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1、藥物不良反應之皮膚表現,臺北市立聯合醫院皮膚科(和平) 林瑞宜,2018年9月12日星期三,15:03:43,演講大綱,藥物不良反應之作用機轉 過敏與非過敏 如何診斷藥物過敏? 藥物反應之作用之重要皮膚表現 危險徵候,15:03:43,Mechanism of Adverse Drug Reactions,Type A: 藥理作用相關者(Pharmacological) 依照藥理作用可預測者 為已知之作用效果之擴大表現者 常與劑量有關 必須降低劑量者.Type B: 特質性或過敏性(idiosyncratic or allergic) 依照藥物之藥理作用無法來預測者 奇異的或特直性的不良反應

2、常非單純之劑量相關反應(dose-response relationship) 發生不良反應時,誘因藥物常必須中止續用 非用不可時,常須經過減敏步驟 (Desensitization),15:03:43,藥物過敏皮膚反應之診斷,是否為藥物過敏之皮膚反應? Allergic or pseudoallergic ? 過敏或不良反應之類型為何? 何種免疫反應? 何種皮膚反應? 誘發藥物為何? 有無交互作用或交叉反應之藥物或情況? 可能之預後嚴重性如何?,15:03:43,藥物反應之免疫作用機轉,Type I: IgE dependent (Anaphylaxis) 蕁麻疹、血管性水腫、休克 Type

3、 II: Cytotoxic (Biological) 天疱瘡Pemphigus, Thromobocytopenic petechia, Type III: Immune-complex (Chemical, Connective ) 血管炎Vasculitis, 血清病serum sickness, Type IV: Cell mediated , Delayed type Granulomatous, Eczematous 史帝芬強生徵候群、毒性表皮壞死症 (SIS-TEN) Th1-INF-Mono, Th2-IL-5-Eosin, IL-8 PMN, CD4/8,15:03:43,M

4、echanism of Frug Hypersensitivity,Annals of Internal Medicine 2003, 139(8): 684,15:03:43,判斷ADR之原因藥物及嚴重度 一、臨床特徵,原發皮疹之類型 斑疹、丘疹、結節、膨疹、 紫斑、水疱、膿疱 皮疹之分布、數目及癢、痛等局部症狀 有無波及粘膜 併發症狀:全身性症狀 發燒、關節痛 內臟變化、多重器官 淋巴腺腫 痛,15:03:43,判斷ADR之原因藥物 二、病程、時序,應紀錄所有用藥史:種類及起訖 過去,類似藥物、劑量變化 其他可能交互作用之藥物,隱藏藥物 藥物代謝相關之肝、腎功能變化 開始發疹日期 計算出服

5、藥及發疹之間隔 停藥後之反應 再度使用之反應,15:03:43,皮膚藥物反應的簡單分類,立即性或延遲性,自限性或持續性 蕁麻疹及血管性水腫、休克 發疹(exanthema):麻疹樣藥疹 侷限性或汎發型(+粘膜?) 發疹型 多型性紅斑,水疱、黏膜 (SJS/TEN) 局部反應 固定藥疹、光敏感性、水疱症、壞死等,15:03:43,Severe Cutaneous ADR,15:03:43,藥物反應的重要皮膚病變,發疹 樣藥疹:可能為下列之早期病變 急性發疹樣膿疱症(AGEP) 血管炎(血清病、免疫複合體病) 紅皮症(剝脫性皮膚炎) 伴隨系統症狀、嗜伊紅球症之藥疹(DRESS) SJS-TEN(毒

6、性表皮壞死症) 多型性紅斑 SJS TEN,15:03:43,立即性反應:Anaphylaxis,蕁麻疹Urticaria 血管性水腫Angioedema Anaphylaxis休克 ADR之比例: Anaphylaxis 30% Urticaria 10% 為藥物引起 服藥至發疹間隔:分鐘至小時 Mortality:5% 常見原因藥物:-lactam: Penicillins, Cephalosporins, NSAID, contrast media, monoclonal Aby,15:03:43,發疹樣藥疹 Exanthematous Drug Eruption,常見之藥物不良反應皮疹

7、 From trunk to extremities Maculopapules or urticaria may confluent Purpura at ankle, feet, waist Mucosa is spared 可能有少數毛囊性膿疱 ADR之比例: Child 10-20%, Adult 50-70% 服藥至發疹間隔:4(7)-14days,15:03:43,發疹樣藥疹 Exanthematous Drug Eruption,Type IV, or 非免疫性 direct binding to MHC-2 in KC(sulfa) AminoPC in Infectious

8、mononucleosis 可能為嚴重之藥疹的前驅 危險徵候 毛囊一致性膿疱,紫斑,Nikolskys sign, 粘膜潰瘍 系統性功能異常 D Dx: Viral exanthema, Toxic shock syndrome, GVHD, Kawasakis, Stills,15:03:45,發疹樣藥疹 Exanthematous Drug Eruption,Perifollicular papules with central pustules,Exanthematous Rash with Purpura: Vasculitis,15:03:45,發疹樣藥疹 Exanthematous

9、 Drug Eruption,Mortality:單純發疹樣藥疹為:0% 其他進展?可能為嚴重之藥疹的前驅 可能為嚴重之藥疹的前驅 Hypereosinophilia: DRESS Palpable purpura, arthritis: Vasculitis Facial edema: DRESS, Erythroderma Mucosa involvement: TEN, SJS Painful skin: TEN,15:03:45,血管炎 Vasculitis,Palpable purpura 可能伴隨蕁麻疹,發疹變化 血清病、免疫複合體病 (Type III reaction) Der

10、mato-arthritis syndromer/o bacteremia/sepsis first 可能波及多重器官 ADR之比例: 10% 服藥至發疹間隔:7-21days, challenge 3days,15:03:45,Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis,有硬結的紫斑 Palpable purpura 表面有無壞死現象? 有無血尿? Check CBC, WBC/DC LFT RFT C3, C4,15:03:45,血管炎 Vasculitis,Mortality:? 常見原因藥物: Penicillins, NSAID(oral, topical) Sulfon

11、amide, Cephalosporins, Anticonvulsant, Allopurinol, Thiazide, Bio products (G,M-CSF, biologics, etc.),15:03:45,DRESS : Drug Rashes with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms,15:03:45,DRESS Hypersensitivity Syndrome伴隨系統症狀、嗜伊紅球症之藥疹,伴隨系統症狀、嗜伊紅球症之藥疹Drug Rash (Reaction) with Eosinophilia and Systemic Sympto

12、ms 常與藥物之代謝有關,或病毒HHV-6,7 Immune +, IL-5Th2eosinophils ADR之比例: 70-90% 服藥至發疹間隔:15-40days 停藥後持續數週至數月 Mortality:5-10%,15:03:45,DRESS Hypersensitivity Syndrome,Febrile (85%) mobilliform rash(75%) 麻疹樣、 浮腫、follicular accentuation,水疱、膿疱、紫斑、紅皮症 好發於臉、上軀幹及四肢;臉浮腫特徵 Systemic involvement Hepatitis, myocarditis, in

13、terstitial pneumonitis, nephritis, thyroiditis etc. Lymphadenopathy Rx of Corticosteroids : first choice May relapse during tapering,15:03:45,DRESS Hypersensitivity Syndrome伴隨系統症狀、嗜伊紅球症之藥疹,常與藥物之代謝有關: phenytoin (arene oxide) 1:1000 sulfonamide (hydoxylamine?) 1:10,000 常見原因藥物: Aromatic Anticonvulsant(

14、 phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital) Allopurinol (in renal dysfunction) Lamotrigine (esp. with Valproate) Sulfonamide, dapsone Minocycline, gold salt,急性發疹樣膿疱症 Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (AGEP),臉部或腋下鼠蹊開始 水腫性紅斑 有非毛囊性小膿疱,15:03:46,急性發疹樣膿疱症(AGEP) Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustu

15、losis,急性發燒,與皮疹同時或更早 臉部或腋下鼠蹊等部位浮腫開始 數小時內快速擴散軀幹及上肢 會波及粘膜 皮疹為多樣性,癢或熱感 水腫性紅斑上有非毛囊性小膿疱 水腫、紫斑,水疱,靶型疹 皮疹持續1-2週 Mortality:1-2%,15:03:46,AGEP / EM to Pseudoephedrine,15:03:46,急性發疹樣膿疱症(AGEP),可能是敏感之recall reaction Patch test: 陽性率達80% Neutrophilia, IL-3, 8, G-CSF from T cells ADR之比例: 70-90%服藥至發疹間隔: 四天,一般為兩天內 常見

16、原因藥物: -lactame (PC, aminoPC, Cephalosporins) Macrolides, Calcium channel blockers (esp. diltiazem) Sulfasalazine-COX 2 Inh,15:03:46,Erythroderma in Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome,15:03:46,紅皮症(剝脫性皮膚炎) Exfoliative dermatitis, Erythroderma,先局部皮疹,常由flexural開始,麻疹樣 2-6天內擴展至全身(90%) 臉部水腫 Scaling:l

17、amellar, crustybranny Hyper-/hypo-thermia, Tachycardia, CHF lymphadenopathyy, hepatomegaly Eosinophilia and lymphopenia ADR之比例: 19% (5.5-42%)為藥物引起 服藥至發疹間隔:wks to mons (epoprostenol) 停藥後2-6wks緩解 Mortality:?,15:03:46,紅皮症(剝脫性皮膚炎),常見原因藥物: Allopurinol, Ampicillin/Amoxicillin/Penicillins, (14% floxacillin

18、)carbamazepine (ox-), phenobabital, phenytoindapsone, sulfasalazine, sulfonamide, clofazimine,omeprazole, phenothiazines, vancomycine, captopril, nefedipine, isoniazide, ethambutol (HIV+),15:03:46,Erythema Multiforme, SJS/TEN,Continuous spectrum or Different entity? 多型性紅斑Erythema Multiforme 史帝芬強生徵候群

19、(SJS) Stevens-Johnson Syndrome 毒性表皮壞死症TEN Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Target erythema, Blisters, Tender skin, Epidermal detachment, Exfoliation, Multiple Mucosal involvement,15:03:46,EMSJS(10%)SJS/TENTEN(30%),15:03:46,Stevens-Johnson Syndrome & Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis,Category Incidence per mil-yr

20、 Drug related ratio Mortality Primary eruptions (major feature) Isolate vs Confluence Detachment (% BSA) Interface vs Necrosis Systemic symptoms,TEN 0.4-1.2 80-95% 25-50% Red edema & denuded Confluence 30 I Necrosis Always,SJS 1.2-6 50% 5% Target & dusky red Isolated 多N usually,15:03:46,Toxic Epider

21、mal Necrolysis,15:03:46,Stevens-Johnson Syndrome & Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis,Prodromal : URI-like 1-14 days before in SJS, 1-3 days in TEN Systemic: hepatitis ADR 之比例:70-90% 服藥至發疹間隔:14-56天一般藥物為weeks, TEN 7-21days, Re-exposure 2 days) Valproate, Aromatic anticonvulsants first 2 Ms Treatment:withdraw

22、 culpit drug, Skin care Steroid, IVIG (anti sFasL) About 3 weeks for heal,15:03:46,Stevens-Johnson Syndrome & Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis,常見原因藥物: Allopurinol, Ampicillin/Amoxicillin/Penicillins,Aromatic anticonvulsants Barbiturates, carbamazepine (ox-), phenytoin Lamotrigine, Valproic acid Phenylbutazone, PiroxicamSulfa, sulfasalazine, Baktar,15:03:46,SCORTEN SEVERITY OF ILLNESS SCORE,15:03:46,Thank You for Your Attension,


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