1、,考研大作文思路扩展方法示例与练习,1、解释说明,分论点的内容具体化思路1:扩展主题句 (条件+假设)原题:国外的产品涌入本国,会对本国民族工业有危害吗?驳论手法:,第一句:担心 涌入 威胁 民族工业Some people are really concerned that the swarming of foreign production into our domestic markets might threaten or even destroy local national industries.,第二句:解释说明太过于简单化了,事实上,随着而来的竞争会刺激和推动本国民族工业发展Ho
2、wever, the accompanied great (fierce/intense) competition should stimulate and motivate local enterprises to develop positively.,第三句:条件(whenwhenif)设立条件只要(当)政府采取适当措施(for what?),外国工业的影响就能降低。Provided proper governmental policies, the () impact of foreign industries could be minimized to an acceptable e
3、xtent.,第四句:进一步拓展与之同时,来自于外国企业的先进管理和科技会帮助本国民族企业。While at the same time, advanced (如何替换) management experiences and new () scientific technologies actually () help (动词如何变名词) to modernize national industry.,第五句:举例汇源果汁,百度网站,新航道,2、举例论证,例子要体现在具体的人、事物或场合上。多个例子可以排比。原题:电脑(因特网)的好处:例子:做生意、开会(思科网络视频会议),谈恋爱,学习,第一
4、句:主题句电脑和因特网的好处在于它们使这个世界变成了一个地球村。Computers and modems have transformed the world into a global village.,第二句:例子一:发信息通过因特网,我们可以即时把信息传遍世界。Messages are sent instantly and immediately around the world via the internet. 反例子:古人:大雁,信鸽,狼烟,马拉松,例子二:做生意(可以用分号)通过因特网和电脑,不同国家的人可以轻松做成交易。(阿里巴巴,淘宝网,易趣);a bargain is ma
5、de smoothly and swiftly between a gentleman in Russia and a lady in Argentina;反例子:丝绸之路,过沙漠,穿森林,例子三:在外地工作的人使用网络视频会议系统和国内的同事交流。; and workers working abroad could send voice mails and video information by using Net meeting system to their colleagues and employers at home, again by using the computer.,3
6、、对比论证,题目:实际知识与理论知识的选择正说社会要求我们掌握,反说如果不这样做的话,就会死的很惨。,第一句:主题句社会的发展需要重视实际的课程。Emphasis upon practical courses is demanded by our ever-developing society.,第二句:正话当社会步入信息时代,商业大潮席卷全球,电脑和商业课程等实用课程适合社会发展。As society has entered the information age and commercialization is sweeping across the world, computer and
7、 business courses are geared to the social demand.,第三句:反话与之相反,如果一个学生不掌握电脑和商业知识的话,他就会落后时代。Conversely, if a student has little knowledge of computer or business, he will lag behind the times.,4、分类论证,竞争competition VS 合作cooperation应该学习competition还是cooperation?思路:合作好写一点参与事件的人群可以细分:孩子的发展公司的发展整个社会,第一段:对孩子的
8、好处:第一句:主题句:团结协作是人类社会的一种传统美德,也是所有孩子们未来生活中的一个重要技巧。First of all, cooperation, as one of the traditional virtues of human beings, is (regarded as) an important skill in the future life of all children.,第二句:解释说明(为什么重要)因为他们并不是一个人在学习、工作,一个人玩耍,所以他们在一生中都需要和别人一起生活。They will need to live with other people thro
9、ughout their life, since they will not study alone, work alone, nor spend their leisure time alone.,第三句:对比论证(if 法则)如果他们不知道如何和别人(谁?)协作的话,他们就会不会生活得很快乐。If they do not know how to cooperate with others, such as their classmates, their colleagues, and other family members, etc., then they will lose the c
10、hance to live happily.,第四句:因果关系(总结性)所以,应当传授合作沟通技巧,以免孩子们长大以后要面临和别人生活在一起的种种严重问题。Thus, cooperation skills should be taught before they grow up to face serious problems living with others.,第二段:对系统(社会发展)的影响第一句:主题句其次,合作精神对社会发展非常重要。Furthermore, cooperation is/serves as a significant contributing factor to
11、the development of society.,第二句:解释说明,对比论证竞争与合作在这一点的不同通常来说竞争一定会分出输赢,合作则要强调一加一大于二,或者三,甚至更大。While competition generally ends in a win-lose result, cooperation advocates that one plus one is larger than two, three or even a larger number.,第三句:举例论证,对比论证比如,如果两家公司竞争,其结果肯定是一方更强,而另一方失败并退出。但是,如果他们选择团结协作,他们会形成
12、一个庞大的公司,要比单个两个加起来还要大。For example, the competition of two business firms would ultimately lead to the result that one becomes stronger and the other fails and goes out of business.,However, if they cooperate with each other successfully, they may group together to form an enterprise larger than the m
13、ere sum of the two.,第四句:因果关系社会会有什么好处:成功的合作越多,社会发展就越好。The more successful cooperation there is, the better the society develops.,第五句:总结所以,应该教孩子们合作精神,因为最终他们会是重要机构的负责人。Thus, cooperation should be taught to children, because eventually they will become the executives of important corporations in the com
14、ing future.,5、举例论证,1. I can think of no betterof this idea than the fact that more and more young people are finding it easier to get jobs.2. is Wuhan, which has a pedestrian shopping street.3. Take the recent tsunami .4. Take my father .5. Numerous examples can be given easily. But these will.,6. i
15、s the misleading packaging used on many products.7. This is also true Singapore, which has many restrictions on cars.In this case, Shanghai can also .8. Perhaps the most instance happened to me when I was a child at primary school.9. Thailand, which has developed its tourist industry over the last few decades.10. The list of suchcan go on and on.Examples like these cana long list.,