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1、新东方国际高中周日进题号 题目 单词OG1-11. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns _ proved keenest when he accuratelypredicted that his books would someday appear in his native Russia.A. foresightB. nostalgiaC. follyD. despairE. artistrykeen: eager, enthusiastic,sharp, exactnostalgia:怀旧folly:silliness, stupidityOG1-2The simple and

2、 direct images in Dorothea Langes photographs provide_ reflection of a bygone social milieu.A. an intricateB. a candidC. an ostentatiousD. a fictionalE. a convolutedintricate: complex,complicated, convoluted,byzantinecandid: open, direct,straightforwardostentatious: pretentious,over decoratedOG1-3Ka

3、tes impulsive nature and sudden whims led her friends to label her_.A. capriciousB. bombasticC. loquaciousD. dispassionateE. decorousimpulsive: hotheaded,whimsical, capriciousbombastic: rhetoricalloquacious: talkative,chatty, garrulousdispassionate: fair,objective, impersonal,unbiaseddecorous: prope

4、r, polite,comelyOG1-4Neurosurgeon Alexa Canady maintained that choosing a career was avisceral decision rather than _ judgment; that is, it was not somuch rational as _.A. an emotionalintellectualB. a chancerandomC. an intuitiveimpulsiveD. a deliberateinstinctiveE. an intentionallogicalvisceral: ill

5、ogical,intutitiveOG1-5Creative business stratagems frequently become _ as a result of_, their versatility and adaptability destroyed by theirtransformation into rigid policies.A. streamlinedinfightingB. mitigatedjingoismC. ossifiedbureaucratizationD. politicizedinnovationE. venerablelegislationversa

6、tile: various,adaptablestreamline: 流水线infighting: conflict withinan organizationmitigate: alleviate, lessenjingoism: 沙文主义ossify:rigidify, petrifyvenerable: repectable,honorable, majesticlegislation: law, decree,regulationOG1-6Known for her _, Miranda eagerly welcomes anyone into her home.A. cowardic

7、eB. prudenceC. hospitalityD. aloofnessE. loyaltycowardice: lack of braveryaloofness: distance,remotnessloyalty: dedication,commitmentOG1-7Not surprisingly, supporters of the governors plan to set aside landfor a forest preserve were disappointed when a court decision _the plan.A. applaudedB. deraile

8、dC. acknowledgedD. permittedE. anticipatedapplaud: approve, cheer,apraisederail: 出轨,使脱离进程1新东方国际高中周日进OG1-8Because playing a musical instrument increases brain activity, it issometimes used as a _ to promote learning in children.A. conditionB. highlightC. stimulusD. dictumE. respitestimulate: promote,

9、motivate, rouse, stirdictum: pronouncementrespite: break, pause,suspensionOG1-9The ambassador argues that, in diplomacy, there is a subtle butimportant difference between a countrys showing a willingness to_ and a too-obvious readiness to make _.A. negotiateconcessionsB. antagonizefriendsC. surrende

10、renemiesD. dominateinquiriesE. equivocatedenunciationsconcession: 妥协,让步antagonize:oppose, becomehostileequivocate: 含糊其辞,推诿denounce:condemn,blamepubliclyOG1-10The dancers performing style was _ and _, with each movetaken from another artist, and poorly executed at that.A. rousingmemorableB. pedestria

11、nevolvingC. chaoticunprecedentedD. derivativeineptE. spontaneousgracelesspedestrain:行人evolve: advance, develop,progresschaotic: disorderlyderivative:imitative,influenced byinept:unskilled, clumsyspontaneous: natural,instinctiveOG1-11Lewis Latimers inexpensive method of producing carbon filaments_ th

12、e nascent electric industry by making electric lampscommercially _.A. cheapenedaffordableB. transformedviableC. revolutionizedprohibitiveD. provokedimprobableE. stimulatedinaccessiblevisceral: illogical,intutitiveprovoke: stimulate, evoke,arouse, stirOG1-12After winning the award, Phillip adopted a

13、haughty pose, treating evenhis best friends in a _ manner.A. crypticB. judiciousC. jubilantD. superciliousE. pugnacioushaughty: prideful,supercilious, arrogant,scornfulcryptic: mysterious,abstrusejudicious: wise, sensible,reasonablepugnacious: aggressive,quarrelsomeOG1-13The general was so widely su

14、spected of _ during the war that hisname eventually became synonymous with disloyalty.A. belligerenceB. indigenceC. perfidyD. aspersionE. tenacitybelligerence: aggressive orwarlike behaviorindigence: povertyperfidy: betrayalaspersion: slander,defamationtenacity: persistence,perseverance, tenaciousOG

15、1-14The prose of Richard Wrights autobiographical Black Boy (1945) is_, free of stylistic tricks or evasiveness.A. impreciseB. straightforwardC. deficientD. obtrusiveE. ellipticalobtrusive: noticeable in anunwelcome wayelliptical: 语言晦涩的evasive:ambiguous,equivocal2新东方国际高中周日进OG1-15It seemed from the s

16、ize of the crowd, which was _, and theresonance of its cheers, which were _, that the team wasexperiencing a resurgence of popularity.A. vasthollowB. sparsethunderousC. enormousdeafeningD. unimpressivemutedE. negligiblerousinghollow: blank, inanesparse: scarse, scanty, thinmuted: quiteOG1-16Evidence

17、 that the universe is expanding _ our perception of thecosmos and thus caused a _ in astronomical thinking.A. advancedsetbackB. alteredrevolutionC. contradictedtruceD. reinforcedcrisisE. haltedbreakthroughcosmos: universe, (a)chaosalter: change, modifytruce: break, pause, cease-firehalt: stop, cease

18、, endOG1-17Although the theory that widespread lead poisoning contributed to thedecline of the Roman Empire has gained _, the evidence is still_.A. credenceirrefutableB. disreputedubiousC. acceptanceconvincingD. momentumsystematicE. currencyinconclusivecredence: acceptance, truthrefute: argue, contr

19、adict,disputeOG1-18The fashion designer favored fabrics that were so _ as to bevirtually transparent.A. palpableB. diaphanousC. variegatedD. luxuriousE. anomaloustransparent: see-through,clear, lucid 透明的,清楚palpable:touchable,tangiblediaphanous: light,transparent, dedicatevariegated: 杂色的luxurious: 奢华

20、的anomalous:abnormal,nonstandardOG1-19Professor Williams disdained tradition: she regularly attackedcherished beliefs and institutions, earning a reputation as _.A. an egalitarianB. a dowagerC. a dilettanteD. an iconoclastE. a purveyordisdain: contempt, despise,scornegalitarian: classless 平等主义者dowage

21、r: 受有亡夫遗产(或称号)的寡妇dilettance: 闹着玩的人,半吊子iconoclast: 信仰/制度攻击者,破旧立新者purveyor:supplierOG2-1The movies plot was _: once you knew what befell the hero, youcould _ the fate of the villain.A. convincingmisinterpretB. misleadinganticipateC. predictableforeseeD. ironicendorseE. spellbindingignorespellbinding:

22、enchanting,fascinatingOG2-2A certain additive put in gasoline to reduce air pollution is actually_ groundwater, a finding that shows that even the most well-intentioned fixes can sometimes _.A. liquefyingfounderB. contaminatingbackfireC. purifyingboomerangD. saturatingreciprocateE. pollutingprevailb

23、ackfire: 回火,事与愿违boomrang:回飞镖,自作受reciprocate:报答3新东方国际高中周日进OG2-3The biologists description of the wolf pack was truly _, devoidof any emotion or personal prejudice.A. dispassionateB. insubstantialC. esotericD. capriciousE. indignantwolf pack: 狼群战术devoid of: absent of, freeofesoteric: mysterious,abstru

24、secapricious: unpredictable,whimsicalindignant: angry, outragedOG2-4No longer considered _, the belief that all of Puerto Ricosindigenous Taino people perished centuries ago appears to be a _now that modern Taino descendants have come forward.A. conclusiverealityB. tenablemisconceptionC. mythicalpos

25、sibilityD. erroneousdelusionE. hypothetical digressionindigenous: aboriginaltenable: well-foundedOG2-5Although easily angered by our mischievous behavior, our mother couldbe immediately _ by our expressions of remorse.A. substantiatedB. impugnedC. protectedD. unitedE. mollifiedimpugn: doubt, suspect

26、,criticizemollify: mitigateremorse: regretOG2-6Scientists wonder what to do with the dead satellites, jettisonedrockets, drifting paint flecks, and other _ orbiting Earth.A. flotsamB. reconnaissanceC. decimationD. raimentE. sustenancefleck: dot, bitflotsam: jetsam, wrackagereconnaissance: search,obs

27、ervationdecimatin: reduce,eliminationraiment: dress, clothessustenance: support,maintenanceOG2-7Although aging brings about profound physiological changes, it does notoften alter an individuals _: an irascible thirty year old willprobably still be _ at seventy.A. dispositioncantankerousB. anatomychu

28、rlishC. outlookbenevolentD. personalitylaconicE. staturerobustirascible: angry, ill-tempereddisposition: temperament(indisposition)OG2-8The commentator characterized the electorate as _ because it wasunpredictable and given to constantly shifting moods.A. mercurialB. corrosiveC. disingenuousD. impla

29、cableE. phlegmaticdisingenuous: insincereimplacable: not placablephlegmatic: calm, apathetic,indifferentOG2-9Geoffreys corrupt dealings earned him such disgrace that anypossibility of his being reelected to the city council was completely_.A. ensuredB. approvedC. belittledD. eliminated4新东方国际高中周日进OG2

30、-10Although the editors were reputed to be very _, the uneven qualityof the material they put into the anthology suggests they were too_.A. amateurishprofessionalB. laxharshC. selectiveinclusiveD. judgmentaldiscriminatingE. sensitive insightfullax: soft, looseanthology: collectionOG2-11The professor

31、s presentation was both _ and _: thoughbrief, it was instructive.A. verbosemundaneB. conciseelaborateC. comprehensiveedifyingD. succinctenlighteningE. provocativetechnicalverbose: wordy, tediousmundane: boring, routineedify: instruct, enlightensuccinct: concise, summaryprovocative: agitating,provoki

32、ngOG2-12With its large circulation, Essence magazine has enjoyed _ onlyrecently challenged by new publications aggressively seeking femaleAfrican American readers.A. an aggregationB. an inclinationC. a prognosisD. a retrenchmentE. a preeminenceprognosis: predicttion,forecast (prognose,diaganose)retr

33、enchment:curtailment,cutpreeminent: eminent, famous,noted, well-knownOG2-13The judges published opinions, though sophisticated and subtle, wereundeniably _: they left no doubt of her intentions.A. unequivocalB. effusiveC. incorrigibleD. tenuousE. ineffableeffusive:流出的,感情奔放的incorrigible:不可矫正的tenuous:

34、weak, thinineffable:indescribable(effable VSaffble)OG2-14Many paintings of the American Southwest convey a feeling of isolationand loneliness that mirrors the _ landscape they depict.A. lushB. sprawlingC. desolateD. gaudyE. monumentallush: fertile, fruitfulsprawl: spreaddesolate: isolated, lonely,al

35、oofgaudy: showyOG2-15Only recently created, this orchid is a _, a plant produced bydeliberately crossbreeding two different varieties of flowers.A. misnomerB. hybridC. vectorD. curativeE. precursororchid:兰花 (orchard)hybrid:crossbreedvector: 向量precursor:forerunnerOG2-16The pharmaceutical company insi

36、sted that its testing of new drugs wasquite _, more rigorous than the industry standard.A. stringentB. dispersiveC. conditionalD. recessiveE. obtrusiverecessive: 倒退的obtrusive:冒失的5新东方国际高中周日进OG2-17Freedom of expression is not necessarily a _ force: communitiesthat encourage it often feel less threaten

37、ed by social unrest than dothose in which dissent is _.A. revolutionarypromotedB. positiveprohibitedC. successfulprotestedD. divisiverestrictedE. militantfostereddivisive: discordantmilitant:bellicose,belligerentOG2-18Thomas Hardys novels are described as _ because of theirpreoccupation with daily l

38、ife in rural and agricultural setting.A. bucolicB. prolificC. lugubriousD. sundryE. metaphoricallugubrious: gloomy,sorrowfulsundry: variousOG2-19Some skeptics consider the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence(SETI) to be _, even foolish; others go so far as to accuse SETIscientists of outright _

39、 in applying skewed data.A. misguidedremonstranceB. absurderuditionC. plausiblelassitudeD. painstakingfabricationE. wrongheadedchicaneryskewed: incorrect, abnormalremonstrance: oppositionerudition: learnednessplausible: 似是而非的lassitude: sluggishness,lethargyfabricate: make, constructchicanery: trick,

40、 hoax,fraudOG3-11. Extensive travel afforded Langston Hughes a _ perspective, butit was Harlem that served as the creative _ for his writing.A. cosmopolitandefenseB. worldlyinspirationC. moralobligationD. stuntedconditionE. limitedcenterstunted:阻碍发展的OG3-22. One requirement of timeless art is that it

41、 deepen and _our awareness, not that it merely confirm what we already know.A. hinderB. reconcileC. controlD. sootheE. extendreconcile: harmonizeOG3-33. Despairing that the performance of the chief executive wouldever improve, the corporations board of directors took decisiveaction and _ him.A. codd

42、ledB. tauntedC. proddedD. oustedE. chidedcoddle: spoil, indulgetaunt: ridicule, tantalizeprod: spur, pokeoust: expel, outcastchid: criticizeOG3-44. The discovery of the fossil was _ and _, surprisingscientists and undermining accepted theories about plantdistribution.A. exhilaratingbanalB. shockingp

43、ropheticC. startlingrevolutionaryD. appallinggroundbreakingE. unanticipatedirrelevantexhilarate: excite. Thrillbanal: ordinary,commonplace, outdatedprophetic: foreshadowing,predictivestartling: surprising,shockingappalling: severe,unpleasantly shocking6新东方国际高中周日进OG3-55. Citing the _ of the Asian Ame

44、rican community, the scholarargued that Asian Americans constituted the regions fastest-growing minority population.A. digressionB. proximityC. expansionD. stabilizationE. correlationdigression:离题,远足OG3-66. Far from being _, bears in some national parks aresurprisingly _ when approached by humans; s

45、till, visitorsmust exercise caution.A. benigncantankerousB. reticentbellicoseC. complacentdocileD. aggressiveplacidplayful:friskybenign: beneficialcantankerous: ill-temperedreticent: reservedOG3-77. Before becoming a stockbroker, Victoria Woodhull had a careeras a _, someone believed to have insight

46、 about events beyondordinary human perception.A. mentorB. profiteerC. counterfeiterD. clairvoyantE. propagandistcounterfeiter: faker, forgerclairvoyant:prophetpropagandist: 宣传者OG3-88. The judges for the chili competition were _, notingsubtle differences between dishes that most people would notdetec

47、ted.A. obscureB. deferentialC. discriminatingD. sanctimoniousdeferential:respectfulsanctimonious:hypocritical(vs sanctify 批准认可)OG3-9Although the archaeologist _ the symbols on the cave wall,she was unable to _ them because they were too faint.A. replicatedignoreB. peruseddiscardC. obliteratedtransla

48、teD. recollectedconcealE. scrutinizeddecipherperuse: examine, scrutinizedisacrd: dispose, removeobliterate: delete,eradicatedecipher: explain, translateOG3-102. Popular interest in music performed by folk singer JeanRitchie acted as a _ because it _ a wider interest inthe music of Ritchies native Kentucky.A. deterrentlaunchedB. panaceaovercameC. barrierawakenedD. catalyststirredE. provocationmitigateddeterrent: 阻碍 (deter VSdefer


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