,BEC 中级口语主讲:谢娇岳第一课时Introduction、Why take BEC exams? strong growthrigorous quality controlwide suitabilitywide business contextvalue for study and busi
1、BEC 中级口语主讲:谢娇岳第一课时Introduction、Why take BEC exams? strong growthrigorous quality controlwide suitabilitywide business contextvalue for study and business careerinternational recognition for work and study、What is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语?国际商务英语,指的是人们从事国际商务活动中所使用的具有行业特征的英语,这些行业包括:国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等。由此看来,商务英语不是一种独立的。
2、Unit 2 What Is a Great Book,pedantic: Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules 迂腐的,学究式的 a pedantic attention to details 学究式地注意细枝末节 a pedantic style of writing 学究式的写作风格 Pedantic, academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是“以过分而偏狭且又令人厌恶地注重或卖弄学问,特别是其琐细方面为特征的” an academic insistence on precision 一种学院式的苛求精神,a bookish vocabulary 一种太书卷气的词汇运用 donnish re。
3、杨璧君,汉语口语中级,回顾,第十一课 很高兴能到您家来做客 1、在中国怎样邀请别人到家里做客?2、在中国初次到别人家里做客应该怎么做?,“今天晚上你有空吗?” “我想请你去我家坐坐。” “晚上六点你来我家好吗?”,给主人送上礼物;表示自己来这里做客的心情;主人拿出东西招待客人时客人的回应,第十二课 谢谢你们的热情招待,在别人家里做客的时候,常常聊什么话题? 吃饭和告别时的礼貌语言,课程安排,生词讲解(分重点和次重点) 课文讲解(注重主人和客人寒暄应答时的用语) 练习(基于课文脱离课文) 小结&布置作业,词语,重点词汇。
4、1BEC 中级口语第一讲 Presentation ExamplePART 2: Mini-presentationA: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN?Selecting applicants for a job Working experience Personal qualitiesSample 1I choose topic A-what is important when selecting applicants for a job. As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are 3 things to consider.First, I think working experience is very important when selecting applicants. Applicants who have already had the work experience in the relevant fields will learn the new job easier an。
5、Unit Three American Culture for Foreigners,rave: To speak with wild enthusiasm 热情洋溢地谈论、赞扬 He raved about the new play. 他热情洋溢地谈论新上演的戏剧 flux: Constant or frequent change; fluctuation 变迁,不断或经常的变化 The newness and flux of the computer industry has meant many opportunities for women and minorities. 计算机工业的更新和不断变化为妇女和少数民族提供了许多机会。 These graduates havent found jobs yet; to them everything is in a state of flux. 这些毕业生尚未找到工作,所以对他。
6、剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级口语考试试题口语考试分为三部分:第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约 3 分钟 Example1.Q:Whats your name?A:My name is (Kate) (注:括号内的为参考答案)2 .Q:Where are you from?A:I come from (JiangSu Province)3. Q:Are you a student or worker?A:I am a (student/worker)要点::以上问题,只要你简单阐述就行了,不要长篇大论,而且老师问什么,你回答什么,千万不要拖泥带水。Exercise:(每人问两个问题和答两个问题)1、What is your major?2、Which course do you like best?3、Why do you study E。
7、Unit three Pain Is the Ultimate Enemy,sear: (1) To cause to dry up and wither 使干枯,使凋谢 (2) To become withered or dried up 变得枯萎或干枯 A cold wind sears the leaves. 寒风使树叶枯干。 His soul has been seared by injustice. 他的心灵因受屈辱而变得冷酷无情了。 (3) 烧烙 My skin was seared with the acid. 酸液灼伤了我的皮肤。 rattle something off: 轻易不假思索地说出背出 Yesterday he rattled me a secret off. 昨天他告诉了我一个秘密。,desensitize: To render insensitive or less sensitive 使降低敏感。
8、1.1 真题及答题思路 (Authentic testing items I love making friends.(2) What kind of person would you say you are?(问及个人性格特点的问题也是一个常问见问题。该问题的各种不同措辞及若干关于个人性格特点描述的常用形容词,详见 2.3.1 的讲解)Sample answer for your reference:Im always trying to be optimistic, no matter what kind of difficulty I have met with. And I suppose Im confident and positive, always working hard and sparing no effort to achieve my goals. Also Im a person with a strong will and an。
9、BEC Vantage Speaking,Lesson 7,Warm-up topics,Why society needs heroes? Should the death penalty be abolished? Private life of public figures. Has the press gone too far?,BEC准备进程 三大基础目标,熟悉题型,了解出题思路,掌握答题方式,熟悉框架 锻炼拓展思维技巧,流畅语言表达和灵活的基本应对。 深入了解商务知识,在各个基本商务领域可以做到侃侃而谈,有成熟的见解和思路,并能高效表达。,You can practice speaking with You!,Real-time practice Ask the question to yourself, then answer it Dig in! (know how to。
10、淮阴师范学院教 案2014 2015 学年 第 一 学期课程名称: 英语会话 授课章节名称 Lesson 1:Too Clever 第 1 次课(2 学时)教学目的与要求 Undersanding and Practicing ; Retell the article 教学重点 Listening and Retelling教学难点 Role play 思考题与作业 Question on Text A and B ;教学内容、设计与时间安排:1 Listening Text A and Text B (20 min.)1.1 Retell the main idea 2 Note (5min.)Suffer from Consult a doctor Pains in his stomachThere is nothing really wrong with you Pay his tailors bill3 Phrases (10 min.)S。
11、BEC Vantage,剑桥商务英语证书中级,唐军俊tjj1978tjj163.com武汉大学外院学院,BEC Vantage 简介,剑桥商务英语BEC是中国教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作推出的水平考试,着重考察考生在商务办公环境下的英语沟通能力;在非英语国家的各大公司被用作商务英语测试标准,从而公平地评估公司雇员在真实商务环境下的英语水平。,BEC Vantage 简介,BEC证书得到全球认可,是出国留学和进入外企的“通行证”。BEC初、中、高级可替代雅思3、5、7级,是全球160多所大学入学语言能力的证明;国外众多大学认可其高级C以上考试成绩,可免修该。
12、家缘英才-江阴本土领先的求职招聘平台,最专业的江阴人才网 家缘英才(http:/job.jyyuan.com) 1 / 37第一课时Introduction、Why take BEC exams? strong growthrigorous quality controlwide suitabilitywide business contextvalue for study and business careerinternational recognition for work and study、How to learn International Business English? 怎样学习国际商务英语?掌握一定的商务英语词汇、短语和句型。(1) 词汇方面commercial e.g. The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.prospecte.g. He called on。
13、对外汉语课程 基础汉语,教学目标,1. 初级: 掌握普通话基本语音和汉语拼音,在日常生活方面能与中国人进行对话,能用掌握的词语和句式表达自己的意图或叙述某一事情的基本内容,句子错误率不超过30。 2.中级: 具备一定的成段表达能力,语速基本正常,表达比较清楚、准确、恰当。能就一般性话题展开讨论,进行一般性交涉和业务洽谈。 3.高级: 能就社会生活中的一般性话题较为流利地进行对话或讲话,能系统地、完整地表达自己的思想感情,有较强的成篇表达的能力。语音语调正确,语速正常,用词恰当,能用复杂的词汇和句式,有活用语言的。
14、中级口语(上)第一课今天你看电视吗?主课文(一)张 兰:昨天晚上的足球比赛你看了吗?李阿姨:看是看了,不过没看完。刚看了一会儿,我女儿就要看电视剧,结果,我们看了一晚上广告。张 兰:是啊,现在的电视,广告太多了,简直没完没了。李阿姨:你说得一点儿不错。像昨天,我刚看明白一点儿,广告就又开始了,真没办法。张 兰:真是这样, 40 分钟的节目经常要看一个多小时,最后记住的只有一个又一个的广告,不但浪费了时间,更让我担心的是孩子天天看电视,总是忘了做作业。李阿姨:所以,我现在很少看电视剧,除非陪女儿看。你知道吗。
15、沪江剑桥商务英语网 http:/www.hjenglish.com/subject/bec1口语部分Preparation for Part One (Interview)In the first part of the test, the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to p。