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上传人:微传9988 文档编号:2508295 上传时间:2018-09-19 格式:PPT 页数:39 大小:3.45MB
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1、This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller

2、and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔胃管安全、便捷、高效This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components

3、 of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.目 录胃管使用历史 产品介绍 产品对比This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20

4、and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.12世纪中1646年1867年1801年Avenzoar采用银或锡 质插管置于食道麻痹病人的食道,用于输注液体。Von Helmont制造出一种柔软的皮管。Larrey采用树胶食道管。Kussmaul用于胃肠减压1、胃管使用发展 历史发展This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent

5、 temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔胃管的 契机 与 趋势目前单腔胃管出现的问题 国

6、家政策的管控 单品空间利润值的缩水可单独收费的优势2018/9/19This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the s

7、ystem are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.1.橡胶胃管 2.硅胶、 PVC 3.TPU(聚氨酯) 质地硬,重、弹性差,有异味。 对鼻、咽、胃粘膜伤害大。 7天得更换一次。 质地硬,弹性一般。 插管时易出现弹跳。 对粘膜损伤伤害有所减少。 15-30天更换一次。 质地软,弹性适中。 生物相容性和抗凝血性好 对粘膜伤害极小。 2、可长时间置于体内。现代胃管材质选用发展5This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature co

8、ntrol system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.2、 胃管的基本使用情况 适应症急性胃扩张。上消化道穿孔或胃肠道有梗阻。急腹症有明

9、显胀气者或 较大的腹部手术前 等。昏迷病人或不能经口进食 者,如口腔疾患、口腔和咽喉手术后的病人。不能张口的病人,如破伤风病人等。早产儿和病情危重的病人以及拒绝进食的病人。洗胃 :1、 催吐法无效或有意识障碍不合作者。2、需留取胃液标本送毒物分析的。3、凡口服毒物 6小时之内且无禁忌证者。6This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by

10、 using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.2、胃管基本使用情况 适用科室外科(胃肠、心胸、肝胆)肿瘤、ICU神经内科、神经外科老干科 (VIP病房)胃管重点使用科室消化内科、消化外科This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelli

11、gent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔胃管产值计算 就中型三级甲等(除开特三甲

12、)医院进行调查:普外科手术量(单月):(胃肠外科占到 60台)( 35台 天) 30天 =90台 月 150台 月消化内科手术量(单月):( 24台 天) 30天 =60台 月 120台 月神经内科手术量(单月):( 25台 天) 30天 =60台 月 150台 月神经外科手术量(单月):( 58台 天) 30天 =150台 月 240台 月ICU重症监护室(按床位计算)13张床位,每 48小时更换一根计算 45根以上不包括肿瘤、消化内科、消化外科一家中型三级医院手术台数每月 600台2018/9/19This paper mainly introduces the design of an

13、intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.2、胃管的基本使用情况 基本组

14、成 ( 全长 120cm)第一刻度 45cm,表示胃管达 贲门 第二刻度55cm,表示胃管进 胃体第四刻度75cm,表示胃管进十二指肠第三刻度 65cm,表示胃管进入 幽门9This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and si

15、ngle chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.n 容易产生胃食管反流n 在肠内易出现断裂n 经常出现堵塞n 经常出现胃黏膜损伤n 减压鼻饲分开,费时耗力2、胃管的基本使用情况 使用现状n 插管时容易出现弹跳现象10This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realize

16、s the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.3、三腔胃管简介11This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent

17、 temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.构成:特征:主腔、辅腔、 营养腔组成:腔体管、接头固

18、件、 医用活动导丝材料: TPU(塑性聚氨酯弹性体)腔体设计T型结构圆弧处理X光不透线三腔胃管专利结构介绍X不透线This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The c

19、ore components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.胃肠减压 效果怎么样呢 ?4、产品对比 -This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature

20、 sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.单腔排气This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by u

21、sing single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔排气This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of tempe

22、rature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.胃肠减压效果吸引效果更优专业新型 T型结构设计, 有利于腔体的稳定,减少腔体变形机率减少堵塞可以有效解决堵塞问题,减少医务人员劳动强度;有利于病人拔管后胃肠功能恢复,减少患者痛苦减

23、少胃黏膜损伤进入的空气对负压形成缓冲,形成气道循环和小气漩 ,减少胃内亚真空的形成,减少胃黏膜的损伤三腔胃管减压效果This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The

24、core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.营养腔 有什么作用 ?4、产品对比 -This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature

25、sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.单腔混合供给This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by

26、using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.单腔循环供给This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of te

27、mperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔分腔供给This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control sys

28、tem which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.营养补给给药治疗分腔体进行减少二次污染明显减少冲洗液的量 有利于病人的恢复营养液和药物不会混合产生影

29、响明显减轻医务人员的劳动强度减少胃内容物改变独立营养腔的特点This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the syste

30、m are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔胃管三腔肠喂养管This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microc

31、omputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.作用三腔胃管:一、胃肠减压二、 胃肠 营养三腔喂养管:一、胃肠减压二、 空肠 营养This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by us

32、ing single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔肠喂养管结构 长度 : 150cm 空肠 : FR 9 直径 : 内径 : 1,9mm 外径 : 2,9mm喂养腔 长度 :95cm 胃 : FR 16n 直径 :n 内径 : 4,1mm- 外径 : 5,3mm 长度 :95cm 胃 : FR 1

33、6n 直径 :n 内径 : 1,4mm吸引腔 通气腔This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system ar

34、e AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔胃管操作步骤【 操作步骤 】u操作者洗手,备齐用物,携至病人床旁,核对病人,向病人及其家属解释操作目的及配合方法,戴口罩、戴手套。u协助病人取半坐卧位,铺治疗巾,置弯盘于口角,检查病人鼻腔,清洁鼻孔。取胃管。测量胃管插入长度,成人插入长度为 45 55cm,测量方法有以下两种: a、是从前额发际至胸骨剑突的距离; b、是由鼻尖至耳垂再到胸骨剑突的距离。u 用石蜡油棉球滑润胃管前端。沿选定的鼻孔插人胃管,先稍向上而后平 行再向后下缓慢轻轻地插入,插人 l4 16cm(咽喉部)时。

35、嘱病人做吞咽动作。当病人吞咽时顺势将胃管向前推进,直至预定长度。This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the sys

36、tem are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔 肠喂养管 操作步骤【 操作步骤 】u术前操作:咽部局麻;石蜡油润滑三腔喂养管。u具体步骤:按常规操作插入 胃镜至胃体 ,在胃镜下 ,调整喂养管位置 ,用持物钳钳住喂养管头端 ,并将持物钳退至胃镜前端少许 ,然后 在进镜同时由助手推送喂养管 ,牵引喂养管达十二指肠降部以下。松开持物钳 ,医生退镜至胃窦 ,反复多次钳夹喂养管 ,将喂养管连接部推送至幽门管口 ,而后 由助手相对固定喂养管 ,术者轻柔退镜 ,避免退镜时喂养管随内镜移位 ,内镜退出后 ,将导丝缓慢退出。Th

37、is paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller an

38、d DS18B20 temperature sensor.操作对比项目 三腔胃管 三腔肠喂养管操作人员 普通护士 医生和护士操作地点 患者病房 胃镜室是否需要其他器械配合 不需要 胃镜、持物钳病人是否需要特殊处理 不需要 置管前需咽部局麻This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital t

39、emperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔胃管三腔双囊管This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement a

40、nd control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.作用三腔胃管:一、胃肠减压二、胃肠营养三腔双囊管:一、 对食管、胃底静脉曲张破裂大出血者 压迫止血现在医院使用三腔双囊管的非常少,一般大医院都没有。 因为现在都用胃镜下止血This paper mainly introd

41、uces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.三腔双囊管结构组成 : 三腔管、胃气囊和食管气囊。1、胃气囊和食管气囊附在三腔管的一 端。2、三腔管由一个截面是半圆的腔道和两个截面是四分之一圆的腔道构成3、胃气囊导管和食管气囊导管分别装在四分之一圆腔道内,胃导管装在半圆腔道内。4、所述的胃导管截面呈半圆形,其外壁与半圆腔道的内壁密封配合,胃导管可在半圆腔道中活动。


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