1、SDBS简介,由National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research (NIMC)研制,是关于有机化合物的光谱的综合性数据库, 俗称NIMC有机物谱图库 ,包括有机化合物的质谱(19600张谱图),H1核磁共振谱(13500张谱图),C13核磁共振谱(11000张谱图),红外光谱(47300张谱图),拉曼光谱(3500张谱图),电子自旋共振谱(2000张谱图)6种谱图数据.应用范围广泛,如有机化学、分析化学 - 质谱分析、波谱分析、 光谱分析,The synopsis of SDBS,1.SDBS is an integrated spec
2、tral database system for organic compounds, which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory database of the compounds. The spectra are EI mass, 1H decoupled 13C NMR, 1H NMR pattern (90 and/or 400 MHz), 1H NMR parameter (300 MHz pattern generated), FT-IR, laser-Raman, and ESR. We starte
3、d the studies on the spectral database system in early 1970. The construction of the database in the present format was started in 1982 in a main-frame computer which was finished at the end of March, 1999. At present, the activities to add new data and update the previous data are still continuing
4、using WS or PC. The numbers of the data for each type of spectra at the end of March, 1999 are as follows. 2.MS (ca 19,600 spectra)、13C NMR (ca 11,000 spectra)、Compound Dictionary 1H NMR (ca 13,500 spectra) 、(30,000 compounds) IR (ca 47,300 spectra)、Raman (ca 3,500 spectra)、ESR (ca 2,000 spectra),1、打开链接,2、点击同意,进入主界面,英文版本,日文版本,AIST:RIO-DB spectral Database for Organic Compounds,SDBS,3、SDBS查询(简单有机物CH4),搜索结果,H谱,分子式确定,C7H8有机化合物查找结果(复杂类),MS,C谱,Raman,ESR,H谱,peak data,分子式确定,IR,总结,分子量越小,查找越精确; 多碳的有机化合物,条件越多,查找越精确。,