1、手机关机 保持安静,About Translation Workshop,Translating meaning Context and translation Culture and translation Translating metaphor Sentence translation Sentence translation Paragraph translation,Grading Policy,Class attendance and exercise: 10% final exam: translation of two passages between English and
2、Chinese (90%),Ways of Contact:,caroline_,参考书目,冯庆华,实用翻译教程.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002 陈宏薇, 新编汉英翻译教程, 上海外语教育出版社, 2004 张春柏,英汉汉英翻译教程,高等教育出版社, 2006 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001,Useful translation websites,http:/www.yeeyan.org/?from_com http:/www.un.org/e
3、n/ http:/ http:/ http:/www.renditions.org,纸质工具书,英汉大词典陆谷孙 上海译文出版社 新时代汉英大词典吴景荣 程镇球 商务印书馆 汉英词典修订版(外语教学与研究出版社,1995 ) 英语姓名译名手册商务印书馆 外国地名译名手册商务印书馆,Translation Workshop : Translating meaning,何为翻译 把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。-现代汉语词典,Geoffrey Leech杰弗里利奇把意义划分为7种,外延意义(概念意义) denotative meaning 内涵意义 connotative meani
4、ng 风格意义 stylistic meaning 情感意义 affective meaning 联想意义 reflective meaning 搭配意义 collocative meaning 主题意义 thematic meaning,英汉语词汇的三种意义关系,Full equivalence完全对应 Partial equivalence部分对应 Zero equivalence零对应,Full equivalence: word meanings are equivalent at every level,proper nouns (place names, personal name
5、s, organization names, etc) technical terms,Full equivalence: literal translation,Marxism = 马克思主义 aspirin = 阿司匹林 laser=激光 联合国 = the United Nations 太平洋= the Pacific Ocean,Partial equivalence部分对应,One word is equivalent with another word in the target language at only some levels of meaning.,英汉词义部分对应,w
6、ife: 妻子、爱人、夫人、太太、老婆、媳妇、老伴、内人、拙荆 人: human, human being, man, people, person, fellow, individual, soul,Partial equivalence: contextualized translation,proper translation of word meaning on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original in the context.,头,她正在梳头 She was doing/combing her hair. 他是我们组
7、的头儿 He is the head of our group. 让我从头讲起吧 Lets start from the very beginning. 小车停在桥西头 The car was parked at the west end of the bridge. 他头天上午就来了。 The came here in the previous morning.,Man,I am a man now. The rights of man should be respected. You can stay in the same room if you are man and wife. Of
8、ficers and men,Man,I am a man now. 我现在是个男子汉了。 The rights of man should be respected. 应该尊重人权。 You can stay in the same room if you are man and wife. 如果你们是夫妻可以呆在一间屋里。 Officers and men 官兵,story,This war is becoming the most important story of his generation. 这场战争行将成为这一代人的最重大的事件。 It is quite another sto
9、ry now. 现在的情况完全不同了。 Hell be very happy if that story holds up. 如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。,story,The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV.Tell me the story of what happened to you. The story of the opera was printed in the program,story,The story about him became smaller
10、 and by and by faded out from the American TV. 对他的报道越来越少了,不久他就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。 Tell me the story of what happened to you. 告诉我发生在你身上的一切事情。 The story of the opera was printed in the program 这曲戏的故事情节印在了节目单上。,上,干部要能上能下 A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post 随函附上一张邮票。 Enclosed herew
11、ith is a stamp. 一连上了好几道菜。 Several courses were served in succession.,上,我来给门上漆。 这事已上了电视。 该上表了。 行李还没上架。,上,我来给门上漆。 Let me paint the door. 这事已上了电视。 It has been publicized on TV. 该上表了。 The watch needs winding. 行李还没上架。 The luggage has not been put on the rack yet.,Zero equivalence: no equivalent in the ta
12、rget language,a drive-in cinema/theater is a form of cinema structure consisting of a large outdoor movie screen and a large parking area for automobiles.,a drive-in cinema/theater,Zero equivalence零对应,Porridge: oats that are cooked with milk or water and served hot for breakfast,Porridge是稀饭吗?,Zero e
13、quivalence: transliteration/ descriptive translation/substitution,a drive-in cinema/theater汽车影院Porridge麦片粥;稀饭 rice gruel,Zero equivalence: transliteration/ descriptive translation/substitution,四合院 Siheyuan, a compound with houses around a courtyard 油条Youtiao, deep-fried twisted dough sticks 春联Chunli
14、an:Spring Festival couplets 压岁钱Yasuiqian:money given to children as a lunar New Year gift,Zero equivalence: transliteration/ descriptive translation/substitution,班门弄斧 Show ones proficiency with the axe before Luban the master carpenter Teach ones grandmother to suck eggs,False equivalents,pull ones leg拖后腿? eat ones words食言? wash ones hands of something洗手不干? Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen.亡羊补牢?,