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1、现代设计技术,Mu Rui Assistant Professor, Dept. of MEE, Xiamen University, 361005, China Email: iris_,Good Habits,It always helps to know where your time is going. So, keep track of how you spend your time for two weeks. Sound dull? Boring, maybe? So cut it down to a couple of days. Surprise! Most of your

2、log will show youre investing your time in people or things not really important to you or your goals. Focus, focus, focus on STARTING tasks rather than finishing them. The greatest challenge is taking the first step and getting started. (Ah yes doesnt that feel good?),Good Habits,Think on paper. Wr

3、iting things down minimizes confusion and stress. Write down your goals, to-do lists, and even the problems that youre working on. Youll find putting things on paper usually clarifies the situation. Committing things to memory can be a waste of brain power, not to mention a poor storage device as we

4、ll.,References,Lai-Kow Chan. Quality function deployment:a literature review .European Journal of Operational Research, 2002. Shigeru Mizuno ,and Yoji Akao. QFD-The Customer driven Approach to Quality Planning and Deployment .Asian Production Organization, 1994. Yoji Akao. Quality Function Deploymen

5、t: Integrating Customer Requirements into Product Design. Cambridge,Massachusetts: Productivity Press, 1990. 熊伟. 质量机能展开. 化学工业出版社,2005. 邵家骏. 质量功能展开. 机械工业出版社,2004. 车阿大,杨明顺. 质量功能配置方法及应用,2008.,OVERVIEW,质量QFD的基本理论QFD的工作程序,产品设计过程,市,境,争,场,环,竞,客,需,顾,求,时间T,服务S,现代产品质量,环境E,质量Q,成本C,Deming将事后检验观念改变为预测、发现质量问题并加以预

6、防,Crosby认为: 质量意味着符合要求 持续测量以确保这些要求 高质量是性能标准“零缺陷”,Juran将质量定义为适于使用(fitness of use),“适于”表明可测量的产品特性,我国产品质量现状,- 2000年到2004年5年间,全国产品质量监督抽查平均抽样合格率为77.8%,-我国企业解决质量问题有关的费用占到营业总额的20%以上,- 2006年全国产品质量监督抽查平均抽样合格率为83.2%,数字背后的 中国质量,20%,83.2%,77.8%,150亿,-据测算,一个百分点抽样不合格率的损失是150亿元。,(国家质检总局统计数据),吞噬了企业大量的利润! 如果质量的损失能够降低

7、一半, 就可以增加近10%的利润!,质量从哪里来?,质量从哪里来? 质量是检验出来的? 事后检验,挑出不合格; 质量是生产出来的?!实现设计和工艺要求; 质量是设计出来的?!制定质量标准,决定产品基因。 提高产品质量应该从设计源头入手! 我们国家的现状是:质量设计一直没有得到企业的足够重视。,设计过程决定了产品的固有质量,设计过程决定了产品的固有质量, 进行产品质量设计,事半功倍!,设计是一门科学 不能仅仅依靠经验,欧洲:经典设计理论,日本: 稳健性设计理论,苏联: 创新设计理论,美国: 公理设计理论,设计是一门科学,而不能仅仅依靠经验! 现代企业研发工程师欠缺不是专业技术, 而是系统的产品开

8、发方法 以加速产品开发过程,快速设计出高质量的产品!,美国: 六西格玛设计,设计是一个映射的过程。 功能的实现是能量、信息的转换。,创新是有规律 可循的。 TRIZ方法是实 现技术创新的 规律体系。,质量是要设计到产品中去的; 系统设计; 参数设计; 容差设计。,保持功能要求 的独立性; 信息含量最小 化原则; 评价产品设计质 量好坏的标准,追求六西格玛 质量;零缺陷; 设计过程中相关 的工具和方法, 象QFD,FMEA等,国外进行质量设计的成功案例,质量设计的应用模型,在数据映射的过程中进行质量设计把各种质量设计的理论和算法封装到平台中,设计师不需要了解复杂的数学方法 帮助企业轻松地掌握质量

9、设计方法和应用,完成从顾客需求到产品功能到设计参数到工艺参数的精确数据映射!,完美的设计开发,估计每开发25个产品只有1个成 功,而原始设想可能有2000多个。开发失败的原因: 没有潜在的用户和需求 不能满足需求或功能过剩 营销策略不当,200015001000500 100,设想,市场需求,功能特性,产品特性,市场评价 市场开发,成功的产品或服务,1750,1000, 500,100,25,1,新产品开发面临的压力,质量功能配置,90%,整个产品生命周期成本约75%90%是在设计阶段决定的,而且在所有质量问题中大约40%是由不良的产品设计造成的。,质量功能配置(Quality Functio

10、n Deployment,QFD)就是一种用户驱动的产品开发方法,面向顾客满意并且充分体现“质量是设计和制造出来的,而不是检验出来的”这一至关重要的源头管理思想。,QFD的背景,20世纪50年代20世纪60年代 Deming 1966年 三菱重工 Quality Table 雏形20世纪60年代末 K.Ishihara “Matasushita”1972年 Yoji Akao “新产品开发与质量保证”,QFD的背景,Cost 61%Time 33%Quality ,out 20-24 months,out 14-17 months,out 1-3 months,market introduct

11、ion,in production 3 months,Japanese/US Engineering Change Comparison,Design Changes,Japanese (Using QFD),United States (Not Using QFD),Innovation & QFD,Introduction of First Product,Time,QFD Can Reduce Both Costs and Start-Up Time,QFD的背景,QFD在美国的发展,Growth Opportunity Alliance of Lawrence/Quality Prod

12、uctivity Center (GOAL/QPC) Bob King“用一半的时间做更好的设计” American Supplier Institute (ASI)MIT Don ClausingFord Larry Sullivan,QFD在美国的发展,QFD在美国的发展,QFD在欧洲的发展,Italy Famous Corporation,QFD在我国,1979年 刘源张赴日本小松制作所学习全面质量管理 1995 AKAO来华讲学 国家863计划CIMS主题和国家自然科学基金资助QFD,QFD的概念,质量功能配置(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)是一种用户

13、驱动的产品开发方法,即采用系统化的、规范化的方法调查和分析顾客需求,并将其转换成为产品特征、零部件特征、工艺特征、质量与生产计划等技术需求信息,使所设计和制造的产品能真正地满足顾客需求。,QFD三种分解模式,美国供应商协会ASI模式产生于20世纪70年代末。ASI模式的四个阶段与产品开发全过程的产品计划、产品设计、工艺计划和生产计划相对应。,日本QFD模式:代表人物是水野滋和赤尾洋二。此种QFD模式由两部分组成,即质量展开Quality Deployment和功能展开Function Deployment。,EUROPE,ASIA,N. AMERICA,S. AMERICA,OCEANIA,A

14、FRICA,Growth Opportunity Alliance Lawrence /Quality Productivity Center-GOAL/QPC的创立者King Bob提出的QFD模式,产生于20世纪80年代初。,QFD的概念模型,QFD的概念模型,传统产品质量屋的基本形式,HOWS 矩阵项,HOWS 的相互关系矩阵项,WHATS与HOWS 的相关关系矩阵,HOWS 评价矩阵项,竞争性或可行性评价矩阵,WHATS矩 阵 项,QFD -如何确定优先考虑的顾客群,谁会影响你的产品设计呢? 他们包括任何可以影响消费者使用或购买产品的人或使用你的产品而受到影响的人 设计需要考虑到他们所

15、有的需求 这个过程通常有助于确定那些重要的却常常被忽略的顾客,QFD -思考?,用头脑风暴法确定所有你的产品的可能的顾客?用头脑风暴法确定所有可能影响购买你的产品的个人或企业?在进行脑力激荡时,不断问自己:“什么是一个顾客”?,QFD-顾客之声,顾客的需要、梦想、希望和期待都将影响着设计过程 一旦确定了顾客群,就要走进他们,了解他们的要求。 了解顾客的需要,需要先期投入大量的金钱、时间和人力 顾客访谈中准确记录下顾客的语言至关重要,因为这些包括一些可能会影响产品设计和顾客怎样使用产品的信息是极为重要的。,顾客需求的调查方法,询问调查法观察调查法,QFD -使用环境,为了更好的理解顾客所表达的要

16、求的真实含义,有必要亲眼去观察一下顾客所处的环境。走进他们的生活环境,看一看、闻一闻、体会一下,成为顾客的一部分。 谁在使用产品(who)? 使用产品做什么(what)? 产品在何处被使用(where)? 产品在何时被使用(when)? 为什么顾客选择了这种产品(why)? 顾客怎么使用产品(how)?,QFD -谁在使用产品(who)?,你看见谁在使用这个产品? 谁可能会去使用? 谁将来会使用? 要始终注意细节,不断地问自己:“遗漏什么了吗”?为了设计一个世界级产品我应了解些什么?,QFD -使用产品做什么(what)?,产品的用途是什么? 现在或将来还有什么其他用途? 你发现了什么用途?,

17、QFD -产品在何处被使用where?,产品用在哪里? 现在或将来还可能在什么地方用? 地点还包括空气条件,如高湿度,QFD -产品在何时被使用when? ?,你发现顾客什么时候用产品? 现在或将来还可能在什么时候使用? 时间还可能指经常性,如持续性或间隔性 时间也可以指季节,QFD -为什么顾客选择了这种产品why?,为什么用这个产品呢? 为什么选它呢? 原因与用途不同 如:选择塑料垃圾桶因为它开启没有声音,工人可以取出饲料而不发出声音,塑料在室外不易腐烂或生锈,Kano Customer Need Model,Delighted,Disgusted,Absent,Fully Impleme

18、nted,Stakeholder Satisfaction,TIME,Degree of Execution,Kano模型,Kano模型说明了产品质量与客户需求之间的关系, Must Be的需求(绝对要满足的顾客需求)-平安抵达-正确的订位-行李与人同时到达 Performance的需求(做的越好,顾客越高兴)-舒适的座椅-好吃的餐点-友善的机组服务人员-行李处理的速度-准时抵达 Delights(超出预期的;可增加顾客满意度)-免费升等-个人视听娱乐Individual movies and games-生日礼物-电脑的电源供应装置,Kano范例搭飞机旅游,QFD的瀑布式分解过程,工艺/质量

19、 矩阵,控制方法,工艺特征,零件配置 矩阵,零件特征,技术需求,工艺规划 矩阵,工艺特征,零件特征,QFD的核心思想,面向顾客满意源头管理质量是设计和制造出来的,而不是检验出来的。系统展开QFD通过“做什么”和“如何做”把顾客需求、偏好和期望系统地展开到整个产品开发全过程。 小组协作QFD强调建立一个多学科组成的高水平小组是产品开发与设计成功的关键。,QFD Flowdown,Customer WantsProduct FunctionalitySystem CharacteristicsDesign Alternatives,Software Environment,Customer Wan

20、tsService RequirementsService ProcessesProcess Controls,Service Environment,Flowdown Relates the Houses to Each Other,Building the House of Quality,Identify Customer Attributes Identify Design Attributes / Requirements Relate the customer attributes to the design attributes. Conduct an Evaluation of

21、 Competing Products. Evaluate Design Attributes and Develop Targets. Determine which Design Attributes to Deploy in the Remainder of the Process.,1. Identify Customer Attributes,These are product or service requirements IN THE CUSTOMERS TERMS. Market Research; Surveys; Focus Groups. “What does the c

22、ustomer expect from the product?” “Why does the customer buy the product?” Salespeople and Technicians can be important sources of information both in terms of these two questions and in terms of product failure and repair. OFTEN THESE ARE EXPANDED INTO Secondary and Tertiary Needs / Requirements.,F

23、ocus Group,灵活调动小组成员的积极性 处理好两类人:过分积极发言的人 沉默寡言的人 注意不要离题太远,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need 7,Key Elements - “Whats”,Voice of the Customer,Whats,What Does The Customer Want Customer Needs,5 5 3 4 2 4 1,Key Elements: Customer Requirements,Voice of the Customer,How Important the Whats are T

24、O THE CUSTOMER Customer Ranking of their Needs,Customer Importance,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need 7,2. Identify Design Attributes.,Design Attributes are Expressed in the Language of the Designer / Engineer and Represent the TECHNICAL Characteristics (Attributes) that must be Deployed

25、 throughout the DESIGN, MANUFACTURING, and SERVICE PROCESSES.These must be MEASURABLE since the Output will be Controlled and Compared to Objective Targets.The ROOF of the HOUSE OF QUALITY shows, symbolically, the Interrelationships between Design Attributes.,HOW 1 HOW 2 HOW 3 HOW 4 HOW 5 HOW 6 HOW

26、7,Key Elements - “Hows”,Satisfying Customer Needs,How Do You Satisfy the Customer Whats Product Requirements Translation For Action Xs,Hows,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need 7,5 5 3 4 2 4 1,Information Correlation Matrix,Correlation Matrix,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need

27、7,5 5 3 4 2 4 1,HOW 1 HOW 2 HOW 3 HOW 4 HOW 5 HOW 6 HOW 7,57 41 48 13 50 6 21,3 lbs 12 in. 3 mils 40 psi 3 8 atm 1 mm,Conflict Resolution,3.Relating Customer & Design Attributes,Symbolically we determine whether there is NO relationship, a WEAK one, MODERATE one, or STRONG relationship between each

28、Customer Attribute and each Design Attribute. The PURPOSE is to determine whether the final Design Attributes adequately cover Customer Attributes. LACK of a strong relationship between A customer attribute and any design attribute shows that the attribute is not adequately addressed or that the fin

29、al product will have difficulty in meeting the expressed customer need. Similarly, if a design attribute DOES NOT affect any customer attribute, then it may be redundant or the designers may have missed some important customer attribute.,Key Elements: Relationship,Strength of the Interrelation Betwe

30、en the Whats and the Hows H Strong 9 M Medium 3 L Weak 1 Transfer Function Y = f(X),Relationships,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need 7,5 5 3 4 2 4 1,HOW 1 HOW 2 HOW 3 HOW 4 HOW 5 HOW 6 HOW 7,Untangling The Web,4. Add Market Evaluation & Key Selling Points,This step includes identifying i

31、mportance ratings for each customer attribute AND evaluating existing products / services for each of the attributes. Customer importance ratings represent the areas of greatest interest and highest expectations AS EXPRESSED BY THE CUSTOMER. Competitive evaluation helps to highlight the absolute str

32、engths and weaknesses in competing products. This step enables designers to seek opportunities for improvement and links QFD to a companys strategic vision and allows priorities to be set in the design process.,3 4 5 2 5 3 2,Key Elements :Completeness,Are All The Hows Captured Is A What Really A How

33、,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need 7,55 3 4 2 4 1,HOW 1 HOW 2 HOW 3 HOW 4 HOW 5 HOW 6 HOW 7,57 41 48 13 50 6 21,Have We Captured The Hows,5. Evaluate Design Attributes of Competitive Products & Set Targets.,This is USUALLY accomplished through in-house testing and then translated into M

34、EASURABLE TERMS. The evaluations are compared with the competitive evaluation of customer attributes to determine inconsistency between customer evaluations and technical evaluations. For example, if a competing product is found to best satisfy a customer attribute, but the evaluation of the related

35、 design attribute indicates otherwise, then EITHER the measures used are faulty, OR else the product has an image difference that is affecting customer perceptions. On the basis of customer importance ratings and existing product strengths and weaknesses, TARGETS and DIRECTIONS for each design attri

36、bute are set.,57 41 48 13 50 6 21,Key Elements: Technical Importance,Ranking The HOWS,Which Hows are Key Where Should The Focus Lie “CI” = “Customer Importance” “Strength” is measured on a 9, 3, 1, 0 Scale,Technical Importance,CI,Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4 Need 5 Need 6 Need 7,5 3 4 2 4 1,HOW 1 HOW

37、 2 HOW 3 HOW 4 HOW 5 HOW 6 HOW 7,6. Select Design Attributes to be Deployed in the Remainder of the Process,This means identifying the design attributes that: have a strong relationship to customer needs, have poor competitive performance, or are strong selling points. These attributes will need to

38、be DEPLOYED or TRANSLATED into the language of each function in the design and production process so that proper actions and controls are taken to ensure that the voice of the customer is maintained. Those attributes not identified as critical do not need such rigorous attention.,Using the House of

39、Quality,The voice of the customer MUST be carried THROUGHOUT the production process.Three other “houses of quality” are used to do this and, together with the first, these carry the customers voice from its initial expression, through design attributes, on to component attributes, to process operati

40、ons, and eventually to a quality control and improvement plans.In Japan, all four are used. The tendency in the West is to use only the first one or two.,Customer Attributes,Design Attributes,1,2,3,4,Design Attributes,Component Attributes,Component Attributes,Process Operations,Process Operations,Qu

41、ality Control Plan,The Hows at One Level Become the Whats at the Next Level,The Four Houses of Quality,The Cascading Voice of the Customer,NOTES: “Design Attributes” are also called “Functional Requirements” “Component Attributes” are also called “Part Characteristics” “Process Operations” are also

42、called “Manufacturing Processes” and the “Quality Control Plan” refers to “Key Process Variables.,WHATS,HOWS,X,Y,Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQs),Key Manufacturing Processes,Key Process Variables,Points to Remember,The process may look simple, but requires effort. Many entries look obvious

43、-after they are written down. If there are no “tough spots” the first time: It probably isnt Being Done Right!Focus on the end-user-customer. Charts are not the objective. Charts are the means for achieving the objective.Find reasons to succeed, not excuses for failure.Remember to follow up afterwar

44、d.,实例验证,按照产品 类别分类,双开门式,按照产品 用途分类,家用式,非家用式,分体式,整体式,整体式,分体式,双开门式,单开门式,对开门式,耗电量低,电脑温控,Customer,Customer,色彩亮丽,外形美观,具备变 频风冷,制冷速度 快,VC保鲜,容量大,价格低,实例验证,实例验证,在产品规划阶段用户(消费者)对 冰箱的用户要求质量(顾客需求),制冷速度快,耗电量低 操作简单,噪音小,冷 却 方 式,温 控 方 式,价 格,附 加 功 能,箱 体 尺 寸,冷 冻 能 力,功能多,散 热 性 能,耗 电 量,噪 音,输 入 功 率,价格低 外形美观,容量大,冰箱的质量要素主要有以下

45、10项,量化评估方法,1:表示不影响功能实现的需求2:表示不影响主要功能实现的需求3:表示比较重要的影响功能实现的需求4:表示重要的影响功能实现的需求5:表示基本的、涉及安全的、特别重要的需求,1 顾客需求重要度 的评估,1:表示该交点所对应的工程措施和顾客要求之间存在微弱的关系3:表示该交点所对应的工程措施和顾客要求之间存在一般的关系9:表示该交点所对应的工程措施和顾客要求之间存在非常密切的关系,量化评估方法,2 关系矩阵和相关矩阵评估,关系度,加权后工程措施的重要度:,量化评估方法,1:表示无竞争能力可言,产品积压,无销路;2:表示竞争能力低下,市场占有份额递减;3:表示可以进入市场,但并

46、不拥有优势;4:表示在国内市场竞争中拥有优势;5:表示在国内市场竞争中拥有较大优势,可以参与国际市场竞争,占有一定的国际市场份额。,量化评估方法,市场竞争能力,1:表示技术水平低下;2:表示技术水平一般;3:表示技术水平达行业先进水平;4:表示技术水平达国内先进水平;5:表示技术水平达国际先进水平。,量化评估方法,技术竞争能力,市场竞争能力指数:,量化评估方法竞争力计算,市场竞争能力指数:,技术竞争能力指数:,综合竞争能力指数:,作业,以开发优质圆珠笔为例,用质量功能配置理论对 产品的市场竞争能力和技术竞争能力进行分析。通过对市场的调查,确定顾客需求为:书写流利、 永不褪色、外形美观、使用方便、价格适中。顾 客要求对应的设计要求分别为:笔尖组件设计、 油墨浓度、油墨成分、收放机构、外形设计、成 本控制。,


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