1、,Lesson 6 The Lodging Industry,. Brief introduction of lodgings emergence:with the development of railroad(in the 19th century) 2. A variety of accommodations :. forms. facilities. Lodgings in U.S.A.,3. Reasons for lodging travelers:25% for business24% for convention31% for vacationthe rest for othe
2、rs,. Lodging & economy,1. The reflection on the local economy 2. “ too many rooms at the inn( cause and effect ),. Sources of hotel income,From operation From management fee From franchise fee,. overbuilding,Cause: easy creditfavoring depreciation 2. effect:too much debtfinancial jeopardy(such as: U.S.A.),1. feature of some types of hotels 2. classification according to rate structure: . Budget/ economy hotel . Limited service hotel,. Classification of lodgings,. Upscale hotels . Resort hotels . Mega hotels,