1、Self-Organizing Fuzy ControlerThetoryftheslf-organizgfuzycontrlerswasorignalyprosdbMamdnidhstdentsaQunMyCe,Ln1.Aself-organizgfuzycontrlerisafuzycontrlerwhosecntrolpicydptsacordwihagnthepresitsnvirm2entifcincorlSlf-rganiz Fzy Ctrler1 T.JPrykand E.H Mamdni, Aligustic elf-organiz proces ntrole, Automai
2、c, 15(97)-30.2C His,Gore.Brow, Int Ctl:AtfFuzyLgind Nerlts World Scientf,Singpoe 193)-10.SeArchitecure of Self-organizg Fuzy ContrlerPerfomance valution alyzes th crisp lant sate vctor with spt o perfmc goal nd ouce corin for ayet-be-idntid rule tmpesat fr any p pemnc. The lat odel isued toacunt for plant iput-otput polrity inrul crctin. The fuzy rle modifcatio detrmines whic rule orules ar sponsib fr the prsn po rfoan ntr whic make taiv iovents its rule bse asuesiv sple tmes durig i learng tai.Futi f t Blok 010203SumarySelf-organizgFuzyContrlerIstheyOtherslf-gaizgfuzycontrler?