,The palace museum,The Forbidden City,-陈美均 NO:,Nowadays, when we talk about it, many Chinese people will call it “The Palace Museum”, but in many west
1、,The palace museum,The Forbidden City,-陈美均 NO:,Nowadays, when we talk about it, many Chinese people will call it “The Palace Museum”, but in many western countries, almost every brochure which introduces the old palace still use its old name “ The Forbidden City”. What the most western people interested in is to explore the mysterious atmosphere of ancient Chinese royal family that was presented in the movie The Last Emperor and oriental feudal autocratic system(封建帝制),Introduction,Th。
2、拜伦 (1788-1824),拜伦简介,“思想界的君王“普希金,An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill”编织机法案“编制者颂 Lines to a Lady Weeping 致一位哭泣的淑女,背景介绍 诗句分析 朗诵,An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill (“编织机法案“编制者颂),1811年至1812年,英国爆发了工人破坏机器的 “卢德运动”。1812年春,英国政府出动军队,对暴动工人镇压:同时,授意国会通过所谓“编织机法案”,规定凡破坏机器者一律处死。2月27日,拜伦发表了一篇著名演说,为暴动工人辩护,尖锐抨击政府对工人的血腥镇压。但是,“编织机法。
3、Welcome to YanTai,The introduction,Yantai, lying at the northeast tip of Shandong Peninsula, is a beautiful coastal city . Surrounded by mountains and seas, Yantai is endowed with splendid natural landscapes, a variety of products and a hospitable climate. It has long been renowned all over the world as “Gold Coast“, “Fairyland on the Earth“, “Hometown of Shandong Cuisine“ and “City of Wine“.,“ Purple“ Wine Tour,YanTai is one of the best areas of grapes and grape wine production, it is。
4、青岛市的发展,14园林谢宛津 14102021061,城市简介:,青岛市,简称青,旧称“胶澳”,别称“琴岛”、“岛城”,地处山东半岛东南部沿海,胶东半岛东部,东、南濒临黄海,隔海与朝鲜半岛相望。 青岛是山东省省辖市,山东省经济中心城市、全国首批沿海开放城市、国家历史文化名城。青岛拥有国际性海港和区域性枢纽空港,更有“世界啤酒之城”、“世界帆船之都”之称,是国务院批准的山东半岛蓝色经济区规划核心区域龙头城市。拥有一个国家级新区(青岛西海岸新区),经济总量紧排上海浦东新区和天津滨海新区之后。,商周春秋 战国汉唐五代十国。
5、,My hometown,魅力青岛山、海、城,青岛介绍 Introduction to Qingdao 青岛依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人。红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天交相映出青岛美丽的身姿;赤礁、细浪、彩帆、金色沙滩构成青岛美丽的风景线;历史、宗教、民俗、风土人情、节日庆典赋予了青岛旅游丰富的文化内涵。浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 青岛以海鲜为主的独特饮食,新鲜清淡为特色,备受欢迎。崂山绿石,天然珍珠,精巧的草制工艺品,更受旅游者的青睐。青岛还是闻名海内外的青岛啤酒的原产地,游人在这里可以。
6、黄海明珠 魅力之城青岛,概况青岛位于山东半岛东南部、黄海之滨。是全国15个副省级城市之一,国家5个计划单列市之一。 面积:10654平方公里。人口:871.51万人,行政区划辖七区五市。 青岛市是全国首批沿海开放城市、国家级历史文化名城、全国文明城市、国家卫生城市。青岛因名牌企业众多,被誉为:“中国品牌之都”、“世界啤酒之城”、“世界帆船之都”。2011年1月,国务院批准山东半岛蓝色经济区规划,青岛市作为其核心区域和龙头城市。,远 东,演讲大纲,青岛的历史,殖 民 历 史,青岛炮台山第一次世界大战,亚洲唯一的战场,胶澳总督府,百。
7、Qingdao Harvest Hotel,Qingdao Harvest Hotel is a five-star hotel which is located in Changjiang Zhong Road of Qingdao Economic and Technique Developing Zone.,Hall on the First Floor,The entrance of the hotel makes you feel you comfortable, since the hotel is located in a by-road. There are residential buildings in front of it, and the only view from your room was of houses and hills.,LOCATION,From the top of the building you can oversee the beautiful scenes of the Tangdao Bay, and it takes you a。
8、,Welcome to Qingdao,制作者:*,A Brief Introduction of Qingdao,青岛依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人。红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天交相映出青岛美丽的身姿;赤礁、细浪、彩帆、金色沙滩构成青岛美丽的风景线;历史、宗教、民俗、风土人情、节日庆典赋予了青岛旅游丰富的文化内涵。浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline, islands 。
9、,Welcome to Qingdao,制作者:*,A Brief Introduction of Qingdao,location,My home城阳区,青岛依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人。红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天交相映出青岛美丽的身姿;赤礁、细浪、彩帆、金色沙滩构成青岛美丽的风景线;历史、宗教、民俗、风土人情、节日庆典赋予了青岛旅游丰富的文化内涵。浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the wind。
10、八大关,是最能体现青岛“红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天”特点的风景区,位于汇泉东部,是中国著名的风景疗养区,面积70余公顷,十条幽静清凉的大路纵横其间,其主要大路因以我国八大著名关隘命名,故统称为八大关。 The Eight Passes is located in the east of Huiquan Cape in Qingdao. Eight of the roads(now increase to ten) are named after the eight great passes of the Great Wall, and thus the area was named “Eight Passes”. These ten road crisscross, forming a scenic spot with a few miles around.,八大关是一处风神卓异的。
11、,Welcome to Qingdao,青岛德式建筑,The architecture of German style in Qingdao,Double -deck,Red roof,迎宾馆,The train station of Qingdao,The church,The architecture of Russian style in Qingdao,Hua shi lou 花石楼,位于八大关的花石楼,巴洛克与俄罗斯式风格建筑,1936年曾作为英驻青领事住宅,后来是蒋介石在青岛度假的居所。,16,花石楼主立面 眺望塔,The architecture of Europenstyle in Qingdao,18,欧 韵 青 岛,19,总督府旧址,现为青岛市人大政协办公楼,(西南立面),20,1905,21,Drug store,22,pattern of rubber tree,The。
12、qingdao scenery 青岛风景 青岛海滨风景名胜区西起团岛,东至大麦岛,全长 25 公里,海域面积 5 平方公里,陆地面积 8.5 平方公里,是国务院 1982 年公布的首批国家级风景区。景区内的栈桥、鲁迅公园、小青岛、小鱼山、八大关、海水浴场、五四广场等景点临海而立,均为青岛市的著名旅游风景点。步入景区,红瓦绿树,碧海蓝天,令人心旷神怡。the seaside resort of qingdao extends from tuandao in the west of qingdao to damaidao in the east with an overall length of 25 kilometers, including a marine area of 5 square kilomete。
13、青岛介绍Introduction to Qingdao 青岛依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人。红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天交相映出青岛美丽的身姿;赤礁、细浪、彩帆、金色沙滩构成青岛美丽的风景线;历史、宗教、民俗、风土人情、节日庆典赋予了青岛旅游丰富的文化内涵。浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 青岛以海鲜为主的独特饮食,新鲜清淡为特色,备受欢迎。崂山绿石,天然珍珠,精巧的草制工艺品,更受旅游者的青睐。青岛还是闻名海内外的青岛啤酒的原产地,游人在这里可以品尝到正宗新鲜的青岛啤酒。Qingdao。
14、Qingdao Imagine,By Crystal,May Fouth Square,This square is named to honor the May 4th movement which took place in 1919.,Zhanqiao,Zhanqiao pier ,built in 1891, is the symbol of Qingdao .,Badaguan,Beer Steet,Qingdao beer is famous all around the world.,Little Qingdao Isle,Aquarium,Zhongshan Park,Boiled fresh albalone (原壳鲍鱼),Minced meat trepang,conch platter,Crispy lightly-breaded oyster (炸蛎黄 ),Shellfish and tofu soup Shellfish and tofu soup,Mutton,The festival of Beer,Famous People of 。
15、Traveling around the world Qingdao , China,At the sight of the two words-Qingdao, What can you recall?,PART 1 The Seaside Resort of Qingdao,The seaside resort of Qingdao extends from Tuandao in the west of Qingdao to Damaidao in the east with an overall length of 25 kilometers, including a marine area of 5 square kilometers and land area of 8.5 square kilometers. It is one of the first National Scenic Resorts appointed by the State Council in 1982. The scenery of the Zhan。
16、青岛介绍 Introduction to Qingdao 青岛依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人。红瓦、绿树、碧海、蓝天交相映出青岛美丽的身姿;赤礁、细浪、彩帆、金色沙滩构成青岛美丽的风景线;历史、宗教、民俗、风土人情、节日庆典赋予了青岛旅游丰富的文化内涵。浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 青岛以海鲜为主的独特饮食,新鲜清淡为特色,备受欢迎。崂山绿石,天然珍珠,精巧的草制工艺品,更受旅游者的青睐。青岛还是闻名海内外的青岛啤酒的原产地,游人在这里可以品尝到正宗新鲜的青岛啤酒。Qingda。
17、,Welcome to Qingdao,A Brief Introduction of Qingdao,location,location,Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline, islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees. Many of the European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures.,Zhanqiao(栈桥) Zhanqiao Pier, built in 1891, is the symbol of Qingdao. After several restorations, from be。
18、!,Introduction to Qingdao,Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline, islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees. Many of the European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures.,Qingdao is famous in China for its delicious fresh seafood. The Laoshan Scenic Area has an important position in sightseeing because of its beautiful s。