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1、Lecture 11.1Features on the lexical level(词汇层面)(1) The analysis didnt yield any new results. (Informal)The analysis yielded no results. (Formal)(2) These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, etc. (Informal)These semiconductors can be used in robots, and CD players. (Formal)1.1.2Nominali

2、zation(名词化)(1)Everyday English If a potential is applied to gas at low pressure, ionization of the molecules will result.Academic EnglishThe application of a potential to gas at low pressure will result in ionization of the molecules.(2)Everyday EnglishThe progress of the work will depend on how mod

3、ern the equipment is.Academic EnglishThe progress of the work will depend on the modernization ofthe equipment.1.1.3Hedging(模糊语)(1)On the evidence of the findings presented in Figure 1, it would appear that students in Hong Kong generally have little need to speak in English outside the classroom.(2

4、) Weismann suggested that animals become old because, if they did not, there could be no successive replacement of individuals and hence no evolution. 1.1.4 Use of single verbs (使用单一动词)(1)The material amenities of life have gone up in Western society.( increased )(2)A primary education system was se

5、t up throughout Ireland as early as 1831.(establish)其他如look into (investigate);get rid of (eliminate)1.2.1大量使用被动语态(1) Any container can be filled by these as they diffuse and spread out to fill them. The atoms or molecules of gases move very rapidly and are widely spaced.(2) Using a simplified input

6、-output (I-O) framework, the aggregate economic output of the non-energy sector (Yt) can be formulated as the sum of value-added in the non-energy sector (Vane,t) and inter-industry payments for energy and transport services.1.2.2客观语言(1)I chose this method because it is less complex. (personal) This

7、 method is chosen because it is less complex. (2)The conclusions are appalling and account, to a large extent, for the terrible morbidity and mortality statistics of this community.Text 1In this paper we are presenting our analysis of our assignment on teamwork development. The group we selected for

8、 this assignment (the survey team) is a group of people who work for Advance Tours. We used two questionnaires developed by Cacioppe(1998) to try to measure the performance of the team and the way the team members felt about it. We then tried to present an analysis of the findings and made a few rec

9、ommendations about what the team can do to improve the way they work.客观语言,句子改写Text 2This paper presents the findings of an analysis of teamwork development. The group selected for this assignment (the survey team) is a small team of four people working in a small department of Advance Tours. The per

10、formance of the team and the team members attitudes to their team were measured using two questionnaires developed by Cacioppe (1998). An analysis of the findings is then presented and recommendations are made as to what measures can be employed to improve the overall teamwork and performance of the

11、 team.Lecture 2Being brief and concise e.g. (1a) Preliminary observations on the effect of Zn element on anticorrosion(防腐蚀)of zinc plating layer (镀锌层) (wordy)(1b) Effect of Zn on anticorrosion of zinc plating layer (concise)e.g. 中国近代纸币史中几个学术问题的探讨(2a)DiscussiononSeveralAcademicproblemsintheBookTheMod

12、ernHistoryofChinesePaperMoney(wordy)(2b)SeveralQuestionsinModernHistoryofChineseBanknotes(concise)2.3 Keywords(1)Functions of keywords Keywords of a research paper are the most frequently used words and the most important words and phrases of the paper. They are representative of the theme of the pa

13、per. As it mainly functions for easiness of retrieval, “keywords” is also variously called “indexing terms”(索引词), “keywords index”, “keywords and phrases”.(2)Form and number of keywordsKeywords of research paper appear in the form of nouns, not verbs, For example, “investigation” is used instead of

14、“investigate”. In general, the number of keywords ranges from 2 to 8. The normal limited number of keywords is four to six in one paperAs usual, keywords are chosen from the “title” and/or “abstract”, where the key terms of words and phrases are usually contained(3)Location of keywordsThough keyword

15、s can be either above or below the abstract of a paper, they are yet, in most cases, placed below the abstract. They are in lowercase except abbreviations. (4)Methods of spacing keywordsThere are three methods of spacing keywords: using comma ,semicolon ;larger partition Full stop could not be used

16、to space keywords. 如:(1)“software component,(;) UML, (;) rational database”.2.4Common scientific foundation elements in Acknowledgements.1.国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划)(No.)National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No.)2国家自然科学基金(面上项目:重点项目:重大项目:)No.National Natural Sc

17、ience Foundation of China (General Program; Key Program; Major Program)3.国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(No.) Ph.D Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China.4国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973计划)(No.)The Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 program)5. 国家“十一五”攻关项目National Key Technologies R & D Pr

18、ogram of China during the 11th Five Year Plan Period (No.) Lecture 3Descriptive Abstract (1) This paper presents an analysis of purposethe principles of magnetic refrigeration with application to air-conditioning. A comparisonmethod with conventional evaporation-condensation gas cycle device is pres

19、ented. Conclusions conclusionconcerning the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to air conditioning are made.(2) The purpose of this project is to measure environmental equity in Salem, Oregon, with an aim to contribute to a growing body of literature concerned with the unequal distribution of e

20、nvironmental hazards .The project analyzes important previous studies and then conducts an investigation that centers around a series of GIS (Geographic Information System) maps that reveal correlations between environmental hazards and demographics(统计学), such as race and income level. The results w

21、ill be revealed and discussed. (3) The Postmodern Appeal of complementary and Alternative medicines (CAM) to Australian Consumers: A Review of the Literature The increasing popularity of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) amongst health consumers and orthodox service providers in Australi

22、a is well documented. However, understandings about the reasons for increasing consumer use of CAM in Australia and elsewhere are poorly developed and invite further research.background This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review on reasons for CAM use by the Australian populat

23、ion. purposeThere are four main themes: 1) criticism of conventional medicine, 2)attraction to the holistic model(整体模型)of health, 3) treatment options for chronic and terminal illness, and 4) lifestyle factors which are identified and explored through social change theory, namely, globalization and

24、post-modernizationMain proposition and overview of contents (4) Mechanism of Angiogenesis(血管生成) and Arteriogenesis (动脉生成) Endothelial(内皮细胞)and smooth music cells interact with each other to form new blood vessels. topicIn this review, the cellular and molecular mechanisms(细胞分子机制)underlying the forma

25、tion of endothelium-lined channels (angiogenesis) and their maturation via recruitment of smooth muscle cells (arteriogenesis) during physiological and pathological(病理学的)conditions are summarized, alongside with possible therapeutic applications.Main proposition and overview of contentsInformative A

26、bstract The major components of an informative abstract:(1)PurposeThe purpose of the study introduces the reason, the origin, the importance and significance of the study in question, including the premise, purpose and tasks and scope of the research. The purpose section of an informative abstract m

27、ight also contain the hypothesis of the experiment.(2)MethodologyResearch methods present the methods or techniques of the research, including the model, theory, conditions, objects, sampling method, sample size, materials, technology, means, equipment, procedures (study design (e.g., survey), data

28、collection and analysis. (3)ResultResults report the results of the study, including data, identified relationship, observation results, effectiveness and performance achieved. (4)ConclusionsConclusions comment on the main contribution or value of the research paper. It includes an analysis, compari

29、son, evaluation of the research results (e.g. interpret the results as supporting or not supporting the theory or hypotheses), new issues raised, further studies of the future, assumptions, inspirations, recommendations and forecasts.当今绝大部分的科技期刊和会议论文都要求作者提供信息性摘要): 信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。它是论文全

30、文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要,但它又不是简单对原文篇幅进行按比例的缩减,而是要进行深入加工。 信息性摘要要向读者介绍研究的实际方法和结果,通常应提供尽可能多的定量或定性信息,能定量表述的一定要全部定量化,仅定性描述是不够的,要充分反映论文的创新之处。信息性摘要可以看作是指示性摘要的扩展。 Informative abstract(1)The long-term performance of various systems was determined and the economic aspects of solar hot water production were investig

31、ated in this work. The effect of the collector(集热气) inclination angle, collector area and storage volume was examined for all systems, and various climatic conditions and their payback period was calculated. It was found that the collector inclination angle does not have a significant effect on syst

32、em performance. Large collector areas have a diminishing effect on the systems overall efficiency. The increase in storage volume has a detrimental effect for small daily load volumes, but a beneficial one when there is a large daily consumption. Solar energy was found to be truly competitive when t

33、he conventional fuel being substituted is electricity, and it should not replace diesel(柴油) oil on pure economic grounds. Large daily load volumes and large collector areas are in general associated with shorter payback periods. Overall , the systems are oversized and are economically suitable for l

34、arge daily not water load volume. Objectives (implication of the research problem)MethodologyResultsConclusions (2)Metalinguisticawarenesscontributestoeffectivewritingat university. Writingis a meaning-making process where linguistic, cognitive, social and creative factors are at play. University st

35、udents needto master the skills of academicwritingnot only for getting their degree but also for their future career. It is also significant for lecturerstoknow who our students are, how they think and how we can best assist them. This study examines first- year undergraduate Australian and internat

36、ional engineering students as writers of academic texts in a multicultural setting at the University of Adelaide. A questionnaire and interviews were usedtocollect data about students level ofmetalinguistic awareness, their attitudes toward, expectations for, assumptions about and motivation forwrit

37、ing. The preliminary results of the research show that students from different cultures initially have different concepts about the academic genres and handle writingwith different learning andwritingstyles but those with a more developed metalanguage are more confident and motivated. The conclusion

38、 can also be drawn that students level of motivation for academicwritingpositively correlates with their opinion about themselves as writers. Following an in-depth multi- dimensional analysis of preliminary research results, some recommendations forwritinginstruction will also be presented.backgroun

39、dpurposemethodresultsconclusion(3)Neuropathic(神经性的) foot ulceration(溃疡)is a major medical and economic problem among diabetic patients, and the conventional treatment involves bed rest with complete freedom from weight bearing. We have investigated the use of walking plaster casts in the management

40、of seven diabetic patients with long-standing, chronic foot ulcers. Although all ulcers healed in a median time of six weeks, this therapy was not without side effects. We conclude that casting is a useful therapy for neuropathic ulcers, although several clinic visits, including cast removal and foo

41、t inspection, are necessary to avoid potential side effects caused by the costing of insensitive feet. Background + purpose:(scope of the research)MethodologyResultconclusion 3.2 Tense in the Major Sections of Abstract1) Background (a fact): simple present tense在介绍背景资料时,应该用一般现在时来叙述不受时间影响的普遍事实。 (1)Mo

42、st alternative(替代)fuels for internal combustion engines(内燃机) have low cetane(十六烷) numbers.(2) This is particularly true of natural gas which has excellent clean burning characteristic and low greenhouse gas production.(3) In contrast to low power applications, long cavity laser (空腔激光器)or laser bars

43、are used in this field and mounting quality influences considerably laser performance and life time.Background (an overview of the research tendency): present perfect tense(4) The use of correlated coefficients(相关系数) of heat transfer(热传递) from the experiment data has been the universal choice to ana

44、lyze complex heat transfer process.(5) Several laboratory studies have been conducted to determine actual decomposition rates(分解率) of wheat and other small grain straws(麦秆)using C-labelled(C标记)plant material.2) purpose: research-oriented (simple past tense); paper-oriented (simple present tense)在叙述研

45、究目的,研究题目或活动时,若文章采用“研究导向”型,则句子的动词使用一般过去时态。若文章采用“论文导向”型,则应该使用一般现在时。 研究导向型 (6) The objective of this research was to determine the heat transfer characteristic for a convention cooling section with different heat transfer structures at high temperature and pressure in a coal pressurized gasifier (加压气化炉

46、).(7) In this study, we examined vertical nutrient mixing in late summer in a test area 15 kilometres off the coast.论文导向型 (8) This paper presents an auto-refrigerating cascade cycle(自动冷却层叠循环) that employs a rectifying column(精馏塔).(9) In this paper, we focus on the solder metallurgy(焊接冶金)and stress-i

47、nduced(应力诱发)laser behaviour after mounting.3. Methodology (experimental procedures or methods): simple past tense在摘要的实验部分写作中,实验程序或方法通常使用一般过去式来描述。 (10) Experiments on high-enthalpy(热含量)water blowdown(排放) through a short converging nozzle(收缩喷嘴) were performed to measure the critical discharge(临界流量)flo

48、wrate under different stagnation(停滞)conditions.(11) The measurements were carried out in a high pressure chamber (HPC)(高压腔)and in a rapid compression machine (RCM)(快速压缩机).Methodology (mathematical model, algorithm, analytical method): simple past tense(12) The proposed rule is a validated(经过验证的)through numerical(数值的) studies involving both analytic and numerical results form the frequency -and ti


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