1、 宁波诺丁汉大学国家奖学金 评 审 办法 (试行) UNNC National Scholarship Awards Selection (Provisional) 第一章 总 则 Part 1 Introduction 第一条 为激励 宁波诺丁汉大学本科 学生勤奋学习、努力进取, 在 德、智、体、美等方面 得到 全面发展, 根据 普通本科高校、高等职业学校国家奖学金管理暂行办法(财教 2007 90 号)、国家奖学金评审办法(教财 2007 24 号)、教育部办公厅关于进一步规范普通高校国家奖学金评审与材料填报工 作的通知(教财厅函 2010 16 号)等文件的要求,按照“公开、公平、公正、
2、择优”的原则, 结合我校实际, 特制定本 评选 办法。 Item 1 To encourage students all-round development, the election regulations of UNNC are based on the requirement of the National Scholarship Awards ( provisional) Regulations of University and Higher Educational Institutions、 National Scholarship Awards Appraisal、 Notifi
3、cation to Improve the National Scholarship Assessment and Materials Input with the principles of transparency and fairness combining with the practical circumstances of our university. 第二条 学校成立国家奖学金评审委员会,负责讨论和决定有关宁波诺丁汉大学国家奖学金的重要事项、制定评审程序、审批获奖名单。国家奖学金评审委员会由学校党委 副书记 董 红波 博士 任 主任 , 各 学院 、 教务办公室、学生事务办公室
4、、大四年级 团队等部门的有关负责人或 代表 任委员。 Item 2 A National Scholarship Awards Selection Committee shall be set up within the university, and will be responsible for discussing and making decisions about important related issues, formulating selection procedures and approving the awards list related to the UNNC Na
5、tional Scholarship Awards. The committee members shall include the Deputy Secretary of UNNC Party Committee Doctor Hongbo Dong as the Director and staff representatives from all Schools, Faculty Offices and Student Affairs Office as committee members. 第二章 奖励标准与 申请 条件 Part 2 Standard and Basic Requir
6、ements 第 三 条 国家奖学金的奖励标准为每人 8000 元 。 Item 3 Standard reward of the National Scholarship is 8000RMB/per person. 第 四 条 国家奖学金的基本申请条件 : Item 4 Basic Requirements: Applicants must: 1.热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导; Be patriotic and supportive of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. 2.遵守宪法和法律,遵守学校规章制度; 2. C
7、omply with the law and the university regulations. 3.诚实守信,道德品质优良; 3. Be honest and of good moral character. 4.具有中华人民共和国国籍且在校正式注册的 我校 全日制大四本科生 (非 2+2 学生) , 超出学制期限基本修业年限的学生原 则上不得申请。 4. Be officially registered as full-time senior undergraduate students (2+2 students are not included) and be a national
8、 of the Peoples Republic of China. In principle, students who are beyond the basic length of schooling are ineligible to apply. 5.申请国家奖学金的学生应当学习成绩优异,社会实践、创新能力、综合素质等方面特别突出 , 并提交相应证明 材料原件及复印件一份 。学生学习成绩优异的量化标准是 大三学年 学习成绩排名在本 专业 前 10%(不足 1 人的 , 按 1 人计) , 且 大一至 大三无挂科记录( 含 文化课、体育课) 。 5. Applicants shall h
9、ave excellent academic results with outstanding performance in social engagement, innovation and all-round development. Applicants should provide original documents with one hard copy. Applicants should not have failed any modules (including Chinese Culture and PE) and Level 2 academic results shoul
10、d rank in the top 10% of their degree course (if there are less than 10 students on the degree, there will be one National Scholarship opportunity). 6.如果 大三学年 的学习成绩排名没有进入前 10%,但 在前 30%以内,那么 申请者 只有在其他方面表现非常突出的情况下,才可以申请国家奖学金, 且 需提交详细的证明材料。 其他方面表现非常突出是指在道德风尚、学术研究、学科竞赛、创新发明、社会实践、社会工作、体育竞赛、文艺比赛等某一方面表现特别优
11、秀。具体如下: 6. If the students Y2 academic results have not been ranked in the top 10% of the course but he/she has outstanding performance in morality, academic research, competition, innovation, social practice, work practice, arts competitions etc., which can be demonstrated by appropriate certificat
12、es, candidates within the rank of top 30% will also be considered. Details are listed below: 在社会主义精神文明建设中表现突出,具有见义勇为、助人为乐、奉献爱心、服务社会、自立自强的实际行动,在本校、本地区产生重大影响,在全国产生较大影响,有助于树立良好的社会风尚。 Outstanding performance in socialist spiritual civilization, with courage, helpfulness, love and dedication to serve the
13、 community and specific evidence of self-reliance. Evidence of significant impact on the campus and the region, considerable impact within the country and of helping to establish good social customs. 在学术研究上取得显著成绩,以第一作者发表的论文被 SCI、 EI、 ISTP、 SSCI 全文收录,以第一、二作者出版学术 专著(须通过专家鉴定)。 Excellent performance in
14、academic research, papers recorded by SCI, EI, ISTO, SSCI fully as the first author, or publication of a professional monograph as first or second author (examined by experts). 在学科竞赛方面取得显著成绩,在国际和全国性专业学科竞赛、课外学术科技竞赛等竞赛中获一等奖(或金奖)及以上奖励。 Excellent performance in academic competition, award of internation
15、al level or national level prize in academic competition, extracurricular or academic contests (first prize or above). 在创新发明方面取得显著成绩,科研成果获省、部级以上奖励或获得国家专利(须通过专家鉴定)。 Excellent performance in innovation (provincial award or above, or national patent) (examined by experts). 在体育竞赛中取得显著成绩,为国家争得荣誉。非体育专业学生参
16、加省级以上体育比赛获得个人项目前三名,集体项目前二名;高水平运动员(特招生)参加国际和全国性体育比赛获得个人项目前三名、集体项目前二名。集体项目应为主力队员。 Evidence of excellent performance in sports competition and winning of honor for the country. Non-PE major students should have finished in the first three in individual games or the first two in group games in provincia
17、l or above level sports competition. For group projects, the student should be the lead player. 在重要文艺比赛中取得显著成绩,参加国际和全国性比赛获得前三名,参加省级比赛获得第一名,为国家赢得荣誉 , 集体项目应为主要演员。 Excellent performance in significant artistic competition reaching the first three in international or national level competitions or the f
18、irst in provisional competitions and winning honor for the country. If the project is a team project, the student should be the leading artist. 获全国三好学生、全国优秀学生干部、全国社会实践先进个人、全国十大杰出青年、中国青年五四奖章等全国性荣誉称号。 Obtention of title of national honor such as National Excellent Student, National Excellent Student L
19、eaders, National Social Practice Advanced Individual, National Top Ten Outstanding Young and China Youth Five Four Medal, etc. 7 如果学生大三学年的学习成绩排名没有达到前 30%,则不具备申请国家奖学金的资格。对于符合 条件申请者的评选, 由 评审委员会根据 其 综合 表现进行 筛选 评定。 7. If students Y2 academic record is not in the top 30% within the Faculty, the student d
20、oes not qualify for a national scholarship. In selecting from qualified applicants, the members of the committee will make decisions based on students general performance. 第 三 章 申请材料 准备 与 提交 Part 3 Preparation and submission of application materials 第 五 条 申 请材料 包括国家奖学金申请审批表,国家奖学金申请表 (中英文版) 和 个人 简介 (
21、中英文版 ) 。 Item 5 Application materials include the National Scholarship Application Approval Form, National Scholarship Application Form (Chinese and English version) and student personal profile (Chinese and English version). 国家奖学金申请审批表: 按照教财厅函 2010 16 号文件的规定,统一使用全国学生资助管理中心制定的 2010 版国家奖学金申请审批表 ( 见 附
22、件 1) ,不得更改表格内容或使用自制表格。 National Scholarship Application Form: according to the Education Finance Bureau document, please use the 2010 version of the form formulated by the National Center for Student Assistance Administration (appendix 1) no changes should be made to either the content or the struct
23、ure of the form. No alterations or other types of form are allowed. 国家奖学金申请表 : 含姓名、性别、院系、学号、专业、联系电话 。大学期间获得的重要奖项和重要荣誉(限校级 及 以上),所获奖项按 奖学金、竞赛、 荣誉称号等顺序填报,同一类奖项按级别大小逐级排列,同时提交相关证明材料的原件及复印件一份 。个人事迹材料以第一人称行文。内容应真实、全面、详细地反映该生在思想品德、学习成绩、社会实践、创新能力等各个方面的优异表现。个人事迹文章内容要求主题深刻、事迹感人、格调向上、语言流畅。事迹正文 1000 字左右( 中英文版 ,
24、 见附件 2) 。 National Scholarship Application Form: including name, gender, student number, school and department, major and contact number. Important awards and honors gained during university period (only university level or above). All the awards and honors need to be inserted in the form in followi
25、ng order: scholarships, competitions and honors, with awards in each group ordered by level of importance. Please submit originals as well as hard copies of relevant materials of certification. Personal narratives should be written from the view of first person. Content should reflect students ideol
26、ogy and morality, academic records, social practice and innovation ability in an authentic, all-round and specified way. The content of the narrative should be profound, touching, affirmative and fluent. About 1000 words (Chinese and English versions, appendix 2). 个人简介 : 以单页幻灯片形式呈现个人基本信息及所获荣誉 ( 具体内容
27、及要求 见附件 3) 。 Student personal profile: present personal information, honors and awards in single PowerPoint slide (Details and requirements, appendix 3). 第 六 条 申请材料以纸质版和电子版两种方式报送 , 具体 报送方式和时间请留意 发送 的邮件 , 请在 当年度 规定 时间内 报送 ,逾期 或材料不合格者将不予以 受理 。 电子版材料发送至 ,邮件 主题请注明 : 国家奖学金申请 /申请人 所属学院 /专业 /姓名 /学号 /联系方式 ,
28、 如 : 国家奖学金申请 /商学院 /IB 专业 /张 三 /6600000/13800000000, 电子材料 报送时间与纸质材料报送时间 与 要求 一致。 Item 6 Application materials should be sent in both print and electronic versions, details of how and when to send in applications will be advised by email from . Please send materials during the required time period in
29、the current year, overdue or inappropriate materials will not be accepted. Please send the application materials to and give clear identification in the subject line as follows: national scholarship application/ school of applicant/ major/ name/ student ID/ contact, for example: national scholarshi
30、p application/ school of business/ IB/ San Zhang/ 6600000/ 13800000000. Submission times for both printed and electronic material are the same. 第 四 章 国家奖学金的评审 Part 4 Appraisal of national scholarship 第 七 条 国家奖学金获奖名额每年遵照国家教育部分配的名额确定。 Item 7 The number of students awarded a national scholarship is all
31、ocated by the Chinese National Ministry of Education. 第 八 条 国家奖学金每学年评审一次,实行等额评审制,在评审过程中坚持公开、公正、公平、择优的原则。 Item 8 National scholarships are evaluated once a year, by an evaluation system operating on the principles of transparency, fairness, impartiality, good faith and selection of the best. 第 九 条 对于
32、 入围 申请者 , 将 综合考量 学术 和第二课堂表现 进行 评审, 主要 考虑 大一至大三的学术成绩 (大一 占 10%,大二占 20%,大三占 70%) 和 其他 综合素质表现。 Item 9 The National Scholarship Selection Awards Committee will evaluate applicants academic and extracurricular performance, academic records from preliminary year to Level 2 (preliminary record counts 10%,
33、Y1 record counts 20%, and Y2 record counts 70%) and other relevant general qualities as the main considerations. 第 十 条 国家奖学金 评审委员会 具体负责组织评审工作,提出本校当年国家奖学金获奖学生建议名单, 报上级 主管部门 研究审定后,在校内进行 公示。 对 评选结果 有 异议的 , 可以发邮件 给 提出 申诉。 评审委员会负责 申诉部门 在接受申诉后 3 个工作日内征求各方面意见、综合审查后提出处理意见,上报校国家奖学金评审委员会主任批准,通知学生本人及所在单位。 Ite
34、m 10 The National Scholarship Awards Selection Committee members are responsible for the details of the organization and appraisal work, selecting the scholarship candidate list in the current year and reporting to the relevant departments and public on the campus. Any objections to the final result
35、s can be lodged by sending emails to . Committee members are responsible for receiving appeals and giving relevant feedback within three working days after hearing opinions from all relevant parties, reporting to the Director of the National Scholarship Awards for approval of decisions and informing
36、 the relevant bodies and individuals of the final decision. Any changes to the candidate list will be made public. 第 十一 条 结果 无异议后, 向上级主管部门上报最后名单和评审情况 报告。 Item 11 After completion of the candidate list, the UNNC National Scholarship Selection Committee will submit it to the Ningbo Education Bureau fo
37、r approval. 第 五 章 奖学金管理 、发放 与监督 Part 5 Management, granting and supervision of scholarships 第十 二 条 学校将切实加强管理,按照规定的程序进行操作,认真做好国家奖学金的评审和发放工作,确保国家奖学金用于奖励 综合表现 特别优秀的学生 。 Item 12 The university shall effectively support management, strictly implement procedure, carefully evaluate and grant scholarships,
38、and ensure scholarship awards go to excellent all-round students. 第十 三 条 学校接到教育部的批复和拨款后, 奖学金 将严格 按照国家和学校奖学金相关规定 进行 发放 , 同时 颁发国家统一印制的奖 励证书,并记入学生学籍档案。 Item 13 The Chinese Ministry of Education shall provide the university with budget approval and funding and will print the national awards and certific
39、ates. The university shall grant scholarships to students strictly according to national and campus scholarship policy and record the honor into the students records. 第十 四 条 学校将严格执行国家相关规定,对国家奖学金实行分账核算,专款专用,不截留、不挤占、不挪用,自觉接受财政、审计、纪检监察、主管单位等部门的检查和监督。 Item 14 The university shall strictly implement nati
40、onal regulations, manage national scholarships, and dedicate the funds provided exclusively to this purpose with no unwarranted diversion and no embezzlement. The university shall conscientiously accept finance and audit, inspection and supervision from all relevant national education authorities. 第
41、 六 章 附 则 Part 6 Appendix regulations 第十 五 条 本办法由 宁波诺丁汉大学国家奖学金评定委员会 负责解释。 Item 15 The UNNC National Scholarship Awards Selection Committee is responsible for interpretation of the selection regulations. 第十 六 条 本办法自发布之日起施行。 Item 16 These regulations go into effect on the day of promulgation. 宁波诺丁汉大学国家奖学金评 审 委员会 2016 年 06 月 30 日 UNNC National Scholarship Awards Selection Committee Jun.30, 2016