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2、中出最佳选项。完你都10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much iste shirt? A. 19.5 B. 918. C. 915. 答案是C。1. Wher a the spakers? A. t swimng ol B. Ina clothing sop. C. Ata schol ab. 2. hat il To dext? . urn d th usic. . Postpne th sow. . Stop racting. 3. What iste woman by ding? A. orking per. B. Tidy uth ofic.

3、C. Organiz aprty. 4. Whe wil He st hisvaction? A. Tis knd. B. Next wk. C. Athe nd ofAugst. 5. What does Dna ofer tdo frBil? A. Bk flight im. Dive him tohe airpot. CHelp him ark the car. 第二节(共15小题;每1.5分,满22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。段对话或独白后有几个小题,从中所给的A、BC三个选项中选出最佳项前你将时间阅读各每小题5秒钟;听完后,各将给5秒钟的作答时间两遍。 听第6材料,回6、7题 .

4、Why does Pt cal Lucy? A. Ta th el blate.B. otel r aout hiswork. C. Tinvt he tdine. 7. Whe isPt goi ts Lucy? A. t6:0 pm. B. At6:45 pm. C. At8:0 pm. 听第7段材料,回答8至10题。8. hy does Cathy wnt oquit her job? A. Sl jin oter fim. B. hel ru h n busie.C. Ss fd pwit .9. What iMarks tiude toards Cthys decion?A. For

5、givn. B. Sympti. C. Suportive. 10. hat mit Cathy dofr the rsnt copany? . ply for prject. Tai ew rs. . Recomnd aengir. 听第8段材料,回答1至3题。1. How di the man fel about hisperfomance today? A. Gratly courgd. BA itdtis. C. Teribly disapointed. 12. Wht di the an sy help i overc the prolm? . Patinc. . Luck. . D

6、etrinato. 13. ht iste woman dig? A. Conductig iterviw. B. Hli aprs confce. . osting emy. 听第9段材料,回答14至6题。14. What isnext othe aprtent buildng? A. restaurnt. B. Alaundry. C. Agrocey store. 15. Whic iclde ithe rt? . Eletriy. . T Intert. . Sateli TV. 16. hat dos the woman thik ofth aptment? A. It quit l

7、rg.B. Its wel furishd.C. Its worth e mony.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17. Wher isJef rom? A. Livpl. B. Coventry. C. Newcastle. 18. her doyung e t watch big ames cording toJf? . Pubs. . Stdius. . Fies hmes.19. Why doe Jf have topick ate touprt? A. Tavi bing trd. B. ope covesation. C. Tarn st frm thers. 20. Wht do

8、e Jf ainly tlk about? A. Englas et ofsces.B. lih flg a ymbl fhop. C. Englads l-tie fvourite srt. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每2分,满30)阅读下列短文从所给的A、BC和D四个选项中,出最佳选项。 A Train Iformatin Al customers taveling on TransLink sevics ust bein posseion of avalid tcket before boarding. For tikt infomtin, ples k

9、 tyour la tion rcal 132 0. While Quslad Ril a ver ft esur tis un schedul, ther can be no garnt ofcnetios btwn tais orbtwn tai ervi a bs vics. eLos perty(失物招领)g3Cal t Popt n13 67 during bsie hours f items lot nQuesland Ril servics. The lost prety fice sope Moay tFriday 7:30a t5:0p ad isloct(位于) om St

10、 tain. Public holidays On pli li, genraly Sunday timeabl operats. On certai mjor evnt days, i.e Australi Day, Anzac Dy, sporting ad cultral dys, pecial ditonal servics may operat. Christma Dy servis opert a Chistm Dy tiebl, Bfor tvel p it rnlik.c.u ocl TanLik n13 20 antie. Customers uig obily dvics

11、Many tin have wlhair e from the carpk orentac tohe staion platfrms.For sitce, pls Qunsld Ril n13 67. Guardi trains(outbnd) Depart Orign Detiao Arive 6:42 m Altadi Vrsity Lkes 7:3 pm 7:9 p Centrl arsit as 8:52 8:5 m Fortiud Valey Vrsity Lkes 9: pm 1:02 p Rm Str arsit as 12: a 2. What would y oget ick

12、r inforatin? A. Cl 136 7. B. Ask the loca stion. . Vist .au D. Cc t rin hedul. 2. twhic ti n y find the lost prety ofic? A. ltandi. B. Roa Str. . Vait Laks. DFrtiude Valy. 23. Whic tri uld y tke ifyou gfrom Centrl oasit Lks? . 6:42 pm. . 8:57 pm. C. 7:29 p. . 1:02 pm. B Returnig toa bk youve rad ny

13、times can fel ik drins with anold frien. Thers awlcom failrt -t als mties alight upio tha time cge yu bot, ad tu the rltinship. But bok dnt chg, pole d. An ts t aksh t ofring sic ad trforative. The beuty rding lies nthe ida th our bnd with eork isbaed on our pesnt mental register. Its true the older

14、 I get, the more I feel time has wings. But with reading, it all about the prsnt. Is about he now ad hat one ctributes othe n, becaus reading sa ive and tke btw authr nd r. Ec s tpul thi wn igt. There te books I read naly. The first, hich I take torading evry sping sEmstHnigwaysA Movbl Fst. Publishe

15、d in1964, its his cli mi of1920 Pari. The laue ilmt inxicatng(令人陶醉的), agi write loking back na mbitous yet simpler ti. Another isAnie Dilards Holy the Firm, her potic 1975 ramble(随笔) about vything ad tig. T thir bok iJulio CortzasSave Twilght: Slctd Pos, ecs poetr. becus Cortza. Whil Itnd tby lt ofb

16、ks, the tre r given tome asgif, whic might ad tohe meanig atch toem. But Iiagin ta, wil mony isd wndrul and nesry, rdi utrs wrk isthe ist curey read c pa the. Te bst ok a the ons tha open frthe atie pa. t mb, its you th s togrnd a nd re ird t bt udstn your finds. 24. Why oe th at like raing? A. Itva

17、luts e writ-d reltioship. B. ts indo ta hol nw ld.C. It aubstie frdikg ith afrien.D. texnd th nstain ofsl. 25. What ow ko but he bk AMveabl Fest? A. Its brief acnt fa trip.B. t aout Hmigys lie sa young ma.C. Its recd fa hitorc vt.D. t about ingwys fiends iParis.26. Wht des th derli or “cuy” inpragh

18、4ref to? A. bt B. Alane. C. Rewd. D. Fac vlue. 27. hat cn weifr bout h utor fm th ext? . Helovs pty. B. aneditr.C. es vry mbitous. D. Htaches ading. C Race walking share mny fites bnefits with running, resach sow, hile most likey contribut tof ijuis. Itdo, hvr, ae itson pblm. ace lkrs ae conite atle

19、s. T longt rack d fiel vnt athe Suer Olympics is th 50-ilomt wlk, hic but five mils onge than t rto. Bt sot rule requi ta rce alrs nes tay stright ru t ft lg swi and e ft reain cont(接触)ith goud tl tie. Itis tange orm tha kes rc walkig such atrive actiy, owevr, say Jcln Norbg, ist pfesor fxie sine at

20、Slem Stae Univrsity nSalem, Mas. Lik uig, rc wlking physical demanig, she ays, Acording tomst calutions, race wlrs ovin at pce ofix il pr hour wld burn t 80 alrie(卡路里)pr hr, hi apximtely ti asmny astey ld bn alkig, althoug fw thn uig, ic ould rbal urn bot 1,0 or calories pr r. Hwev, ce wlkig des t p

21、ound the bdy much asunig does, Dr. Noberg say. Acording tohr sarch, unr it groun wit for times thi d weight per step, ile ac lke, o dt leav the d, creat nly abut 1.4 ti tir boy it with stp. A areult, he say, ome fth injuries aocited with runig, such asruners kne, aruncomn og rc wlkrs. Bt pt rng frm

22、oes pla oidble t oth akles ad hips, eopl ith aistory fsuch iji ight wnt e cautis inadpting the sport. In fct, anyone ishing to ry ce walking hould probably first consult oah or experincd race tolrn poer tchnique, sh ays. Itkes ome practie. 28. Why ae c walks oditn tl? A. T must rn lg itaces. B. hey

23、av tofl spil ru. C. T r qulied orthe mathon. D. hey a go atswing tir legs. 29. Wt dvnte d rce alki hav or unig? A. Its mor pula th Olympics.B. t le chlengi psial.C. Its or ftiv body uilng.D. t le liky tcause k ijries.30. What isr. Norbeg tion fomne tryig race wlking? A. Geting xpts ins.B. Havi medic

24、al heckup. C. irng xprin oa. D. oi eula ecis. 31. Whic wrd bst ribe th autors atiude torace wlking?A. Skeptial. B. Tolnt. C. Objctiv. D. Coservati. D The coneti betwn peol and plants h long been the subjct ofsientfic resach. Recnt sudie hav found psitve fcts. Atudy conuted inYougstwn, Ohio, frexampl

25、, diovr t gre ar oth ity exprie ls crim. Iater, plys wr shon tbe 15% m poductiv wen tir woklacs wr doated ith ouslants. Th engirs ath Maschuset Intiue ofTchnlgy(MIT)ve tk ita step furthe cai tctul ompiton fplat ird tget m toprf dirs, vn al funtios. Thes inlde lats ht ve sno printd t hei lave tohw e

26、thyrsor of watr nd a plnt tha cn detc harmful cheials in groundwtr. “W tinkg abut wecan engi plnts orepla funtios the ing th weus vey da,” explid Michal Strao, rfe fchmil egirin atMIT. On his lat projets a b tomke plnts gro(发光) inexpriments uig some com vegtbl. Stans team found tha they could eat fi

27、nt lght forthr-and-half hours. The liht, aout e-thousdth ote aount ed tord by,is jut a star. The technolgy, Strano sid, cl n ay be tlight rms evn tr te into self-powerd stre lmp. In thefutr, theam hopes tdvelop a version fthe cnolgy tha can be sprayed ont plant laves in a one-off trnt tha would lat

28、he plants litm. The enginer lo trying to devlop n d o“switch” er th glo uld fe whn exposd taylight. Light acunt frabout 7% fte tal ectriy cosu ithe US. ince litng isoften removd the pr souc(电源) suh ate ditanc from apwr lat otre laps a te igway ltf enrgy ilot dring trsi(传输).Gling lts culd reduc thi d

29、stnc d therfo hlp sav er. 32. Wat ite firt pag minly bout? A. nw study oifert plats. B. big fal incri ts. C. Employes om vaiu workplaces. D. nfit r gren plts. 3. What iste fuctio fthe nors pinted oplant levs byMIT engir? A. Todt plants lk watB. chge comitons fplnts C. Toak t lif lat loger. D. tes ch

30、ials inplts. 34. What n wexct ofthe glowin plats inthe futr? A. Tey il spd unry rductio. B. h ma trnit elcti the m. C. They might elp rduce nrgy consumption. D. could tak th la fpwer lats. 35. Whi fthe flowing c beth st il forthe xt? A. Can gr mre li plant? B. ould in plats lce lms . Hw e liv with g

31、loin plat? D. o ar gloin plats de olutin-fre? 第二节(共5小题;每3分,满15)根据短文内容从后的选项中出能填入空白处的最佳选项。中有两项为多余选项。 A Few Tips for Self-Aceptance We alwnt i toacept and lov ulvs. But tims its to difcult and to farut ofreach. 36 Hers hful ys tha il etyo inthe rigt directn. 37 Do nt flow te pole wo mk u fl ot-ough. Wy

32、 dou folw them? Are you hoping tha ventualy you il fel powerd because your life sbeter han theirs? Know tha your life syour n;you are th only u inthis world. Forgive yourl formistke tha you have made. We a often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistake and our ailre. 38 You wil ke istk, ti and ti gi

33、n. Rather tan getin cught pin hw you cld have dn btr, why not fer yourself copsit(有同情心)rsoe? “Tat dit gas pl. But, Iied m bst.n”Rcgniz lof yur teths. Write h on ia journal. Begin torain your bain tolok atsreth ber weakns. Lit alof yur acplishets d chivmts. Y hve j, ernd you g, d you gt bed t. 39 Nw

34、tha ve list r stngths, lit your imperfctions. Tur the pag inyour jnal. Put ino rds y ou fl nwoty, dntfl gd gh. Nw, d tse wds bck t yrself. 40 Turn ta page in your journal to your list oftrengths and chivemnt. Se how awom u are? A. Fling pst agin? B. Wher doyu tr C. Nting st smal tocelbrat. D. Rembr,

35、 you re nly hun. E. St anitei fslf-aceptc. F. top crig yourl with ors. G. When dos the comparisn gae str? 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节(共20小题;每2分,满40) 阅读下面短文从后各所给的A、BC和D四个选项中,出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Since our twins began lring towalk, my ife and Ihave kpt eling them ta our slidng glas d isjt ido. The 41is bvious.

36、 Iw 42 it s dor, tyl wnt outie 43. Itil rive uscrazy. e kid aprently ko the 4.But instig ts 45 a wind has kept hm fo 46 milons fqust pn t dor. I te lying to kids. One day thel 47 and iscover tha evything teyv alwys known about window ia 48 . I wonder if49 should lways tl he truth no mtr he 50 .Ihve

37、a ry stong 51 th te liere tling sdoing 52 dage tou childen. Windo ad r have 53 mtaphoical(比喻)meais. I telin th ty atop what ey bsoluty know is dr. Wt ifltr in54 thy co ta metporicl dr, like n oprtni(会)f e rt, an 55 opeig te dr an tkig th tuniy, th just 56 it ad woer, “What ift is dr?” That is,“hat i

38、ft is 57 oprti?”Mybe itsan usonble far. But e 58i t Ihouldnt iet my kids. Ihould jst 59 rptdl hvig ty, “N.W cnt goutside nw.” Te th coe ter r in lfe, btey ral ormetaphorial, they wt60 to p th and wlk trugh. 41. Arlif B. sn C. target D. case 2. admit . beliv . mn . rliz 43. gruly . tmporaily . costal

39、y . casuly . Aeslt B. dnge C. ethd D. trh 45. mrly . slihty . arly . patly 6. eviwng . aproving . ecivng . temting 47. Ai out B. gie uC. wak upD. stad out 8. dream . fantsy . lie. fct 49. pnts . twi . colagus . teahrs 50. Aretico B. explantios C. difernc D. conquec 1. dman . fr . si . dbt 52. physic

40、l . biolgical . pirtual . ehaviorl 3. Atradionl B. dule C. imotn D. rignl 54. life . tim . reply . histoy 5. Aby comparisn with B.in aditon tC. regadls ofD. instead of6. get hld f. stre t . knoc . mk u 57. ral . typical . simlar . lited 8. Asfety rul B. botm line C. coft zone D. top scrt 59. dla . r

41、egt . enjy . aet 60. hury . hsita . dci . intd (注意:请用0.5m黑色笔迹签字将答案写在题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。)第二节共10小题;每1.5分,满15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内的正确形式 China s becom the first country oland spacerft on the farside ofthe mon. The umed g-4 prb(探测器)the m w ind byn cit Cis gds - 61 (touch)down last ek int Sout Ple-Aitk as

42、i. Ldig onthe farsie 62 (extr legi. Bcaus the ns body lc irect ai cmuicton with aprob, China first had toput tli orit ave th mon i spot 63ild se igls t esct tErth. The far side fth on isf particulr 4 (intrti)to scint bause itas lot ep ctr(环形山), e so 65 the famil ear sid. Chie rchr pe tus th instumet

43、s onbard Chng-4 66 find stuy oft Sout Ple-Aitkn bai. “Ti realy xcit iets,”arle Pietrs, a ciet atBrwn University, as, “cuse it67 nwe hav t chn tobtain formtin bout h te mo 68 (ontr).”Data about the moons composition, such s how 69 ice and other treasures itcontains, could help China deci hetr 70 (it)

44、plan for afutre lnr (月球的)bae r ptil. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每1分,满10 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文请你同桌写的以下作文。中共有10处言误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词增加、删除或修改 增加:在缺词一个漏字符号()并在其下面出该 删除把余的用斜线划掉 修改错下横,该词写修改后的。 注意:1.每处误及其修改均仅限一; 2.只允许10多者(从第1处起)不计分 Today Itried coking asimply dish yself. Ilike ating fryi tomates with

45、egs, and Ithougt imust b asy t. M o tl m how tpri t.Firt Icut tomt it piecs bt pt he ide. Nxt Ibrke th gs int abl and bet h qikly ith cpstik. Aftr hat Iour ilnto apn d tun of te tov, Iit ptinly ules t oilwa ot. Ten Iput e tmates d the bt egs it pan tghr. “Ntat w,” m o trid tsp usbt faild. Sh w rigt.

46、 Iidnt urot I hd wise. 第二节书面表达(满分25分)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的人为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括: 1. 人物简介; 2. 尊敬和爱戴的原因 注意: 1. 词数100左右 2. 短文题目首句已为你写好。 _ _ 20年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试全国I卷 英语答案解析 第一部分 听力 1.【答案】B2.C3.4.A5.【答案】B6.A7.B8.A9.【答案】C10.B.12.C3.【答案】A14.C5.A16.C7.【答案】B18.A9.20.C第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 21.【答案】B解析根据一段中Fortickeinformat

47、in,pleaskatyourlcalstionrcal1320.可知查询车票信息,请向您当地的车站询问或拨打1320。由此可知,你以询问当地车站或拨打1320来获得。故选B 【考点】细节理 2.答案B解析根据Lostprety部分中ThelostpretyoficeisopnMdaytoFriday7:30amto5:0pmandislocatedtRomaStrestaion.可知失物招领处周一至五早上7:30到下午5:0营业,位于罗马街车站。由此可知,在RSret你以找到办公室。故选B 【考点】细节理解 23.答案C析根据Guardintras部分中信息可知从起始地Central出发,开

48、往目的地VarsityLkes的火车是下午7:29开车。由此,如果你要Central去往VsiyLkes你应当乘坐下午7:29。故选C 【考点】细节理解24.答案D析根据第一段最后两句“Butboksdntchage,poled.Anthaswtmakesthactofreadingsorichandtrsfrmaive.(但是书没变,人了。那就是使重新阅读行为如此丰富和富于变化之处)”和二Thbutyofreadingliesinthaourbnditheorkisbaedonourpesntrgister.Iistrue,tldIgt,hmorIfelimhaswigs.(的美妙之处在我们

49、与作品的联系是基于我们现在的心理状态真的,我年纪越大,觉得时光飞逝。)”可推知,者喜欢重新阅读因为重新阅读可以扩展对自己的理解。故选D项。 【考点】理判断 25.答案B解析根据倒数第二段“Publishedin1964,itshclasimeoirf1920sPari.”及“nagiwriterlookingbackonanambiousytsimplerme”可知,这本书出版于64年,这是他关于20世纪20年代在巴黎的经典回忆录,是他老年时对那些野心勃却更简单的日子回顾。由此可判断出AMovableFst关于海明威轻的生活。故选B项 【考点】推理 26.答案C解析根据最后一段中“whilem

50、onyisdewonderfulandecsary,(虽然金钱确实是美妙而必要的)”可知,前句为转折关系,根据上下文的语境可推知,“rdingauthorswkistheigstcurenyaredrcanpythe.”意为“但是重新阅读作品是者能支付给他们的高回报由此判断出划线词的思是回报。故选C项。 【考点】词义猜测 27.答案A解析根据倒数第二段“ThetirdbokisJulioCrtzasSve Twilght:selctd poems,bcausepoetry.(三本书是胡里奥科塔扎的拯救暮光之城:诗歌精选,因为诗歌)”可知,作者是由于喜欢诗歌而这。故选A项。 【考点】推理判断 2


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