衡计分卡指标设定中打破部门分割的局面,倡导团队合作、部门协同,把全行的力量凝聚到总体战略执行上来。 部门分割、横向失衡是发展到一定规模的企业所面临的通病。在一个著名消费日用品民营企业的案例中,公司的战略是不断推出新产品以保持公司在市场上的竞争优势。营销部门和销售部门认为,老产品市场趋向饱和,迫切需要新产品来扩大市场份额,销售业绩上不去很大程度上是由于可以成功销售的新产品太少。而技术部门感觉,本部门的开发能力还是很强的,每年能开发出100 个左右的新产品,但是做得非常辛苦,中选率很低,而且总是遭到其他部门的指责和抱怨。每次公司会议,营销部门和销售部门总是对技术部门的能力提出质疑,部
13、门间关系也蒙上了阴影。 造成技术部门和营销部门横向脱节的原因在于,彼此都没有从公司战略目标的高度出发来确定自己的工作重点和跨部门的协调,而更为具体的原因之一,则是部门考核指标的不协同:对技术部的考核只有新产品技术开发数量指标,对营销部门的考核只有销量和金额指标。 在咨询公司的引导下,销售部门和技术部门共同分析谁是平衡计分卡所有者的内部客户,明确这些内部客户的需求、要求和期望,将部门间的要求和期望融合于部门的平衡计分卡之中,设定了一些双方共同承担的目标和指标,比如,在技术部门“加强市场导向的产品开发“的目标中,设立了“新产品销量“、“新产品成为公司主力产品的比率“等考核项目,从而促进公司内部组织
14、在横向上取得最大的协调和合作。 银行的业务运作也类似,业务部门和技术部门、业务部门和风险管理部门、业务部门和运营支持部门之间,工作职能不同,工作着眼点、工作目标不同,会导致内部协同上的问题。因此,需要在平衡计分卡体系中设定协同性指标,比如,风险管理部门和运营支持部门也要承担产品销售量的指标,销售部门也要承担风险指标,从而引导内部沟通协作、换位思考,倡导团队合作,获得最佳的协同效果。 5、要坚持考核的透明度:方法透明、过程透明、数据透明、结果透明,并为这种透明度提供信息系统的支持。 考核是一个引导手段,要发挥它的最大效用,必须提高它对被考核者的透明度,包括方法透明、过程透明、数据透明、结果透明。
15、在环球金融服务公司的案例中,其失败的一个原因在于,考核过程对于被考核者来说是一个不透明的“黑箱” ,被考核者看不清“努力成绩奖惩”之间的关系。理想的考核体系,应该能够及时提供过程中的考核业绩,从而真正发挥“过程中的”引导作用,及时纠正、引导被考核者的行为,真正把被考核者的行为引导到执行全行战略的方向上来。 而这,又对信息系统提出了要求。对许多企业而言,实施平衡计分卡的一个困难在于缺乏足够的数据支持。一个细化分解到整个企业的平衡记分卡体系将涉及方方面面的数据,数据量庞大,必须依赖于强大的信息系统支撑,对于拥有海量数据的银行来说,信息系统平台就更为重要,产品、客户、机构(包括分行、支行、客户经理等
16、)等不同维度所创造的价值都必须作出客观合理的衡量。同时,平衡计分卡各种衡量指标以及对战略目标的层层分解,必须建立在组织内部资源成本合理分配和准确计量的基础之上,必须对银行的经营数据和考核数据进行有效的整合和积累。 6、要将平衡计分卡考核体系建设和内部流程、岗位职责的梳理紧密结合。实施平衡计分卡需要和内部组织体系、制度体系、流程体系的建设相结合。一方面,实施平衡计分卡,离不开银行内部管理制度、部门及岗位职责划分、业务流程,以及与绩效考核相配套的人力资源管理的具体环节的支持作用;另一方面,可以借助平衡计分卡项目的实施过程来厘清各层面、各组织机构、各具体岗位的职能,从而达到一石二鸟的效果。 通过业务
17、流程分析、岗位职责梳理,不仅有助于内部流程维度的考核,而且可以在此基础上开展各项业务的作业成本分析和价值分析,进而根据分析结果,结合平衡计分卡的理论框架,来确立不同层面的关键成功因素、衡量标准,厘清业务流程间的驱动关系。此外,作为绩效管理的配套制度,员工行为规范、薪酬和奖励制度、职务任免制度以及培训制度等内部制度对平衡计分卡的正常实施也起着相当关键的作用,需要一并理顺。 7、要充分认识企业文化的支持作用,形成平衡计分卡项目和企业文化建设的良性互动关系。 实施平衡计分卡是一项需要管理层、各部门、各分支行、团队和个人充分参与的工程,只有各个层次对银行的整体战略、局部策略和阶段性策略充分认同,才能保
18、证平衡计分卡的顺利实施。企业文化能够赋予群体共同的企业精神,使员工形成较为一致的价值取向,优良的企业文化能够提高企业的凝聚力,增强员工的自豪感和对企业战略的认同感,有利于考核制度的实施。因此,要充分认识到企业文化对平衡计分卡实施的支持作用。 同时,通过平衡计分卡的实施,通过各个层次对战略目标、策略目标、具体考核指标、考核标准的深度沟通、分解落实,能够为银行内部提供一个不可多得的沟通平台,因此,也要使平衡计分卡项目的实施成为进一步构建企业文化的过程,从而形成平衡计分卡考核和企业文化建设的良性互动关系。 8、平衡计分卡项目要取得成功,贵在坚定地执行。 在农业银行实施平衡计分卡项目是一件复杂的工程,
19、尤其在实施的初期,面临着确定战略愿景、梳理各层面的岗位职责和工作目标、分解各层面的关键考核指标、采集业绩数据、建设信息系统等复杂的、甚至困难的工作,对管理层来说,必须认准方向,迎难而上,保持战略决心,坚定地执行下去。在环球金融服务公司的案例中,评价标准不坚定,部门经理抱怨考核指标的评价标准每个季度都会变来变去,导致大家丧失了对平衡计分卡的信心,成为项目失败的重要因素。我们的农业银行必须充分吸取环球金融服务公司的教训。 犹豫和骑墙乃兵家大忌。所谓坚定的执行,其实有两个层次的内涵:一是在设定战略目标时要高瞻远瞩,找准方向,为后续的执行找到一个坚固的立足点,只有高瞻远瞩、深思熟虑的战略,才是无法轻易
20、撼动的战略;二是一旦找准了方向,就要坚持执行不动摇。 很多时候,殊途可以同归,不同的路径、方法,其实都可以到达同样成功的彼岸,关键在于坚持执行不动摇。犹豫和骑墙,将会导致战略的偏移,打乱路径和方向,让整个组织无所适从,带来最大的组织危害。 Agricultural Bank BSC in the successful application of a number of elements “Can not be measured, can not be managed,“ This is Professor Robert Kaplan “The Balanced Scorecard: A re
21、volutionary assessment and management systems, “the opening chapter of a book first sentence.”What you want, you have to measure what,“ This is one of the many management masters earnest truth. Along with the Agricultural Bank of scale and increasingly complex business, the market competition is bec
22、oming increasingly fierce, and organizational changes in the reform, how will the banks overall strategy to effectively reach all business lines, conduction of the branches, and each branch staff become an extremely important and very difficult task. Faced with this challenge, in recent years, the A
23、gricultural Bank have introduced the Balanced Scorecard management tool.Balanced Scorecard theory is not complicated, it from the financial, customers, internal processes, learning and growth in four dimensions for performance evaluation Breakthrough performance evaluation of the traditional heavy f
24、inancial light non-financial aspects, the short-term performance of light weight long-term performance, Light re-evaluation of the results of the evaluation process defects, and through performance evaluation tools to build a corporate strategy decomposition, conduction, management mechanisms, so as
25、 to achieve strategic and tactical, financial and non-financial, process and results of the internal and external, short - and long-term balance, which is a strong performance evaluation and strategic management tool.However, the BSC does not constitute a panacea and that its successful application
26、is no easy task either. Balanced Scorecard in Western countries in the creation and use of nearly 20 years, both success stories and failures of the case. Agricultural Bank in the introduction of the Balanced Scorecard management methods in vogue, not only to pursue “huge“, but also to pursue “reali
27、stic“; Balanced Scorecard in the sound of a hot, it is necessary to use it for sober reflection. This paper attempts to pass a balanced scorecard case of failure, combined with the actual situation in China, Aggregate Balance Scorecard in the Agricultural Bank of Chinas successful use of a number of
28、 basic elements, with a view to enabling the Balanced Scorecard in the Agricultural Bank of China do use “vivid“ really play good performance evaluation and strategic management effectiveness.1. Global financial services companies BSC application of the failure casesGlobal financial services compani
29、es in North America are an outstanding example of the financial sector. In the 20th century, before the 1990s, the companys performance evaluation is a financial-oriented. Has been working for the financial profit maximization goals. Early 1990s, the experience of the financial performance of the fa
30、ll, Global financial services companys executives began planning the companys development strategy. 1993. Companies Manager assessment and encouragement from a single target profit adjusted for multiple indicators of performance incentive plan (Performance Incentive Plan, PIP), the introduction of m
31、ore concern to customer satisfaction and corporate growth potential, such as the non-financial indicators, through the established formula allocation target weight and calculating bonus. 1995 second quarter, the company further implementation of a balanced scorecard - based incentive system.New ince
32、ntive system includes six categories of financial and non-financial indicators. The number of non-financial indicators reflects a high-level manager in charge of the subjective performance evaluations, as a new incentive system is different from the original incentive system notable features. North
33、American companies in the banking division as an example, the set of financial, strategic, customers, control, human resources, the standard of six major categories of indicators. Among them, former three indicators are provided for each of the “sub-standard“ (also is a target value. expedition is n
34、ot achieved its stated objectives and achieve the established objectives, or outstanding achievement of the established goals); for after three indicators are not standard-setting, but scores given ceiling. Each manager of the regional total for the six categories based on the indicators of the over
35、all score is given.Although the global financial services company announced on Balanced Scorecard constructed examination system, it did not meet the “vivid“ realm.Secondly, there are cards ion American Banking Financial Shippable Services evaluation standards firm, department managers complained th
36、at the evaluation criteria for the evaluation of each quarter will be changed. Bonuses determined to them is a “black-box“, favoritism and complained that the uncertainty has become the focus Members of the BSC lead to a loss of confidence. Third, the scorecard is “unbalanced“ and forced to raise pr
37、ice pressures, the profit is still scorecard the focal point, and some short-term financial targets identified as a key factor in the bonus.Fourthly, the introduction of a subjective evaluation indicators have not only failed to achieve the desired results, but to “disrupt“ the original examination
38、system, the “incentive system“ into a “compensation system,“ the “bonus“ more like “compensation“ and, subjective indicators not serious implementation of the partial opening of the floodgates.Finally, the design and implementation of the deviation, Even company executives and human resource manager
39、s are challenged to measure an advanced enterprise management degree of “markers“ What is the.One can imagine the outcome, the end of 1998; global financial services companies finally abandoned the balanced scorecard assessment, return to a revenue-based commission style of the assessment method. In
40、deed, the global financial services companys case is just one of many cases of failure, according to Kaplans estimate, The United States claimed that the use of the Balanced Scorecard companies, At least 50% did not play a strategic tool for the implementation and strategic adjustment function, BSC
41、but only as a “roster spots,“ or the payment of compensation to the employees for reference.2. Agricultural Bank of Chinas successful application of certain elements of the balanced scorecard As already mentioned, the principle of balanced scorecard is not complicated, but successful use of it is no
42、t an easy task. Long accustomed to the “tool rational“ American enterprises, the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard are still many problems and difficulties, long accustomed to the “rule of man“ Chinese enterprises to successfully use the Balanced Scorecard, facing more basic problems. With th
43、e United States the global financial services companys failure cases, with the Agricultural Bank of Chinas reality, and the first of a number of agricultural banks in the implementation of the question, I think, the successful use of the Balanced Scorecard. Must focus on the following elements:1. BS
44、C should attach great importance to the strategic implementation of the strategy and conduction function, the next trip all actively involved in assessing targets and assessment standards setting.BSC founder Professor Robert Kaplan repeatedly stressed that the balanced scorecard is a strategic tool.
45、 Indeed, any assessment must be adopted “after“ the evaluation and incentives to enterprises conduction strategic goals and short-term strategic goals, to serve as the future work of a “prior“ guiding role. Therefore, the BSC should not be only in the subsequent assessment level, more important is t
46、o set targets and performance standards setting process, the clarity of strategic enterprises, Conduction enterprise strategies. Agricultural Bank of China, as larger enterprises, the complex organizational structure, business complex particularly cherished set of indicators, the senior should attac
47、h great importance to and actively participate in the Balanced Scorecard, make full use of the Balanced Scorecard project process in business (the cause of) and the operating block (regional branches) of full internal communication, formation of a strategic consensus and consensus phase strategy.2.
48、Indicators, and the weight of the evaluation criteria set to be scientific and rational thinking reflects the balance reflects strategic intentions and strategy.Balanced Scorecard, its essence is to achieve financial and non-financial, process and results, long-term and short-term, internal and exte
49、rnal balance, the indicators reflect a balance must design requirements, the pursuit of a long-term sustainable business development. Currently, the Agricultural Bank of China have started to retail business strategic restructuring of the retail banks, in the initial phase of transition. financial benefits would not necessarily be immediately apparent, this time, the designers must Balanced Scorecard from a strategic perspective, emphasizing customers, internal processes, learning a