1、Hello everyone,my name is Deng Yonghao.Today I will talk about dreams.I believe that everyone has a dream,some of us hope to become doctors,bosses or other professions.But I have an usual one. I hope to be a teacher.If you hear this,you will ask me why do you want to be a teacher?I will tell you a s
2、tory:“A long time ago,a king asked his people,What can you do for our country?A doctor said he had treated nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine patients.The king said,no.Then a boss said he sold nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine goods.The king saidnotoo.At last an old man and a boy ca
3、me to the front and said children are the countrys flower,we need someone to teach them.The king said,“ You are the bast person!“We must thank our teachers because they are very busy!And I want to be an English teacher like Miss Guan.Therefore,I must make it this time.First,I will learn English well
4、.Then,I will enrol into a good secondary school,such as Number One Seondary School. Next, I could be admitted into Beijing Teacher-training University .At the end of the day,I would have a decent job! I have a dream,I will be good at everything. I will check it carefully,study hard no matter how sma
5、ll the thing is,我想,有了理想,就有了生活的目标,才不至于虚度光阴。不过,有理想而不奋斗,也是徒劳。正如一句话“理想,不付诸行动,是虚无飘渺的露。 ”我要为理想而学习,在通往理想的航程中,我要不断努力奋进!“泉水挑不干,知识学不完” ,但只要你肯学,再多的知识你也能学到手。 “海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”我就像一条鱼,在广阔的前途海洋里自由自在地游,选择哪一条前途,是由我自己选择的。但在这个前途海洋,不能全无风波,但我充满信心,我有信心冲破各个难关,去追求我的理想,实现我的理想,为祖国争光,为学校争光,为老师争光!也许,实现这一切很难很难,不过我坚信,不管遇到什么危险,什么磨难,我
6、都一定不会放弃的!就算是伤痕累累,也没有关系。理想给了我一双隐形的翅膀,我一定能够展翅飞翔!最后,我想用一句话来结束我的演讲:美哉我少年中国,与天不老!壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆!Thats all for today. Thank you for lending me your ears!Hello everyone,my name is Deng Yonghao.Today I will talk about ideal.Everyone has an ideal,some of them are doctors,bosses and other ideals.But I have a us
7、ual ideal-I want to be a teacher.If you hear this,you will ask me why do you want to be a teacher?I will tell you a story:long long ago,a king asked people,What do you do for our country?A doctor said he had treated nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people.The king saidno.Then a boss said h
8、e had sold nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine things.The king saidno.At last an old man with a boy came to the front and said children were countrys flowers,we must need some people to teach them.The king said you were the best people!All right we must thank our teachers because they were ve
9、ry busy!And I want to be an English teacher like Miss Guan.So,I must do everything well from now on.First,I will learn English best.Then,I will be admitted to a good middle school,like No.1 Middle School. Next I will be admitted to Beijing Normal University.Last, I will have a good job!I have an ide
10、al,I will be good at everything.Ill begin from small things,taking exams carefully, studying hard.I have some good suggestions:First,speak English in life.Second,write English well.Third,know many words.Thats all,thanks a lot!列夫、托尔斯泰说:理想是指路的明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向,没有方向,就没有生活。的确,远大的理想是黑暗中的明灯,它,会成为你开启成功之门的钥匙。如果没有理想,就没有动力。水,不会激石则鸣,人,不会激志则宏。从此,我对教师有了深刻的理解。此时,又激起了我宏大的志愿,崇高的理想。教师是一种伟大而神圣的职业,是塑造人类灵魂的工程师。是啊!罗国杰也曾称赞过教师,他说:教师好比一支蜡烛,不断地燃烧、消耗着自己,照亮着别人前进的道路;又像一根粉笔,散播着智慧的种子,把知识传授给别人,而渐渐磨损着自己;又像一只梯子,让人踩着自己的肩膀攀上高峰,去采摘胜利的果实。的确,生活中,那个伟人又能离开老师的帮助呢?