1、3. 对话口译 向索马里海盗学管理(3)对话文本主持人: James您好,您的观点“向索马里海盗学管理”最近很受欢迎,我想问您的第一个问题是,为什么要向索马里海盗学习呢?Host: Hello, James. Your idea of learning how to manage from somali pirates has been well-received recently and the first question Id like to ask is: what makes this necessaryJames: Well, Somali pirates business mod
2、el is impressive. According to the statistics, each raid costs the pirates around $30,000. On average one raid in three is successful, but the reward for a triumphant venture can be in the millions./.詹姆斯:素马里海盗的商业模式的确让人印象至深。有数据表明,海盗们 每次偷袭需要耗费3万美元。但是如果平均每三次偷袭中有一次 得手,胜利凯旋之后获得的回报则是数以百万计的。主持人:这样看来海盗们的投入产
3、出比还是很高的,他们是怎么做到这一点的呢?Host: It sounds that the return on investment is pretty high. How do they achieve this?James: One reason lies in their organization, which is quite familiar to many ordinary businesses. For a start, pirates have a similar backend, including the kind of streamlined logistics and
4、operations controls that would be the envy of most companies. 詹姆斯:一个原因是他们的组织方式,这一点对许多企业而言其实并不陌生。首先,海盗团伙同样有一个后端系统,其精简高效的后勤保障和行动部署足以令绝大多数企业艳羡不已。Their success has even prompted one village to open a pirate:a stock exchange, where locals can buy shares in up to 70 maritime companies planning raids. /海盗的
5、成功甚至使个村庄开启了一家海盗“股票交易所”,当地民众可以在里面购买大约70来家从事海上抢劫的海盗团伙的股票主持人:您提到了精简组织机构这个要素,这对我们中国的公司是个很大的启发。不过,有人也会问,我的公司需要改革,如果我精简了内部结构,减少了管理层级,甚至大幅削减了审批流程,那么下一步要改革的是什么呢?Host: You spoke of streamlined organization which is truly inspiring for many Chinese businesses. However, one may wonder, while reform is necessar
6、y for a company, what will the next step be if the internal structure of management and approval procedures are streamlined James: The next step, and also the more important one, should be adopting a wise strategy. You see, one reason for the pirates success is that they avoid “asymmetrical conflict
7、- challenging their targets head-on by, for example, lining up against the Western navies patrolling the waters- battles they would surely lose.詹姆斯:下一步,也是更为重要的一步,就是要实施明智的决策。不难发现,海盗们成功的一个原因在于他们会规避“非对称性冲突”, 即避免与目标正面冲撞,比如不与巡逻相关水域的西方舰队针锋相对,否则的话必输无疑。 Instead, they use steal and surprise, attacking target
8、s at their weakest point. In this way, with only a dozen or so sailors, they wrest control of huge assets, in the form of oil tankers.相反,他们采取暗中偷袭,出其不意地攻击目标的软肋。这样,只需要区区十几名船员就可以截获大笔财物,也就是油轮。This is a lesson that serves smaller companies well as they look to take bites out of larger rivals. It might be
9、 foolish, for example, for a start-up to take on one of the traditional banks head-to- head- only another large bank could afford the Pyrrhic battle that would ensue from it protecting its market. 这一点对小企业有很好的借鉴作用,因为它们可以伺机抢夺强大对手的市场份额。不过,如果是一家新创立的企业,比如说银行,要与一家传统的银行抗衡则是得不偿失的,因为最终守住自己的市场份额非得熬过一场苦战不可,而且必
10、须同样是一家大银行才能做到。But by picking a small, localised fight a start-up can make an impression before a bank has had time to react.但是,如果选择打一场就地的、小型的商业战,行业新秀往往可以让对手在回过神来之前先胜一筹。主持人:看来海盗的管理还真不简单,做海盗的首领也不 轻松。我之前看过一本书,书上说,每一个成功 的海盗王都是一名优秀的管理者,他们面对着一 群极度自由化、好勇斗狠的海盗船成员, 却能够 将其变成训练有素的海上势力,在动荡不安的环 境中,为整个海盗团队谋取最大的利益
11、。Host: It appears that there is a lot of wisdom in pirates management philosophy, and being a pirate leader is by no means an easy job. I read a book arguing that a successful captain of pirates is also an excellent manager as hes able to transform a cohort of extremely disengaged and combative pira
12、tes into a well-trained maritime force who help reap maximal profits for all the members in turbulent timesJames: Yes, you are right, pirate leaders truly know how to manage. Sometimes they would allow their brand to be adopted by autonomous local groups with little central control. That way, instea
13、d of making decisions from its headquarters, leaders can allow local managers to respond more quickly to local events.詹姆: 你说得没错。海盜首领的确深谙管理之道。有时侯他们允许地方上的自治型团伙打着他的旗号办事而不加以集中管理,放手让这些组织的管理者对就地的情况做出及时的响应,而无需等待上层的决策。主持人:真想不到,海盗王内部也制定了这么多富有智慧的制度法则,这些管理制度以及各种法则对我们当今的企业管理者来说,也是非常值得学习的,再次谢谢您今天的分享。Host: Its in
14、deed hard to believe that pirate leaders could lay down so many rules so ingeniously. All these are worth learning by todays managers of businesses. Thanks again for sharing with us your ideas3.对话口译:向索马里海盗学管理Host: Hello, James. Your idea of learning how to manage from somali pirates has been well-re
15、ceived recently and the first question Id like to ask is: what makes this necessary詹姆斯:素马里海盗的商业模式的确让人印象至深。有数据表明,海盗们 每次偷袭需要耗费3万美元。但是如果平均每三次偷袭中有一次 得手,胜利凯旋之后获得的回报则是数以百万计的。Host: It sounds that the return on investment is pretty high. How do they achieve this?詹姆斯:一个原因是他们的组织方式,这一点对许多企业而言其实并不陌生。首先,海盗团伙同样有一
16、个后端系统,其精简高效的后勤保障和行动部署足以令绝大多数企业艳羡不已。海盗的成功甚至使个村庄开启了一家海盗“股票交易所”,当地民众可以在里面购买大约70来家从事海上抢劫的海盗团伙的股票Host: You spoke of streamlined organization which is truly inspiring for many Chinese businesses. However, one may wonder, while reform is necessary for a company, what will the next step be if the internal s
17、tructure of management and approval procedures are streamlined 詹姆斯:下一步,也是更为重要的一步,就是要实施明智的决策。不难发现,海盗们成功的一个原因在于他们会规避“非对称性冲突”, 即避免与目标正面冲撞,比如不与巡逻相关水域的西方舰队针锋相对,否则的话必输无疑。相反,他们采取暗中偷袭,出其不意地攻击目标的软肋。这样,只需要区区十几名船员就可以截获大笔财物,也就是油轮。这一点对小企业有很好的借鉴作用,因为它们可以伺机抢夺强大对手的市场份额。不过,如果是一家新创立的企业,比如说银行,要与一家传统的银行抗衡则是得不偿失的,因为最终守住
18、自己的市场份额非得熬过一场苦战不可,而且必须同样是一家大银行才能做到。但是,如果选择打一场就地的、小型的商业战,行业新秀往往可以让对手在回过神来之前先胜一筹。Host: It appears that there is a lot of wisdom in pirates management philosophy, and being a pirate leader is by no means an easy job I read a book arguing that a successful captain of pirates is also an excellent manager
19、 as hes able to transform a cohort of extremely disengaged and combative pirates into a well-trained maritime force who help reap maximal profits for all the members in turbulent times詹姆: 你说得没错。海盜首领的确深谙管理之道。有时侯他们允许地方上的自治型团伙打着他的旗号办事而不加以集中管理,放手让这些组织的管理者对就地的情况做出及时的响应,而无需等待上层的决策。Host: Its indeed hard to believe that pirate leaders could lay down so many rules so ingeniously. All these are worth learning by todays managers of businesses. Thanks again for sharing with us your ideas