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国际市场营销课件第九章 国际市场销售渠道策略.ppt

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1、Chapter 9 International Marketing Channel Strategy,国际市场渠道策略,Reference information,Cateora. P.R and J.L. Graham, International marketing, Irwin Megraw-Hill, Chapter 14 International distribution system Xue qiu-zhi , International marketing management, Fudan University Press, Chapter 9 Happer W. Boyd,

2、 Jr., Marketing Management, Published by Dongbei Financial and economic university press, chapter 14 Distribution Decisions,Emphasis and Difficulties,Emphasis: the sales channel of international market; the essential knowledge of the design for the sales channel; the classification, choice and manag

3、ement for the international middleman. Difficulties:the inspiration, evaluation, adjustment, resolving conflict and strengthening co-operation during the management of the international middleman.,1 Overview of channel,. Whats marketing channel? A marketing channel is the set of interdependent organ

4、izations involved in the process of making a product or service available for consumption or use by consumers or industrial users.,. Channel institution,There four broad categories as follows: 1. Merchant wholesalers (1): Full service wholesalers: perform a wide variety of functions foe their suppli

5、ers and customers including buying, selling, transportation, storing and financing. They are particularly active in industries with many small manufactures on one side and small independent retailers or commercial users on the other. The form: manufactures sale ranches and office (used in trucking,

6、farm machinery, automotive equipment and parts, plumbing); rack jobber( like supermarkets and drugstores),(2) Limited service wholesalers These offer suppliers and customers cost saving by elimination certain function. For example: a majority of plumbers specialize in the buying and storage function

7、s, but require their customer to perform their own transportation and financing activities.,2. Agent middlemen It includes manufactures agents, brokers, purchasing agents. 3. Retailers It includes general merchandise discount chains, wholesale clubs, supermarkets and single-line mass-merchandiser st

8、ores. 4. Facilitating agencies,. Channel functions and flows,1. Channel functions To help direct a product from the producer to the ultimate ( or end ) user. Information, Promotion, Negotiation, Ordering, Financing, Risk taking, Physical possession, Payment and title. 2. Channel flows 渠道流程 Forward f

9、low: physical, title, and promotion flow Backward flow: ordering and payment flow Both directions: information, negotiation, etc.,顾客,顾客,顾客,顾客,顾客,1、实物流,2、所有权流,3、付款流,4、信息流,5、促销流,Channel Flow 渠道流程,. Channel levels 渠道级数,Manufacturer,Manufacturer,Manufacturer,Consumer,Retailer,Consumer,Wholesaler,Retaile

10、r,Consumer,Wholesaler,Jobber,Retailer,Consumer,Manufacturer,Short channel and long channel,producer,retailer,customer,producer,retailer,wholesaler,customer,agent,Short channel mode,Long channel mode,producer,customer,Direct channel mode,分销渠道的宽度,分销渠道的宽度是指渠道的每个层次使用同种类型中间商数目的多少。 Intensive distribution密

11、集分销 生产企业通过众多的中间商把产品送到消费者手中,经销网点尽可能多,力求使产品覆盖面广泛,方便消费者购买,但企业控制难。这种方法适用于价格低产品差异小的日常消费品和标准化、通用化程度高的工业零部件与小工具。,Selective distribution选择分销: 生产企业在某一目标市场,挑选几家规模合适、信誉较佳的中间商,以特约经销或代理形式推销其产品。消费品中的选购品、耐用消费品和专用性强、技术服务要求高的工业用品与设备最宜于采取选择分销。 Exclusive distribution 独家分销:生产企业在某一商区,仅选择一家中间商经营其产品,双方需要签订独家经销或总经销(代理)合同来保

12、证彼此的权利和义务。适合于新产品、名牌产品和特异性强的产品。许多国外专利产品刚进入中国市场时采用独家代理销售方式。,Questions,请你为以下产品设计渠道 啤酒 电视机 家具 化妆品 报纸、刊物 机床,中间商,制造商,目标 市场,中间商1 中间商2 中间商n (n有限),制造商,目标 市场,制造商,中间商1 中间商2 中间商3 ,目标市场,渠道宽窄比较,Case Nikes channel decision,Nike在六种不同类型的商店中销售其生产的运动鞋和运动衣: 体育用品专卖店,如高尔夫职业选手用品商店。 大众体育用品商店,供应许多不同样式的耐克产品。 百货商店,集中销售最新样式的耐克

13、产品。 大型综合商场,仅销售折扣款式。 耐克产品零售商店,设在大城市中的耐克城,供应耐克的全部产品,重点是销售最新款式。 工厂的门市零售店,销售的大部分是二手货和存货。,. Channel design decision,Analyzing customers desired service output levels Establishing objectives and constraints Identifying major channel alternatives Types of intermediaries Number of intermediaries Terms and r

14、esponsibilities of channel members Evaluating the major alternatives Economic criteria Control criteria Adaptive criteria,.Channel management decisions,Selecting channel membersMiddlemanChannel structure Training channel membersTransmit effectively Motivating channel members Evaluating channel membe

15、rs Modifying channel arrangements,2 International Channel Strategy,Whole-Channel Concept for International Marketing:,Market Entry Strategies,Market Entry Strategies,Exporting: Indirect: working through independent international marketing intermediaries. Direct: company handles its own exports.,Mark

16、et Entry Strategies,Joint Venturing: Joining with foreign companies to produce or market products or services. Approaches: Licensing Contract manufacturing Management contracting Joint ownership,Joint Ownership,KFC entered Japan through a joint ownership venture with Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi

17、.,Market Entry Strategies,Direct Investment: The development of foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facilities. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages.,. International channel strategies,国际渠道策略: 窄渠道策略,指国际营销企业在国际市场上给予中间商一定时期内独家销售特定商品的权力。包括独家包销和独家代理两种形式。 宽渠道策略,指国际营销企业在国际市场上的各个经营环节中选择较

18、多的中间商来销售企业的产品。 短渠道策略,指国际营销企业直接与国外零售商或产品用户交易。 长渠道策略,指国际营销企业选择两个或两个以上环节的中间商来销售企业的产品。,.International channel structure,1.国际分销结构: 第一环节是本国的分销渠道,由生产企业和批发中间商组成; 第二环节是出口国的出口商与进口国进口商之间的分销渠道,即本国进入进口国的分销渠道; 第三环节是进口国的分销渠道。,2.Foreign middlemen,(1) Manufacturers representatives It also could be called sales agent

19、, resident sales agent, exclusive agent, commission agent and indent agent. (2) Foreign distributor (3) Foreign-country broker (4) Managing agent and compradors (5) Dealer,.国际分销渠道的区域特征,1.欧美的分销渠道 生产者-消费者; 生产者零售者消费者; 生产者批发者-零售者-消费者 生产者-代理商-批发者-零售者-消费者,Some examples,(1) 波兰: 在波兰,消费品的分销体系是营销的一大障碍.在波兰街头,小

20、摊小贩如雨后春笋.波兰的零售业几乎全由夫妻店把持,而且大多数是近十年内才开张的,在结构和规模上千差万别.这些零售商店一般经营某异类商品,有一些商店经营范围较广,这些千千万万的零售商店遍及全国各地,给分销商带来很大的后勤供应问题,因为要想把商品送到千千万万个零售店并放到货架上去,即使对大厂商来说,也是非常困难的事.,(2)希腊: 在希腊,零售和批发通常由家庭企业经营,每一家企业只经营少数几种商品.希腊有大约30万家商店,其中7700家从事批发业务,3200家从事零售业务.现存的百货商店和超市很少,即便仍在营业,也打算借鉴店中店的概念,开成小型的购物中心,因为商品零售主要由小的专门化的店铺经营.,

21、(3)意大利: 意大利的分销体系由家庭小店,街头小贩,特大型商场,购物中心,专卖店和折扣店组成,零售额总量很大,但主要通过无数的家庭小店为顾客服务,而不是大型商场. 现在在意大利的销售趋势是由家庭小店和街头小贩向分销连锁店转移.,2. 日本的分销渠道 : 日本的销售渠道有四个显著特点 由许多小中间商控制的结构,这些小中间商和很多小零售商打交道。 生产者-总批发商-行业批发商-专业批发商-区域批发商-地方批发商-零售商-消费者制造商控制的渠道独特的文化形成的经营哲学旨在保护体系的基础-小零售商法律,3. 中东国家的销售渠道 进口商-批发商零售商-消费者 进口通常限于某一种牌子;并对该牌子商品有充

22、足的库存;以较稳定的价格和尽可能大的范围把货物提供给各个批发商;为主要客户提供购货信贷 佣金商有时也起到代理商的功能,4. 进口导向型(import-oriented)的发展中国家的分销渠道 进口商一般控制货源,其营销系统的发展思路是向少数富有顾客高价销售数量有限的商品. 进口商同时又是批发商,他们履行了大多数的营销工作,那些提供广告,市场调研,仓储,运输,筹措资金和其他服务的独立代理商要么根本不存在,要么发育不良,5. 国际区域分销渠道的比较,进口导向结构的销售渠道最为简单,甚至不需要或没有完全一体化的分销体系所需要的独立代理商. 日本的分销系统则是另一个极端,有多层次专门的中间商. 美国和

23、其他工业化国家盛行大量消费的分销理念,在这些市场上,单个供应商无法控制市场的供应,但是在一定范围内可以增加或减少供应,在生产能力最大或接近最大时可以获得最大利润.一般来说,市场是买方市场,制造商竭力向市场渗透,把产品推向消费者,结果形成了包括各种各样中间商的高度发达的渠道结构.,.影响渠道选择的因素,渠道战略的6C目标: COST CAPITAL CONTROL COVERAGE 如60%的日本人生产在东京、名古屋、大坂地区。 CHARACTER CONTINUITY,. International channel design decision,The importance of chann

24、el design decision in International market How to design effective international channel? Characteristics of effective international channel,.国际渠道成员的寻找,激励和控制,1. 渠道成员的寻找 寻找海外代表公司的来源有:各国商务部、正式出版的企业名录、外国领事馆、国外的商社、其他生产类似不产生竞争的产品制造商、企业出版物、运输商,互联网。 贸易指南http:/ 中的“贸易指导”提供有潜在的代理商、分销商和合资伙伴的联系,2.渠道成员的激励 金钱回报、心

25、理奖赏、沟通、制造商以及与制造商的和睦相处。 3. 分销渠道的控制 增减渠道中的个别中间商 增减某一销售渠道 改进整个渠道,3 Conflict, cooperation, and competition of channel in international market,Types of channel conflict and competition Vertical channel conflict Corporate VMS 公司式垂直营销系统 Administered VMS 管理式垂直营销系统 Contractual VMS 合同式垂直营销系统 Horizontal channe

26、l conflict Multi-channel conflict,Causes of channel conflict 渠道冲突的原因 Goal incompatibility Unclear roles and right Differences in perception,Managing channel conflict 渠道冲突的管理 Super ordinate goals 超级目标 Exchange persons 互换人员 Cooperation 合作 Diplomacy 外交,Legal and ethical issues in channel relations,Excl

27、usive dealing 专营交易 Exclusive territories 专营地区 Tying agreements 搭售协议 Dealers right 经销商权利,Exercises 7,1. What are channel types and flows ? 2. How to decide the channel length and width? 3. What are International channel strategies? 4. What are international channel structure about? 5. 国际分销渠道的区域特征是怎样的? 6. 在国际营销渠道中,如何选择中间商和激励且管理中间商 ?,2020/3/16,By P.K.Lau,62,謝謝! Thank You!,


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