1、 22 1 2 0 0 9 M3 v(1 S)JOURNALOF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY(Natural Science Edition) Vol.22 No .1Mar .2 0 0 9 cI|:1006-1037(2009)01-0050-05六点法摄像机标定的研究邓海卫1 , 方 漪, 齐 全2(1.青岛大学信息工程学院, 山东青岛 266071 2 .新疆石河子大学计算机学院)K1:4B Z8 BM B+ 1“ LSZE。l d $ , BUS T p = ,V7 LC LS。 H h 4 | , F BE。 LTV ,LEM1 BES Vr2 。1oM:S;i jM;F
2、 BE;ms |:TP391.41DS M :AS Vs3:.dSZE、 j $SZE1SZE1 。 G Sv, mmW1“ S。 ? a E ei O E Z 。 - B /,+ LHq, 、jXSv 9 = 2 。D 34LMZEYV pLZ m V p , 7ZE I n SVdLM5。D 4 B_ ESZE,ZE 5 RAC(_B )Hq p“tz(;Z_ M) , p 。TsaiZE1 , a , 1S9 = OSV1 。l d i jM1“,yNS !9 % TS。LE$ ,YV + 44 |S:。 Z8+ 1“ Z8H M+ y e9 V,i OSV 9 ,SV LS。 LTV
3、4 BESVe, #m 5,7 O S。1 BES1.1 L L $, bW BPm V d V U, Pm gp , ;OP LOPm 1 。L |+ 1“ QUS/i jg T 5 :Zcuv1=MXwY wZw1(u,v)m US“/US,(Xw ,Y w ,Zw) WUS“/ bWUS,Mi jg ,Zc US“/ZUS。 l :2007-10-19Te:Z(1982-), 3, V 3,1Z_9 j $。1 Z,: BE Sh Zci:m11Xwi +m12Y wi +m13Zwi +m14 -uiX wim31 -uiY wim32 -uiZ wim33 =uim34 (1)m21
4、Xwi +m22Y wi +m23Zwi +m24 -viXwim31 -viY wim32 -viZ wim33 =vim34 (2) TLE BE9 T。1.2 B |# E Z8/ B, Z8 6 y t | V ? | ,7 O WUS“US P9 V。m B WUS“/US m1(L Z8HH): WUS“US (1)(2) H I n Z8HM1“M i , iY(Xw ,Y w ,Zw)(u,v)1“ 1 ,yN T0 Vm34 =H,V71M 12Z。tZ 11。7m34 =H ,e 12Z, p VM :m33 =(u1 -u2)(v3 -v4)-(u3 -u4)(v1 -v
5、2)(u2 -u4)(v3 -v4)-(u3 -u4)(v2 -v4);m32 =(u1 -u3)(v2 -v4)-(u2 -u4)(v1 -v3)(u3 -u4)(v2 -v4)-(u2 -u4)(v3 -v4);m1 BE m13 =u1u3(v2 -v4)+u1u4(v3 -v2)+u2u3(v4 -v1)+u2 u4(v1 -v3)(u2 -u4)(v3 -v4)-(u3 -u4)(v2 -v4)m12 =u1u2(v3 -v4)+u1u4(v2 -v3)+u2u3(v4 -v1)+u3 u4(v1 -v2)(u3 -u4)(v2 -v4)-(u2 -u4)(v3 -v4)m23 =(
6、u1v2 -u2v1)(v3 -v4)+(u4v3 -u3v4)(v1 -v2)(u2 -u4)(v3 -v4)-(u3 -u4)(v2 -v4)m22 =(u1v3 -u3v1)(v2 -v4)+(u4v2 -u2v4)(v1 -v3)(u3 -u4)(v2 -v4)-(u2 -u4)(v3 -v4)m31 =v1 -v2 -v5 +v6 -(v2 -v6)m33v5 -v6m11 =u5 -u1 +u5 m31 ;m21 =v5 -v1 +v5 m31 ; ID 2ZE, p :u0 ,v0 , f x , f y ,R,T 。2 F BEL ! n WUS“, US“USM , m2 U
7、。m2 F BE M WUS“B US“/MV, 1“ MRM。 BE Z(1)、(2) p1 pK1 p,/ Z8 B4 | % pT。 BE$ , + Z8sYS, 8 Z8ST Z8ST。m2 Z8BHHLBHL , WUS“ |1|),yN WUS51v(1 S)22 “ USM 。 V B US“R M。Y PR L= p Hi M。 V pR (, BEST。3 LL Panasonic WV-BP330/G ,f i,.“ 8 j $m ZE J .9 , 2008, 44(8):75-77. 2 S l,S ;, k ,. 8 J .9 , 2006(8):1873-1874.
8、 3 David G Lowe.Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoint J .International Journal of Computer Vision,2004, 60(2):91-110. 4 u.+m E D . v, 2006, 60-63 5 b, .L y 8 E J .9 , 2008, 44(1):51-53.Target Distance Computing Based on Parallel Binocular Stereo VisionLIU Tao , YU Zhong-qing , MA
9、Qian-li(College of Information Engineering, QingDao University, Qingdao, 266071, China)Abstract:In order to calculate the distance between camera and target in parallel binocular vision system,the matching points in two images should be confirmed.T he image matching algorithm based on scale in-varia
10、nt feature transform is used, and the fake matching points are eliminated by adding epipolar restrictionin this study.This new image matching algorithm can achieve high-precision measurement, and the rela-tive error of distance measurement is less than 2%.Key words:parallel binocular stereo vision;d
11、istance computing;SIFT feature matching;epipolar restriction( 54:)A Camera Calibration Method with Six Points of CubeDENG Hai-wei, FANG Yi, QI Quan(College of Information and Engineering , Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071 , China)Abstract:A new camera calibration method based on the six points of
12、the cube is proposed.Based on thepin-hole model, the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera can be linear calibrated with the re-striction of cube.A group of six-point model is introduced to minimize the errors.The experiment resultshows that this method has a high precision and the computation can be simplified greatly .Key words:calibration;projective transform;group of six-point calibration ;precision62